Call me a noob, but I love the SVD.  Im an ok player, and I like the fact that sometimes I can headshot two snipers that are prone shooting at me within almost the same second.. cant do that with the M95 can you?
PKM Whore
+16|6949|Prolly on wake.

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Terrible_chester wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

I'm not even this guy but I can tell that is a horrible way to compare statistics... it is totally meaningless, what if he's shooting at stuff for fun, shooting helicopters, shooting vehicles, or just likes shooting anything in general? Get off your soap box.
If you payed attention, he was responding to the guy who tried to start a flame off with him by claiming that if he needed 3 shots to kill then he shouldnt be a sniper. Knowing that, I think that a statistical breakdown of Mr. "you shouldnt be a sniper"'s own sniping ability is waranted.

As for your theory that he might just be wasting shots for fun, well if he is supposed to be an expert on how to be a sniper then it stands to reason that he would know any good sniper would never waste shots like that because A) you dont have alot of bullets. B) shooting at stupid shit only gets more attention drawn to you, which can lead the enemy to your hiding spot. wouldnt you agree?

In short, if you are going to come on a forum and run your mouth about taking 3 shots to kill, make sure you dont need 4 shots yourself.....and HE'S on HIS soap box????

I was pointing out the innaccuracy of his comment. You are welcome to get up on your soap box and spew whatever logic you makes you feel better, but fact remains that the "statistic" is completely irrelevant. Further to the point I don't agree with you at all. This is a game, and people may do whatever they like.
*get up on soap box*


You were pointing out that his comment was not accurate? well, it was accurate. simple equazion here gimp so do try and keep up:

saying needing 3 shots per kill is noob + needing more that 3 shots per kill yourself = HYPOCRITE!!

...yeah, that does make me feel better....

the staticstic is irrelevant eh?:

tell me a more relevent statistic you can use to prove your point when talking about how many shots per kill someone uses than a stat that shows HOW MANY SHOTS PER KILL SOMEONE USES???? the statistic isnt perfect, no there are variables in it. Which only makes it more relevent because when "Pineapple" said that he liked the speed at wich the SVD shoots for CQC, "Rizen"  then said that if you need 3 shots to kill you shouldnt be a sniper...infering that he could kill with a head shot in CQC as if it was not a big deal. Yes because lining up a headshot when the enemy is right on top of you blasting away with his DAO-12 is the easiest thing ever and anyone who cant do it has no buisness being a sniper....RIGHT!! So "Pineapple" used imperfect logic to combat imperfect logic thus making the statistic relevent to the discussion.

you dont agree with me at all? this is a game people can do whatever they want??:

okay, I wipe my ass with wether you agree with me or not first of all, and secondly plz quote me saying anything that would be direclty telling someone how they can or cannot play the game? go ahead gimp, find it.

let me save you some time, it doesnt exsist. I made a suggestion that -maybe- it would be a good idea not to waste shots as a sniper, I dare say that is not a decloration of how the kit HAS TO BE PLAYED. remember sunshine it was "Rizen" not I who said someone shouldnt be playing a kit.

so the next time you want to hijack a thread and start a flame war do it with someone who you can handle.

*steps down off soap box and gives Zenmaster his house back*
+5|7054|Clinton, MD, USA
I would take the SVD over any of the bolt action rifles any day, except that I always play U.S. I get headshots often with the SVD and if I don't get headshots I can kill 'em as fast as if I did hit 'em in the head.
although the new sniper rifle is the best, i recently went back to the svd for a bit of fun as well, and it rocks!! really good fun. its also good because it's much easier to let rip at close range if you're discovered, from the hip - i outgunned an assault rifle at almost point blank range, without aiming, the other day. he was very surprised indeed. m95 sucks. it's clumsy and loud.

