Din't jump on the mine Dave - It's designed to explode
You must be too heavy dude...

McPwned wrote:

I personally liked when ranks were few and far between.

a) It gives you a greater feeling of accomplishment when ranking up.
b) It's easier to tell who the better players are.
c) Getting unlocks faster is nice, but now anyone can grab a DAO-12... I felt special using that gun.
Yeah i loved running around with my DAO - 12.. everyone has it now

But you will still get the same feeling of accomplishment when you achieve a really high rank (60k + points)... so yeah, not much changes on that front.

Oh and pish180, totally agree with you on yer last point... 50k to 200k is a tad severe.  would be nice to be broken up a little.

Last edited by Locarno (2005-10-05 04:47:32)

I really dont see my self playing online again... as for lan maybe.

I cannot evne find 10 servers under 100 ping in the POS "in-game" server browser.  My 3rd parth server browser finds around 20-40 ranked servers under 100 ping FOR EVERY MAP!!!  Not only that but i cannot join buddies thu xfire.

yeah... fun... lag, thats fun.  Everyone in the game having unlocked weapons... thats fun.  Everyone being a Sgt something... thats fun.   REALLY badly balanced vehicles/weapons.... thats fun.

It was playalbe before the patch...
1. bc i could use differ server browsers...
2. I acutally had things to look foward to unlocking
3. Felt good to unlock something bc you put the effort and time for it.  Now you can get every badge in 1/2 the time i spent getting 1 of them.
4. Join friends thu xfire.
5. Had a Rank I was close to making, Gunnery Sgt.
6. Felt special with my unlocked weapons.

Thing i did like about the patch...
1. Graphics were improved!! Much smoother game play
2. Clan tag
3. Wake Island - just the fact there is another map.
4. HUD display
5. New sounds
6. and many bug fixes

I was LMAO when i was drivng an FAV in wake island... i suddently blew up the whole vehicle (no warning lights, no damage sound... just BOOM... dead) ... looked up, and... GP-25.... LOL... OK...

Last edited by pish180 (2005-10-05 05:25:47)

ok i worked this out.  If you want all the bagdes(expert), ribbons and medals it will take about 1275hours of game play minimum, which means if you were to play none stop 24/7 until you got all them all you would need to play for 1 month and 24 days.  If you ask me thats quite a lot of time so everybody that moans they have nothing to aim are just a bit greedy (if you think about it, most offline games give you 100-200hours of gameplay and thats playing the game through 4-5 times and they dont have the added bonus of mutliplayers).  To me the ranks and badges are good and its nice to have something to aim for but nothing beats joining a server with your friends and just having fun playing.

Last edited by Britishbeef (2005-10-05 05:27:41)

The English Redneck
+10|7071|Plymouth, England
Wow, this is amazing - there's more bad feeling here than in the CS community (and that supposedly destroyed the game).

As far as I can tell from this thread, it's all me me me; n00b this, n00b that. ("My stats are worthless, n00bs can get big guns"). 

FFS, this game isn't about YOUR stats, it's about playing the bloody game - and playing as a team.  As far as I can tell that hasn't changed - if anything, with the new vehicle capping rules, it's even more so.  Players now have to get out of the vehicle and genuinely cover their squad members.  I found this to be really satisfying.

This bad feeling between the supposedly elite players (or Karkand "specialists", shall we call them? ) and the so called n00bs (anyone that p's off the Kark-heads) will kill the community.

Can't we all just kiss and squad up?

pinky_81 wrote:

Din't jump on the mine Dave - It's designed to explode
You must be too heavy dude...
Damn, you beat me to it
Note that the higher rankes requires badges now, not just score. According to UBAR, that is.

An improvment IMO, though there should be more requirements on the lower levels as well. Not harder, just more varied.
"FFS, this game isn't about YOUR stats"... blah blah, ffs the entire world including red china commends your mental masturbation, well done.

