Stop reading this and look at my post
Having trouble with tanks? Want some revenge? You've come to the right thread. I'll get the bad news out of the way.

1. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good: You get to take revenge on all those tanks and APCs, as well as get easy points from jeep kills. Plus, you get to help your team alot, and hopefully improve your win/loss ratio.

The Bad: Anti-tanking can be considered the hardest job in the game, and the kit that grants you the least points (excepting engineers on foot). you're also limited to 6 rockets, so you can only take out about 2 tanks or 3 APCs if all your shots land. Plus, you get no grenades.

The Ugly: While it takes 2-4 shots to kill a tank (and for 2 or 3 you need to be placed well). A tank can kill you in about half a second. Great.

2. The rocket launcher

Battlefield 2 provides you with 2 rocket launchers, the SRAW (USMC) and the Eryx (PLA/MEC). These two guns are exactly the same, except that the Eryx is slightly larger on screen, giving you a slighty better idea of the center. Special Forces gives you the unguided RPG when you play as Rebels or Insurgents.

First, the all important hit chart. These have been found by Secretsofbattlefield.com and tested by myself. While they give it as damage, here its a direct "number of rockets".

NOTE: A kill will destroy the vehicle instantly; a flame kill will give the occupants around 3 seconds to escape before it blows. Tanks have 20 points of damage. 18 will start a flame kill, while 20 will explode instantly.



Front and rear treads (10 damage) - 2 shot kill.
Front of tank, front of turret, top of tank, top of turret (5 damage) - 4 shot kill.
Side of tank, side of turret (6 damage) - 3 shots flame kill.
Tank machine gun well - 2 shot flame kill

Rear of tank, rear of turret (9 damage) – 2 shot flame kill.


Anywhere on APC – 2 shot flame kill
Anywhere on anti air – 2 shot kill


Anywhere on RIB - 1 shot kill
Anywhere on Jetski - 1 shot kill

Anywhere on attack chopper – 2 shot flame kill
Anywhere on SF attack chopper – 2 shot kill
Anywhere on transport chopper – 3 shot flame kill.
Passenger area of transport chopper – 1 shot will normally get you a few kills, killing anyone in the area.
Anywhere on scout chopper (AF) - 2 shot kill


Anywhere on Quadbikes - 1 shot kill
Anywhere on Desert Raiders, Forklifts, Civilian Car, Muscle Car, DPVs and FAVs (2/3 seaters) – 1 shot kill
Anywhere on Vodniks, Chinese Jeep and Hummer (4 seaters)– 2 shot kill (however, 1 will kill if it is slightly damaged already).
Anywhere on Truck (AF) - 2 shot kill


Anywhere on jets – 1 shot kill

3. The submachine gun/DAO

As an anti-tanker you have 3 weapons to choose from: the standard SMG, the P90 or the DAO-12.

The main purpose of an anti-tankers gun is to kill tank/APC drivers if they exit their vehicle. Many people won’t sit and die, and will quickly run and head for cover. The first thing to learn is to realize when they get out. The drive won’t normally be concerned with shooting you as soon as he gets out; he wants to get away from his tank. Plus, he shouldn’t know where you are. This means you should get a bit of time to kill him with your gun while he’s running for his life.

A short disclaimer here: In my opinion, the DAO is useless for anti-tanking. It is an amazing gun for close quarters anti-infantry, but lacks the range to take out tank drivers. Since this guide is designed to help you shoot tanks, I won’t be including a DAO guide. If someone has the experience available to write one, PM it to me and I’ll include it if it’s good.

Now for the guns. All 4 SMGs are essentially identical in terms of accuracy and power, but have a few distinguishing features. They each kill armored classes in 8 shots and unarmored in 6, but fire at 900 rounds per minute (most guns fire 600). They all have roughly the accuracy of the AK-101.


Good: Fast draw time, 180 ammo.
Bad: small magazines (30)

PLA: Type 85

Good: 180 ammo, good sight
Bad: no single fire mode, small magazines (30)

MEC: PP-19

Good : Large magazines (45)
Bad: Bad sight, only 135 ammo.