I have also started to just use regular weapons, like the AKs, and having a blast. the 101 is an insane killing tool. you can outsnipe snipers with it. i think that i presumed that all regualr weapons are crap because i sucked when i had no or few unlocks, and got better using the unlocks, so i though that he weapons themselves must be better, but I was actually getting some skills. Lately, I have been really obsessed with teh M4 - so much fun can be had with this thing, especially on kark and sharq.

also, stalemate is an awesome map! definitely underrated. if you think you need armour to have a good outing on this map, you're not approaching it right. its great for all classes.

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-03-01 20:35:22)

+85|7065|good old CA

Pineapple_Pez wrote:

Even though Zatar Wetlands doesnt get much love, I think it is a good map.  I dont even play it often, but a server loaded that map a few days ago and I had a great time.  The only negative is it is so damn to the next spawn. 

Songhua Stalemate is a SWEET map.  Spec Ops can rack up the points.

I dont play these maps often but I forget how cool they are.  They don't show up on too many rotations.

As for the guns...I think the SVD is underappreciated.  I dusted it off the other day and killed 21 guys in a row on Karkand.  I just kept moving and racked up the kills.

What do you all think?
I never see Stalement on rotations , its a great map .  also SVD rocks
I think that the M95 is the best overall sniper rifle.  Sure other rifles can best it in individual fields (ROF).  Others prefer the L96A1 and the M24 over the M95 simply because they aren't experienced enough with the M95 to get headshots with its cooler crosshairs.

The M95 also has two tricks up its sleave.  The most commonly know trick is the ability to shoot through glass.  I have prevented countless enemies from stealing our teams choppers and planes thanks to the M95's ability to remove them from the pilot seat.  Many players also forget that the driver of the Humvee/Vodnik are not safe from M95 bullets.  I have also developed a strategy that involves using the Humvee or a  Chinese Vodnik that makes use of the windshield as a bulletproof 1-way safety shield (every anti-infantry weapon with the exception of the the M95 cannot hurt you while you shoot back with impunity).

The less know trick of the M95 is its ability to destroy explosive barrels with a single shot.  With the M95, every explosive barrel becomes your personal trap.

The other sniper rifles have their advantages, but the M95 is the rifle that will keep all of you options open.
+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

Stalemate allllllll the way as US!!!

*Sarrks Ultimate Guide For Ownage On Stalemate*

Step 1, get a sqaud of 6 people with mics and make you the leader
Step 2, Whore a blackhawk make sure you are support and are the pilot
Step 3, Get 2 Engis in back, 2 medics on guns and a spec ops
Step 4, Go wild with the guns!! you get

1 point for every kill
1 point for every repair/heal someone does
1 point for the resuply for the specy
2 Points for the neutralises and captures

Now for the apcs, normally spraying them enough will kill them, but you have a specy with you! so, hover above and let him shit C4 onto them
+41|7049|200m out and smiling at you.

luckybaer wrote:

Rizen_Ji wrote:

if u need to take the 3 shots to kill a guy, u should not be a sniper.
http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_usercmbstats. … ;bfmodid=0
393 kills with sniper rifle
1,709 shots with sniper rifle
4.3486005089058524173027989821883 shots per kill

OK.  You must have meant if it takes 3 shots that HIT to kill a guy, u should not be a sniper.
where the hell did u pull that number from? 1709 shots? lol that number doesn't even appear anywhere on that page. i think someone's a little peeved at my comment
+48|6970|Mexico City.
I love shogua.. im even thinking on running a 24/7 with 16 player.. dont know why people dont like that map.. have to be patient at the begining, but it worth it.. Also no ones enjoy it cos its hard to find a server with it..
my fav map is dragon valley, duno if others like it or not i dont think ive seen it mentioned much on the boards. so it mite not be that popular?
The Photographer.
+81|7018|Central Valley,California
FuShe Pass is great. Yep yep.
+10|7088| Going Feral

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Terrible_chester wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

I'm not even this guy but I can tell that is a horrible way to compare statistics... it is totally meaningless, what if he's shooting at stuff for fun, shooting helicopters, shooting vehicles, or just likes shooting anything in general? Get off your soap box.
If you payed attention, he was responding to the guy who tried to start a flame off with him by claiming that if he needed 3 shots to kill then he shouldnt be a sniper. Knowing that, I think that a statistical breakdown of Mr. "you shouldnt be a sniper"'s own sniping ability is waranted.

