Was playing as engineer the other day on wake, running like a madman fixing the Chineese arty when one of my team mates who is set up on the hill near by shoots me. "Maybe poor target recognition " I think and quickly forgive. 5 mins later same scenario same guy shoots me again. Again I forgive. 2 mins later still fixing the freshly bombed arty same guy shoots me a third time. Now it is time for punish.
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- Top 5 Bullshit Punishes

Iron Gator,
playing as USMC, defending the only flag left (middle one below tower), me and 2 guys left only, i knew by uav that 2 squads were going to get through one door, i needed time for more teammates to spawn, so i ran and set 2 claymores near the entry, i went back and hide, suddenly, my 2 idiots teammates feeling rambo went directly to the door, they blow themselves, and suddenly i received a rain of smoke, flashes and bullets......ah, of course, i got punished !!!!
playing as USMC, defending the only flag left (middle one below tower), me and 2 guys left only, i knew by uav that 2 squads were going to get through one door, i needed time for more teammates to spawn, so i ran and set 2 claymores near the entry, i went back and hide, suddenly, my 2 idiots teammates feeling rambo went directly to the door, they blow themselves, and suddenly i received a rain of smoke, flashes and bullets......ah, of course, i got punished !!!!
I'm like 100 feet from a tank in Karky - I shoot an AT round - somebody runs about 10 feet in front of me, sprinting left to right - the AT round hits him in the head. Impossible shot if I meant to do it...
That happened me once, funny as hell. but it takes like 6+ guys runing in a tight space^*AlphA*^ wrote:
i've been killed todat because my team was rushing into an ally, and i stood still i was like WTF!. killed by a running teammember well lots of running teammembers.
I always punish
It is ALWAYS your fault.
You are no exception.
Give me one good situation.
Im not the kind of idiot who stands behind APCs doing nothing. But I do repair them, hey dipshit, if someone is fucking repairing you look the fuck around.
It is ALWAYS your fault.
You are no exception.
Give me one good situation.
Im not the kind of idiot who stands behind APCs doing nothing. But I do repair them, hey dipshit, if someone is fucking repairing you look the fuck around.
Just the attitude we don't need. Thank you for being our Devils' Advocate though.TheEvilCubivore wrote:
It is ALWAYS your fault.
You are no exception.
to stay with the BS punish topic
and in no order:
- driving a vehicle and having someone run in front of you and dieing
- planting at mines, and having allies drive on top of them, and getting out of there vehicles
- blowing up enemy vehicles and hitting allies in the process
- tossing a nade ahead to cover a raise, raising someone, and having them promptly run into your nade
- just trying to stay in the air for 10min to get a basic badge, only to tk 18 ppl taking off
wasnt the point of punish tk to prevent ppl from intentionaly tking? rather then accidently tking?
i mean, an accidental tk is -4, thats punishment enough for being "stupid", another -2 and possibly getting kicked from server seems like overkill (heck, your on the same team!)
ppl use the punish tk funtion as though they are... "self centered" (i chose not to use my country in place of self centered) - as though the world revolves around them... i have almost always just hit the forgive tk button because -4 is bad enough, and 99% of the time it wasnt intentional (which, was the purpose of it.... right?)
most ppl think along the fact that they have a god given right to do whatever they please, and everyone else around them "should have known better"
these ppl make me not want to do my job (as engineer) and just let tanks roam free =/
it pisses me off
as far as i do punish tk: i just return the favor to pricks that do it to me... as far as i know i have never punish tked anyone that didnt first do it to me for no reason whatsoever
edit: my first post, i hope it fits
and in no order:
- driving a vehicle and having someone run in front of you and dieing
- planting at mines, and having allies drive on top of them, and getting out of there vehicles
- blowing up enemy vehicles and hitting allies in the process
- tossing a nade ahead to cover a raise, raising someone, and having them promptly run into your nade
- just trying to stay in the air for 10min to get a basic badge, only to tk 18 ppl taking off
wasnt the point of punish tk to prevent ppl from intentionaly tking? rather then accidently tking?
i mean, an accidental tk is -4, thats punishment enough for being "stupid", another -2 and possibly getting kicked from server seems like overkill (heck, your on the same team!)
