SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Zombie show set in a Korean high school has taught me a lot. I didn't know Korean children are just like American children.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I am going to go binge this. Zombie outbreak at a high school.
I am on episode 4. I really like it. Better than season 1 of Black Summer. Probably better than season 2 too but I am very invested in BS now.

This is the first Korean Netflix crossover I have ever watched.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2022-01-30 10:18:43)

I don't know what episode it was but BS lost me a bit when the girl stuck her finger in a cage with a rat that was tweaking the heck out on fear virus. Total trope.

A lot of these shows have what I like to call Game of Thrones syndrome, where characters begin to do things that don't make sense because they don't know what else to do to move the plot along. Slow-burn flanderisation.
I don't know what episode it was but BS lost me a bit when the girl stuck her finger in a cage with a rat that was tweaking the heck out on fear virus. Total trope.
if you know young korean girls, you know that this isn't actually a trope. they cannot walk past a cute fluffy creature without stopping, pointing, saying something, touching, taking a photo, etc.

neighbourhood cats do very well here.

Understood, though see: if it was a cat I could see it. A hamster in a little garden chair, I could see that too. This didn't seem like a very cuddly pet rat. It had messed up eyes and was on meth or something.

Creepy thing: *acting scary and unnatural*
Horror character: "I'm gonna touch it!"
haha, noted.

I like animals too, but ones that are acting sick or weird, exercise a bit of caution. Rats too, but not of the wild variety hurtling past me at 300 m/s leaping over tall fences. nty


Refreshed. Here's the scene, timestamp 1:50 -

As soon as it starts getting zombie-twitch animations, I'm noping my finger out of that cage.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I rate the Korean Zombie show a 6/12. I got to episode 6 of 12 and decided to stop watching.

What eventually made me quit is how they made a big escape plan only to end up trapped in a different room in the same high school.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I've been re-watching Stargate SG-1, last watched more than 1 ep probably 10+ years ago. Not the best sci-fi show but I'm enjoying it more than any Star Trek.
Season 1: 7.5/10

Last edited by RTHKI (2022-02-10 14:49:16)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Did I start watching a show because a girl at work also watches it? Yes.
Trying to remember character names like
The show is Bob's Burgers. Actually pretty good. Though I wouldn't watch it under any other circumstance.

The title character, Bob, is voiced by the same actor who did Coach John McGuirk in Home Movies. Coach McGuirk is my spirit teacher.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I like Bob's Burgers.

I've probably seen more bob's clips than there are bob's episodes. I could watch it for real I guess, but at this point like so many other shows I've passed on, I think the clips and the memes have sucked it dry of what magic it could offer. Like Rick & Morty. That show peaked when we got the McD's screecher (Pickle Ree; I heard that turned into like a social suicide for him). Some of the stuff since has been little passive-aggressive attacks on its fans, which I appreciate.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Never got into Rick and Morty. Don't even know what episodes I've seen bits of but couldn't get into it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
RaM is good but I feel like that show got self-referential too quick. Do you remember that Oscar Wilde quote about America? "America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between" RaM went straight to self-referential.

I feel like the very first episode of that was a bit self-referential. I don't know what's going on in newer seasons.
the opening monologue to this is still so fucking great.

many salient points.

That brings me back to docus from the public library. Thx for sharing, may rewatch.
hopelessly outmoded by modern standards of factual tv - no CGI, no post-rock music, no presenters all wide-eyed and mock-agog at what they’re looking at. ‘wowwwww! the universe!!!’

just straight-up tweedy patrician style. i’ll take all you’ve got.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good nature dramumentary just for the sheer cinematographic achievement some entail (spare me all the unlabeled CGI of space videos though, at least tell me what's a photograph and what's an artist's depiction if it isn't immediately obvious). A lot of my history videos consist largely of a people behind podium with a string of letters after their name giving a rather structured crash course monologue on a topic.

Mentioned at least twice in prior years, great courses have a lot of pretty good gateway programs for that kind of stuff. Kind of want to revisit my chemistry discs now.
Go Cougs!
+695|6604|Washington St.
Bought all 11 seasons of MASH to upload to my Plex then I'll donate them to my library.
Excited for some feel good wartime fun!

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The trailer makes it look so much better than it was.

Why don't you have kids yet? What's your excuse? Find you a girl into 90s anime.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am not into 90's anime. I am only a fan of like two shows.

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