Member 5307
last night playing on GameArena, 64p karkand.
i was MEC. saw 3 usmc ran into the alleyway near the hotel flag.
sprinted after them and knifed all 3 of them in 3 quick stabs.
only then did i realise all 3 had the same clan tags!
Bringing down someone sprinting with a headshot at 250m.
I swopped down low to machine gun an AA nest today.  I got the nest, almost scraping the ground and all of a sudden I see an anti tank guy in my hud!  I switch views to look back and I see his body falling out of the air!  My first legitimate air road kill
My most memorable now is a knife kill. I was running up on a sniper (won't disclose his name) unfortunately he saw me and i was like oh shit and my mind just wend blank and I didn't know which buttons changed to pistol (i was a sniper so zooming with rifle would be suicide) luckily he pulled out his knife. We were going in circles jumping and bunny hopping to get each other (pre 1.20 obviously) and kept going at each other until we decided to do a headlong charge. I figured if i timed it right i could jump and land on top of him and take him out. Unfortunately, he thought the same thing so when we were airborne we both clicked our mouse and ended up killing ourselves somehow.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
So I am running around mashtuur, and there is a huge battle going on by the mosque. I am AT and I'm sitting there shooting off rockets taking out the vehicles driving towards the battle from the roof next to that little courtyard (where you spawn half the time at the mosque). Then the enemy blackhawk flies over me, full, and rotates so the gunner is looking right at me (just my luck). I fire my last rocket and hit the blackhawk, but for some reason the pilot lands in next to the flag and begins to cap it. Seeing as how I was out of rockets I just said screw it and ran straight towards the thing shooting my crappy smg. Somehow, the gunner trying to light me up misses and I manage to kill him. My clip runs out when get up next to the blackhawk so I pull out my pistol and shoot one of the remaining 4 passengers to death. When that runs out I just whip out my knife and stab the remaining two on my side of the chopper only before the pilot realizes what's happening and takes of quickly and runs away... then I get run over by a humvee. So I ended up getting a nice four kills and a good story out of it. Good times.
Aspiring Objectivist
Last night a guy went prone with the pkm, I though I was dead for sure ,ran up as he was firing his homing bullets and knelt down & knifed him in the head at the same time the homing bullets came back around & killed me, just felt good with all the pkm whiners out there these days.
My most impressive kills were just recently, got behind a squad/group of 5 guys advancing on mashtuur, knifed them one after the other. Fun hearing squad members when you take out everyone with a knife.

Not as good but went 16 kills on sharqi as medic/AT (ran out of ammo) with 3 knife kills and no revives before dying to the g3.
Well i was on Zatar Wetlands and was flying a jet , i jumped out over the middle outpost and deployed my parachute. I looked down and there was a tank sitting there taking over the flag. I was Spec Ops at the time so i threw two C4 down on top of it then detonating it, blowing up the tank and defending the flag all before landing. I think it killed two.
Funny stuff...

Last edited by AshMan5555 (2006-03-12 04:52:10)

Mod Incarnate
Just today I was chasing another jet, and the pilot bailed out ahead of me before i destroyed his vehicle. I shot him out of his parachute just after he deployed it.
.:The D€S€RŦ ]V[ǾŲ∩Ŧ€€:.
+6|6957|Behind you with my knife
I've got another one. Just now i was playing on dragon valley. There was an attack chopper whoring one of the bases (cant remember which 1), so i saw it hovering, probably for a TV. I saw the TOW sitting there in full view of the chopper and slaughtered it. Wished i could've gotten screenies.
Sniping from a blackhawk with M95.
I killed the pilot of MEC chopper and the chopper crashed killing three other guys in the chopper.
They probably didn't even notice that their pilot just got dominated.
+3|6942|Candy Land
I remember before patch 1.21 when you could throw C4s while jumping, anyways.

I think the map was Wake, an enemy chopper was coming down a bit low to the ground and was wasting my teammates, as i snuck up under it I pulled out a few C4s and placed them on the chopper.  After he pulled away i blew him and his co-pilot sky high.

Another time after patch 1.21 I had the new sniper, I was on Kubra Dam.  I saw a black hawk coming by and I saw a USMC soldiers foot hanging out so BANG!  I blew his foot off and he fell all the way to the ground.  Another time on kubra i saw a MEC guys feet going through the cemet he was hiding behind, i blew them off as well and he died. i love feet.

Last edited by Schw3nk3r (2006-03-23 18:39:28)

Hi I'm new here and to BF2.

On my first day to play Feb 22 I was on some map can't remember which and I was USMC support. I spawned in and didn't really know what to do so I see a grassy spot about 50m from our flag so I layed down and faced the flag. Just as I got settled a squad of 5 guys come up and settle in around the flag to capture it. I'm like oh boy! so I just opened up with the SAW and killed all 5 of them! Plus got the 5 defend points! It was sweet and on my first time to play!

