then why are you complaining?Brasso wrote:
i play the game, i know what they look like thanksiceman785 wrote:
They updated raid frames, they're pretty good now. Lower UI scale and it will make things much nicer. Plus all buffs can be consolidated into one buff icon now, when hovered over it shows what buffs you have. Class specific buffs will show up as usual.Brasso wrote:
even on a "large" monitor the stock ui sucks
look at buffs especially and the bar clutter on the right side. this is a hunter's screenshot so you wont see any raid frames or anything remotely useful besides omen (which i'm surprised he has), but ask yourself where those frames would fit, especially in a 25 man
Stop complaining when you're using out dated screen shots.
i'm not complaining you fucking moron, look what i originally replied toiceman785 wrote:
then why are you complaining?Brasso wrote:
i play the game, i know what they look like thanksiceman785 wrote:
They updated raid frames, they're pretty good now. Lower UI scale and it will make things much nicer. Plus all buffs can be consolidated into one buff icon now, when hovered over it shows what buffs you have. Class specific buffs will show up as usual.
Stop complaining when you're using out dated screen shots.
just commenting on how other people think the regular UI is fine and why they're wrong
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
did all the game's hardest content and top level pvp on stock uiBrasso wrote:
i play the game, i know what they look like thanksiceman785 wrote:
They updated raid frames, they're pretty good now. Lower UI scale and it will make things much nicer. Plus all buffs can be consolidated into one buff icon now, when hovered over it shows what buffs you have. Class specific buffs will show up as usual.Brasso wrote:
even on a "large" monitor the stock ui sucks
look at buffs especially and the bar clutter on the right side. this is a hunter's screenshot so you wont see any raid frames or anything remotely useful besides omen (which i'm surprised he has), but ask yourself where those frames would fit, especially in a 25 man
Stop complaining when you're using out dated screen shots.
bling ui mods are fucking stupid and i don't see the point in a bunch of ui mods that make an already easy game way easier
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
xperl is bling ui? jesus damn, i shouldve known.Uzique wrote:
did all the game's hardest content and top level pvp on stock uiBrasso wrote:
i play the game, i know what they look like thanksiceman785 wrote:
They updated raid frames, they're pretty good now. Lower UI scale and it will make things much nicer. Plus all buffs can be consolidated into one buff icon now, when hovered over it shows what buffs you have. Class specific buffs will show up as usual.
Stop complaining when you're using out dated screen shots.
bling ui mods are fucking stupid and i don't see the point in a bunch of ui mods that make an already easy game way easier
would you rather look at something ugly or something clean if both of them "cost" the same thing? installing an addon doesn't cost you anything.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
why is the original ugly? 22" widescreen monitor, downscaled, and i play dps so hardly need huge raid frames 24/7
it's not ugly at all. the stupid gloss-effect, gradient-colours shit is over the top and distracting
aint broke... dont fix
it's not ugly at all. the stupid gloss-effect, gradient-colours shit is over the top and distracting
aint broke... dont fix
Last edited by Uzique (2011-04-25 13:49:39)
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
^ thisUzique wrote:
aint broke... dont fix
Stock UI was fine. Only 3d moving portraits were a fun addition from xperl (but useless)
You played the game during vanilla PVE at that point in time was very easy and rudimentary compared to what the content is like today. And you played a rogue which are just retarded 2 button easy mode where the only thing you have to watch is to make sure slice n dice is up. Hell most of the time your waiting on energy to use your global's a keyboard turning clicker noob can play a rogue to its max effectiveness in a pve situation.Uzique wrote:
did all the game's hardest content and top level pvp on stock ui
bling ui mods are fucking stupid and i don't see the point in a bunch of ui mods that make an already easy game way easier
For instance my main is a shadowpriest im fairly good at playing one but there's so much shit to watch that you pretty much need addon's to watch proc's, dot timers and such to do maximum damage. With a stock ui I would struggle because there isn't enough information provided to play at your maximum potential. The game right out of the box dose not really tell you when your proc's are about to fall off and does not track your dots on mutiple targets. You need addons to effectively provide you with the necessary information and the stock ui really doesnt do that.
pvp not pve¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
You played the game during vanilla PVE at that point in time was very easy and rudimentary compared to what the content is like today. And you played a rogue which are just retarded 2 button easy mode where the only thing you have to watch is to make sure slice n dice is up. Hell most of the time your waiting on energy to use your global's a keyboard turning clicker noob can play a rogue to its max effectiveness in a pve situation.Uzique wrote:
did all the game's hardest content and top level pvp on stock ui
bling ui mods are fucking stupid and i don't see the point in a bunch of ui mods that make an already easy game way easier

