A stranger in the dark

July 2007
OrangeHound Update:
Click on this link and you will see directions at the bottom for EA's official process of reporting cheaters, hacks, etc.

                           http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/ph … aqid=14865


As most of you know recently there is a movie of a potential hack being discussed. I leave it to others to identify the authenticity... But I did followed standard procedures: I reported it.

If you see anything strange or have prove of a hack being used; report it to those that can do something about it: Punkbuster. research@evenbalance.com

Here the last email contact with Punkbuster aka evenbalance:

Me wrote:

To whom it may concern,

Since you are burdened with the task to keep the game Battlefield 2 "cheat-free", I address this mail to you rather than to EA or DICE.

Recently, I came across a movie made ingame on Battlefield 2, using the latest patch (the L96A1 is used), displaying cheats for the game. I can't say that I noticed this ingame before, because some parts of it would be really obvious, but I sincerely hope to keep it that way.

I can only send you the link where the movie is hosted:

http://files.filefront.com/frackwmv/;48 … einfo.html (if this link is not working anymore, I saved a copy and can send it to you at request)
I hope you will look into this and find a way to circumvent such usage of the game.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned customer,


Glenn from evenbalance wrote:


Thanks for taking the time to send us this link.  We will add it to our database if needed.  If you ever find other links or cheats feel free to pass them along to us at research@evenbalance.com

Thanks again!
Research and Support
Even Balance, Inc.


Thanks for the reply,

A very short request. Can you elaborate on what your stance is about sending "possible" cheats, what would be useful/constructive and how you proceed with it.

Yours sincerely,


Oh, and another link: A link to a cheat site that doesn't belong here But you probably know that they exist and try to follow their activities.

Glenn wrote:

If you find a cheat, we do not mind you sending it in, and actually encourage it if it seems to be new or only privately available.  What we would rather have than the actual cheat is the URL where it was found.

What we do NOT condone is the testing of any hack to see if it works or is detected.  Any ban that may be received from this type of "testing" will not be lifted, as we have no way of determining what the motive for
using the hack is.

Hope that helps clarify things for you.

Research and Support
Even Balance, Inc.
So if you encounter something dodgy, send it to them.

PS.: If you encounter stat padders, report them here: www.bf2rankedservers.com You'll need a screen capture from the server, date and time, and a screeny where you can actually see prove of their actions.
+9|7086|Philly PA USA

=Robin-Hood= wrote:

As most of you know recently there is a movie of a potential hack being discussed. I leave it to others to identify the authenticity... But I did followed standard procedures: I reported it.

If you see anything strange or have prove of a hack being used; report it to those that can do something about it: Punkbuster. research@evenbalance.com

Here the last email contact with Punkbuster aka evenbalance:

So if you encounter something dodgy, send it to them.

PS.: If you encounter stat padders, report them here: www.bf2rankedservers.com You'll need a screen capture from the server, date and time, and a screeny where you can actually see prove of their actions.
Thanks for the info mate   
As for the stat padding foot note: We had some stat padders on the server recently, a group of 3 with a tag SmAsH or something like it on the front of their names, jumping off builings at the cement factory on 32man map size karkand (so the quietest place on the map) reviving each other, firing weapons reloading & resupplying each other, taking smaller jumps & getting heal points from each other.

So we watched them in action, they didnt stop to say anything even with two clanmember watching them, so we took screenshots, a fraps video of them in action & sent it to the ranked server people. I expect their accounts will be reset as a result.

Vigilance people, lets get these people busted
A stranger in the dark

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

...a fraps video...
That's prob the best you could have done... Get there asses reset

Pew Pew!
+216|7185|San Francisco

Informative post as always, I'm sure this information is all over the forums but it sure is nice to have it all in one place. +Stickied.
great job as always
Someone who can!
Just to ease any one's fears about being knifed across a map, the alleged cheat video is really just a guy playing single player with a mod. He is always playing the 16 player map size. All he did was adjust a few values like the maximum knife range and change the names of the players in a text file. As you can see, there are no conversations being carried on in the game, there are never that many squads in a real 16 player game and even if they were they sure as hell wouldn't stick together like bots do
want to go heads up?
+11|7071|cairns australia
rather than start a new thread i thought i would post here.it seems a couple of forum members didnt like me ruining their padding party so kick voted me.not a smart thing to do especially when i warned them to stop and that i had ss.have been reported.earn your badges people
try that its my homepage with all pics.weird one putfile is acting up.padders pics.

Last edited by pokerplaya (2006-03-19 03:02:46)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7108|AUS, Canberra

pokerplaya wrote:

rather than start a new thread i thought i would post here.it seems a couple of forum members didnt like me ruining their padding party so kick voted me.not a smart thing to do especially when i warned them to stop and that i had ss.have been reported.earn your badges people.click to enlarge.
those links dont work, try image shack and post them over at bf2 ranked servers forum.
want to go heads up?
+11|7071|cairns australia

the_heart_attack wrote:

pokerplaya wrote:

rather than start a new thread i thought i would post here.it seems a couple of forum members didnt like me ruining their padding party so kick voted me.not a smart thing to do especially when i warned them to stop and that i had ss.have been reported.earn your badges people.click to enlarge.
those links dont work, try image shack and post them over at bf2 ranked servers forum.
sorry,links work fine at this end.have been reported at bf2sr.try links again.

