I've played this game for a total of about 30 minutes now and the shooting mechanics are just plain weird.
First thing I noticed was that moving fast from left to right and shooting at a stationary target causesd the projectile to end up to the right of the target. So I figured you had to compensate for your own momentum somewhat and just got on with it.
I was watching some video on youtube Lucien linked me and I commented on how the spinfusor projectile was moving really fast for the guy in the video. Lucien doesn't notice it (because he is a noob) but I go and look it up.
Turns out Tribes has this thing called inheritance. Because the game designers decided to mix the genius combination of large maps, fast players and slow projectiles they had to introduce inheritance so you could actually hit people running away from you. All projectiles gain 50% of your momentum; so if you move forward and shoot forward your bullets travel faster, and if you shoot backwards they travel significantly slower. If you shoot perpendicular to the direction you're moving you get like a 20-30 degree deviation. All in all it just makes calculating where to aim retardedly difficult if you're both moving fast and at odd angles to each other.
I'm not entirely sure it's worth the effort of 'learning' to aim with inheritance. No other game has it as far as I know (apart from previous tribes games) and it's just so different to normal projectile behavour from quake/UT.
First thing I noticed was that moving fast from left to right and shooting at a stationary target causesd the projectile to end up to the right of the target. So I figured you had to compensate for your own momentum somewhat and just got on with it.
I was watching some video on youtube Lucien linked me and I commented on how the spinfusor projectile was moving really fast for the guy in the video. Lucien doesn't notice it (because he is a noob) but I go and look it up.
Turns out Tribes has this thing called inheritance. Because the game designers decided to mix the genius combination of large maps, fast players and slow projectiles they had to introduce inheritance so you could actually hit people running away from you. All projectiles gain 50% of your momentum; so if you move forward and shoot forward your bullets travel faster, and if you shoot backwards they travel significantly slower. If you shoot perpendicular to the direction you're moving you get like a 20-30 degree deviation. All in all it just makes calculating where to aim retardedly difficult if you're both moving fast and at odd angles to each other.
I'm not entirely sure it's worth the effort of 'learning' to aim with inheritance. No other game has it as far as I know (apart from previous tribes games) and it's just so different to normal projectile behavour from quake/UT.