Another time on Karkand I was MEC and grabbed the APC I took off toward the square and just as I rolled up there was 6 guys coming down the road right in front of me I killed 5 of them and one got away. Then I continued on and turned the corner and I mean there was too many too count! I just opened up amd killed 6 more before someone got me I think it was probably that first guy that got away. Those 11 kills are still my best streak and it happened in about 20 secs!

This game is great, but I still suck though! lol but I'm learning!

Anyways nice to be here!
I got a AH1Z today with a TOW launcher on Dragon Valley.  There's 2 very unhappy people.    It's so fun when you get to kill people with the unexpected weapon when they let their guard down.
well i love when someone sees me, i drop a claymore, and run around the corner. that stupid tard is too obsessed with catching me that he kicks my claymore and gets blown to the stars......idiot

Double-kill with a smoke grenade.
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

i sniped a guys hand to win the game, he was movin around capping a flag, hiding behind a barrel, i got a one hit kill on his hand from a ways away
+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

Cpt.KillerToy12 wrote:

my is good
[] … ent7ct.png
you do know that firestorm plays commander most of his time, so knifing him is easy


My best kill was when I was going rambo spec ops to f**k up the US arty on kark.
I spawned at the suburbs and got in a vod, going down the hill i saw an apc, and he saw me, knowing it was too late, rammed it, he killed me, and i managed to flip his apc upwards, so the back of it was on the ground.  Now the apc driver was a whore and just stayed in till he died.


Last edited by Sarrk (2006-03-25 17:34:10)

Once i was on warlord on SAS, spawning at the para-spawn. I was playing Assault to try and get the vet badge. A guy was sitting in a pickup on the .50 cal pwning paratroopers. A perfect shot with a GL from about 100 yds away and 50 yds up killed him.

2 tanks at the airfield on Wake, so I hopped out of my plane and as I fall I toss my 5 c4 down. They all missed pretty horribly and were spread out, 2 near the flag, 2 about 15 yds away, and one in between. Luckily, the tanks didn't notice my presents from above, and they drove right onto them, giving me a free 3 kills (one unlucky infantry or gunner must've been caught)

As the last kill on a wake island game I blasted a shot of my M11-87 (or whatever the US pump action shotgun is) into a sniper's face.

As one of those open cars (not the FAV, the smaller american one) drives past me (wake again) I take a pot shot with my shotgun and get a kill off the driver, the gunner jumps out and runs the other way, he should know he can't outrun shotgun shells, bang.

edit: ah yes, and when a cobra landed at the airfield to cap it I threw two c4 on it. Sadly enough, it spun around and slaughtered me with the tail. But it flew away before capping the flag. I spawned there, picked up the kit that i had died with (took a bit more work than it should have to find it, was hidden in some grass) and pressed the detonator! got a kill and (somehow?!) a driver kill assist.

as a spectacular DEATH, I was flying in a jet shooting the essex gun (wake again ) I don't destroy it but don't bank enough, my wing clipped it and I started SPINNING out of control! at least 3 or 4 other people witnessed it, I wish I had gone to 3rd person to see it myself! from first person it looked like something impossible in a jet. after a few air-sickness seconds I rammed into the carrier. Lots of BWAHAHAHAHAHs followed, including my own.

Last edited by Metamort (2006-03-25 19:48:34)

+1|6983|TC Michigan
I was on the roof at Mashtuur, (pre patch), and it was still popular to chopper whore, and the GL was still mighty (wait, it still is). At any rate, there was a squad in a chopper that received two succesive tube hits right in its cabin, in about a thirty second time period (Im assuming they were respawning on the pilot). See what can happen when you try and cap flags with a helicopter?
+16|6959|my dads balls
ok, everyone knows if a tank and an APC get in a firefight, the tank will win.  i had the APC, this was kubra dam,  i was driving along the bridge, and got to the refueling station (i was USMC, it was MEC flag) so a tank comes around the corner, and i had been getting killed by tanks all day and i was not gonna lose this fight.  we exchanged fire, and i noticed i was gonna lose, long story short, i rammed his tank off a very large cliff,  i got 3 kills, he got 2 tks.  i stole the flag, took a vodnik, and proceded to snipe pilots from planes.  it was a good day for all who hate tanks.
.:The D€S€RŦ ]V[ǾŲ∩Ŧ€€:.
+6|6957|Behind you with my knife
Cereal Killer
+145|6969|The View From The Afternoon
Took down an enemy who came up behind a teammate today. I was sniper on a roof on Mashtuur so far away I could only see the silhouettes of the players. It took about a second from fire to impact
Felt extra good cuz i saved a teamplayer from dying as well.

R0lyP0ly wrote:

yea well, one time i killed a guy ---with a trident!
no. i think it was a knife. Loooool!
+917|6931|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I killed 5 people in a APC with a TOW. lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

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