Link: https://plus.google.com/
One of thousands of articles: Google+: Hands On and First Impressions
Google's new social network, "Google+" premiered today to much fanfare in the media, and rightly so. The service launched to a limited number of users today in what Google is calling a "field trial." A few PCWorld staffers were lucky enough to be invited to try out the service (it’ll roll out to everybody in the coming months), so naturally we got right to testing the new service.
In general we thought the service borrowed some good ideas from the reigning king of social networks, Facebook, but also offers some cool new approaches to sharing content and managing privacy. In short, Google+ is a solid start to an insurgent social networking platform that is sure to be enhanced rapidly over the coming months, and could soon offer a solid alternative to Facebook. Now, let's dig in.

everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