First off, leave all your " go with amd, its better" crap at the door. Thank you.
I'm going to do a little upgrade for my vid card and having a little issues figuring out what would be better for a budget.
I'm looking at either a 460 gtx, 560, or 560 SE. Supposedly the SE is between the 560 and 560 Ti, but the price is lower than a 560. And where would a 460 match up in all this?
I'm going to do a little upgrade for my vid card and having a little issues figuring out what would be better for a budget.
I'm looking at either a 460 gtx, 560, or 560 SE. Supposedly the SE is between the 560 and 560 Ti, but the price is lower than a 560. And where would a 460 match up in all this?