Hello friends of and welcome to another thread by yours truly, me.  The topic of this thread is how to follow the path of the Cougar, or, how to optimize your game for maximum fun.  I am at the point in BF2 where stats are starting to get old, kinda like that hot chick you banged for a month and then suddenly she's not so hot any more and you finally notice that thing on her neck.  SO.....I have been toying around and finding really fun things to do with BF2 and I figured I'd share them with you all.  Enjoy!

Path #1.  The FF off Servers and Jihad Jeeps.

Ohhhhhohoho buddy!!  What fun there is to be had here!  No friendly fire means NO worries!  At first I toyed around with the obvious blowing myself on top of buildings non-sense but then an APC gave me a remarkable idea.  I saw an APC drive by with C4 on the front.  The APC met a tank and of course the tank killed it, but he killed the tank with the C4.  Now I already knew of this tactic, but the combination of seeing it and the location I was (No FF server), it dawned on me.....JIHAD JEEPS OF DOOM!!!  Now, mind you this works best with a friend on TS or Vent, but I suppose it would be possible with a reg on a server if you co-ordinated this right.  Anyways, what you do is have a friend load C4 all over the front of a Vodnik or Humvee and then get in the back while you drive.  Find a tank and tell your friend to blow it.  Watch in sheer amazement as your car fly's back 50 yards unhurt while the tank explodes!!  Rinse and repeat.  Vodnik>T-90!  You can do it to anything, APC's, Tanks, Infantry, other cars, helos, jets....anything that is on the ground.  Hell we even killed the commander assets a few times like that.

Path #2.  Long range TOWing and other ways to use the feature.

I'm sure alot of you have seen the video or at least read the topic over this, but if you haven't let me enlighten you on one of the most wonderful discoveries in BF2 (MAJOR props to whoever did discover it).  As a squad leader you have the ability to place "attack" or "defend" markers anywhere on the battlefield.  This feature puts a 3D icon on your hud with a distance marker as well.  Now all you have to do is open your map and select a target...such as the MEC chopper on Sharqi.  Place the beacon on the chopper pad and then get into a TOW such as the one in the street at the Hotel, aim for the marker, shoot, wait a few seconds and PROFIT!  Watch in udder glee as the other team accuses you of being a hacker and initiates 15 vote kicks against you!!  I do say owned my good man!   Now this little trick works with anything that is guided, TOW's, TV Missles from choppers, Eryx and SRAW's even SNIPING.  You just have to make sure that you are within that particular weapons range and you will score everytime.

Path #3.  Sneaky C4's.

MMmmmmMMM one of my favorites.  It's completly obvious to a normal player of BF2 but until you dedicate entire rounds to it, you haven't done it IMO.  C4 is the greatest thing ever invented, so why not use it to piss people off?  Here are a few things you can do that are "sneaky" and funny as hell, especially when people start typing crap back at you.

1. Put 1 (ONE!!!) C4 in the very back of the Blackhawk cockpit by where the passengers sit.  Hopefully, and a few times it's happened for me, a clan or a group fo friends or just 4 or 5 nobody's will pile up in a blackhawk.  Wait for them to take off and get right in the middle of the ocean and then blow it.  Nothing is funnier than watching a blackhawk flying away and then a puff of smoke followed by 4 bodies flying out of the chopper.  But wait!  Since you put the C4 in the back, the pilot is not dead, so 1 of 2 things is going to happen. A) He is going to keep going and get killed or B) He is going to come back repair and and pick his passengers back up.  If the answer is B, run up to the chopper before it flys away and throw a grenade in the cockpit in the direction of the pilot.  Normally this will kill him only and the blackhawk continues to crash into the ocean.  (Note: This takes alot of practice and is better to do it with a friend as a distraction).

2.  Put C4 in the afterburners of a enemy jet.  Let him take off and fly by and reload a few times.  I usually let them stay up for about 2 or 3 minutes or 3 passes over the runway, whatever comes first.  This way they have absoultly no idea what is about to happen because in thier minds, if it was going to happen, it would have already.  After the third pass, let them clear the airfield and just before you lose sight BLOW IT!  Watch them type in things like "WTF HOW DID YOU GET C4 ON MY PLANE WHILE I WAS FLYIN HACKER!!??".  HAHA owneded.

3.  Put C4 on top of enemy mines.  This one cracks me up because there is a glitch that happens like 50% of the time that allocates the kill as a TK on the Engineer that the mine belongs too.  But we all know that friendly mines don't blow up friendlies anymore and tankers will run right over them without batting an eye.  Well not anymore!!  They drive over and they go boom.  Sometimes mine laying engy go bye bye from server for tk's too, which makes me LOL alot.

Path #4  Teabagging.

Have a competition with a friend over who can get the most teabags in a night.  Teabag everything, enemy soldiers, tanks, apcs, dead friendly's, people trying to snipe, Support people trying to shoot, etc etc.  No guide needed really, just stand over thier CHEST, not thier HEAD and press Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl.  Stand over the chest because that is where the death cam is located, NOT in the head as you would think.   Also, doing a rapid head bang while teabagging a victim is a nice touch as well.  If you are on TS or Vent with a friend, try to co-ordinate teabag attacks in two's.  Nothing worse than getting teabagged by two people at once.  And last but not least, yell "IT"S TEEEAAA TTIIIIMMMME!!" over the mic and listen to your friends roll in laughter.

Path #5 Be detrimental to your team.

By far the most contraversial but easily the funniest thing you can do is to be a hinderance on your team.  This one you have to be creative with, be it driving a Blackhawk full of people out of bounds or taking commander and dropping Supplies, Arty and a UAV in the middle of the ocean, this means of idiocy is a full spectrum of laughter. 

