mtb0minime wrote:
Can't believe no one's noticed how obviously 'shopped that pic is anyway.
1) They don't have planes in Romania
2) Romanians aren't allowed to leave their country (which reminds me, I need to alert the authorities to those escaped Romanians I saw earlier.
Heh, also just realized why he loved flight sims so much. Aside from being fun entertainment, videogames can also be a form of escapism. Ill never be able to travel to a forbidden land and slay 16 giant monsters or be a secret agent killing Russians or whatever. But the experience of flying in an airplane is something that poor kid will never get to experience
So you're claiming over there you can't get drunk, drive to a dark naighborhood and get a hooker, get shitty sex in the car, run her over after paying her and collecting the green flashing money from the street back and drive to the strip club and get a lapdance from two hot women with the money you just robbed and feel you pad vibrating? I don't believe you.