Unlock: P90

Good: Laser dot sight, good magnification, large magazines (50), slightly better accuracy than others.
Bad: Long reload time


Unlocking the P90 is a must for serious anti-tankers. While the accuracy remains the same, the laser dot sight allows you to hit most enemies on single shot or using long bursts. The 50 shot magazines allow to you simply spray bullets at close ranges. NOTE: You need to unlock the DAO-12 first, as well as own Special Forces expansion to unlock the P90.

4. General tactics in Q & A format

Q: Which maps does anti-tank work best on?
A: Any maps with many vehicles. Generally all maps except Sharqi, Karkand or Mashtuur. On these three you might switch to AT for one life, but its not recommended to play it a lot. Maps with closed bases such as Dragon Valley tend to work better than more open maps like Smoke Screen.

Q: Attack or defend?
A: Generally defending bases is your best option. You need a lot of cover to take out tanks, and bases provide that better. A lot of commanders artillery bases, so if there are buildings away form the flag, try and use those. However, if supported by squadmates, attacking can work well also. Attacking bases solo isn’t normally a good idea.

Q: Where do I shoot a tank?
A: The side or rear. The side will take 3 shots to kill, the rear 2. Never shoot a tank from where he can see you. You need 4 rockets to kill the front or top, and he’ll easily kill you before then. Shoot, take cover, and switch position if you can before firing again.

Q: Where should I be when shooting tanks?
A: To the side, rear or sometimes above them. It’s always best to be near a building, so you can fire, run behind, reload, and emerge in a different position. Being above a tank (shooting from a tall hill) means it can’t shoot back, but you don’t deal much damage, and APCs can shoot you (their turrets go higher.)

Q: How do guided rockets work?
A: Your rockets will guide if you hold down the fire button after firing. This happens while scoped or while not scoped, so if you can hit a tank without using the scope, do so, it gives you faster reactions.

Q: How do I hit fast moving vehicles, including helicopters?
A: Always shoot the rocket ahead of the vehicle, and then steer the rocket into it. Never try and steer the rocket into the vehicle from behind, it will just outpace you.

Q: How do I shoot down jets?
A: You don’t, really. I’ve only ever shot one down in the air, I shot straight up and it flew into it. It’s almost impossible. However, you can get them when they’re taking off, especially on maps like Wake where the airstrip is quite near the action.

Q: How close can I be without dying?
A: About 5-10m against vertical targets (side of an APC tank). About 3-5m against angled targets (like the sloped front of a tank), as the blast is directed upwards. See pciture below. For a killing shot, anything below 10m will damage but not kill you, below 5 you’re likely to die, as the vehicles make quite big explosions.


Amgln has made a diagram:

When you take cover from armours fire, try to keep Length (see pic below) greater as possible, otherwise you will die from splash damage.  Blue elipse is you.


Q: The enemy tank is next to a supply crate. How do I kill it?
A: Shoot the crate first. It will explode, dealing damage to any infantry nearby. Then concentrate on the tank.

Q: Two tanks with engineers are next to each other. What do I do?
A: The tanks will repair each other, so you can’t kill it alone. With two ATs, concentrate on the same one and kill it. If you are by yourself, try and lure one tank away from the other by shooting it and running round a corner.

Q: I’ve run out of rockets on a large map and there’s no support guys around. What do I do?
A: Die. Sounds stupid, but you’ll waste ages looking for ammo and dodging tanks. Try capping a base with your submachine gun and getting a few kills before you go.

Q: I’ve killed the tank, but the driver has escaped. How do I kill him?
A: You have 3 choices. Your SMG, pistol or rocket launcher. For extreme ranges, use the rocket launcher. It’s a waste, but you don’t want to be robbed of a kill. For medium/long range, use the pistol or P90 on single shot. The other SMGs can’t match the pistol for longer range accuracy. For short/medium range, use the SMGs. Whenever using SMGs at long range, go prone, zoom in and fire on single shot or 3-4 round bursts. Remember to let the gun settle before firing your next shot/burst, don’t fire instantly.

Q: Other Tanks/Aters nick my kills. How do I stop this?
A: Lets assume you're the gunner in a tank. When you see an enemy tank, you get out to help kill it. However, if you wait until the tank is smoking before you shoot, you get the kill instead of the allied tank. Cheap - but tanks get too many points anyway.

