eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
religious folk are so creepy
Tu Stultus Es
+3,936|6813|so randum

-Sh1fty- wrote:

I was just talking to some Catholic girl. Turns out they're against using any type of contraceptive as they believe that sex was only to procreate and not for a person's pleasure. I can understand not using the pill because it's considered a form of abortion so I mentioned condoms which she also shot down.

So she reads from the Vulgate and me from the KJV. We obviously won't agree on everything but do any of you have any idea if the KJV prohibits the use of condoms? For some reason I've never looked into this and I'd hate to find out that condoms are considered a sin and sex is only for procreating and not pleasure. I'd be pretty pissed.

There was somewhere in the Bible that spoke about satisfying one's spouse sexually was a duty of marriage so in my opinion that would mean that sex isn't just for procreation but also for fun. We debated a lot about the whole Onan killing.
yep trolling
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

FatherTed wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

I was just talking to some Catholic girl. Turns out they're against using any type of contraceptive as they believe that sex was only to procreate and not for a person's pleasure. I can understand not using the pill because it's considered a form of abortion so I mentioned condoms which she also shot down.

So she reads from the Vulgate and me from the KJV. We obviously won't agree on everything but do any of you have any idea if the KJV prohibits the use of condoms? For some reason I've never looked into this and I'd hate to find out that condoms are considered a sin and sex is only for procreating and not pleasure. I'd be pretty pissed.

There was somewhere in the Bible that spoke about satisfying one's spouse sexually was a duty of marriage so in my opinion that would mean that sex isn't just for procreation but also for fun. We debated a lot about the whole Onan killing.
yep trolling
That is all he ever does.

Spark wrote:

i'm not entirely sure that whoever transcribed the bible or wrote the original manuscripts weren't think of a 19th/20th century invention when they were writing it tbh

i agree though; a nutter. most catholics are perfectly fine with birth control.
your semi-colon use here is; nutty

shifty why do you look down on other religion's interpretation of the bible? do you really lack the self-awareness and critical thinking skills to realize you are guilty of the exact same fucking thing? it is absolute dictionary definition-grade bigotry to think that your interpretation of some text written and accreted by a loose collection of individuals 1,300-2,000 years ago is somehow 'right' and theirs is 'nutty'. you are both fucking nuts. you are both making significant life decisions and shaping your worldviews from some words that were transcribed/translated by monks and scholars thousands of years ago. contraception didn't even exist then - especially 'the pill' and abortion (by the way how the fuck is the pill a form of abortion? have you even taken basic biology or sex-ed classes?). if you can't see that there is something a little insane in placing such faith and high-regard in the works of an entirely-fallible human being several thousand years ago then you are doubly-insane. to look down on other religions or to regard them with disbelief is to make yourself the most magnanimous and ignorant douche imaginable. you are both backwards-ass mongs.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

-Sh1fty- wrote:

There was somewhere in the Bible that spoke about satisfying one's spouse sexually was a duty of marriage [...]
Failure to do so is valid grounds for divorce for the Hebrews, for either sex.
Failure to provide adequate food, shelter, or 'marital relations' are, IIRC, valid reasons for divorce.

Here is a link with a better explanation

Uzique wrote:

shifty why do you look down on other religion's interpretation of the bible?
They go door-to-door 'selling' religion here. 
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons especially.

They usually open with "Do you believe Jesus Christ is our Savior..."

To which one of my stock replies is, "No, I'm not big into middle eastern religions. Thanks"
to be honest the only religion with a possible positive benefit that doesn't just end up concerned with internecine fighting/killing and establishing institutional supremacy is buddhism. just chill the fuck out and try to be as good a person as you can. christianity is one big death cult and all they're interested in is suffering now on earth and telling other people that are trying their best to suffer as much as possible how sucky a sufferer they are. what an insufferable lot. mental cases, the fucking lot of them.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Cult of the Jaguar is where it's at.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
Tu Stultus Es
like calling the pill a form of abortion and having some huge doctrinal difference and textual-interpretive debate over whether or not it's fine to have sex with the pill. oh my fucking god. such a big deal out of nothing. do christians really believe that people that have sex on the pill become markedly worse people? that their morals just dissolve and they become swine in the mud? that getting your dick wet once in a while condemns you to the preterite for ever and ever anon? there really is more to life than wondering whether a not a contraceptive pill is the key to the end of the world.