With the release of the 1.03 patch the lollies have again been scattered on the ground, and we as BF2 kids have scrambled on this opportunity. I'm confused however. In a conversation record containing EA's stated objectives they have said that the criteria for obtaining ranks and medals was based off of consistent real-life data that depicted the lows, averages and extremes that players have undertaken whilst playing the game. And in a matter of months after "observing communities and reading forums" where completely ambiguous, unrelated and malicious comments and arguments take place, their logic has become unbalanced. Their previous data, factual and reliable, has somehow become meaningless. The majority of the BF2 community has suffered short term due to this, and EA has once again pissed on its own credibility. It gets less fun every time.

EA make up your bloody mind.
Lazarus Tag'lim
Have Wrench, Will Travel
+1|7047|Alabama Coast, USA
The higher ranks required those badges *before* the patch.  Though, Master Gunnery Sergeant and Sergeant Major are the same pay grade (and in the game, take the same points).

So....   if rank means nothing now, why aren't you a 2LT yet?  Why don't we know what the requirements for 1LT or CPT yet?  MAJ? LTC?  If 2nd Lieutenant takes 200k points, how difficult is it going to be to get Colonel???

And to defend those guys somewhat...  City maps are a bit more fun for me as well...  faster pace (which for me, means I rarely survive more than 120 seconds at a go).  Though... I tried Kark once on a 64-player server and that was a bit much, lol.
You Guys Need To Play On It More Than One Dam Day.
+7|7103|California, USA
Who cares about medals, rank, and unlocks.  What matters is having fun and dying by my spec-ops kit.
ok looks like when i waited about a hour, got back on, shot 3 guys and got up 3 rankings. you have to just be cool and wait for it to update. over all i think its a nice patch, but there still are issues with the game. i some out tked my team mate when i was flying the copper and like a other chopper ran into me. i killed 2 the people in the other chopper. tked my gunner...and i was "no more." wtf, o well maybe we will have to wait a other 2-4 months for a patch to fix that. wake island is a sweet map too.
well i like the patch and had no problem with it maybe you guys got a bad patch or something. i did have the same server finder problem. if you have the battle recorder on it will not show you any servers,,,so uncheck it and restart the game and it should work and the same mod unchecked too. oh yeah the ranks system is fuck up. after i spent all this time on bf2 to get staff sergeant. and now everyone has a high rank, wtf.  EA should of lower the medals ,but not the ranks that was just bullshit i think. well good luck everyone. i'm getting the bf2 on xbox when it comes out. i done got my xbox360 perorded.cant wait.


Last edited by [SiN]-Viper(420) (2005-10-05 12:17:15)

Now, I'm what most of you would call a new player haveing had the game about a month only and I haven't played with the new patch yet, but it doesn't sound all bad.  Yes giving away ranks and guns is going to cheapen the experience for most hard core gamers, but those of us that can only log about 8 hours a week at max before the wife starts to complain and the boss starts calling asking where you are, we can't get high ranks under the old system.  It was showing at my current rate I would get my next weapon unlock in like 6 months, come on but that's way to long.
Besides, I've read unsubstantiated rumors that the new expansion for BF2 is going to have some new weapon unlocks in it to, maybe even new ranks (There are officers in the military and they do go in the field so it's possible).  Now, I may be totaly off in it but maybe that's EA's plan to incorporate the 2, those players with massive points will end up becoming officers, and the rest of us still get some nice guns and a few more choices than the M16.
What I'm really saying, wait and see.  EA may be a big corporation that cares little for their customers but they're not all stupid.  If they changed everything it's probably because they got a lot of complaints about it.  If you don't like it, ranting here will do little, rant to EA.  They have customer service contancts, and they'll listen when the masses start to say the same thing.  Enough people asking for things will probably get what they want because the bottom line for EA is money.  They make you happy, you buy more, you're not happy you buy less.  Use it to your advantage.
The English Redneck
+10|7071|Plymouth, England
I like my awards and the ranks, don't get me wrong, and I do agree that they've been devalued - I got my vet AT and 3 ranks last night (not that AT is showing in BFHQ) and it didn't feel quite right - perhaps they shouldn't have lowered the requirements so much.  It's just that they don't mean as much to me as my k:d ratio, spm, or other stats.  When I started playing, they were piss poor and they're slowly improving - that tells me I'm progressing and that's what draws me back.  The awards and ranks are just blingtastic bonuses.  For example, I'm never going to get my commander badge as I just don't like playing as it (I've tried it on non-ranked and it's just not for me), so there are some things I'm not going to achieve.  However, I can always tell if I'm getting better through my score and other stats.

