mmmf mmmf mmmf
Yea I should have gotten an AI to write that cause I wasn't clear. It's been 3 different people HR sent the email about. Usually they just say remove from any DLs or don't say anything at all. Saying call management if you see them is once a year kinda stuff.

One of them was yelling at HR during their firing/resignation idk what exactly it was, so wasn't surprised at that one.

Last edited by RTHKI (2025-02-20 08:21:41)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Teacher and teacher assistants have been led out of my building in handcuffs before for things they said to students or staff. One was arrested today in fact.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
This was before my time but someone shot a shotgun at the building once.

And years ago a manager told me he'd shoot another manager if he became the plant manager. The guy was fired before the other made it to plant manager.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have to give Uzique credit for his job. Editing is hard.

The Italian girl asked me to help her with her paper. It needs a lot of work and she needs 3 pages in 3 hours...

I reassured her everything will be fine. I will work on it with her when I get home. I don't know where to begin. I would just rewrite the whole thing but that doesn't fit in with the time schedule. I also don't have the heart to tell her the paper is terrible.

I also feel like this is partly my fault. She missed deadlines to submit this paper and already asked for extensions. Too busy getting romanced maybe? But that is hardly my fault. It would have been some other dude eating up her time too.

I need to rush home now to do this lady's homework. Can't make this shit up.
i helped university students with their essays for quite a while. mostly of the rich postgraduate variety, normally attending elite british universities with english as a second language. to be honest, even when the topic interested me and aligned with my own corner of knowledge, i found the work to be unrewarding and strenuous. (i hooked up with not a few of them too but that's not for here.)

doesn't help that everything below actually respectable scholarship - that is, all those homework Jay Galt book report style assignments - have that extremely wooden and formulaic way about them. it's very boring and overly sign-posted. not fun to read and definitely not fun to wade through to fix the grammar. not many people can write with flair, wit, verve, or whatever -- the lower slopes are a kind of chat-gptised slog.

editing isn't hard if you have a good ear, tbh. good writing 'sounds' right to the internal ear. most times, a literate person could intuit how to fix a sentence even without understanding the nuts and bolts of grammar and syntax. i use a sort of 'speed bump' principle, in which anything that snags my attention or inner narration probably needs some diving into. very rarely now do i need to actually consult, like, a usage guide or reach for my trusty 'oxford handbook to ...' vade mecums (acquired in my eager journeyman days). like any job you develop a faculty for it pretty quickly.

i'd find marking papers very arduous at first, too.

Last edited by uziq (2025-02-20 11:58:29)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
I can't decide if my current work deserves a 2 week notice. a couple months ago sure. But now, knowing how they're all Trumpers and mildly sexist.. I planned on staying till last week of March but I don't know if I'll last that long.
why give them a free reason to fuck you over on future references or personal referrals? it’s never worth burning bridges at work. a few weeks or months down the line when you’ve decompressed and forgot about the 101 daily annoyances, you’ll realise that. it’s just cabin fever with a payslip at the end of it, at a certain point.

do the full notice and mentally check out. do as little as possible. spend work hours preparing your next applications. hell, in my first job i spent the last 3-4 months mentally checked out just reading PDF books on my second monitor.

always do your time and keep your record clean.

Last edited by uziq (2025-02-28 10:40:31)

mmmf mmmf mmmf
My record is shit. I didn't give notice at my last place but didn't even need the reference for here cause I had an in. Of the two references I'd want from here one died and the other doesn't work here anymore.

I've been checked out. I don't have an issue working but for the life of me can't be bothered prepping applications which is why I feel a fast break would be best.

I absolutely hate the area and hate driving 45min each way every day. I've already secured an apartment in downtown Cincinnati. Even if I don't get something quick I can last about 2 years.
come 2 japan.
I am all that is MOD!

I'll be in Cincy later this year for U of AZ vs UC). I'll hit you up. Love that city!

I had a 3rd round interview today. Went about as well as it could. I forgot about the game you have to play when applying to jobs. That part is kind of annoying. I did get complimented on "having the best meeting background I've ever seen" by the person interviewing me, because my girlfriend's baby grand is in our office and does serve as a nice backdrop.
baby grand piano in the home office is crazy behaviour. that's some The Sims-type home design right there.


good luck KJ, though i'm sure you don't need it.

i think there's a way for a sim to die on one of those but i could be misremembering.

even if i had the floor space to justify a centerpiece like a baby grand, i think i'm happy with my synths. the korg is heavy (i didn't buy it), but can still be manhandled into a case easily enough when not in use. you can practically spin the casio on a finger like a basketball. the most ungainly furnitures i think i want are bookshelves, and will probably do some rearranging at home for more of that. there's some more stuff i'd like to get out of boxes, and i feel done trusting portions of my library to storage.

stuff like sims, house flipper, are like the only way people are going to ever have an experience with a big house. lol

too bad sims is already down the path of enshittification.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-02-28 14:18:17)

what korg synth do you have? i've been to some insane korg stores in japan. been to a synthesizer museum, too, in shibuya.

a veryyy different social connotation to having a room full of synths at home to having a baby grand. haha.