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-14 09:34:16)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5702|Fuck this.

Uzique wrote:

like calling the pill a form of abortion and having some huge doctrinal difference and textual-interpretive debate over whether or not it's fine to have sex with the pill. oh my fucking god. such a big deal out of nothing. do christians really believe that people that have sex on the pill become markedly worse people? that their morals just dissolve and they become swine in the mud? that getting your dick wet once in a while condemns you to the preterite for ever and ever anon? there really is more to life than wondering whether a not a contraceptive pill is the key to the end of the world.
I thought that was Catholics?
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
my point is the doctrinal differences towards sex and marriage between the christian sects / variations in death cult are small and meaningless and fairly arbitrary. all are completely ass-backwards. marriage was a medieval institution and monogamy was encouraged because it made the church very very rich. it was about property, not about pussy. never about the pussy, always about the property. nowadays in the 21st century, post-liberal democracy, people are honestly still putting a big deal on a bunch of laws and social customs developed in order to encourage property inheritance and wealth accumulation? women are no longer the yoke tied to the side of men. sex is no longer the spreader of disease and vice (in the developed west, anyway). sex is now a consequence-free act for most (smart) people. who gives a fuck if you choose to put it in someone before marrying them. it makes zero moral difference. if you want to keep your virginity as some petty precious 'symbolic' act, then fair enough. but don't go quoting passages at length from some 2,000 year old book as if it has any bearing on present reality.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I think once shifty loses his v-card he's gonna become an atheist.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
i think he'll pop another lung and die
Tu Stultus Es
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5702|Fuck this.
"if" not once.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
at a stretch you could say that medieval theologians were concerned about sex and other forms of corporeal vice and lust because of their (then) associations with disease and social ill. diseases and problems that we have since, with science, identified medically and pathologically. where have all of our leper-houses gone? the people locked outside the city gates, beyond the pale? oh yeah, we've got over our medieval taboos and have gone on to cure them, or integrate them into society, somehow. we no longer fear sex and primitive feelings of lust as the bogey-man it once was. just go get your willy wet, suckers.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Superior Mind wrote:

I think once shifty loses his v-card he's gonna become an atheist.

eleven bravo wrote:

i think he'll pop another lung and die
I predict all of these events happening simultaneously!

(Mostly kidding. Seriously, shifty, take 4 years to get a degree, then go wear a uniform with officer rank on it)
lol i love the gentle mix of ridicule and sincere life advice that this forum gives to shifty. he's like a concerning son-in-law.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:

lol i love the gentle mix of ridicule and sincere life advice that this forum gives to shifty. he's like a concerning son-in-law.
USMC: Uncle Sam's Misguided Children.

He'd fit right in, especially as an officer.

As a former enlisted soldier, that's not completely a compliment.
Sincere, but not entirely a compliment...
eleven bravo
+1,399|5572|foggy bottom
shifty isnt able to enlist for another 3 years at least
Tu Stultus Es

eleven bravo wrote:

shifty isnt able to enlist for another 3 years at least
And after 4 years getting a degree, he may change his mind about the military.

Uzique wrote:

lol i love the gentle mix of ridicule and sincere life advice that this forum gives to shifty. he's like a concerning son-in-law.
especially from vets when he talks about becoming a mahween.

rdx: i thought he had major issues with his high school qualification, maybe he won't get into uni
you know, as an act of pure self-determination, i do kinda respect shifty... he has that dangerous aspect of determination against all the odds, a sorta hunger, that i wish i had for anything i cared for in my life. i mean, the guy is clinically underweight and has serious body problems pre-21, yet he's still slogging himself to the beach to do drills every week knowing that his chances are slim and he is the least ideal candidate for the job he wants. that's kinda admirable, in a way. though i kinda lose interest when the whole 'america, fuck yeah' politics and 'jesus, fuck yeah' religion is thrown in. if only he had that sort of ambition for a nice little secular job that didn't involve killing women and children.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

Uzique wrote:

If only he had that sort of ambition for a nice little secular job that didn't involve killing women and children.
That's only a fringe benefit.

Main job is to kill all the military aged male brown people, so we can cart off all their oil


Last edited by rdx-fx (2012-04-14 11:04:08)

personally i think shifty has a whole lotta repressed- and childhood angst- related issues that he'd just love to work out on some woman and kids in afghan

Last edited by Uzique (2012-04-14 11:06:23)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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