
Nyte wrote:

Vampira_NB wrote:

a K/D ratio of 1.8 and he wants us to believe he's holier than thou?

Sure, its better than mine, but I suck.
It's 2.97 actually, I like to go by rather than this site because it calculates everything starting from the beginning (Which is 1 year ago!!).  I started off pretty crappy (I had a ~0.5 KDR in my first month of playing as a Sniper in June).
Wow this *is* a nice site, but I must be reading it wrong. How do you calculate your K/D for a specific time period?

Not sure what it means to be a God amongst snipers, but if it a matter of respect, I would place you somewhere below that ranking. Still think K/D is the measure of your mastery of that kit: stealth & killing.

Never saw the point of operating close range when you have no armor, and no way to fully assist teammates (medpacks, ammo). Especially with such an accurate distance weapon. Then again I still use claymores as if FF is always on and would never just spam them at a spawn, or another area my team is likely to cross.

Did you not post this guide once before?

Last edited by Doctuh (2006-06-08 07:41:06)


ssonrats wrote:

[UK]Blazing.Armour wrote:

I'm not a great sniper...In fact I'm pretty rubbish. But I am better at close quater sniping then long range sniping. But I do understand bullet drop a bit more now and I'm starting to get better, I hope.
Yeah i can remember killing you on PTG last week, lolz
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

Doctuh wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Vampira_NB wrote:

a K/D ratio of 1.8 and he wants us to believe he's holier than thou?

Sure, its better than mine, but I suck.
It's 2.97 actually, I like to go by rather than this site because it calculates everything starting from the beginning (Which is 1 year ago!!).  I started off pretty crappy (I had a ~0.5 KDR in my first month of playing as a Sniper in June).
Wow this *is* a nice site, but I must be reading it wrong. How do you calculate your K/D for a specific time period?

Not sure what it means to be a God amongst snipers, but if it a matter of respect, I would place you somewhere below that ranking. Still think K/D is the measure of your mastery of that kit: stealth & killing.

Never saw the point of operating close range when you have no armor, and no way to fully assist teammates (medpacks, ammo). Especially with such an accurate distance weapon. Then again I still use claymores as if FF is always on and would never just spam them at a spawn, or another area my team is likely to cross.

Did you not post this guide once before?
I only calculate KDR for the past 1 month of playing.  So essentially, I am looking at my KDR from a new account point of view (Which is able to do).
Alpha as fuck.
You need to calculate it from the last update? Looks like someone updated me two months ago. But I have not snipered much since I got the expert so I only have a few hours since then in the kit. Is that my actual K/D for those hours when I compare, or am I reading it wrong?
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Someone requested I be a little more specific about the "dot in center of monitor".

Ok here goes:
The dot is NOT for unscoped sniping.  Unscoped sniping does NOT work in this game, if you don't believe me, go take an unscoped shot at a wall right in front of you and you'll see the bullet hole appear behind you (that's how inaccurate it is).

The dot in the center of the monitor is to give you an added advantage of zooming in perfectly.  Since the sniper rifles do not have a unscoped crosshair, most players will zoom in a little off their targets, they therefore waste time trying to move their crosshairs to their targets again once zoomed (Thereby increasing line-up time and giving the enemy more time to aim at YOU).

With the dot, you can now accurately gauge where the zoomed crosshair will appear just by using the dot as a reference.  You effectively cut your line-up times by 100% because you don't have to adjust your reticule on your target.

All those CAL-i Q3/CS:S/UT players tend to do this with the Railgun/AWP/SniperRifle
Alpha as fuck.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

Doctuh wrote:

You need to calculate it from the last update? Looks like someone updated me two months ago. But I have not snipered much since I got the expert so I only have a few hours since then in the kit. Is that my actual K/D for those hours when I compare, or am I reading it wrong?
That is your actual K/D from the last update (When you click "Calculate Now").  You can add another "Update" profile by clicking "Update Now".

So let's say you click "Update Now".  You now have a reference point to compare to the next time you want to update.
Alpha as fuck.
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
With the dot, would it be safe to do on an LCD screen? Or maybe just a little tiny bit of sticky tape as you said?
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

gene_pool wrote:

With the dot, would it be safe to do on an LCD screen? Or maybe just a little tiny bit of sticky tape as you said?
Just a really small piece of masking tape is what I use.  But if you want to do long range sniping, I suggest clear tape because else your target view will get sort of distorted.

