EvilJebus wrote:
"Do not kick/mutany vote any [insert clan name here] member" - I've seen this one personally
"Let [insert clan name here]" - Heard about a lot of these on the forums, these make me mad
That rule is teh funny!
Bad admins exist, we have to face that. Idiots they are called. And idiots make idiotic rules. Like:
No more than 50% of time in armor.How the heck am I to predict the time a rounds lasts.
No flying/bombing flag area'sWh00ps. Did I just accidently press 'Numpad0'? Sorry about that one.
It is forbidden to use the main tank gun!Lolzorz. It is just like having a really big machine with a tiny cannon. Get real.
Only english on voicecomWell If my friends are in my squad, I talk dutch, I did not force you to join my squad, so join another if you don't like the fact that 5 others are communicating.
Commander are forbidden to use arty!WTF? That is like telling Arnold 'The Terminator' Swarchie not to use anu guns! It's like telling G.W. Bush not to fight a war! It's nonsense thus.
I could go on and on for hours, but you get the idea.