Squad play with your mates is also still cool fun.  It is the best game for being able to shout at your mates rather than having to type something in.  Shouting at your mates in a full, locked squad (so you don't bug other people) will never get tiresome - you could take all the stats out, and I'd come back for that every time. . I also think the jumping out of vehicles will turn out to be a good idea, like I said earlier, but we shall see about that.

I do agree with your comments about EA though - perhaps they should try listening to the people who play the games for once, and it remains to be seen if the fact that most people will have powerful unlocks will alter the gameplay (haven't played it since last night).  However, I am still going to play it, and have a laugh doing so.

My cynicism over Karkand times remains though...
One sad thing about getting 3 new unlocks in one evening is that the "journey" to the unlock is half the fun. Getting close, reading forums about the unlocks and so on. I wish I had like 400 points or something, the patch changes would be great then, I would have been very close to the next unlock and the rest would come much quicker.

Lazarus Tag'lim wrote:

The higher ranks required those badges *before* the patch.  Though, Master Gunnery Sergeant and Sergeant Major are the same pay grade (and in the game, take the same points).
Oh? Thx for correcting me.
+7|7103|California, USA
You guys crack me up about these unlocks, awards, and rank.  EA/Dice should have added a descent ranking system based on skill....I am still dissapointed.

***C4's you while you get distracted by your in game promotion***

Ragamuffin wrote:

Croak wrote:

...  But they still want to feel like they're accomplishing something. ...

It is totally nonsense becoming a Sergeant in just a few hours of playing. Nobody feel like a "hero" when he get promotet as a gift. But u feel good, when u have to play 5/10/25/50 hours for the next promotion.

Nobody feel like a Veteran just after 15 Hours being a SpecOps!!!!!!!! That is f***ing bullshit (sorry for that). A Veteran Badget shouldnt be something that u earn after 15 hours playtime. Event though u paid for the game.

When u are a somebody playing the game just 10 Hours a Month, u CANNOT anticipate to get a high Rank for free, or getting a Veteran Badget. Come on. In addition when u just play 10 hours a month i think u wont play that game in 6 month anymore.

I dont care about the unlocks. Maybe EA should split the Rank from the unlocks.
Keep the points like they are for unlocks, and bring back the old System for Ranks, Medals, and Badges.

Take the system serious(like i do). If not, dont condemn people who do.

Um...I don't feel good when I have to play 50 hours.  They made it more like an online rpg sort of because now it doesnt take 200 hours just to get a third unlock.  In mmorpgs the high lvls are hard to obtain but still obtainable.  Think about the guy that goes to work every day not just the spoiled little nerd who has all day to play.  If they made the game just for the hardcore gamers your casual gamers are gonna be playing something else like (god forbid) Counter-Strike.
The Mushroom Man
Hey everyone notice how the commander cant be punished for TK's from arty? well the commander also doesnt get a Kill score from arty either! so no more being a class to meet kills in a round for badges
and no more super ubar k/d ratios for commanders
and no more super ubar kill streaks for commanders
i think its funny that there already 105 "rants" about the new patch anyway, i havent had much time to play under the new patch so i dont have anything to rant about...its been a positive experience for me, but time will be the true test of course.
I know BF2 is a game, but I feel the ranks should correspond accordingly to how real life works. You have to work your butt off to get a promotion in the marine corps and that's what i was doing before the 1.03 patch. I see this scenario as giving uber status to any noob who walks into bf2. As the nerds see it, it's like promoting those little kids in the starwars movie to jedi master after they had their first taste of breast milk. I don't see any benefit in handicapping the game for those that don't dedicate time to achieve a promotion, even though these are fake and abstract promotions. However, even though on a detailed level, there is a large distinction between ranks-- 20,000 points, but I feel the distinction isn't realized when looking at the stripes, they're so similar! Basically you earn one stripe more between seargent levels. I think that's what makes it so bad. If i look at myself, Seargent, and some private first class, i see how far i have gotten and how far i am into the game. Now everyone is so close to my rank, I feel like I have wasted the past 2 months of my life playing a game so viciously when i could have just played 20 minutes and gotten the same thing.