Feel free to post any questions and I'll add them.

4.1 Armored Fury Maps Supplement

Armored Fury's high volume of tanks and wide open maps changes the tactics slightly used in Anti-Tanking. These tactics also apply to open maps like Zatar Wetlands and Operation Smoke Screen.

Q: How do I shoot rockets effectively from scout choppers?
A: The key is to be constantly zoomed in, and always keep the crosshair circle on the tank, even if your rocket doesn't appear to be near it. About 7/10 times it should hit using this method. Don't try to overcorrect by putting the crosshair past the tank, while this does work on land sometimes, its useless in the air. The main problem with this method is that tanks take 4 shots to kill from above, so only go for smoking ones. The best way to do this is to have a pilot playing as Support to re-arm you, and talk to him via VOIP.

Q: Anti-Tanking seems harder on Operation Road Rage. Why?
A: The main reason is the flatness of this map, especially along the roads. Tank main guns can shoot for miles along it, and the lack of trees and bulidings along the road make it almost impossible to hide. Therefore, tanks can almost always see you when you try to attack them, which is an anti-tankers worst nightmare.
Also, since the map is long and narrow (similar to Wake island but not as extreme), its harder to attack from the sides or behind, the tanks' weaker spots.

Q: So what do I do?
A: Defending bases is your best option by far here. Many guildings have ladders, giving you a third dimension to attack from. Fro example, you fire your first shot and duck behind a building. Normally, you could only come out form either side for the next rocket, but now you can climb the ladder and attack from above, too. Flag-capping tanks will have to move away from the flag to shoot you, as well, as their guns don't go that high. A good example of this is the Overpass base. The fence protects you from long range tank shots, and close range tanks can't shoot high enough. Overall, stay away from the road.

Q: What about Harvest?
A: Harvest is VERY open, but with plenty of trees and rocks. These trees are brilliant for anti-tanking, as they camoflage you well. Venturing onto fields and roads, though, is liable to get you killed. So stay in the trees. The best tactic isnt to attack or defend, but to ambush tanks along the roads, from the trees. The bases dont have enough buildings to make anti-tanking worthwhile. (eg, some have 1 barn only).

Q: Midnight Sun?
A: The all powerful god of AT maps. I recently got my AT-only best round of 54 on there, and that was almost all tank/apc kills (as you've probably guessed from the comments in this thread I dont like rocket sniping). Why is this map so good for ATs? One, its very dark. Tanks can't see you well. Two, there aren't many routes between bases, so you know where te tanks are coming from. Three, pretty much every road is flanked by trees/bushes, giving you cover, as well as forcing the tanks to stay on the roads. Four, there are plenty of rocks. Rocks are unique in giving you great protection from tanks when lying down. Fifht, there's a river. The river is great for emergency escapes from tanks, as you can simply scramble down the bank and the tanks lose sight of you.
For best results, fight along the south bank of the river (US side), there are more trees there.

5. The RPG

If you own Special Forces, the Insurgent and Rebel armies get the RPG rocket launcher. It does the same damage as the SRAW/Eryx launchers.


Advantages: Faster firing, tanks don’t get a warning tone.
Disadvantages: No guidance, rocket drops at long ranges.


The maps in SF that have the RPG (Surge, Mass Destruction, Warlord) aren’t that vehicle heavy, so you won’t need to use it much. When using it, its high velocity and no warning tone means you can creep in close, fire and run instantly without worrying about guiding it. It fires much faster, so you can normally aim straight at the target.

6. Conclusion

Practice, practice, practice. Shoot any helicopters you can see. Sure, you’ll miss most of them at the beginning, but it makes you much more accurate, and eventually you’ll be able to hit them and bring them down.

Pair up. A couple of ATs get instant kills on APCs, the rear of tanks, helicopters, etc. 3 working together can take down any tank.

Always aim for jeeps/buggies. Nothing is more satisfying than getting an instant 6-8 points for killing an enemy jeep. One rocket does it, easily. Since they tend to try and run you over, just shoot it as it approaches.

