Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6959|Cardiff - Wales - UK
+1 You have received point for assisting admin.
Well said!! Everone should read. Being and admin is not about a power trip it actually involves a lot of work to be done right.
CC you in October
+131|6932|Medford, WI
nice post +1
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6962|Land of =KBK=
Good admin...  few and far between.  Keep up the good work. +1 for you.
I have to agree totally. I am going to link this to our website. I feel it's important for the public to understand how difficult it can be to admin a server, especially when a bunch of tards come in ...amen brother
+6|6999|Marietta, GA (near Atlanta)
very nice post...
wish I could just send it to all the asshats on the server i'm admining.
Great post I'm an admin and it's annoying xfire going every 5 Min's with members asking for room whilst on server 2 kids are having a pop at each other about who's tank it is +1
I was booted once because I hopped into the gunner's seat of an AH-1Z and wouldn't get out for the pilot's buddy. Reason stated: "Kicking LITTL3_D3VIL for: BEING A RETARD."

I got so mad, but then I wtf am I to do.

Then I realized that a computer game was needlessly pissing me off so I had lunch.
I hear that, too many times me and my clan-mates have been kicked from a server when we've done nothing wrong.  Our scores get too high and poof, we're gone.  This has happened 3-4 times to me that i can distinctly remember.  I guess some people don't like getting rolled on their own server.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I am an admin on 3 BF2 ranked servers and I don't have a problem with really anything. When people are retards I say some bullshit in regular chat. But rarely kick let alone ban. I believe everyone deserves a chance, whether blantantly tking or not, but when they tk more than once...bye..bye..then the game begins to not be fun for the other people, we want a server that is fun to play for everyone. But having other admins it's also hard to control them also, as in our community we have "ADMIN CODE OF CONDUCTS". My main thing is respect others. One of my pet peeves is being an inconsistant commander, but I rarely do anything about it, only the people that hop into that commander seat and dont' see UAV for 20 mins. I like being the "silent admin". On our Wake server you will always have asshats to its relevant to monitor the game outside, and I agree sometimes we click on the wrong name as it's happened to me once, but Never, Ever, Ever have we kicked for High Points, thats retarded and I think every admin should be looked over fully if they ever do that, don't be like the dA clan and kick for them not getting the plane before you.

I have strict rules in our community to follow and if they don't follow them they are reviewed, we haven't had one person say that it was poorly admined, even tho we can't watch it 24/7. And if an admin is acting retarded they will be reviewed and talked to. My other pet-peeve is the "god-like" admin.

Have a nice day.

Last edited by imdead (2006-06-22 05:42:39)