As for your theory that he might just be wasting shots for fun, well if he is supposed to be an expert on how to be a sniper then it stands to reason that he would know any good sniper would never waste shots like that because A) you dont have alot of bullets. B) shooting at stupid shit only gets more attention drawn to you, which can lead the enemy to your hiding spot. wouldnt you agree?

In short, if you are going to come on a forum and run your mouth about taking 3 shots to kill, make sure you dont need 4 shots yourself.....and HE'S on HIS soap box????

I was pointing out the innaccuracy of his comment. You are welcome to get up on your soap box and spew whatever logic you makes you feel better, but fact remains that the "statistic" is completely irrelevant. Further to the point I don't agree with you at all. This is a game, and people may do whatever they like.
LOL.  I should have tacked a j/k or a smiley on this.  I thought that carrying out the average to 30 decimal places would indicate the tongue-in-cheek nature of this comment.
+10|7088| Going Feral

Rizen_Ji wrote:

luckybaer wrote:

Rizen_Ji wrote:

if u need to take the 3 shots to kill a guy, u should not be a sniper.
http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_usercmbstats. … ;bfmodid=0
393 kills with sniper rifle
1,709 shots with sniper rifle
4.3486005089058524173027989821883 shots per kill

OK.  You must have meant if it takes 3 shots that HIT to kill a guy, u should not be a sniper.
where the hell did u pull that number from? 1709 shots? lol that number doesn't even appear anywhere on that page. i think someone's a little peeved at my comment
Weapon      Kills      Deaths      K/D Ratio      Shots      Hits      Accuracy      Hours Used
Sniper Rifle      393     588                0.67         1709    801     47%               18.25

No.  I wasn't serious.  Hence, the 30 decimal places in the average.

I was a little bored, so I wanted to have some fun and spice up the responses.

The numbers are there.  Of course, they'll change as soon as you play again and fire a shot.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7030|Riva, MD
The M95 is underappreciated, I love it, I know the accuracy and everything about it.  Everyone always flames it saying their M24 is way better.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

cullenjackcullen wrote:

not a big fan of Wetlands, but i never really liked big maps in '42, but it can be fun if you can keep the attack chopper up.

SVD is sweet on Karkand, but you need bolt-action for maps like wake. 

under rated Vehicle: Vodnic.  i get up on that gun right out side of an enemy CP and let um fly.
I love scaring the shit out of people like you with the Type 88 occasionally... Try one out in close combat on Wake, works like a charm... Especially those morons who miss the first shot with a bolt action (not like its hard to hit someone in the head is it)....
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

oberst_enzian wrote:

I have also started to just use regular weapons, like the AKs, and having a blast. the 101 is an insane killing tool. you can outsnipe snipers with it. i think that i presumed that all regualr weapons are crap because i sucked when i had no or few unlocks, and got better using the unlocks, so i though that he weapons themselves must be better, but I was actually getting some skills. Lately, I have been really obsessed with teh M4 - so much fun can be had with this thing, especially on kark and sharq.
Never heard of anybody else doing what I'm doing before. I stopped using all the unlocks three weeks ago, haven't looked back since. Besides the SMGs and the snipers, there is no need to use the unlocks anymore...

The three basic assault rifles, are in my opinion, the best in the game.

Cant wait for the FAMAS though Its kickass in that weapons test mod.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Handguns are definitely underappreciated, I once outsnipered another sniper with the handgun after I ran out of ammo for the sniper rifle. It was at a decent distance too.