Good luck Anti-Tanking!

7. BF2142

Welcome, fellow anti-tankers. For you have been saved. EA/DICE seemed to have finally cottoned on to the fact that Anti-Tanks are ridiculously ineffective, and have made them amazingly good in 2142. Here's why:

- Tanks have much less armour.
- Rearming form a support or supply crate is about twice as fast.
- Rocket manouverability is at least x2 of what BF2 was.
- Tanks have no MG, they need a gunner for one (and we all know they cant hit anything while moving).

NB: I'll post stats for the HAVR rifle when I unlock it.

Damage Chart

ALl vehicles have 100 health. 90 Damage+ will start a flame kill, 100 an instant kill.


Front of tank: 25 - 4 shot kill
Side of tank: 50 - 2 shot kill
Rear of tank: 100 - 1 shot kill
Front/rear treads - untested as yet


Front: 33 - 3 shot kill
Side/back: 45 - 2 shot flame kill


Anywhere: 95 - 1 shot flame kill


Anywhere transport chopper: 60 - 2 shot kill
Anywhere attack chopper: untested as yet.


Body: 18 - 5 shot flame kill
Legs: 35 - 3 shot kill

Last edited by Talon (2006-10-07 12:47:25)

Up with ye, we need more ATs.  And engineers.

Good Guide Talon, well put +1
Stop reading this and look at my post
Ok, a few screenies added.
Two shots to the tracks from the front or from behind kill it pretty fast(even more dmg than hitting the back).

So basically a squad of two AT Kits talking to each other get it down in two sinlge rockets.
Takes some practise, but works like hell.
(The same with TOW)

Sry I searched for Track in your post... didnt see you called it treads

Last edited by Deadlift (2006-05-10 11:06:55)

set your body ablaze


Anywhere on Vodniks, Chinese Jeep and Hummer – 1 shot flame kill.
I don't know about that. There have been PLENTY of instances where I hit one of those vehicles with a rocket and it didn't explode or start flaming, especially the Hummer.

They all have roughly the accuracy of the AK-101.
Umm... are you serious?! This seems wrong to me. What information are you basing this on?

Q: How do guided rockets work?
A: Your rockets will guide if you hold down the fire button after firing. This happens while scoped or while not scoped, so if you can hit a tank without using the scope, do so, it gives you faster reactions.
Just a small note, you don't have to hold down the fire button to guide them.

Always aim for jeeps/buggies. Nothing is more satisfying than getting an instant 6-8 points for killing an enemy jeep. One rocket does it, easily. Since they tend to try and run you over, just shoot it as it approaches.
This is a good tip but the hitboxes on the larger vehicles (Vodnik, NJ048934whatever, and Hummer) are a little messed up. If they're coming straight at you and you shoot at the windshield, the rocket sometimes passes through the vehicle completely. Aim for the sides a little. I know this used to happen to me, don't know if it's been fixed.

xintegrityx wrote:

Q: How do guided rockets work?
A: Your rockets will guide if you hold down the fire button after firing. This happens while scoped or while not scoped, so if you can hit a tank without using the scope, do so, it gives you faster reactions.
Just a small note, you don't have to hold down the fire button to guide them.
but you stay in the targeting mode if you do...
It's much harder to guide them if you leave it.
Finnish commander whore
Nice +1 to you.
set your body ablaze

Deadlift wrote:

xintegrityx wrote:

Q: How do guided rockets work?
A: Your rockets will guide if you hold down the fire button after firing. This happens while scoped or while not scoped, so if you can hit a tank without using the scope, do so, it gives you faster reactions.
Just a small note, you don't have to hold down the fire button to guide them.
but you stay in the targeting mode if you do...
It's much harder to guide them if you leave it.
You're right, I have auto-reload turned off so I don't have to hold down the fire button. If you have it turned on, you have to hold it down to stay in targeting mode.
Stop reading this and look at my post
They all have roughly the accuracy of the AK-101.
Umm... are you serious?! This seems wrong to me. What information are you basing this on?
The wiki here, mainly. The difference is that you need twice the bullets to kill them, so it seems less accurate. Remember, bullet deviation is added per shot, so the more shots you need, the less accurate the gun is. (which is one of the reasons the PKM is so good)
Pope of BF2s
+355|6870|Sea to globally-cooled sea
you know, I'm pretty freaking good at AT, but I never knew the weakpoints on a tank.  this will help me immensely.