Thanks for that Tony. It isn't hard to see after playing BF2 for only 3 months that most of the players are not prepared to take responsibility themselves for policing the activities of their own team. If a guy on the other team does something wrong then there's not much you can do about it except kill him again and again. However if the offending player is on the same team as the player then he and his (or her) teammates should take a bit of responsibility for discussing the activities involved between them (often needs bit of squad swapping to ensure the interested party doesn't know he is being considered for a kick vote) and taking action to remove the offending player by kicking him or her and taking down more specific details if necessary. If the player is on the opposing team, but playing in your team's interest it is even more important that it is policed by your own team members. I have to say I have had a greater number of games recently that have involved some form of cheating or collusion between players (especially on the Armoured Fury games as the helicopters are a vital weapon that is far too often simply taken by one of my team's players who is not genuinely playing so that he can fly it down to the other end of the map and pass it on to his or her mates. No point penalty, so no foul as far as they are concerned. Perhaps a point deficit could be introduced for destruction or abandonment of a vehicle to the other team (not sure how this would work). Anyway, didn't write to winge. Actually wanted to say that the few times that a player in the same game as myself have felt they needed to contact ADMIN then it has been right on the ball. Often the mere mention of ADMIN is enough to bring about a rapid disconnection on the part of those not doing the right thing by ALL the players. I also found that when I actually went to Internode .com and read the RULES there were a few things that I hadn't previously been aware of and had been committing minor discretions simply because that was how all the other users were playing. I think that the majority of players are fine but the minority that simply wants to get points at all costs tends to create a bit of disruption. NO ONE is a good enough pilot to TK someone for a vehicle. Once the Armoured Fury buzz has abated a bit perhaps the box that pops up upon login could direct players to the rules page on Internode instead. More people might read the rules and abide by them if they were made a bit easier to read without too much effort. Just wanted to say I am glad that there is someone available when the 'Rules' get beyond a joke. The majority of players do not actively respond to voting, making it hard to confirm a kick vote. When the majority of players are doing the right thing and only 2 or 3 out of 60 players are actively engaged in collusion or points-farming then it can be difficult to convince those that may not have seen any evidence of wrongdoing that there has in fact been a breach of the rules. Most people vote NO by reflex. Either by opting out of voting or simply to clear the large amount of text raised when a kicked vote is initiated. I have found on a couple of occassions that the losing team will swap a couple of players who will 'spam' the winning commander with requests and messages and mutiny votes to divert his or her attention. Seems there are all types out there and it is up to the players to get along with each other according to the published rules. It's nice to know that there is a course of action to contact the ADMIN staff should the situation get beyond a joke, but it would be nicer still if there wasn't a need for a sherriff with a big stick and the players would show a bit of respect for each other. Had a real good game the other night. Not a full map, but everyone played by the book and we were able to play for a number of rounds without some of the annoying tactics used by some players to ensure points. Not the most points I've had in a night, but certainly the most fun. Thanks again for being available. It's a pretty thankless job, but if you weren't keen on BF2 you probably wouldn't be doing it either.
Ta, Kaptyn.
+30|6976|The Dark Side Of The Moon
i Admin for all my clans servers & agree with you totally

sweet post +1
Check your AA alarm...
+82|7107|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Well put hellhead.   +1 for ya for the hard work you admins that are good do.
+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
Glad to hear it buddy , ive been kicked from so many servers for so many stupid things that i started to think that most admins got there heads up there own arses . You might have just renewed my faith in the powers that be just little .
Use The In Game Commands For Bf2cc And Play
you should add the server IP for your server you admin im sure itll draw more people since they see where the admin is comin from
teh m0nsta

oneshotsnipednoobfag wrote:

you should add the server IP for your server you admin im sure itll draw more people since they see where the admin is comin from
The IP of the server HellHead is admin on, is written in his and also in mine sig.

Not to mention that the admin job while playing is a "job". But also comes with this job that we discuss configurations, upcomming events (like weekly SF+AF/EF-Nights) mapcycles, anti cheat modules, etc. to make a fun and harmony place for everyone to play.

As a further addition comes the "cleanup". Somebody that didn't behave got kicked and feels heavily mistreated.
Therefor some "kickcases" have to be revealed.

All together it's a "job" but a cool and interesting job that brings fun along with it.
Leader of Cripples!
+8|6840|Rochester Minnesoata
How do you become an admin for BF2s anyway? Just wondering.

Heh, I'm becoming an admin on my clan's server and after reading in this thread I'm a little intimidated to do it.

I hope it dos'nt ruin my experience or anything. ^^
+42|7157|Waikato, Aotearoa
word bro
Totally agree with most .I'm not an admin,but I do greatly appreciate the people who do take the time to help keep the games a nice place to play.What  I dislike is seeing an admin take advantage of that position by kicking someone who is better at playing the game than they are.I hate to say it but I've seen it happen a number of times.Thanks to all the great admins and piss on the bad ones.
Upper Decker Expert

aka [DBS]Mitch92uK
+192|6548|United Kingdom
banning a guy for high ping?
I agree with you! Admins are vital to this game. Especially on larger 64 player servers. Keep the good work up all admins out there!
And do not kick me plz!

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