Destroy Noob Cannons

Cyjoki wrote:

This is small time.

Back in Battlefield 1942, My friend Brent was playing one of the desert maps for the first time.

He was playing as the germans, and he was a rifleman.

If you knew my friend Brent, you would know he is kind of a jackass. So he was running around the airstrip on one of the huge desert maps blowing up friendly planes and generally being stupid when a B52 flys over and starts to bomb the airstrip. Out of sheer anger he aims at the cockpit of this plane and fires a single shot within about 2 seconds of the bombs starting to fall.

Now, this plane is about 3000 feet up, and isnt even clearly visible.


Thats a great shot.
Except for the part where it didn't happen because it's impossible.

1. there is no B-52s in BF1942. They're b-17s.
2. You cannot shoot pilots out of cockpits.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-10-25 13:16:07)


=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Cyjoki wrote:

This is small time.

Back in Battlefield 1942, My friend Brent was playing one of the desert maps for the first time.

He was playing as the germans, and he was a rifleman.

If you knew my friend Brent, you would know he is kind of a jackass. So he was running around the airstrip on one of the huge desert maps blowing up friendly planes and generally being stupid when a B52 flys over and starts to bomb the airstrip. Out of sheer anger he aims at the cockpit of this plane and fires a single shot within about 2 seconds of the bombs starting to fall.

Now, this plane is about 3000 feet up, and isnt even clearly visible.


Thats a great shot.
Except for the part where it didn't happen because it's impossible.

1. there is no B-52s in BF1942. They're b-17s.
2. You cannot shoot pilots out of cockpits.
Destroy Noob Cannons

DrDestruction wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Cyjoki wrote:

This is small time.

Back in Battlefield 1942, My friend Brent was playing one of the desert maps for the first time.

He was playing as the germans, and he was a rifleman.

If you knew my friend Brent, you would know he is kind of a jackass. So he was running around the airstrip on one of the huge desert maps blowing up friendly planes and generally being stupid when a B52 flys over and starts to bomb the airstrip. Out of sheer anger he aims at the cockpit of this plane and fires a single shot within about 2 seconds of the bombs starting to fall.

Now, this plane is about 3000 feet up, and isnt even clearly visible.


Thats a great shot.
Except for the part where it didn't happen because it's impossible.

1. there is no B-52s in BF1942. They're b-17s.
2. You cannot shoot pilots out of cockpits.
haha.. yeah I've spent many hours on BF1942. and in a few of those hours, I've spent sitting on a friendly plane while it is occupied, shooting at the cockpit window with all differnet weapons. Just doesn't work.
Haha, I know that too, but its one of those things you just don't pick up right away when half-reading these posts.
BF2s' little helper
Once I brought down a MIG-29 with my good ol' trustworthy M203 (Grenade launcher on USMC )..
The map was Gulf of Oman. The MEC team had all the outposts, I had just landed on the beach with a RIB along with some other guys... and there, in the distance - my next victim a single soldier, walking around on the beach waiting for landing crafts. Pulled out my M203 aimed... [...]
I the distance a MIG-29 was coming in real low and real fast, gunning my landing craft to pieces along with the rest of my crew...
I pulled the trigger... The MIG was on a straight line towards me... and then "BOOOM" the MIG was reduced to flaming metal and a single kill for me ...
(I was laughing sooo hard that the guy on the beach killed me with a knife.. but it was totally worth it)
thats what I'm talkin about....

the golf shot...haha
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I just had the best shot in my life!
Wake Island 64 server, we were being raped by some AH-ZI..
I had enough of it and decided to take my M95 and put a stop to it! (lol)
Fired 7 rounds at it and it EXPLODED giving me 2 killz and a lot of "Whoaah!" "noob, hacker!" "Nice shot man"
Yeah, thats pretty sweet. I blew up an attack chopper once with an M95, but it was pure luck. there were like 20 guys firing at it with small arms and I was just lucky enough to get the final blow in. I did it to a jeep also the same way. Just one great shot like that can really keep you coming back for more, even while sifting through all the noobs, jackasses, and hackers.

Last edited by dshak (2005-10-28 09:51:14)

BF2s' little helper

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

I just had the best shot in my life!
Wake Island 64 server, we were being raped by some AH-ZI..
I had enough of it and decided to take my M95 and put a stop to it! (lol)
Fired 7 rounds at it and it EXPLODED giving me 2 killz and a lot of "Whoaah!" "noob, hacker!" "Nice shot man"
Nice one dude..
I've never experinced the M95's armour piercing properties.. when a chopper goes stationary over a target I often get in a clip or so on the people inside.. and I'm sure that at least some of them should have hit the driver/gunner...