+1 for that.

I disagree with you on the role of AT, though.  My favorite weapon is the DAO.  it was my very first unlock, and I have used no other gun nearly as much.  true, I have no long-range capabilities, but I don't really need them.  the only map I play frequently that has long range is Wake, but there's so much use for AT on that map that I still don't really need the long shot. 

I find AT to be most useful right when you've captured a new flag.  Generally, once your team turns the flag grey, you have 1 or 2 hostiles kicking around but most of them are already spawning on the next flag down, hopping in jeeps, and running up the road towards your flag, 2-4 peeps per vehicle.  And they will always drive the vehicle all the way to the flag, they will not get out until they have the little flag capture symbol on the upper right of their screen, which means you can easily knock them down.

The AT should never be the first guy to a newly capped flag BECAUSE he has no long range accuracy and power.  However, AT can definitely stay busy helping to cap the flag...pumping enemies in the face with teh shotty as they turn the corner to kill you guys capping his flag, picking off trucks tearing down the road to prevent you from changing the flag to your colors......

AT should not linger back because the enemies will drive their vehicles to the front lines, which is exactly where you want to be.
Stop reading this and look at my post
While the DAO is good at what it does, the SMGs on full auto are almost as good at close range anyway, and I can't abide the though of losing a kill through a tank driver escaping (especially since i dont like to waste rockets). Nice to see your opinion though, the DAO is definately useful for the smaller maps (Wake has quite a small landmass, espcially in width).

I wouldn't mind a section on the DAO if you'd like to write one. You'll get full credit in the guide. I see you have 75 hours with shotguns (I don't have many hours myself). Anyway, PM it to me if you do.

Slink wrote:

Up with ye, we need more ATs.  And engineers.

Agreed. Love playing engineer and getting armour kills from far away... Just put those mines in good spots... guaranteed kills.

As far as this guide. Didn't see you mention anything about running stamina or having more personal armour. I know these are items we all know, but any guide worth its weight in salt should at least mention it.

Other than that, a rather good start at an AT guide. +1 for you.
Baltimore Blowfish
Overall a decent guide, but it's the SRAW not SAW and you only get 5
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7015|AUS, Canberra
moved to a bigger and better place!
Stop reading this and look at my post
Thank you, moderator!

And thanks to the guy who pointed out the SRAW thing.

Last edited by Talon (2006-05-10 11:25:29)

+17|6988|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
nothing said that i didn't know, but +1 for trying and effort!
+67|6928|Tulln, Austria
Really nice guide, but there's one thing I don't really understand:

Talon wrote:


Bad: small magazines (30)


Unlock: P90

Good: Laser dot sight, good magnification, large magazines (30), slightly better accuracy than others.
Why is a magazine-size of 30 small for the MP5 and the Type 85, but large for the P90?

Edit: Oh, ok. I just checked the Wiki and it says that the P90 has a magazine capacity of 50. That's why it's large. So it's just a typo.

Last edited by maef (2006-05-10 11:35:04)

Nice guide mate
I almost always play as anti tank kit (509 hrs) and your guide has made me think.
Also another good thing the launcher is great for is taking out snipers! 
I currently have 9,159 kills with the launcher and 6,906 kills with the shotgun. I almost always run around with the launcher out as you can take out people easily at mid-long range; I only swap to the DAO-12 when running into a confined space.
It’s great when you have 2 good anti tankers in your squad as its nice to turn the tables on the tanks/apc’s and have them running from you instead of the other way around
Touches Himself At Night.
WTF, why did you get featured within the hour of posting and my assault guide is left untouched. Why is everyone predjudiced against it, I mean i put effort into that and you guys just cast it aside for the owrd assault. Thanks for helping me waste time and effort!
+38|6862|Houston, TX
Nice guide. I play AT a bit and love being the guy not running from tanks.  I have always hated the little "piss-ant" guns yet I'm ranked in 37th place with submachingun. :p
Stop reading this and look at my post
About the stuff that has been left out:

ATs are pretty useless in infantry combat anyway, and this guide is primarily vs vehicles, so I didnt deem the armor thing needed.