Even a large piece of clear tape is good as long as you can get a general area of zooming in.

Last edited by Nyte (2006-06-08 08:24:18)

Alpha as fuck.
+45|6898|Bristol, UK
I really want to try this, but it's not my pc, so I can't...
Defensor Ursa

Ilocano wrote:

But most of the kills on Tom Berenger's Sniper movie were done at close to medium range. :
Movie?? LMAO

Try reading about REAL snipers... … p;n=283155 … p;n=283155
I suspect something is amiss

Defensor Ursa wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

But most of the kills on Tom Berenger's Sniper movie were done at close to medium range. :
Movie?? LMAO

Try reading about REAL snipers... … p;n=283155 … p;n=283155
And i thought this was a game..
Recovering Karkand Addict
+8|6966|Bottom of the bowl

gene_pool wrote:

With the dot, would it be safe to do on an LCD screen? Or maybe just a little tiny bit of sticky tape as you said?
I have an LCD on which I used a very very small bit of toothpaste applied with a toothpick.  In my experience, once the toothpaste dries, it can be easily flaked off by a dry paper towel or a fingernail.  (I used the 'all white' sort of toothpaste and it left no stain or marking on my screen.)
I did this while playing CS:S a lot.  The dot got annoying for everyday stuff, so I removed it.
how can u snipe gd without having lighting on, it helps u see the dude who is firring at u if he's hiding

Defensor Ursa wrote:

Ilocano wrote:

But most of the kills on Tom Berenger's Sniper movie were done at close to medium range. :
Movie?? LMAO

Try reading about REAL snipers... … p;n=283155 … p;n=283155
Sarcasm doesn't carry well over the forums.  This is why I included this at the end of my remark.  .  Unless you have "smiley's" turned off.
HAHAHA!!!!  It doesn't matter at all what mouse you use.  You stated the important part yourself; its all about getting the feel for your mouse and pad.   I'm usually the deadliest sniper on my team and I use the roller ball mouse that came with my Dell.

And whats this crap about bunny hoping snipers being skilled??  Jumping and spinning in the air isn't skill, its exploitation of EA's inability to keep the hit boxes and player models in the same place.

Aside from these two points the guide was good.

the_ubernoob_ wrote:

HAHAHA!!!!  It doesn't matter at all what mouse you use.  You stated the important part yourself; its all about getting the feel for your mouse and pad.   I'm usually the deadliest sniper on my team and I use the roller ball mouse that came with my Dell.
I was all set to flame you a little bit but your sniper stats are pretty good Nice accuracy, especially for a trackball IMO since I can't really use one for this type of game.
oh hai :D
+156|6965|The Netherlands

Spearhead wrote:

No, mouse doesn't matter.
yes it does

You wanna bet mouse doesnt matter?! There has been a massive visible change in my sniping ability since I got my G5 and my clan mates have mentioned it,

ReDmAn_ThE_uNiQuE wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

No, mouse doesn't matter.
yes it does
Sure does - crappy ball mouse = crappy aim. Liquid-smooth optical mouse = better play generally.

And a couple of extra buttons can help get that all-important 0.2-of-a-second advantage when switching to the pistol or whatever.

Nyte wrote:

A short guide on how to be a player close to my calibre

1) The mouse matters.  I don't care what anyone says, this is the be-all and end-all of close range sniping.  You should have either one of the following mice:
Logitech MX518
Logitech G5
Logitech G7
Razer Copperhead
Any mouse that does not have sensitivity changing on the fly is complete crap if you want to pursue this road.

2) Display settings should optimally be:
- 1280x1024 and up
- All settings at high but turn shadows and lighting to the lowest possible setting
- Viewing distance set at 100%

3) VoIP turned ON.  You will be the squad leader most of the time, you will be leading the flock of sheep so please do so with your voice, not by typing.

4) Nyte's mindset.  You are the sniper-from-hell.  The enemy team dreads your type.  You're the headshot king.  You can fend off a whole squad capping a flag.  You can cap a flag all by yourself in a contested base.  You don't care about your stats, you care about WINNING the game.  You don't know the meaning of "missed a shot".  You don't care what others say because you KNOW you can beat them more than they can beat you.  You ARE the epitome of what all in-your-face snipers should be.