Last edited by uziq (2025-02-28 14:39:41)


quite different

triton studio, 88, the 2000s one with the floppy drive. still a fun player with comfortably weighted keys, for all the computer stuff on it is a little obsolete, and the touchpad a little frustrating to use. my parents have a triton extreme with a tube that needs replaced. it sounded quite nice when new iirc. vs traditional pianos, i really like the ability to keep the sound to myself. comes in handy at 2 am if i don't want to serenade neighbors with an earworm that's been bothering me.

between the rest of the fam, that i know of: an e-organ rescued from a downsizing couple, and a couple of uprights. if i was one of the mcmansioners mentioned in the other thread, i'd probably have a music room and some old, restored PCs to go with it. all that stuff currently has to share multipurpose space.

e: best wishes to ken/rthki

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-02-28 15:33:08)

lots of fun. those triton things look so powerful but give off a kind of 'kenny g' vibe. i'm sure you can shred just about any instrument from a whole orchestra on that thing, though.

i'm more familiar with the smaller, cheaper units like the minilogue/monologue, mono/poly, ms-20, etc. they get a lot of use still in contemporary electronic music.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Good luck both of you.

Congratulations for making the move to the big city, RTHKI. Still wish you settled on Brooklyn though.

a huge blast to play, and really intuitive for just doing that, despite that the triton studio didn't release with much documentation iirc. one of those on-the-surface, unintimidating interfaces where the stereotypical "your grandma could play it" applies. having the smaller casio closer by also comes in handy. if my desk was even smaller, i'd probably have a couple 25-keys set up over/under or something. don't always need a bajillion keys.


i was probably a hair's breadth from 'faking' my way into composing for games in the early/mid 2000s (a story maybe for another post, but there isn't much to cover). but looking at how mick gordon—another millennial (and light years more capable at this than i am)—was treated, that might've been a bullet dodged.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-02-28 15:54:10)

The X stands for
+1,818|6422|eXtreme to the maX
I think my company is slowly realising my genius.
The product I fixed, and by fixed I mean re-engineered and redeveloped the manufacturing processes so it didn't fall apart before even getting to the customer, made $6m in sales last month.
Apparently the word going around is "without Dilbert we would not have had this" and this is true, they would not.
No-one has the courage to say it to my face, and they can't say it publicly because that would make everyone else look incompetent, which they are, but its nice to know.

I'm working on nailing my next project, and driving my manager nuts because we don't see eye to eye on how to do this.
Thats OK because he's fucked up a lot of things and I don't care what he thinks.
Then I'd like to take a bit of a break, fix the roof, maybe even retire.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2025-03-01 05:20:15)

Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf

uziq wrote:

always do your time and keep your record clean.
Always the voice of reason.

uziq wrote:

come 2 japan.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Still wish you settled on Brooklyn though.
There's still time. Cincinnati is the easiest on the list of places people keep telling me to move to.


I'll be in Cincy later this year for U of AZ vs UC). I'll hit you up. Love that city!
I look forward to it. I'm in OTR.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I go on vacation next week but I'm gonna give my notice sometime during it
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I yelled at my assistant today. Look at me I am Ken Jennings now.
We were talking about the black guy who got ejected from the SOTU. He was yelling about preventing cuts to Medicaid. Medicaid is the healthcare program for low income people.

She said that "they should cut Medicaid. Everyone should have to work. There are generations of people on Medicaid not working. Doesn't that bother you as a tax payer?"

I responded "no. Not at all." She said "so you are not bothered as a tax payer paying for all of these people not working." I said "no. I don't care if people aren't working. People not working leaves more opportunities for the rest of us." She said something like "I can't believe that doesn't make you angry as a tax payer."

I said
"I have a good job. I have my health. I live alone and don't have any kids. I have a good life and am happy. I don't care that other people aren't working. I am just out here living my best life."

I then gave her 4 dollars to buy a homeless student breakfast.
the right-wing’s (and it’s captured media’s) focus is always on cutting ‘waste’ and ‘fraud’ when it’s committed by disabled people or the little guy. DOGE is all about this. it’s never about going after tax evasion or white-collar crime at the very top. taxpayers should be mad that chronically disabled people use medicaid, and not mad that bezos et al. added $200 billion to their fortunes each during the covid years without lifting a finger.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I pay taxes so I don't need to donate to charity
I am all that is MOD!

Always convincing people to punch down instead of punch up. Greatest propaganda campaign ever.

I have a 3rd round interview tomorrow. I already met with the big boss last week and absolutely crushed the interview. I feel like it's mine to lose.

Only issue is that I'd have to go into the office about 8 days a month and the office is in the bay area, which is about a 50 minute flight each way. The compensation makes it totally worth doing, and I like the idea of racking up miles and hotel benefits on the company dime.

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