Did a search for crash to desktop... most of the returns are five years old and none of them really seem to apply. Tried a search for windows7 and found some fixes for the mouse acceleration, and PB bandwidth, but not much help with the crashes. The problem is the game loads fine, but I keep getting random crashes to desktop, sometimes I'll play for 30 or 40 minutes... then crash....other times it crashes after only a minute or 2. I downloaded a new game from origin ( I was to lazy to dig thru boxes to find the original case and key... then spend an hour patching). the rig spec are as follows...
Intel i5 2500k no overclocking
8 GB of 1600 RAM DDR3
NVIDIA 1.5GB GTX 580 EVGA Super clocked single card
Gigabyte GA-Z68A-D3-B3 mobo , with SATA3 Expansion card
1TB HD 64 Cache 7200 rpm 6.0 gb/s
O/S Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
I'd appreciate some help... thanks
Intel i5 2500k no overclocking
8 GB of 1600 RAM DDR3
NVIDIA 1.5GB GTX 580 EVGA Super clocked single card
Gigabyte GA-Z68A-D3-B3 mobo , with SATA3 Expansion card
1TB HD 64 Cache 7200 rpm 6.0 gb/s
O/S Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
I'd appreciate some help... thanks
Last edited by wheelsup@7 (2011-09-19 04:17:50)