Let's get started
From the least accurate to the most accurate sniper rifle:
M95: Takes all targets down to 2 bars of health. Lowest bullet drop. Largest reticule.
M24: Takes all unarmored targets to 2 bars of health (Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Spec-Ops). Takes armored targets to 40% of their health (Support, Assault, Anti-Tank). Medium bullet drop. Medium reticule.
L96A1: Takes all unarmored targets to 2 bars of health (Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Spec-Ops). Takes armored targets to 40% of their health (Support, Assault, Anti_tank). Highest bullet drop.
Excluded SVD/Type88 (I don't use these often so I won't comment on it). Smallest reticule.

If you are planning on pursuing this road, the M95 is the only rifle you will ever use.  Their are some perks with using this as well, all kits are damaged the same, you can kill through vehicle windshield, and you can snipe pilots.

The first thing you will need is to set you DPI to a low enough level so that you can consistently and smoothly lead targets.  Most of the snipers out there are not up-to-par all because of this simple rule.

I suggest 400 DPI (The lowest for Logitech G5, the one I use).  You have much greater control when you have this setting.  I've seen friends of mine set their's at 1600 DPI because they think bigger numbers = bigger penis.  Ding dong, here comes the clue train: 1600 DPI is impossible to snipe with.  Make me a FRAPS video of someone streaking in the 10's and I might change this sentence but until then, no way in hell is anyone ever going to snipe successfully at that high of a DPI setting.

I can't really give any tips for this as this is solely gather-from-experience.  One thing you need to know is that this applies to ALL games.  You HAVE to know your mousepad and mouse and how far they generally move on the screen without actually moving it.  If you know the movement distance of your mouse by memory alone, you're ready.  And please, if you intend to learn aiming well, DON'T buy a new mousepad/mouse every couple of months, it effectively "resets" your "memory" of your mouse/mousepad combo.

When going in for flag cap:
Make sure to know your surroundings well, place claymores at the choke points leading to the flags.  When capping, don't be afraid to have your sniper rifle as your main weapon.  Given the distance seperating the flags from walls, ALL maps give you ample room to close-range snipe while capping.  Even the hotel at Karkand (The smallest flag cap area in all the maps) has plenty of room.

When going in for the kill:
This depends on which kit you manage to face off against.
Sniper: This is either the hardest or the easiest depending on who is sniping.  You can tell by the skillset of the opposing sniper from the following characteristics: They go prone and stay there shooting at you (Amateur), they prone-crouch-prone-crouch (Higher than normal skillset), they jump while turning around and prone (Highest skillset).  If you are facing the latter sniper, they normally have amazing accuracy (This is how you should play), these snipers tend to do the 180 degree turn during a jump to fool you but when they land-prone, they are facing you and have the perfect shot lined up.  The only counter I have for this is you do the same thing.  The other 2 types of snipers are easy kills as they tend to be living in the breathe-shoot mindset, just do a jump-prone-shoot-crouch-repeat and they will miss 99% of their shots.

Support: These are the easiest players to take out.  Nearly all of them will either go prone and shoot, or dolphin dive and shoot (when they land, that's your chance to take them out).  The only problem I see with support players is when they spam grenades (But all classes suffer from the same tactic so I won't go into that here).

Anti-Tank These guys are almost as easy to take out as the support players due to their poor main weapons.  Treat them as you would treat support.  The only thing that you should watch out for is the DAO-12 in extreme close quarters, it gets even the best of players (including me).  Another thing to look out for is the SRAW/ERYX sniper.  The amateur ones will usually stand/prone still while shooting/aiming the rocket, a simple jump-prone-shoot takes care of those.  The PRO ones can move around while aiming the rocket (ie. The Anti-Tanker from HELL), in these situations, it is a 50/50 chance on who gets who first... just remember that jump-prone-shoot-crouch-repeat is your friend.

Engineer: Depending on the situation, this can be easy or your worst nightmare.  If the distance between both of you is less than 10m, a sniper rifle will NOT do and you will have to either rely on your pistol OR a grenade.  Anything greater than 10m should not be a problem because engineers can't accurately shoot that far anways.  If the situation is the former, my favorite tactic is tapping the right mouse button so the grenade falls to the floor while jumping away, most of the time the engineer will chase you with their shotgun and get killed by the grenade you leave behind.

