It happened for the second time a few minutes ago, I noticed the burning then. This also happened two days ago in similar circumstances but I didn't think that much of it, but the burning smell is worrying me.
The burning smell only seems to be coming from the PSU plug. I assume that the PSU the culprit. Would the fact that I recently upgraded my HDD change anything? I didn't think that they would draw much power.
Pentium D 3.0 GHz
8600GT 512mb
2TB + 150GB HDD
450W PSU
EDIT: PSU is definately dead, won't power up again.
The burning smell only seems to be coming from the PSU plug. I assume that the PSU the culprit. Would the fact that I recently upgraded my HDD change anything? I didn't think that they would draw much power.
Pentium D 3.0 GHz
8600GT 512mb
2TB + 150GB HDD
450W PSU
EDIT: PSU is definately dead, won't power up again.
Last edited by henno13 (2012-01-03 12:34:00)