I just want some input on a situation I encountered today, since there are many many people on this board with over 100x the experience I have.

Today I logged in for a quick match on the warlord map and being SAS and having a spawn point in the palace I decided to see what all the fuss about the PKM was. I run ourt of the 3rd floor, mow down 3 people in the hall right out side the room, 2 more as I enter the main foyer area. So far so good... I go prone and watch the entrance to the 2nd floor spawn point hallway since I see some dots coming down the hallway (from UAV). I kill 2 with no problem, and the 3rd comes out and within a micro second I am hit 2 times with a SVD. First thought comes to mind, was WOW that guy is good shooting from the hip like that.

I spawn again on 3rd floor, and walk out the door, and instantly I am again dead , killed by the guy with the sniper rifle about 10 feet from the door I came out of. Slightly annoyed, I spawn in the little room to the north of 3rd floor spawn knowing that he is in the room and charge out, trusting my PKM and the element of suprise to wax this little fucker 6 ways from Sunday. I find him behind a set of crates and unload into him, still within half a second of him seeing me I was dead. As I am staring in disbelief at the kill spam, I see he is killed by a hand grenade so I spawn without too much worry.

With the aid of UAV I kill a couple guys coming up the stairs towards the 3rd floor flag, and I see this other dot tearing across around from the direction of  2nd floor. I set myself up in a beautiful defensive postion in the corner of the room and buddy with the SVD bursts in at what must have been a full sprint and proceeds to kill not only me but the 2 other people in the room.

Now to the real question of my post...

Is this possible? Has the SVD been changed into some ultra close combat killing machine ? Have I just never noticed people using it like an improved noob toob at point blank range? Or was he just a blantant example of aim-bots at work? Halfway through the round on a 32 person map and he has already amassed something like  45 kills with about 20ish deaths.

I play for fun, but sometimes I just can't shake the feeling that I am getting fucked over by some 13 year old with an aim-bot, so I just gotta know.
I wonder ... could putting physical crosshairs on your computer screen allow you to shoot from the hip like that?

Anyway, it could be a hack.  It's hard to prove though.
aimbotish story lol
Edit: But if you have a touch screen computer lol you touc with a pen at the head everytime

Last edited by J0hn.F.Kenedy (2006-02-16 21:05:30)


Erwin_Rommel188 wrote:

I wonder ... could putting physical crosshairs on your computer screen allow you to shoot from the hip like that?

Anyway, it could be a hack.  It's hard to prove though.
People used to do that with the AWP in CS.

To answer your question, it sounds like an aimbot problem. As far as I know the only change with the sniper rifles are ZOOM DEVIATIONS, which should not affect shooting from the hip AT ALL.
They reduced the moving penalty to aim.

It is now entirely possible to get headshots at close ranges, if you are good.
The svd also does not force you to de-scope between shots.

So if he controls the recoil, he can spam shots as fast as he pleases.
+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

J0hn.F.Kenedy wrote:

Edit: But if you have a touch screen computer lol you touc with a pen at the head everytime
LOL! That would be the pwnage right there, touch screen commputers are the way to go now!!

Sarrk wrote:

J0hn.F.Kenedy wrote:

Edit: But if you have a touch screen computer lol you touc with a pen at the head everytime
LOL! That would be the pwnage right there, touch screen commputers are the way to go now!!
Speaking of which....

http://www.youtube.com/w/Crazy-Multi-In … e=1&t=

This blew my mind.
i always thought about doing that touch screen thing with RTS games. would be a monster way to multitask
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
It's called skill and he knew you were coming so he got prepared.  Use the element of surprise, don't spawn at the same spot everytime--even if it means for them to take a flag because he's just waiting for you to come around the corner again and again (i've done this tactic and killed the same people over and over, BEFORE the patch) Lucky he didn't plant claymores on your ass I would've. They adjusted the sniper rifles for accuracy, nothing more, nothing less.  You always could hit someone from 'the hip' with any sniper rifle especially if you are standing in front. Lets face it, he was good. I thought the same thing BEFORE the patch that how are these SVD's killing me with only 25dmg, conclusion the SVD, imo, is a rapid fire sniper rifle. Some people carry one kit until they are used to the abilities and until they are considered PRO, they know points, how to fire and escape firefights. He had you as soon as he walked in, anybody laying prone is stationary and an easy target, whether PKM, G3, C4 or the Pink Bears.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own!
+56|6991|Umm... Home?

Erwin_Rommel188 wrote:

I wonder ... could putting physical crosshairs on your computer screen allow you to shoot from the hip like that?...
I was thinking of doing that once.

