I usually open up new tabs with the middle mouse button, so its kind of a big deal for me when it stops working as well as it used to. Basically, the button still technically works, because I can still open/close tabs with it, but only if I apply the same amount of pressure required to turn carbon into diamond. I'm thinking that it might be that something was stuck underneath the key, but I can't really tell. Plus, how do you clean the underneath of the mouse wheel? It's a Deathadder if anyone knows.

Also, my laptop keyboard is kind of fucking up. A couple weeks back, my "e" key wasn't working very well (it only registered like 1 out of 50 times). My "e" key now works flawlessly, but it shifted to the Enter/Backspace key and now it works fine, but again it shifted to the "semicolon" and "q" key (Where it currently is at right now). I thought it might be that some bread crumbs or some other trash got stuck underneath each key, so I popped out the keys on my keyboard and cleaned it out with some compressed air, but that did nothing to help. Could there be some other reason that my keys mess up?