Uzique The Lesser
everyone here is the king of ad hominem attacks. you included. so give me a break. a few pages ago you guys were linking some 5 year old MS paint image of me sat under an 'oksferd degree' and having a laugh. stop acting like your shit doesn't stink. all you guys do is bitch about the quality of other people's posts... whilst making no good contributions yourselves. at least 80% of my posts are on-topic and paragraphs-long about xyz content. you can disagree with my posting style or personality, but the fact is, 99% of you fucking retards are not even adding the prerequisite content to the debates. you are just whining and making snipes in a pointless cacophony.
Extra Medium
Go back through this thread and read my early post and say that again.

I tried my hardest to have a debate about this.  Why Zimmerman was going to be found innocent, how stand your ground works, the pro's the con's, why it was self defense and examples of why it was self defense.  You cunts called me a racist on nearly every page, ignored my message and made fun of my grammar or my spelling, called me a stupid southern hick, etc etc etc and it's like that in EVERY THREAD.  And then you wonder why I, and THEY, don't give a FUCK about staying on topic, trolling or just calling you a twat at every opportunity?

Let me know what you been eating, I want my shit to not stink too.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

everyone here is the king of ad hominem attacks. you included. so give me a break. a few pages ago you guys were linking some 5 year old MS paint image of me sat under an 'oksferd degree' and having a laugh.
top lel
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel

The only thing roc18 ever says wrote:

top lel
Its nice to see Debate and Serious Talk is still a bag of shit.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

S3v3N wrote:

Its nice to see Debate and Serious Talk is still a bag of shit.
thanks to Little Lord Fauntleroy the whole place is gone to shit

meh S3v3N is just another entitled crybaby veteran.
Uzique The Lesser

Steve-0 wrote:

S3v3N wrote:

Its nice to see Debate and Serious Talk is still a bag of shit.
thanks to Little Lord Fauntleroy the whole place is gone to shit
feel free to CONTRIBUTE something, anytime soon. all you do is CRY. or send drunken abusive PM's to females. or take your moping moribund ass over every single sub-forum and thread, posting music no one gives a fuck about, and ranting about how the mods are treating you. if it's a tyranny: FUCK OFF and leave. idiot. i write far more here in d&st daily than you have in months. and yes, on topic. and yes, without flames. just normal posts. your posts are 100% bullshit. go find yourself to the bottom of a bottle of whiskey and don't get back up. please. ever.
Extra Medium
This thread is proceeding as expected.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Steve-0 wrote:

S3v3N wrote:

Its nice to see Debate and Serious Talk is still a bag of shit.
thanks to Little Lord Fauntleroy the whole place is gone to shit
feel free to CONTRIBUTE something, anytime soon. all you do is CRY. or send drunken abusive PM's to females. or take your moping moribund ass over every single sub-forum and thread, posting music no one gives a fuck about, and ranting about how the mods are treating you. if it's a tyranny: FUCK OFF and leave. idiot. i write far more here in d&st daily than you have in months. and yes, on topic. and yes, without flames. just normal posts. your posts are 100% bullshit. go find yourself to the bottom of a bottle of whiskey and don't get back up. please. ever.

i love how you personalized a fictitious character from 18th century New York.

gg, delicate genius!

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

everyone here is the king of ad hominem attacks. you included. so give me a break. a few pages ago you guys were linking some 5 year old MS paint image of me sat under an 'oksferd degree' and having a laugh. stop acting like your shit doesn't stink. all you guys do is bitch about the quality of other people's posts... whilst making no good contributions yourselves. at least 80% of my posts are on-topic and paragraphs-long about xyz content. you can disagree with my posting style or personality, but the fact is, 99% of you fucking retards are not even adding the prerequisite content to the debates. you are just whining and making snipes in a pointless cacophony.
Yeah I'm going to call pot-kettle-black on the matter of personal attacks. Your posts are often peppered with several different ways of calling the guy you disagree with a moron. In fact, you're still doing it. My advice would be to grow a thicker skin if it bothers you that much, because I know you're never going to quit doing it yourself.
Uzique The Lesser
read a post or two up. i am the last person complaining about ad hominem. i am saying everyone complaining about ad hominem is a fucking baby, and should shut up. should precisely "grow a thicker skin". i have never complained about that stuff. i do not care. this forum is fun. i am not upset by people's comments. some dude just tried to link a bunch of old pictures of my girlfriend and make sexually derogatory remarks about her. that stuff does not faze me. and that is far worse than anything i have ever done to anyone (or their family member) on this forum. i just have a combative debating style-- it's still based on the topic, though. never riffled through people's spousal photo albums.

