Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Everyone's heard of the Placebo Effect -- that curious phenomenon where taking a substance that has no known medicinal value makes us feel better. This video takes a look at the many strange effects of placebos ("sugar pills"), as well as the effects of our perceptions on their efficacy: pill size or number of pills swallowed, pill colour, packaging, delivery method (pills versus injections, for example), our symptoms, where in the world we live ... and yes, it's possible to become addicted to placebos. … 1/feb/15/1
Xbone Stormsurgezz
This shit still going?
+508|6312|The Mitten
EE (hats
+947|6825|Gold Coast

Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
Thats what they gave me when I had kidney stones, it pretty much made me pass out right away.  Took 3 injections though...

And I did crave it like crazy for about a week or two after
+947|6825|Gold Coast
Ah right.

As for the karma, I actually have a whole packet of oxycontin. When I got the shoulder reconstruction, they prescribed me so many goddamn drugs. There was a stage where I was taking paracetamol every few hours, as well as celebrex and oxycontin. There was another drug like oxycontin that I had, but forgot its name. Powerful shit though, for about a whole week I was pretty much high on the painkillers. Kinda strange.
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

I had oxy as well, still have a bunch.  Very addicting as well
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
Thats what they gave me when I had kidney stones, it pretty much made me pass out right away.  Took 3 injections though...

And I did crave it like crazy for about a week or two after
Three injections? didn't you have an IV? I don't think morphine will make you pass a stone. Basically you have to keep flushing your system or have it removed surgically, or with a laser. Last time I didn't pass mine until two days later. However, once the stone gets past the prostate the pain isn't as bad. It's near impossible to pee, and when it really getts bad you get nausea and feel like you have to shit. I asked the nurse if that was normal and she said yes. Your body is trying to evacuate any way it can, it's panicking. My BP shot up to like 190 because of the pain. Later on it came in waves. I've had two surgeries and the only thing that has come close to that pain was when I had a discogram.  Actually passing the stone was no problem.

They also gave me something called flowmax.. one of the side effects is that you can't nut while you are on it. I was like what the fuck I assure you it wasnt the placebo effect. I didnt know about that until after. was so wierd.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+1,339|6488|Sydney | ♥

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
When I broke my arm - I was given a shit tonne of morphine - being young and ill informed - I got up and went to the dunny.. on the way back - all the nurses SPRINTED like crazy people - THE FARK YOU DOING OUT OF BED

i was like wot.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Winston_Churchill wrote:

I had oxy as well, still have a bunch.  Very addicting as well
Yea that is what I told him. I wouldn't take them unless absolutely necessary. Flush'em if you don't need them. I lost two relatives to the that drug.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

tazz. wrote:

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
When I broke my arm - I was given a shit tonne of morphine - being young and ill informed - I got up and went to the dunny.. on the way back - all the nurses SPRINTED like crazy people - THE FARK YOU DOING OUT OF BED

i was like wot.
The more you take the more you need to feel the effects with opiates. That is usually why people OD on them. I still take tramadol, and now I can take 4 at once and barely notice it is working.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+947|6825|Gold Coast

tazz. wrote:

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
When I broke my arm - I was given a shit tonne of morphine - being young and ill informed - I got up and went to the dunny.. on the way back - all the nurses SPRINTED like crazy people - THE FARK YOU DOING OUT OF BED

i was like wot.
how far was the toilet from the bed?
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

Kmar wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Kmar wrote:

That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
Thats what they gave me when I had kidney stones, it pretty much made me pass out right away.  Took 3 injections though...

And I did crave it like crazy for about a week or two after
Three injections? didn't you have an IV? I don't think morphine will make you pass a stone. Basically you have to keep flushing your system or have it removed surgically, or with a laser. Last time I didn't pass mine until two days later. However, once the stone gets past the prostate the pain isn't as bad. It's near impossible to pee, and when it really getts bad you get nausea and feel like you have to shit. I asked the nurse if that was normal and she said yes. Your body is trying to evacuate any way it can, it's panicking. My BP shot up to like 190 because of the pain. Later on it came in waves. I've had two surgeries and the only thing that has come close to that pain was when I had a discogram.  Actually passing the stone was no problem.

They also gave me something called flowmax.. one of the side effects is that you can't nut while you are on it. I was like what the fuck I assure you it wasnt the placebo effect. I didnt know about that until after. was so wierd.
Nah, I passed mine withing about 6-7 hours of first getting serious pain.  THANKFULLY.  jesus christ that was painful... but yeah, i was on an IV but it was a direct injection into my artery each time.

