conversation is combat

taddzilla wrote:

Nice work on that guide.  The only thing I would add, is as an engineer make sure you pay attention to the commander toys.  Try not to let him/her waste supplies that are better used elsewhere, and keep your commander happy by fixing any broken assets.  Plus, those spec op guys usually hate running into your shotty.
Also, you points more quickly repairing those if they are fully broken.
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

Nice guide.
I am coming up on 50 hours on the Engineer Kit. I have to admit that when I first tried it for the 15 hours for my Vet Engineer medal I hated it. Now that I have more experience I love it. I have turned around 180 degrees.

That is a great guide and should be helpful for anyone who is looking to get familiar with the wrench. I, of course, have a few thoughts to add as my 2 cents.

I think an important point is for an Engineer in armor to be very careful when jumping out to repair it or to lay mines ...don't let the enemy steal it from you. Nothing worse then jumping out and laying a couple mines only to hear it start up and see that cannon turn on you. Losing a tank or ACP can turn the tide in a close round. If the stolen tank joins his buddies, who are all Engineers in armor, then your side may not get it back for the rest of the round. OUCH!

Places an Engineer can be good on foot: Alleys on Karkand, Carrier on The Iron Gator, Palace on Warlord, Chemical Weapons Factory on Mass Destruction.......I am sure I am missing a few more.

Don't limit yourself to Armor ....jump on an ATV and follow your tank and APC around repairing them ....then dash back to repair the UAV or Arty.....then speed back to repair the armor. Those 1000 Repair points for the Meritorious Service Ribbon will take some extra effort.

If you have played Spec Ops then you will feel at home running up behind a distracted tank, laying a couple AT mines, and running away so the tank follows you and hits your mines. I have run around a corner and shot at the tank with my shotgun to bait him into backing up over my mines. That is FUN! Hope this helps a bit and gives people some ideas on playing Engineer.
another thing with mines is that you can put them on top of tanks/apcs/whatever, and when it moves, the mine explodes and destroys it.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
Well, If I Missed It, 2 Repair Points For The Essex, Just Sit Back And Get Those Medals, Engineers FTW.

(MP7 = The Best) .

Last edited by DaReJa (2006-05-11 18:34:03)

Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Touches Himself At Night.
Ok so a lot of you think the engineer is crap. Watch this space in about 10 hours when I get off school for some in depth tactics. ~ Davi (And then watch for my Special Operations guide)
Nice guide though I think the points put in by nodehopper are more useful than the obvious stated in your original points.

One thing. MP7 fires a 4.6mm round.. 30mm is the length. IF it fires a 30mm round, its a CANNON.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Okay. As I've played Engy and AT now and have realized the power of the shotty. Unlike many of you engys, I stay out of the tank. I am only engy on City Maps, otherwise you will be devastated by the aircrap. It's true the primary goal for the engineeer is to find something that has 4 wheels, otherwise you are useless outside City Maps. But for you hopeless pixels that find yourself w/o a vehicle because a sniper took it to drive to his hideout, you will have to survive on foot.  Surviving with only a shotty/pistol/knife and 5 nades you are stuck between a hard rock; your chance of survival just dipped below 10% unless you find some major close combat!

How do you do it you ask? Simple. YOu act as a sniper! you use the scenery as your shelter, hug corners, trees, stairs, don't waste your run until you are in open field then run to another 'cover'. When at far range, the most accurate weapon you have is the pistol, yeah this piece of shit can kill just as easy, but again you have to use buildings or whatever is near to have a chance. Another thing I have learned is as you are firing go from side to side, you'll see the person trying to shoot you hit walls more than you. Even in Close quarters you have to use the walls, corners as your best friend, you are more of a sneak than anything, because you are at a disadvantage until 30m; then everyone else is. 

I have to say the best weapon is the Jack, but I've hurt many with the USMC shotty, funny as hell when you pop them once and they are calling you hack!! When you are engineer fighting without armor you have to do anything to gain advantage, remember other pixels can shoot far away they have that advantage, you have to do what it takes to get in close to give you the advantage, bunny-hop, dolphin-dive, fart, throw rocks, and put sand in the face is what you have to do to get close. Ive taken out a few far away with the shotty, but that's because they were already hurt.

