killer21 wrote:
Honestly Kmar, I've used the whole phone and data thing probably twice since I've had my iphone 4. To me, it's not a "huge fail" thing that should detract people from getting the 3G version from Verizon. I have used the GPS for a few places that my normal GPS can't find because it was military related or whatever. But it was never in conjunction while I was on the phone. In all honesty, a regular GPS would suffice in most situations which would really make the gps feature on the iphone 4 least to me anyway.
Honesty, I like it.
As I said before, I'm sure the voice+data conundrum is something that applies to some people. But the combination of things that need to happen in a scenario are for the
most part non relevant. Certainly not to the scale of a "huge fail". I'm only picking on this point because the implication is that it is a major deciding factor to people. I don't think that is the case at all. I'm sure that if I went to all of my Verizon using friends (which is almost all of them), and said did you know that you can't use data and talk on the phone at the same time? .. they'd say "No. Really?".
Actually, I imagine the conversation would have went something like this.
Me: Hey, remember that one time we wanted to see a movie and I had to hang up and call you back?
Friend: Yea, that ruined my night.
Me: Well, as it turns out, if I was on a gsm service I wouldn't have had to hang up at all!
Friend: Sweet feathery hell! What a huge fail you are, loser.
CapnNismo wrote:
AT&T's 3G network is also faster than Verizon's. AT&T's only problem has been the shoddiness of the network coverage, beyond that, it's pretty stout.
Well. Yea, this is actually a huge fail depending on where you live (like Tampa). Coverage is arguably the most important detail there is. Having the fastest network with no coverage is like having a Ferrari but not being able to find the keys. Also, don't buy into the "AT&T covers 97% of Americans" crap. That simply means that they have been issued a license to provide coverage to those people. It is not an indication of how well that service is provided. If their service was truly competent then they wouldn't be scoring so low in publications like Consumer Reports.