-only 50% of USMC team can be in armor
-you can only go into armor 3 times a round
-no support or anti tank class

I thought these were the most rediculous rules I had ever heard of.
+129|6895|Eastern USA
"We give people a boot for whoring armor/medic/explosives/assult grenade launcher/planes/choppers/hopping/stat padding/diving/knife whoring/cheating/using same gun again and again (I laughed out loud at this)/breaking server rules (LOL?? Can you possibly follow all those?)/and being rude to admins."

()'s is my own comments.

The only thing I can say to this is "Do I get a sock with the boot?"

Last edited by SaladForks (2006-04-30 16:31:28)

Mass Media Casualty

No whoring anything. This means no walking/breathing/blinking and/or EXISTING.
If you exist, you will be kicked by server admins.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke though, cause I went in and had a good game with them.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+4|7047|Virgina, USA
No attacking uncappable bases.  I see this a lot, but give me a break.....isn't this simulated war?

Uh...pardon me...uh Mr. Iraqi is against the rules to attack our base outside of Baghdad.  Uh... you can only...uh kill us once we come out.....uh...okay?

Give me a break!
Dropped on request

MostHigh wrote:

No attacking uncappable bases.  I see this a lot, but give me a break.....isn't this simulated war?

Uh...pardon me...uh Mr. Iraqi is against the rules to attack our base outside of Baghdad.  Uh... you can only...uh kill us once we come out.....uh...okay?

Give me a break!
Difference between video game war and real war = no spawn points.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

MostHigh wrote:

No attacking uncappable bases.  I see this a lot, but give me a break.....isn't this simulated war?

Uh...pardon me...uh Mr. Iraqi is against the rules to attack our base outside of Baghdad.  Uh... you can only...uh kill us once we come out.....uh...okay?

Give me a break!
Difference between video game war and real war = no spawn points.
Difference Between War and Video Games:

Baserapers - Do Not Give A Shit
BaseRapeVictims : They come over here and cry like little babies, because they refused to take an AT kit and blow that little man in the armor up! or to take the stinger 50 meters from him to take the chopper out.

Baserapers - Watching the fireworks and aint givin a Shit
Baserapervicitims: They happend to be NOT KNOWING of the existence of this webpage so they could complain about Infidels bombing the shit out of them.
+183|6986|A sunburnt country

MostHigh wrote:

No attacking uncappable bases.  I see this a lot, but give me a break.....isn't this simulated war?

Uh...pardon me...uh Mr. Iraqi is against the rules to attack our base outside of Baghdad.  Uh... you can only...uh kill us once we come out.....uh...okay?

Give me a break!
Exactly what happened in Vietnam, so yes, it does happen.  Stupid politics!!!!
+41|7049|200m out and smiling at you.
there was a christian server that said something along the lines of...

no utterance of the word god
and something along the lines of only allowing USMC to base rape uncaps....
+82|6888|Eastern USA
Lol this is classic: Rule #1 Do not Mutiny the Commander... I think nothing about it.  Later on in the game our commander hasn't used any of his assets in who knows how long and he's just flying around in a jet.  So, despite the rule, I put a mutiny on the guy.  Commander goes: ADMIN!!!! iceman mutinied me!!!! Admin kicks me.......... I mean cmon give me a break the guy was the worst commander ever i mean EVER!
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
To all of the above

If it is a ranked server, report them if they controvene the ROE

If they are non- ranked servers, invited all your friends and kick the living shit out of them (digitally speaking)
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
bad touch


squad full of admins is raping the carrier with a BH. lol
I found one server's rule...

"Rule one: No Whinning!"

That was it.
Dropped on request

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

MostHigh wrote:

No attacking uncappable bases.  I see this a lot, but give me a break.....isn't this simulated war?

Uh...pardon me...uh Mr. Iraqi is against the rules to attack our base outside of Baghdad.  Uh... you can only...uh kill us once we come out.....uh...okay?

Give me a break!
Difference between video game war and real war = no spawn points.
Difference Between War and Video Games:

Baserapers - Do Not Give A Shit
BaseRapeVictims : They come over here and cry like little babies, because they refused to take an AT kit and blow that little man in the armor up! or to take the stinger 50 meters from him to take the chopper out.

Baserapers - Watching the fireworks and aint givin a Shit
Baserapervicitims: They happend to be NOT KNOWING of the existence of this webpage so they could complain about Infidels bombing the shit out of them.
I'm not playing Battlefield Iraq unless I'm USA and you are Iraq. Oh, and in Iraq, the soldiers weren't appearing out of thin air.

Anywho, base rape is for pussies or when all flags r taken and theres nothing else to do. I'm not a victim of baserape, I'm someone who can kill you in the air just as easily and when you are on the ground.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

No baserape HAS to be the dumbest rule ever TBH
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
^Ì'll agree with that -1 for u
We have three rules:
1) No base raping
2) No stats padding
ive bin kicked numerous times for "stats pading" wtf is that?
ive bin told its wer u n someone the other team jus meet up n kill each other simultaiously
pls correct me if im wrong
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43
No Base Rapping <-- wtf....yo, yo, isa takin ur uncap, homie!

liquidat0r wrote:

We have three rules:
1) No base raping
2) No stats padding
So whats the 3rd rule?

LOL, I was even kick after I blew up the commander asset and used their tank to get out of their spawn point (and got a few guy while leaving the area) LOL

Kobrakai wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

We have three rules:
1) No base raping
2) No stats padding
So whats the 3rd rule?
3. do NOT ask about rule 3 EVER
Not really a Brit
Medic class only, no vehicles. There was an admin on, and he decided to make up new rules every 10 minutes. Kept rotating the classes, next it was anti-tank class only.
"Do not kick/mutany vote any [insert clan name here] member" - I've seen this one personally
"Let [insert clan name here]" - Heard about a lot of these on the forums, these make me mad

I absolutly hate the "no base raping" rule, servers that have it can go to hell.

EvilJebus wrote:

"Do not kick/mutany vote any [insert clan name here] member" - I've seen this one personally
"Let [insert clan name here]" - Heard about a lot of these on the forums, these make me mad
That rule is teh funny!

Bad admins exist, we have to face that. Idiots they are called. And idiots make idiotic rules. Like:

No more than 50% of time in armor.

How the heck am I to predict the time a rounds lasts.

No flying/bombing flag area's

Wh00ps. Did I just accidently press 'Numpad0'? Sorry about that one.

It is forbidden to use the main tank gun!

Lolzorz. It is just like having a really big machine with a tiny cannon. Get real.

Only english on voicecom

Well If my friends are in  my squad, I talk dutch, I did not force you to join my squad, so join another if you don't like the fact that 5 others are communicating.

Commander are forbidden to use arty!

WTF? That is like telling Arnold 'The Terminator' Swarchie not to use anu guns! It's like telling G.W. Bush not to fight a war! It's nonsense thus.

I could go on and on for hours, but you get the idea.
Funniest server rule:  You better love Jeebus!  If you don't love Jeebus then you're an idiot!  Well...Maybe not an exact quote, rather a modification of the rule on one of those crazy ass Christian servers.

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