Kmar wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

I had oxy as well, still have a bunch.  Very addicting as well
Yea that is what I told him. I wouldn't take them unless absolutely necessary. Flush'em if you don't need them. I lost two relatives to the that drug.
yeah i still have it around but i can control myself not to use it.  i kinda want to keep them around since kindney stones are very common in the family and it would be nice to be able to deal with the pain before i have to wait for an hour in a hospital waiting room... yay slow health care
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Later I found out that drinking beer I'm obviously prone to them so I lay off the caffine and salt, and I drink plenty of water. The first time I got one it was from the supplement Creatine. I have the second stone in a container. I still haven't had it analyzed. It just looks like a dark pebble (pics if you want).

As far as the hospital er. They knew exactly what was going on before i told "gotta kidney stone eh?" They took me back pretty quick. I think I would have destroyed their waiting room if they didn't. The preliminary nurse, the one that takes all of your vitals did her thing, and then said someone else would be in to give me something for the pain. It seemed like forever. I started walking outside of my room and was agressively questioning random hospital employees. My Dad showed up and came back to see me in the room. He said it looked like I was going to pass out when he got there. .. told me to lean over the bed in case I did. I finally got the morphine in me and later the nurse came back and asked me if the meds helped, I said kinda. She said if she gave me more it would have killed me. I told her an hour earlier that was an option.

I didn't keep the oxycontin because I almost always have a sufficient supply of narcotics if needed. That drug only serves to bring bad memories for me.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

One of the things that were not mentioned, is that a placebo will still work, when you know what you're taking is a placebo.

Which imo is pretty weird.

It has to all be subconscious.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

AussieReaper wrote:

One of the things that were not mentioned, is that a placebo will still work, when you know what you're taking is a placebo.

Which imo is pretty weird.

It has to all be subconscious.
I read something like that not too long ago. It makes you wonder at what point positive thinking can have a real effect. Is the tangibility of a pill even necessary?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+521|7052|Toronto | Canada

I was told to drink more citric juices and drink more water after I work out.

They probably knew what was going on with me right away but with health care workers/receptionists they give a stoney face no matter what so I couldnt tell.  I was in the preliminary waiting room for at least 30 minutes, got in and waited at least another 15 before a doctor came, then another 15 before I got morphine.  They hooked me up to an IV, then put two shots in within 5 minutes, then another one after an hour.  It completely knocked me out for at least an hour or two.  Then when I got home after I still had a ton of residual pain and had to take 2 oxys.  I think I took some the next day as well but I havent touched them since.

Obviously, you have a very personal connection to them.  Though I suppose there are tons of drugs around if I need, being a university residence.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Yea, i had pain in my actual kidneys for awhile after.. that pain is completely different. Like I said the pain I had after it got past the prostate wasn't nearly as bad as when it was before plumbing was all fucked up. Things were so much better after I could piss, despite not having actually passed the stone yet.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

Kmar wrote:

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Kmar wrote:

That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
Thats what they gave me when I had kidney stones, it pretty much made me pass out right away.  Took 3 injections though...

And I did crave it like crazy for about a week or two after
Three injections? didn't you have an IV? I don't think morphine will make you pass a stone. Basically you have to keep flushing your system or have it removed surgically, or with a laser. Last time I didn't pass mine until two days later. However, once the stone gets past the prostate the pain isn't as bad. It's near impossible to pee, and when it really getts bad you get nausea and feel like you have to shit. I asked the nurse if that was normal and she said yes. Your body is trying to evacuate any way it can, it's panicking. My BP shot up to like 190 because of the pain. Later on it came in waves. I've had two surgeries and the only thing that has come close to that pain was when I had a discogram.  Actually passing the stone was no problem.

They also gave me something called flowmax.. one of the side effects is that you can't nut while you are on it. I was like what the fuck I assure you it wasnt the placebo effect. I didnt know about that until after. was so wierd.
Cant nut? You mean like...infinite sex ensue?...Flowmax you say eh?

Also, pic of said stone if you dont curious as to what it look like.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

You actually "feel" like you are .. um .. finishing. It's just not nearly as gratifying .
Pics later.

of the stone that is
Xbone Stormsurgezz
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
a capshule?
Tu Stultus Es
+572|6972|BC, Canada

tazz. wrote:

Kmar wrote:

KuSTaV wrote:


Dunno about the whole morphine bit though. Morphine is oh so good.
That is what they gave me the last time I had a kidney stone. The nurse was like, this is going to make you loopy. Well, it didn't. I've been on opiates so long with my back that the effects I get with them are dull. It did help though..
When I broke my arm - I was given a shit tonne of morphine - being young and ill informed - I got up and went to the dunny.. on the way back - all the nurses SPRINTED like crazy people - THE FARK YOU DOING OUT OF BED

i was like wot.
Was on tons of morphine for 5 days straight when I had some stomach surgery a couple years back. Had a huge crash on that 5th day. Not a big fan of it anymore. Had crazy dreams those days...

Kidney stones sound like the worst things ever.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
One word:

Artifice of Eternity
No way, man. The worst thing ever is Glee.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families

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