I think the reason people don't like the SVD is because all those chevrons etc are useful on the real gun, but on the game gun they're not useful much because it doesn't have realistic bullet physics. (use the SVD in Operation Flashpoint then come back and say the SVD is crap)

Regarding the M24 vs. M95, the M95 is a great sniper rifle. Its only downside is that it's loud. The M24 is probably more accurate, but in the hands of an expert the M95 gives you the damage of the M24 to soldiers plus the ability to kill them when they're in a vehicle too. (be it helicopter, plane, humvee etc)
That said i'm using the L96 nowadays.

Zatar Wetlands, I hate that map. It's so... flat. I like large maps, it's just when there is no real terrain to speak of it just become a vehicle war.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Armor wh0re myass. Then what are you? LMG/Medic/Assault Rifle wh0re? Just because you use it morethan the rest doesn't mean you 'wh0re it'. Part of the game, fucking live with it.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

the_ubernoob_ wrote:

I think that the M95 is the best overall sniper rifle.  Sure other rifles can best it in individual fields (ROF).  Others prefer the L96A1 and the M24 over the M95 simply because they aren't experienced enough with the M95 to get headshots with its cooler crosshairs.

The M95 also has two tricks up its sleave.  The most commonly know trick is the ability to shoot through glass.  I have prevented countless enemies from stealing our teams choppers and planes thanks to the M95's ability to remove them from the pilot seat.  Many players also forget that the driver of the Humvee/Vodnik are not safe from M95 bullets.  I have also developed a strategy that involves using the Humvee or a  Chinese Vodnik that makes use of the windshield as a bulletproof 1-way safety shield (every anti-infantry weapon with the exception of the the M95 cannot hurt you while you shoot back with impunity).

The less know trick of the M95 is its ability to destroy explosive barrels with a single shot.  With the M95, every explosive barrel becomes your personal trap.

The other sniper rifles have their advantages, but the M95 is the rifle that will keep all of you options open.
You are quite wrong, the L96 is the best anti-infantry sniper rifle, no questions asked.  The M95 is useful for when you're going to be watching over an enemy airfield, but that's the only good reason to choose it.  As for shooting the explosive barrels, any experienced player can just shoot 1 round at the barrel, then finish it off with the silenced pistol.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-03-02 10:43:38)

I do like sniping out pilots whan a chopper starts to hover with the M95.
I actually think Zatar>Fushe.
I dont know if the basic assault guns are underappreciated...at least for me because I use them all the time.  I prefer the M16 over the AK-101 too.  If I had the G36E I would use that all the time and become a medic full time.

The new support guns arent over rated because they are TOO good...unbalanced.
The SVD is fun if you are close combatting sniper abusing claymores, other than that I would much rather have any of the bolt action.
set your body ablaze
The AK-101 is my favorite assault rifle but the AK-47 is catching up. I don't see many people using it. I don't really like the M16 though. And pistols are definitely underrated. If you get the hit indicator on the first shot, just keep clicking and they'll be dead by the time the magazine is empty.

SVD/T88 and PP-19 my favs.

Why does everyone bitch about the little chevrons? If you know how to aim, they don't even matter.

And people bash the PP-19 too...while praising the P90. The P90 has 2 advantages, both small.

-5 more rounds per mag (big whoop, if you need that many in a mag to kill someone, you'll be dead already)
-0.1 more accuracy. Wheeeeee.
Zatar wetlands is alright, its just a long way to get to anything, if I could fly worth a crap I'd think better of it.

Songhua Stalemate is a great map.  The geography of the map makes it fun.  Most of the map cycles that are within a realistic ping always play city maps for the most part, so indeed I don't see it often.

All the weapons in the game have their use.  The SVD probably doesn't get enough respect because it has a very different function than the m24.  If the weakness of the SVD damage frustrates anybody try aiming for the head, then you wont notice, otherwise it can perform a lot better at "medium" range, the range just short of an m24 but farther away than the other rifles.


The only reason I don't play my fav maps much is that they aren't on server rotations much.

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