Otherwise your primary goal is to find a tank - no matter who is driving. CQC should be your second option. Third if the toys are destroyed.
Hates most server admins.
if you like playing engineer, euro force with great wall is perfect for you.
each team has 2 tanks and 2 APCs and there is just one entry into the city, so always a big tank battle around the wall no helicopters/aircrafts to annoy you, so a battle can take a while.

plus, the euro shotty is THE shotgun in battlefield. close infantry combat on the walls is so much fun on that map (lots of cover too, so you wont have to get into long range combat).
it does 8x25 damage (nearly the same as the 8x30 of pla and usmc), but its an auto shotgun like the s12k or jackhammer. i've killed 5 people at once with a magazine (you got 6 shots), its awesome

this may sound as an euroforce ad, but i'm just sharing the fun.
in my bf2tracker history, you can clearly see at which days i was playing euroforce, the last 5 with those repair points
http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.p … d=43368037

btw, good guide!
Touches Himself At Night.
OK, I've added a few more tips and I really will do screenshots tomorrow! (Or at least before June 2142)
The Microwave Man
Use the wrench to fix vehicles . It works real good and stuff .
M11-87 and jackhammer yea they do go through like piss on toilet paper that sooo funny +1
Yeticus Rex
Destroyer of Penguins

nodehopper wrote:

I think an important point is for an Engineer in armor to be very careful when jumping out to repair it or to lay mines ...don't let the enemy steal it from you. Nothing worse then jumping out and laying a couple mines only to hear it start up and see that cannon turn on you. Losing a tank or ACP can turn the tide in a close round. If the stolen tank joins his buddies, who are all Engineers in armor, then your side may not get it back for the rest of the round. OUCH!
If I'm in the middle of the map or a hot zone, I will drop mine on the front side of a tank before repairing it.  It usually results in my death IF they do steal it, but at least I know I can go get it back at my spawn point.  Also, when repairing your own vehicle.........keep moving and look to your left and right while keeping the double rings intact.  On some occasions, crawling underneath your tank and repairing it is your best bet, plus you can swivel around to see if anything is coming your way and you won't be in a sniper's crosshairs.  A quick "E" button push and your in if someone is shooting at you and then you can move somewhere safer or kill the dude if you saw his muzzle flashes.

+1 for you, Davi.
Touches Himself At Night.
People the time of reckoning has come!!!! I have put some screenshots in!!! *holds for gasps*

Enjoy and I hope you find it even more helpful

(Next updates: Direct/Indirect repairing)

Question, why would you want to repair barrels?

1. You're a sitting duck. Actually...

1. You're a sitting duck behind a big exploding tin can.
2. Even if you don't get killed, if you want to use it, you don't want to waste half a mag on it.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-05-13 10:10:23)

Touches Himself At Night.
I'm not saying you should go round fixing barrels, im just saying you can in case it is more strategic to ignite them later
Sgt.Davi, I tip my hat to you.

You have provided a great guide.

Thanks for the info.
Touches Himself At Night.
I tip my hat to you guys, the readers. Oh except for the negative comments. So...who likes the screenies!! I will update...liek tomorrow or summat
Touches Himself At Night.

RGB|Apocalypse wrote:

Nice guide though I think the points put in by nodehopper are more useful than the obvious stated in your original points.

One thing. MP7 fires a 4.6mm round.. 30mm is the length. IF it fires a 30mm round, its a CANNON.

Lawl. The MP7 as a cannon
Support fanatic :-)

Hm .... funny how you think you can stop everything with one mine at the palace-entrance at Warlord.

To much unnessesary bits of info in your guide, dont really need much of the technical stuff, root that out and it`ll be okay - next time make a guide thats not allready been made.

Check the wiki-section ;-)
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Touches Himself At Night.
Ummm...I am not saying that a single mine can stop everything if you read it you would see i said that you should use mines sparingly, and I demonstrated how you could use a single mine as opposed to the 2 or 3 that most people use.
Touches Himself At Night.
Oh and also, not to nitpick but I do disagree with the Wiki in some areas, for example it says use Engineer for Tank/APC busting. That is untrue, that is the ATs job. The engineer is there to slow down armored mechacnized advances
Nice Davi, great guide!!! Any chance of a feature?
Support fanatic :-)

Well, its not an all kits guide in the wiki - it states what you can do with the engineer since its an engineer guide, not what the other kits can do !

Last edited by Varegg (2006-05-13 11:08:40)

Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Touches Himself At Night.
I suppose !!!

My point is if its not the Engineers point then it shoud be in the AT wiki

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