But yeah the 50.cal sniper is actually good for bringing down choppers - it packs a punch...
Wiki Contributor
+2|7067|Medicland, sthlm

I don't have any stories on million dollar shots, I'm new to this game.

But today, having a few rounds before work, I had a great time on Wake.

The northernmost base, the USMCs foothold at the moment, severe defence, the Corps is letting no commie near. I'm the chinese medic that decided to show the capitalist dogs what socialist Kung-Fu is all about.

Dodging bullets, I run to the bridge, and throw myself under it, holding a medicpack. The fall broke my leg, but a few wads of socialist gauze and some splints soon sorted that. Going with the great kung-fu vibe I got, I ninja my way up to the side of a house, and then suddenly, a UAV deploys.

Thanking comrade Mao for UAVs built by the toiling workers in the factories and the excellent commander we had, I saw that a shitload of capitalist dogs were hiding in between the houses. One chicom grenade, lots dead.
A medic revives a few, another grenade, repeated as necessary.

I know, it's nowhere near a tall tale of shooting down a C130 with a slingshot, but it still brought a smile to my face.
Stop reading this and look at my post
My fave stroy is when I took out an attack chopper with a grenade. Not the grenade launcher (done that a few times too) but a regular grenade. I was playing Wake Island for about the 6th time, and spawned as an American medic at one of the regular bases. The chopper was hovering just above and in front of me, directly above one of those low buildings. In a flash of inspiration i threw the grenade at the roof, which bounced straight up and killed the heli. The pilot and gunner seemed very shocked when it said Talon1579 [Hand Grenade] Playerx
BF2s' little helper
Nice one dude ..

the closest I've ever gotten to that is by bringing down the MEC/CHINA transport chopper with regular grenades... when they were hovering above a flag (trying to take it) I lobbed in as many of my grenades I could into its big opening in the back... the result: killd all the soldiers inside + a lot of defended flag points + a free ride for me - it was kind'a wasted but im not picky

btw.. M90Medic  nice little tale keep it up and have fun..

see ya around
(this was before v 1.03 as you might imagine)
Great stories guys, had one of my own happen this weekend.

Playing Chinese on 32 Dalian Plant we had swept through and secured all the capturable points. So I'm sitting in a tank at the end of the southern dock taking pot shots at incoming boats and wondering if I can hit the carrier deck from here. So I elevate my gun and fire. Wayyy to high or so I thought. Soon the round starts coming down down down, right into an F-35 hovering above the carrier. Luckiest shot ever, for me at least.
BF2s' little helper
ROFL! I thought that was impossible
Mass Media Casualty

On the other side of this...
I was attacking a Wetlands base, and people there were beginning to get wise to me. I stole a jeep, and was just about to move off when the ping of an ominous sniper's bullet hits the car. I spun the car round to face the guy, lying prone on the ground. I revved the engine - sweat glistened down my face and his. I gunned the engine towards him. He was ready for me. He knew he had one shot to end this right now. He had one chance, but he could do it - he knew he could do it. The car was getting closer, wait... wait... not yet... wait until the perfect oppertunity...
Pechew! He squeezed the trigger...

...Well, he missed...
SPLAT! He was pressed against the wall and killed.

Oh how we laughed.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
BF2s' little helper
LOL nice story

I've done that like a million times but never heard it explained that exciting
+0|7066|Brisbane Australia
while i havnt had too many 'bullshit' shots so far in BF2, besides shooting down a attack helo with a SRAW as it strafes me under the bridge in Dam, i have had several in DC.

best shot ever, i was coolition on DC_Deasertshield at a LAN, 64 players, and snuck into the opposition base and nabbed the SCUD.  i drove it to the entrance of the base, jumped in the back and pointed it up in a feeble attempt to hit the small base between the ridge and the coolition base that was getting attacked.

Whooosh!  Whoosh!  i cant see where these are going but they feel like theyre hitting short, so i raise it up and fire off another and it dissapears into the nVidia distance fog.