ppl use the punish tk funtion as though they are... "self centered" (i chose not to use my country in place of self centered) - as though the world revolves around them... i have almost always just hit the forgive tk button because -4 is bad enough, and 99% of the time it wasnt intentional (which, was the purpose of it.... right?)
most ppl think along the fact that they have a god given right to do whatever they please, and everyone else around them "should have known better"
these ppl make me not want to do my job (as engineer) and just let tanks roam free =/
it pisses me off
as far as i do punish tk: i just return the favor to pricks that do it to me... as far as i know i have never punish tked anyone that didnt first do it to me for no reason whatsoever
edit: my first post, i hope it fits
Last edited by Bluenu (2006-08-19 11:45:51)
ROLFLMFAO I think thats the best one I've ever heard....when people do stupid punishes like that, I kick vote them. If you play with people you know, who know that you don't intentionally TK AND don't kick vote for no good reason, then they will usually back you up and you can get the retarded punisher kicked.SlickWRX wrote:
5. I'm flying the Hind and have like 2 red bars of health left. Co-pilot jumps out and then the chopper explodes. Then it says I killed him with the Hind.
I dislike playing in servers where punishing and kick votes are turned off....most people are cool, but you get the odd jackass who runs around TKing everyone in sight cause he/she knows they can't be punished or kicked unless there are admins around.
It all comes down to respect....like many people have already said, don't punish unless it is deliberate or EXTREMELY stupid....and don't kick vote unless someone is being a real jackass....and if someone is trying to kick vote a jackass, vote yes.
I was playing as commander once, and some dude kept tking me on purpose. He would look at me then empty his magazine into my head. Obviously I punished because he did it on purpose. I tried to get a hold of an admin, but none was around. Luckily he got kicked after 3 times, but it sucked cause I couldn't do anything but wait to respawn again. Those kinds of people just suck and need to be kicked out of the game permanently.
I got one guy banned from a server for something similar. He tk'd the commander, then blew up his own team's assets. As I was on that team I was repairing them. I got sick of following him around repairing stuff. I let him blow me up a couple of time and punished him. After I punished him for the 3rd time he tk'd me he got banned. He wanted a Vodnick to glitch his way into the hotel. When the commander wouldn't give him one, he started his little rampage.KeeblerEOD wrote:
I was playing as commander once, and some dude kept tking me on purpose. He would look at me then empty his magazine into my head. Obviously I punished because he did it on purpose. I tried to get a hold of an admin, but none was around. Luckily he got kicked after 3 times, but it sucked cause I couldn't do anything but wait to respawn again. Those kinds of people just suck and need to be kicked out of the game permanently.
I normally don't punish people for tk's unless there is no one around but me and the person who tk'd me. Then I know it was deliberate. But the above asshole deserved it because he was deliberately trying to cheat. The guys on both sides of the map were quite pleased when they saw him being banned. He had been doing this for 2 days that I know of.
This happened to me just about 30 minutes ago. I'm the number one player in the server and there are only about 50 tickets left for the opposing team. We are getting raped by their LAV's, so I run back to get in our tank for the last few minutes of the round. Almost the very instant I get the tank to it's full speed, a heavily damaged friendly Vodnik comes from no where at full speed, hits my tank, and blows up, killing 3 team mates. I get punished by every one of them, dropping me down to 4th place. I asked why I was punished. Only one of them answered. "Because you're a homo." I wish EA would just take out the punish system. 90% of the time, people get punished just because of stupid stuff like this.
Hahahahahahaaahah! What a tool.R00tB wrote:
"Because you're a homo."
Same BS that I go through...
Sad isn't it that there are morons out there that punish for the joy of it? Because of this widespread crap...I now punish anyone for anything for tk'ingme!
Sad isn't it that there are morons out there that punish for the joy of it? Because of this widespread crap...I now punish anyone for anything for tk'ingme!
I'm with you. I just don't have the heart to take points off someone who accidentally did something wrong, or it was my fault. Common sense prevails. If I run out of an alley into the path of a jeep, I *should* be dead. In real life I'd look before running out onto a road, and this is a sim about life and death essentially. If I wanna stay alive in game (as I do in real life) I have to take the necessary steps.tino275 wrote:
I ONLY punish when I am 100% sure that it was intentional. Shit happens. get used to it. When ever someone Punishes me the first thing that comes to mind is some 12 Y/o kid with his toung sticking out that is now punching his computer and yelling at his Mommy cuz he ran in shooting after I through a granade. I'll admit sometimes I have diserved it. For some reason the names don't alwase pop up on my screen as red or green or blue. and I'll go into a flage w/ guns blazing and I'll TK a couple of guys before I realize thier on my side. Yes that is my dumb fault and i diserve it especially if i prevent the flag capture or them getting thir points. But Almost ALL other times. I it is an accident. and you shouldn't punish for that.
