@ raidensen
A very very very good accuracy, good SPM and K/d ratio
A solid K/d ratio
Quite a low amount of capture points for your rank and time played, try and stay close to a flag or try and cap them to secure a closer win for your team
You play all kits, well done , i can see you are very close to all kits being to a K/d ratio of 1, keep up the good work, when you have gotten them to 1 try and get them to 2, starting from highest to lowest
(Amazing with shock paddles, try and get it to 1, that will rock )
A very very good balance of map times, no map times stand out above average, a very balanced map player, which is a very good bonus
A good victim list, keep it growing
Average k/d ratios in the vehicles, except maybe armor and helicopter, but can still be improved, you haven't played a lot of time in the vehicles from your overall time played, especially aviator, i would consider a joystick and a little practice and time in all the vehicles, so you can boost your awareness in both infantry and vehicles, and become a better overall player
A very good amount of badges/ribbons from both vanilla and SF, try and gain some more time in the vehicles, the basic badges at the end ruin the flow
Nearly rank captain, you will enjoy that rank, its really nice, and congratulations when you get their