they're not large, they're actually quite the opposite...not to mention even if you play dps, it behooves you to know the state of your raid - if someone is about to die from a loose add, cast hand of protection him; if someone has a debuff and healers are too busy healing sub-20% raid members, why not give them a hand? etc etcUzique wrote:
why is the original ugly? 22" widescreen monitor, downscaled, and i play dps so hardly need huge raid frames 24/7
it's not ugly at all. the stupid gloss-effect, gradient-colours shit is over the top and distracting
aint broke... dont fix
and yes a gloss effect is overdoing it, but a nice gradient isn't "over the top" and "distracting"
this may be a personal thing but the stock ui just looks outdated and soooo 2005.
2 cents
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
lol... what?¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:
You played the game during vanilla PVE at that point in time was very easy and rudimentary compared to what the content is like today. And you played a rogue which are just retarded 2 button easy mode where the only thing you have to watch is to make sure slice n dice is up. Hell most of the time your waiting on energy to use your global's a keyboard turning clicker noob can play a rogue to its max effectiveness in a pve situation.Uzique wrote:
did all the game's hardest content and top level pvp on stock ui
bling ui mods are fucking stupid and i don't see the point in a bunch of ui mods that make an already easy game way easier
For instance my main is a shadowpriest im fairly good at playing one but there's so much shit to watch that you pretty much need addon's to watch proc's, dot timers and such to do maximum damage. With a stock ui I would struggle because there isn't enough information provided to play at your maximum potential. The game right out of the box dose not really tell you when your proc's are about to fall off and does not track your dots on mutiple targets. You need addons to effectively provide you with the necessary information and the stock ui really doesnt do that.
since when was vanilla pve 'very easy and rudimentary'?
i'd say there have been maybe 3-5 encounters through tbc, wotlk and cata that are anywhere near as hard as shit like c'thun
shit, even early neff was an effort
and 4horse was a nightmare
but i digress... i pvp'd and then switched over to pve. but i'd still say both were of a higher calibre than any shit now
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Dude your so wrong... PVE today a hell of alot more difficult than it ever was during vanilla.. You list like the 3 fights in vanilla that had mechanics other than tank the boss here and everyone dps it. Heroic content today is very unforgiving one person ignoring a mechanic will easily get them killed if not wipe your entire group. And with the way dps scales now, and how the encounters are tuned it is very unlikely that you will succeed if you lose 3-5 people at the start of an encounter because someone was retarded and ignored a mechanic. 5 dps doing 20k dps each x7 min encounter = 42 million damage=Uzique. i pvp'd and then switched over to pve. but i'd still say both were of a higher calibre than any shit now
You obviously have no fucking clue what the game is like now if you think that vanilla PVE was harder than what it is today. The mechanics for the vanilla encounters are very simple compared to what they are today.The only hard thing then was finding 40 people who weren't retarded. While now you have to find 25 people who arent retarded and also deal with a shit ton more mechanics. Heroic Omnotron defense system for instance the first boss in one of the raids and he is no pushover. This is the very first raid teir of this expansion and arguably some of the most difficult content that blizzard has released (except maybe sunwell that place was hard as fuck). And definitly more complex than any vanilla raid boss.
And vanilla pvp was so skilled cause rolling pug groups in your premade bg team was hard..rofl the only thing hard about the vanilla pvp system was playing the game 12 hours a day to grind kill's to keep your top pvp rank
Cthun in vanilla
Heroic Omnotron Defense System in Cataclysm
pve isn't hard in any game ever. figure out the triggers, figure out your setup et voila not hard
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
it's a lot more difficult than eve, teds
i think pve in vanilla was intrinsically more difficult... perhaps the encounters weren't as highly scripted and intricate (technology), but the sheer logistics and cooperation added enough difficulty. artificial inflation? sure. perhaps the encounters are not as elaborate and the phases are not as creative, but the overall difficulty is still, nevertheless, higher. more frustrating? sure. more of an achievement when you kill something? yes. more of a euphoria when you get a rarer piece of tier1-3 gear? certainly.
i think pve in vanilla was intrinsically more difficult... perhaps the encounters weren't as highly scripted and intricate (technology), but the sheer logistics and cooperation added enough difficulty. artificial inflation? sure. perhaps the encounters are not as elaborate and the phases are not as creative, but the overall difficulty is still, nevertheless, higher. more frustrating? sure. more of an achievement when you kill something? yes. more of a euphoria when you get a rarer piece of tier1-3 gear? certainly.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
it wouldn't be difficult to be better than eve's pve /o\ but i meant in that unless the ai in a game can pass the turing test, it's intrinsically just a set of rules to be beaten
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I might go and look for Reins of the Grey Riding Camel.
Camels look stupid when running at 120%
I was really gutted when I got my Ramkahen exalted.
I was really gutted when I got my Ramkahen exalted.

i'd be gutted to still even be spending that much time on it tbh
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
Yeah. You keep saying that. If it's of that little interest to you, why do you keep posting in the thread.Uzique wrote:
i'd be gutted to still even be spending that much time on it tbh
because vanilla was the shit apparently
baggs you're like 30 years old and you've bitched about this game as much as i have
the sad thing is that you keep going back
the sad thing is that you keep going back
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
4.1 hit last night
time to get me those daggaz
wish they were still swords like the old ones though
time to get me those daggaz
wish they were still swords like the old ones though

and you're a repetitive little shitcunt, whats your point?Uzique wrote:
baggs you're like 30 years old and you've bitched about this game as much as i have
the sad thing is that you keep going back
yeah i've bitched about the game and sometimes would like it to be back how it used to be but i got better things to be doing now. also, there wasn't one part of my time playing WoW when i completely sunk my life into it, unlike you, who is all bitter and twisted over it. taking every opportunity to extoll the virtues of how good vanilla was and that 'you was there' (as the scene kid you will always be ), playing at the MMO's peak, barking on about your PvP rank who, and lets face it, no one could really give a flying fuck about.
sunk my life into it when i was what... 15?
nice life
nice life
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
I have a character on Maive (i think) anyone wanna come play or help me out?
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"