the weapon unlocking thing is the worst of all. it's not the noobs using it, if they're good with it, go for it, but it was such a priviledge to have, it was like the holy grail, and now it is sh*t.
hi evb and sorry for bad english.

the reqiurements for the rankings before the patch were to high, now they are way to low. but i can live with that i think. but what  pissed me off from day 1 and still hasnt changed: why in gods name am i not allowed to change some of the controls the way i like to? try to change the mouseaxis to something else ( in this case "turn"). ahhh... and my joystick stoped working since the patch, even after reconfiguring a couple of times.
the in-gamebrowser still sucks and the new soldier artwork is not betther than the old one. artwork? wtf? they wasted time and money  and our downloading patience  ( althoug just a few much ) for some goddamn artwork nobody wants to see? why ffs  they didnt add a few tracks while the game is loading? or better , did some work on the friend or foe markings for the planes? frienlys or empty vehicles are still shown as enemys sometimes while in a plane.
OK, REALLY pissed off now.  Theres something FAR, FAR wrong with the patch.. And i have no idea what it is.

It's something to do with the fact that i had very few TKs on my clock.  Ever since the patch release, i've had twice the number of TKs than in my entire BF2 career put together! I don't know whats changed, but i've TKed so much, it's unbelievable.

Also, before 1.03, i had NEVER met some of the "oh he's gonna get my jet i'll shoot him" types or the "he got my jet, i'll stand infront of it".  Now i see these types almost every round, and i'm GETTING tked by n00bs, so much more than i'm  used to.

Co-incidence? Me thinks not.
My 2cents....

I am working on my 3rd account in BF2.  The first was an abandoned clan at Lance Corporal, the 2nd was started as a joke/flame name at the head of the abandoned clan (used serverspy to see where he was playing, then would join his squad to piss him off) which was almost 1/2 way to Corporal.  When I finally found out that I wouldn't be able to remove old clan tags, I started yet a 3rd account., which is now 30% to Corporal.  I feel that I have put in alot of time (at least for a married professional with 3 jobs, kids, and pets) into this game since getting it this summer, and have enjoyed the medals, ribbons, and especially unlocks.  I picked a different unlock each time I made Lance Corporal, and have been daydreaming about what I would want for my 2nd unlock when I eventually made corporal (I'm at 3700 points now).  Did the patch overnight and logged in at lunch today.  Got on a server.  Saw flag names on the minimap (YAHOO).  Shot one guy and got promoted.  Shot another guy and got promoted again...  I guess when I get on tonight I will be able to choose my unlocks.

It was really wierd to hit tab and see half of the people as seargents and half as privates (I'm used to seeing only one or 2 seargants per map)  Can an army be made up entirely of seargents???  I'm happy for my unlocks, but feel as if EA watered it down too much.  Before it seemed too hard to progress, now it's ridiculously easy.  (Should have been Corporal at 5,000, Sgt at 10,500 and so on) 

Unlike the people who are professional gamers, I plan to continue enjoying BF2.  I feel that, even with the emphasis on 'squadding up' most people continue to play as 'lone wolves' in squads (I know that I do).  I have joined another clan and am looking foreward to learning more teamwork tactics.  I guess I'll have more input after I've used the patch for a while.
+31|7090|St. Louis, MO
I guess EA wanted to shorten the replay value so we will by other games.I got 3 unlocks in one round.
I didn't want them that easily,their just giving badges out like candy now.I liked having something to look forward to but now it's pretty much meaningless.Whats the point of the stock weapons when the unlocks are so easy to get?
EA really pissed on the ranking system that made the game so unique it'a damn shame.

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