For taking out snipers, it is good, but its a waste of a rocket really.

Still, I'll probably add it in somewhere. Thanks.

BTW, look out for Medic-ing: A Comprehensive Guide, coming to this forum soon!

Last edited by Talon (2006-05-10 12:35:10)


Talon wrote:

About the stuff that has been left out:

ATs are pretty useless in infantry combat anyway, and this guide is primarily vs vehicles, so I didnt deem the armor thing needed.

For taking out snipers, it is good, but its a waste of a rocket really.

Still, I'll probably add it in somewhere. Thanks.

BTW, look out for Medic-ing: A Comprehensive Guide, coming to this forum soon!
Damn you and Davi are the guide-masters or something...

Anyway, nice guide. I see at least 1 other person likes AT.
+62|6923|Adelaide, Australia
Great to see an AT guide, well done. The Battlefield needs more good AT troops.
If you'll excuse me I'd like to make a few corrections if I may:

Talon wrote:

Battlefield 2 provides you with 2 rocket launchers, the SRAW (USMC) and the Eryx (PLA/MEC). These two guns are exactly the same....
The only thing to note here is that while the ERYX hits directly in the middle of the circle on the scope, I find the SRAW hits just a few pixels below. This is mainly an issue when rocket-sniping infantry, where you'll need to aim up a little higher. You can see this easily when you aim at them attempting to bring up their red name tag. In my experience, the SRAW also seems to pass directly through vehicles more often than the ERYX.

Talon wrote:

Anywhere on attack chopper – 2 shot flame kill
Anywhere on transport chopper – 3 shot flame kill.
Since the helicopter nerf in patch 1.2, attack choppers die an instant death after two AT rockets.
Transport choppers will die a flaming death after two rockets.

Talon wrote:

Anywhere on Vodniks, Chinese Jeep and Hummer – 1 shot flame kill.
Unfortunately, this is not always the case...

Talon wrote:

3. The submachine gun/DAO
...A short disclaimer here: In my opinion, the DAO is useless for anti-tanking...
I'd have to disagree with you here. I would suggest that you ignore the submachine guns completely and only use the DAO. Practice with the pistol, it is easily a replacement for the subbies at anything but very close range.
I guess it's really a matter of taste and playing style though.

lead_head wrote:

Also another good thing the launcher is great for is taking out snipers!
I almost always run around with the launcher out as you can take out people easily at mid-long range; I only swap to the DAO-12 when running into a confined space.
I was going to say this, but lead_head already has. Take this guys advice, he knows what he's talking about!
PS. lead_head, I'm slowly catching you on the AT Rocket leaderboards. Love to play some game together some day, shame I live halfway across the globe from you...
Thanks for the kind words gulf_war_syndrome, I would love to play with a fellow hardcore AT guy. It’s a shame that you live the other side of the world, but I would rather be in OZ than London, I spent a month there last year and loved it, great people, ice cold beer on tap, dodgy kangaroo kebabs!
With regards to some people saying AT is not effective against troops, I have to disagree.  I most of the time I use the launcher as my primary weapon, this is so I am ready for that passing jeep/apc/tank/boat/chopper/jet?.  After spending hours like this I have learnt to take out troops effectively.  Most players will either stop to zoom aim or dive and go prone, you might get a few hits on me but the AT rocket only has to hit you once and its an instant kill!
The DAO-12 is very effective against troops; the only kit that will generally get the better of you at close range is a PKM that is prone around a corner that surprises you.
The good thing about the shotgun is you never have to zoom aim allowing you to strafe at speed/run towards people whilst blasting away.
I might not get the most medals in the world, but I am a very valuable asset to my squad when attacking a flag and generally finish in the top 5-10 players on a 64 man server.
I wish there were more people that would give the AT kit a proper try, I personally think it is one of the best kits in the game, nothing more satisfying thank taking down a full Blackhawk or taking out the tank/apache that is sat spawn raping your fellow troops.

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