Spec Ops: A little bit harder than support.  They have fairly accurate guns and they do not rely on proning so headshots are a bit harder.  In these situations, it is ok to hit them in the body with the sniper rifle, just switch to pistol fast and fire some shots at them to take them out.  Most spec-ops players will run when they have 2 bars of health, this is the perfect opportunity to take out your pistol.  Some spec-ops players will actually continue to try and kill you even with 2 health bars, a pistol or grenade will do in this case.

Medic: Same as Spec Ops.  Watch out for the pro medics.  You can tell if you they throw a med pack in front of them and jump-prone on it while shooting at you, in these situations you usually have only one shot because if you hit their body, guess what, they're back to full health while their G36E hammers you down.

Assault: One of the hardest to take out due to their grenade launcher.  A pro assault player versus a sniper will usually end up in victory for the assault.  I myself have trouble taking on these types, the best bet is to get that headshot on your first shot, otherwise, drop a claymore and run.

Some general tips:
- The animation where the player goes prone is misleading... As soon as they hit prone, their hitbox is already on the floor while their animation model is not.  AIM FOR THE PRONE POSITION even if their animation model is not on the floor yet.  It may be hard at first because your brain doesn't adjust like that but by doing this, you effectively kill your targets 100% faster because you don't have to wait for the animation model to actually hit the floor.
- Even the zoom on the rifle has some tricks to it.  As some of you probably discovered, there is a bug with double zooming on the rifle.  This only happens if you don't time the zoom-in/reload correctly.  After you fire a hit, wait for the bolt-reload ANIMATION (not the SOUND) to finish playing, once it's finished, you can zoom in again without fear of the doublezoom bug.
- Putting a dot in the middle of your monitor (You can use a small sticker).  You might be thinking about non-scoped kills. HELL NO.  The dot in the middle of your monitor is solely for zooming in on the target without much deviation.  Most snipers usually zoom in close to their target but never ON the target, they therefore waste time trying to center their reticule on the enemy.  By using the dot, you can zoom in fairly close to your target every single time and thereby reduce line-up times.  I probably have the fastest line-up time in the world due to this strategy alone.
- The M95 has a sweet spot for aiming.  The bottom of the reticule crosshair should be used for aiming and only the bottom.  From experience, the bullets tend to travel through that.  Never use the "center" of the reticule crosshair for aiming, it works at the center only for distances less than 50 m.

Against vehicles
For gunners: Gunners on top of tanks/vehicles are the easiest to take out.  The exception is Anti-Air armor gunners, they are alot harder because the mounted seat moves along with the turret.
Vodniks vs HUMVEES vs NJ2046:  The HUMVEE and NJ2046 have the advantage of exposing the driver from the back.  The Vodnik on the hand doesn't and therefore you won't be able to pull off the snipe-driver-as-hes-driving-away.

For pilots: If it's moving, it's all chance, otherwise the only other time you'll ever need to use it against a pilot is when you're stealing it for your team while its starting to take off.

That's all I can think of for now.
That post is nearly as bad as the Tutorial I saw someone post on how to lay a claymore?

hmmm i wonder why u have -68 karma...

EntertaineR_06 wrote:

hmmm i wonder why u have -68 karma...
for every +1 karma you recieve do you get wood ? and go flick one off ?
every -1 karma does it bring you closer to suicide ? thinking the world is against you ?

yeah, well thanks for the -1 u just gave me, I'll give you one back with the same language u used in mine
+25|7073|Yorkshire, UK.

Nyte wrote:

1600 DPI is impossible to snipe with.  Make me a FRAPS video of someone streaking in the 10's and I might change this sentence but until then, no way in hell is anyone ever going to snipe successfully at that high of a DPI setting.
I always use 2000 DPI but i alter sensitivityfor sniping and lets face it I aren't too bad a sniper...
+25|7073|Yorkshire, UK.

Nyte wrote:

1600 DPI is impossible to snipe with.  Make me a FRAPS video of someone streaking in the 10's and I might change this sentence but until then, no way in hell is anyone ever going to snipe successfully at that high of a DPI setting.
I always use 2000 DPI but i alter sensitivity for sniping and lets face it I aren't too bad a sniper...

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