unless your post was quoting-to-agree with me... unsure

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-24 19:36:20)


Yes, this also applies to other people who complain about personal insults when they also engage in it themselves. So in a way, it's in partial agreement. But you've jumped into so many arguments using personal attacks off the bat that it's kind of hard to get worked up about your short analysis of ad hominem here.
Uzique The Lesser
.... are you reading my posts? holy shit. the only thing i'm getting worked up about is people getting worked up about personal attacks. i do not care about personal attacks. i am telling people to stop whining. nothing about personal posting styles bothers me. even when people try and lame-out and talk smack about girlfriend/mom/pet/whatever.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Nyte just tried to link a bunch of old pictures of my girlfriend and make sexually derogatory remarks about her. that stuff does not faze me. ...
I thought that would have gotten a rise for sure.  I felt bad for doing it too but was testing the waters for fun.

Sorry Uzi, that was actually pretty uncalled for.  Let's be friends and call each other names instead of our close friends/family.
Alpha as fuck.

No. I've taken this thread in bits and pieces. So I don't know the chicken and the egg origin of what's been happening here. All I know is that I saw you bringing up ad hominem and thought it curious. Then almost snorted up my orange juice when I saw your reply line "i am the last person complaining about ad hominem." The way I understand it, any attack against you is guaranteed to garner some sort of hostile reaction, the contents of which sometimes incorporating a gripe about being insulted. Which is just strange considering the fact that you have no qualms about starting an exchange of insults on your own.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

No. I've taken this thread in bits and pieces. So I don't know the chicken and the egg origin of what's been happening here. All I know is that I saw you bringing up ad hominem and thought it curious. Then almost snorted up my orange juice when I saw your reply line "i am the last person complaining about ad hominem." The way I understand it, any attack against you is guaranteed to garner some sort of hostile reaction, the contents of which sometimes incorporating a gripe about being insulted. Which is just strange considering the fact that you have no qualms about starting an exchange of insults on your own.
I think people take forum insults too seriously.  Do a search on my name and you'll see 10's of thousands of people belittling me.  I could give 2 shits.  I use this forum for letting loose.

Last edited by Nyte (2013-07-24 20:04:41)

Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser

Nyte wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Nyte just tried to link a bunch of old pictures of my girlfriend and make sexually derogatory remarks about her. that stuff does not faze me. ...
I thought that would have gotten a rise for sure.  I felt bad for doing it too but was testing the waters for fun.

Sorry Uzi, that was actually pretty uncalled for.  Let's be friends and call each other names instead of our close friends/family.
nothing to apologise for, you only made yourself look kind of strange and pathetic. didn't upset me, man. my girlfriend is smokin'. been looking at it every day now for like 3 years, some random internet post isn't exactly going to cause any hurt or self questioning.

i respect the s-word, though.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

ok maybe im wrong about lean making people violent. I admit it. But trayvon does have a violent history before hand.
zimmerman approached trayvon though. trayvon wasn't violent.
How do you know that?

i could fully accept that his violent past was incriminating if trayvon initiated the confrontation. but it's not. and the only way zimmerman has got off is because of florida's queer sectioning off of various elements of causation. their definition of 'self-defense' seems to have an almost atomistic conception of causation. like every micro-second of the event is defined with its own discrete etiology. very strange.
Why does it matter who initiated it? Interactions are initiated between strangers millions of times a day without either party attacking the other.

As for the drugs, is it not the case that when people are between fixes they're depressed, angry, morose etc?
Or are you going to say every illegal drug makes people wonderful when they're on it and wonderful afterwards - except alcohol because its legal and therefore not cool?
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
when people are between "fixes"? fixes of marijuana? what the fuck are you talking about.

addicts get angry and agitated because their entire psychology and reward-pathway and limbic system gets hijacked by a chemical (or psychological) dependency. trayvon was not addicted to any drugs. he'd be no more aching for a "fix" than a person is in the morning before their 11am cappucino (in fact a lot less, because caffeine is a stimulant, and gets people 'up' when consumed, and edgy, whereas THC is... oh forget it you don't read this boring rational stuff anyway). jesus christ you are a fucking idiot. for a scientist you come out with the most non-medical, non-scientific shit possible. "oh, it's an illegal drug? guess everyone who takes it must be a JUNKIE looking for his next FIX". rofl.