Last edited by pokerplaya (2006-03-13 22:20:12)

they just take me to the putfile main page. i'll try from a different computer later
Already been proven as a HOAX someone I think on here went through and found out that all the names of the players were top guys.

Artillery catcher
+5|7176|Munich, Germany
yesterday i encountered my 2nd obvious cheater in BF2.
he had the uniform of my team but had a red name, no not the glitch since ff was turned off and he could kill me but i couldnt kill him. of course he killed a lot since he was invincible and ppl didnt mind him at first since he looked like a friendly. his aiming was good but not out of control but i think its enough cheat when he shows up as a friendly and is invincible. maybe it only works on ff turned off servers.
better to avoid someone like that since theres no way of killing him, only vk works.
No place like
+76|7033|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
I think punkbuster should just buy all the hacks they can find, i mean they're not expensive and these companies make millions of millions of dollars and could easily make the game almost ahck free if they spent max $1000 on buying hacks then fixing up pb
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7108|AUS, Canberra

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

I think punkbuster should just buy all the hacks they can find, i mean they're not expensive and these companies make millions of millions of dollars and could easily make the game almost ahck free if they spent max $1000 on buying hacks then fixing up pb
the hacks are not downloaded, you download a program and then it streams the hack to your comp when you play.

that way it cant be stolen and detected by punkbuster.
No place like
+76|7033|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
has the greatest stats on earth
xD there was a nice haxx0r yesterday he was killing other helis and tanks all the time with tv rocket out of his own heli but he was pilot at the same time very funny^^ not so funny that he was also indestructible -.-
+8|7035|Mission Viejo, CA
My friend has recently been absent from bf2 for several weeks. When I asked him why I have not seen him in game he said he had a sound card problem. I prodded him to elaborate and he said when he was playing he was hearing the sounds of people, guns and vehicles from all over the map, not just his proximity. I thought how could this be a sound card problem? A sound card only processes what bf2 gives it. Bf2 should not be giving the card sounds from all over the map. Clearly this is a problem only with bf2. Then it dawned on me. Is this some bug from a hack program? Can anyone elaborate on this?
R Dub
I was on the EGW clan ranked server the other night, and I witnessed members CommunistKazimir and EGW_Clan_2006 using some kind of wall hack; they were "in the ground on the round" that runs adjacent to the square on the eastern side of the flag, and they were, for lack of a better term, "in the ground." They would show up on UAVs but we couldn't ever see or find them, and I kept getting killed. I switched teams, went over to inspect, was immediately tk'd, and myself and my four clan-mates were all kicked. I hit the Screen Shot button, but no screen shot available in my folder, oh well.

Ir0n-M@n wrote:

xD there was a nice haxx0r yesterday he was killing other helis and tanks all the time with tv rocket out of his own heli but he was pilot at the same time very funny^^ not so funny that he was also indestructible -.-
Lol, i get the feeling that you are just kidding.

These posts about hackers almost always turn into noob bitch fests about the people that are legitimately better than them.

If someone is behind a wall, or aiming instantaneously yet really erratically, or padding, report them. Most of the time the person owning everyone on a server is just good at the strategy they are using.
No place like
+76|7033|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia

PheloniusRM wrote:

My friend has recently been absent from bf2 for several weeks. When I asked him why I have not seen him in game he said he had a sound card problem. I prodded him to elaborate and he said when he was playing he was hearing the sounds of people, guns and vehicles from all over the map, not just his proximity. I thought how could this be a sound card problem? A sound card only processes what bf2 gives it. Bf2 should not be giving the card sounds from all over the map. Clearly this is a problem only with bf2. Then it dawned on me. Is this some bug from a hack program? Can anyone elaborate on this?
it sbecause he doesnt have the right sound drivers, this is what happened to me, i was playing zatar, i spawned at mec uncap and could hear the f35 taking off
Tank Troll
+71|7027|London, UK
check these screenies out one leet hacker made em and was selling em on a server the person has been reported already thankfully, here somes screenies he gave when some1 added him

Well...i did hate heakers and cheaters...
did feel they killed the game...



Last edited by zomaardan (2006-05-24 02:00:56)

Strange nothing prevents the possibility of cheats

Last edited by Clockwork-Ownage (2006-05-30 05:18:42)

I was in an (LNC) server and the guy "aarzy" hacks on his clan server. I shot him with my DAO-12, all shots hitting, used 6 pistol clips, and knifed him 2 times. Then he knifed me after all that. Hacking loser.

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