You can type in the chat to the other team as to the location of the majority of your team.

Lawn dart planes into friendly vehicles.

Hump a tank with an APC in the middle of a firefight.

Take a dead medics kit and run away

Park all the teams vehicles out of bounds and drop a supply crate on them.

The list is really endless.

Well that about does it for this thread.  Enjoy yourselves out there and remember, IT'S JUST A GAME!  Now go have fun FFS.

Cougar Out.
No. I stopped at jihad jeep.
+60|6961|Under the River
Thats pretty danm funny
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i had someone do that vodnik + c4 - ff thing to me once.  it was so fucking lame. i started doing it right back.
i didnt read any of that
+167|6932|Manitowoc, WI
HAHA some of those are hilarious.  I must try some of them (on an unranked server thouh )
+788|6969|Brisbane, Australia

My personal favourite is to get over to the enemy carrier with a ERYX and own the jets as they take off, its much more fun than that M95 shit!

I love typing to them, aww what happen, jet blow up again?
Russell Crowe's Loin Cloth
+49|7026|Philadelphia, PA
hahaha greattttttt
Haha, coug. We used #2 against Team 2HOT last week in a 12v12 sharqi it rocked em.

Empathy wrote:

Haha, coug. We used #2 against Team 2HOT last week in a 12v12 sharqi it rocked em.
You still play against 2HOT?  You guys should just go ahead with it and have butt secks.  6thAD and 2HOT already fight everyweek like a normal couple so just get it over with! 

I'm sure NoSaint would like that anyways.

+22|6886|Gainesville, FL
yea funny stuff   ill half to try it
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Man thats some funny shit. I gotta do that. especially the C4ing one, lmao. *karamaed*
Get out of MY JET!!!
meh i lol'd and loved the idea of TOW and ff off server

but the other stuff dude.. that's not good since they are ranked and ff on and it's not nice to make team lose because you are just bored
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live
I don't know if I'm wasted or what, but I lmao! Excellent post.

Very good list. Cougar, you are a ninja at battlefield related humor.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-05-14 00:27:44)

Property of BF2s©
+112|6896|Brisbane Australia
HAHAHA finally people that see the game for what it is.... A GAME!!
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7035|Sydney, Australia
+1 for the TOW, thats fucking smart.

mcminty wrote:

+1 for the TOW, thats fucking smart.
Yeah dude, it works like a fucking charm everytime too.  Sometimes you may have to compensate for a hill or a tree that may be halfway between you and the target but once you figure it out, it's pwnage time.
Find your center.

Going around tea bagging everything...Killing everybody on your team cause you think its funny? Being a hindrance on your team? That is absolutely retarded. And I would not join a server that is ranked and do any of that...It is kind of lame. Dropping supplies and uavs in the middle of the ocean....

I do have to say though, when I killed 3 guys in a squad trying to cap our flag on Mashtuur, I did teabag em all. But doing it as a competition? Wheres my medal? Thats right you dont get one. How about I be a team player, give supply and first aid, revive friendlies, get kill assists and capture assists, and rank first in the game? There is a worthy medal. There is teamwork. There is more points for your whole team.
Thats accomplishment in a game.

Wait....I think I know what your doing, reverse psychology...You are wanting people to do this so they focus on doing idiotic stuff, while you play a solid game and own them...Yes. You are a genius! 
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

Going around tea bagging everything...Killing everybody on your team cause you think its funny? Being a hindrance on your team? That is absolutely retarded. And I would not join a server that is ranked and do any of that...It is kind of lame. Dropping supplies and uavs in the middle of the ocean....

I do have to say though, when I killed 3 guys in a squad trying to cap our flag on Mashtuur, I did teabag em all. But doing it as a competition? Wheres my medal? Thats right you dont get one. How about I be a team player, give supply and first aid, revive friendlies, get kill assists and capture assists, and rank first in the game? There is a worthy medal. There is teamwork. There is more points for your whole team.
Thats accomplishment in a game.

Wait....I think I know what your doing, reverse psychology...You are wanting people to do this so they focus on doing idiotic stuff, while you play a solid game and own them...Yes. You are a genius! 
1st, why revive a really old thread?
2nd, why do you care?
3rd, why do you care?
4th, it's a fucking game, a game most people don't play anymore because of 2142 and a game I don't play anymore because of idiots like you that take it to seriously, whine and get shit nerfed and broken.

Also, I know this thread has been revived people, stop calling me on skype and sending me xfire messages, I don't fucking care.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

Going around tea bagging everything...Killing everybody on your team cause you think its funny? Being a hindrance on your team? That is absolutely retarded. And I would not join a server that is ranked and do any of that...It is kind of lame. Dropping supplies and uavs in the middle of the ocean....

I do have to say though, when I killed 3 guys in a squad trying to cap our flag on Mashtuur, I did teabag em all. But doing it as a competition? Wheres my medal? Thats right you dont get one. How about I be a team player, give supply and first aid, revive friendlies, get kill assists and capture assists, and rank first in the game? There is a worthy medal. There is teamwork. There is more points for your whole team.
Thats accomplishment in a game.

Wait....I think I know what your doing, reverse psychology...You are wanting people to do this so they focus on doing idiotic stuff, while you play a solid game and own them...Yes. You are a genius! 
When you get all of your precious medals and points, you'll see the dark side
Fantasma Parastasie
join a wake island server, Have a friend stop the F35 from taking off, while you slowly drive the J-10 across the entire island. Fun guaranteed.
+45|6898|Bristol, UK
The most fun thing for me is to steal an enemy jet or chopper. And lay a couple of clays before u take off. Nubs are like hay where's the jeBOOM me[claymore]nub.

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