a person that smokes cigarettes and is addicted to nicotine is more 'dependent' and 'looking for a fix' than anyone who tokes weed. the way most drugs work is simple: if it's an upper, a stimulant, anything that gets you 'buzzing', then afterwards you will feel down, drained, morose, and yes, if addicted, angry and agitated and hankering for your next dose of dr. feelgood. it's a basic 'put something in, get the opposite out' effect. 'what goes up must come down'. crack and meth addicts are maybe the most extreme example, that's why they're called "tweakers". they load their system on an extremely potent, sharp, sudden high. when they're off it, they are gibbering wrecks as their nervous system tries to cope with the neural sandblasting. heroin addicts are very seldom 'edgy' or 'agitated'. they are addicted to an opiate. they may do desperate things to get their money, because the need is so great, but they are not "itching" for a fix. more like zombies. nobody with a history of abusing painkillers or heroin is going to be out looking for a fight. this is dead basic shit, dilbert. THC is an analgesic and a relaxant. only extremely heavy cannabis smokers - talking everyday, copious amounts, for years - would get psycho-physical 'withdrawal' symptoms. and that would probably manifest itself as anxiety and sweatiness. not energetic hankering-for-a-fight.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-25 04:36:24)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
when people are between "fixes"? fixes of marijuana?
Use whatver word you feel comfortable with.

I'm not talking about addicts cravings, I'm talking about the normal 'come-downs' from occasional use of drugs.
the way most drugs work is simple: if it's an upper, a stimulant, anything that gets you 'buzzing', then afterwards you will feel down, drained, morose, and yes, if addicted, angry and agitated
Let be generous and say Martin wasn't a full-blown addict, although no doubt there are shades of grey.

"down, drained, morose", a history of aggressive behaviour and fights, these are things the jury is entitled to take into account when tyring to determine who turned a verbal encounter into a violent physical altercation no?

christ you are a fucking idiot.
You should learn to calm down, have you tried yoga?
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
you don't get a 'normal comedown' from the 'occasional' use of drugs. you don't even get comedowns from MDMA until you have been taking it for a while. what 'comedown' from smoking weed? jesus man you are SO out of touch. you're a SCIENTIST. go and do some research. weed has less toxicity and less of a dependency than nicotine. do you talk about people being on 'comedowns' when they're 15 minutes after smoking a cigarette? would you incriminate someone by insinuating them were on a 'comedown' from taurine, 2 hours after glugging a red bull? COME ON. use that brain of yours. homeostasis is not a comedown.

and a few pages ago you were saying he is guilty and reprobate because he had traces of weed in his bloodstream, i.e. he was possibly stoned. now you're portraying him as a shivering wreck, aching for his next fix. come on, what is it?

lol "shades of grey" with weed addiction. jesus christ. please go read a journal.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-25 06:10:04)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

you don't get a 'normal comedown' from the 'occasional' use of drugs. you don't even get comedowns from MDMA until you have been taking it for a while. what 'comedown' from smoking weed? jesus man you are SO out of touch. you're a SCIENTIST. go and do some research. weed has less toxicity and less of a dependency than nicotine. do you talk about people being on 'comedowns' when they're 15 minutes after smoking a cigarette? would you incriminate someone by insinuating them were on a 'comedown' from taurine, 2 hours after glugging a red bull? COME ON. use that brain of yours.
People have no ill effects after a weekend of tripping? Really? They just go straight from high to fully functioning and normal?
if it's an upper, a stimulant, anything that gets you 'buzzing', then afterwards you will feel down, drained, morose
You answered it yourself.
and a few pages ago you were saying he is guilty and reprobate because he had traces of weed in his bloodstream,
Please point out where I said he was guilty of anything.
lol "shades of grey" with weed addiction. jesus christ. please go read a journal.
I wasn't especially talking about THC, but there are going to be levels of dependency and compulsion with any drug - which will lead to changes of behaviour.
Fuck Israel

I have a long weekend filled with drug use coming up. Tomorrow I am going to the beach to drop some LSD. Every adult should be forced to take a LSD trip to the beach once a year.

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