I got kicked from a server yday.
Hot fight at Wake, toward end of round, we pull it together as USA to take North V and North Base. I am first to the humvee there, I sit and wait for it to fill it. As I pull ahead, a sniper runs to the car but bounces off the hood. I get punished. I stop and type "WE'RE FULL SRY"
Guys in the car are spamming "go go let's move"
I turn it around, another sniper comes running up...can't get in because it's still full. He jumps, bounces off the side of us....dead...punish.
I get out and shoot the dead body.
"FULL!!!!!! SRY"
Next round starts, I spawn arty island. As I drive boat around to Beach, a squaddie spawns on me. As we pull in to the Beach, he bails out, but boat not totally stopped yet...dead...screen freezes...excessive teamkilling.
Three quick TK-punishes and I'm out. Arghh. I had been having fun in that server too!
Hot fight at Wake, toward end of round, we pull it together as USA to take North V and North Base. I am first to the humvee there, I sit and wait for it to fill it. As I pull ahead, a sniper runs to the car but bounces off the hood. I get punished. I stop and type "WE'RE FULL SRY"
Guys in the car are spamming "go go let's move"
I turn it around, another sniper comes running up...can't get in because it's still full. He jumps, bounces off the side of us....dead...punish.
I get out and shoot the dead body.
"FULL!!!!!! SRY"
Next round starts, I spawn arty island. As I drive boat around to Beach, a squaddie spawns on me. As we pull in to the Beach, he bails out, but boat not totally stopped yet...dead...screen freezes...excessive teamkilling.
Three quick TK-punishes and I'm out. Arghh. I had been having fun in that server too!
It'd be nice to just pummel them like the beats of the song of children of bodom- living dead beat. You gotta hear it on a high output/wattage system in order to feel/hear the beats. You won't regret it.
i dont want to talk about it. (i am very emotional) LOL
Playing on Karkand ( I know ) I was mec and defending the hotel,
suddenly this LAV comes out of no where and I got killed, then it kills somebody else and It said that I killed the guy with the LAV but wtf ! I was dead...
I got kicked...
I still don't understand what happened
Playing on Karkand ( I know ) I was mec and defending the hotel,
suddenly this LAV comes out of no where and I got killed, then it kills somebody else and It said that I killed the guy with the LAV but wtf ! I was dead...
I got kicked...
I still don't understand what happened
Did you shoot at it? It might have been heavily damaged and if your the last person to do damage to it before it blows up, you get credit for the kill. You certainly shouldn't have been kicked for the teamkill. The person who was next to the LAV when it blew up, can only blame their stupidity for being that close to it when it blew up.CaptainMack wrote:
Playing on Karkand ( I know ) I was mec and defending the hotel,
suddenly this LAV comes out of no where and I got killed, then it kills somebody else and It said that I killed the guy with the LAV but wtf ! I was dead...
I got kicked...
I still don't understand what happened
This is the 12 year old mentality that pisses all mature bf2 gamers off.Think ya gods gift to the damn game, go fuck yourself tosspot.TheEvilCubivore wrote:
I always punish
It is ALWAYS your fault.
You are no exception.
Give me one good situation.
Im not the kind of idiot who stands behind APCs doing nothing. But I do repair them, hey dipshit, if someone is fucking repairing you look the fuck around.
I played engy alot. I learned to NEVER stand behind vehicles while repairing them.... Stand beside them and suck it up jackass.... If you get shot while repairing then tough shit.... You chose to be a repairman!!!!!
I ussaly am squad leader, that has happend more times then I can count, however people know it's bs and 99% of the time do not punish.Kobrakai wrote:
I hate it when im squad leader and im prone shooting at some enemies when one of my squad spawns on me also prone and right in front of me.
Ive also team killed by falling on a team mate before in a parachute...
Kobrakass, your just a sore looser.
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- Top 5 Bullshit Punishes