You would have to put the crosshairs smack bang in the middle of the screen to make it work
+50|7008|Southern California
OH it's no aimbot, friends

people poo-poo the SVD because it doesn't lend itself to the obsolete "stealth based" sniping that gets you 4 kills a match that everyone loves so much. but the SVD's rapid fire, and accuracy (albeit lower at longer ranges) makes it a great weapon up close. And the SVD's zoom isn't are powerful at the other rifles either, so it's literally built for closer ranges. A good player with the SVD is gonna use all that to their advantage to put 100% of the bullets they fire into the enemy at close range.

You just don't see players owning with it that much because a lot of people have written it off and haven't even tried to master it.
The more I think about it, the more i think that I was having some sort of lag since I was on wireless which made it seem like he was instantly killing me when it was actually taking a couple seconds.  If his score wasn't so much higher than everyone elses I prolly would have immediatly thought it was me just being predictable (as someone mentioned)
I was playing Karkand yesterday and I decided to use the SVD...resulted in a 21 kill streak.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7030|Riva, MD
Oh sure, blame it on the 13 year-olds you agist bastard.  I have actually done something similiar but only once.  A guy with an M249 was spraying bullets at me running forward, I quickly zoom in with my Type 88, and drop him with two shots.

Last edited by _j5689_ (2006-02-17 09:23:16)

+25|7073|Yorkshire, UK.
stealth-based sniping is not dead and can get you way more than 4 kills per round. talent and a good mouse help loads and i have got much larger scores as an infantry sniper than planewhores on wake by "stealth-sniping". oh and the SVD does lick balls.... as does the M95..... M24 or L96A1 all the way!!!!
Lol good old blu tack.

senor_fulff wrote:

stealth-based sniping is not dead and can get you way more than 4 kills per round. talent and a good mouse help loads and i have got much larger scores as an infantry sniper than planewhores on wake by "stealth-sniping". oh and the SVD does lick balls.... as does the M95..... M24 or L96A1 all the way!!!!
This is correct. Stealth based sniping requires immense skill to be good at. L96a1 is the only rifle capable of consistently landing shots from one side of wake to the other (ie 500m). Its hilarious to watch the little silhouettes looking around to see whats hit em.

Mind you the SVD is far superior when 100m or less because of its semi auto capability. It is also useless for "stealth" sniping because you end up firing heaps of shots thus giving you away.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6908|Las Vegas, NV USA

Loz wrote:

Erwin_Rommel188 wrote:

I wonder ... could putting physical crosshairs on your computer screen allow you to shoot from the hip like that?...
I was thinking of doing that once.

You would have to put the crosshairs smack bang in the middle of the screen to make it work
Doesn't work that way.

The shot deviation for sniper rifles, without using the scope, is horrible.  I checked one day on an empty server (after I managed to get two head shots in one round without using the scope), and I could clearly see that the shots were way off mark.

So, I had to attribute those two headshots as complete and utter luck.
putting an artifitial crosshair wont help for non scope kills as they are random. it will only help you line up shots
You cant get a no scope headshot with the sniper rifles unless you are very lucky. He could have easily scoped the rifle and shot you in the head. Not even an aimbot will let him no scope you like that.
conservative hatemonger
if you nocope with a sniper rifle then the deviation is crazy bad, so crossahirs in the middle of the screen won't help you

there are hacks that eliminate deviation though, or almost eliminate it, so those can allow you to fire from the hip and noscope

hackers tend to use the SVD on karkand their first time with the hack because they're noobs, but generally after they get caught once they stick with the bolt action rifles or assault rifles because its so obvious
+27|6701|Ottawa, ON
Myth: The SVD is a sniper rifle

Fact: The SVD is a mid-long range assault rifle
+12|7053|St-Dié/ Lorraine/ France
hehe svd is insane and it's a pleasure to own at close range with it. problem is that people teamswith and persecute me lol. no doubt it is frustrating.
The SVD and Type 88 are savage in any city map. L9 is a beast in the begining of any Wake round, but once the USMC takes a flag or two the Type 88 becomes far superior (in my opinion). But that may only be because I like to cap flags and don't enjoy sitting under a bush sniping people from 450m+, although every now and then, that is quite enjoyable.


P.S. No scoping is cake, only you'll look like a noob shooting at a guy 4+ times trying to kill him.
I started giving the svd a try about 1 month ago. and just like any other weapon, it has its goods and bads. If you can master it, it is an awesome weapon.

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