Kommando [SCUD-B] TargonXelos3rd

The room erupts in laughter as Gene stands up and screams WTF!  people are falling over themselves crying laughing and i am left wondering what just happened.  after all a scud has a large blast radius.  tho that blast radius only kills one person when it intersects a SU-27.

between tears i am told by Jarod that Gene was flying his SU-27 around the coolition base strafing our attempts to take back the said point when out of the sky screams a 20m missile that cuts his supersonic plane in half showering our war effort in blazing shrapnel.

this tops the time i took out the circling AC-130 with an M-109 howitzer.
mine isnt a shot, as such, but its how i got my record kill streak (7, don't laugh.) still, it was funny as hell.
i play engineer mostly just because i have the most practice with it. i'm trying 2 get better at laying mines so i'm on fushe pass on quite a narrow road on the valley wall, lying down to the side of the road behind a bush. an APC drives toward me. when he stops to shoot at something i crawl up and lay a mine in front and behind it. he sees me and tries to shoot but misses (somehow). i watch from about 50 feet or so. he knows that there are mines around him so he's just sitting there deciding what to do when his obviously impatient friend drives up behind him. he waits for about 4 or 5 seconds then rams the front APC to try to get him to move. he detonates the rear mine, and pushes the other one into the foward mine. they had 3 and 4 people in them which gave me 7 kills in about 2 seconds. i died a few seconds later because i was laughing and couldnt return fire.
My story involves me a J-10 and 8 american's waiting for an attack chopper on wake island a tactic i have been usining recently in wake island against the carrier deck is somthing i affectionatly call the razor blade. You fly as close the carrier deck as possible in the hopes of cutting people in two Well yesterday i was flying along when i shot down the USMC attack chopper, knowing how people always wait forever for the eqipment to respawn instead of going out and fighting i quickly circled and burned towards the carrier deck i dipped down and came so close to the carrier deck i actually lost 2 bars of hp slicing 8 people in half.
I just gunned down 4 people with the PKM from 1 long burst...

It was karkand and my friends reported the americans where sneaking through our right flank (he reported two) - I ran directly to the right flank and went prone just in front of 4 enemies... I panicked a bit and held the button down - When the gun overheated I had 4 kills to show for it without taking much damage...

My friends just saw the names and cheered
+0|7066|Brisbane Australia

Sifright wrote:

My story involves me a J-10 and 8 american's waiting for an attack chopper on wake island a tactic i have been usining recently in wake island against the carrier deck is somthing i affectionatly call the razor blade. You fly as close the carrier deck as possible in the hopes of cutting people in two Well yesterday i was flying along when i shot down the USMC attack chopper, knowing how people always wait forever for the eqipment to respawn instead of going out and fighting i quickly circled and burned towards the carrier deck i dipped down and came so close to the carrier deck i actually lost 2 bars of hp slicing 8 people in half.
Ill have to try that sometime.  serves them right for being chopper whores.
+1|7073|Colo. Springs
Well to date the best shot I've made was against a hovering BH the pilot was rotateing in different directions since I think the gunner was switching places on the mini-guns, but he stopped for a moment and after trying a couple time to hit the pilot i tired for the gunner who was at that time manning the oppisite gun, I shoot and next thing I see is the gunner falling out, I get credited with a kill.
+271|7069|United States of America

dshak wrote:

Haha, as for you spec ops guys who are now hunting for me in the weeds, don't spend too much time, like all the other "surefire" approaches people have given me for getting the basic knife badge, that one didn't work either. NO I'm not a super noob with the knife, I can handle it well, I just don't seem to get all these "easy opportunities" everyone constantly talks about.

The worst advice I ever got was to chase a guy from behind, as long as he's moving forward he's near impossible to stab, as every time you swing that pig sticker you slow down and he's out of range. I hate that badge.


I wish I could just BUY it off someone so this unhealthy obsession would end and I could enjoy playing the game again. Its making me criminally insane I swear to it!
Yah its that way for me too, hate the badge love the game, can't get over your anger and temptation to burn the dics with anything you have around the house. 

I love being able to express hatred for something, dont you?
Seeing as this thread are full of tales of greatness...may as well share my adventures...er hem


One Cloudless Day in the City of Mashturr a busy little sniper called EcLiPsE#14 was sniping away from the mosque roof as a good marine sniper does.  an mec squad has stolen the blackhawk and american tank and is hovering at the backyard with the tank directly under it...now with quick thinking EcLiPsE#14 says to himself
"lets shoot the pilot down with my trusty inaccurate M95 so it kills the other 5 in the chopper and then the chopper will land on the tank kill the gunner and the tank and 2 ppl around it making a total of 10 kills in the space of 3 seconds"...so he did...


I'm not sure but i think u can only kill 6 ppl at one time but i killed the chopper squad first...then sum1 else killed...then the tank was destroyed by the chopper along with the other 2 outside it...but can any1 confirm that its only 6 ppl at one time? or can u kill more than 6?
Mass Media Casualty

In the earlier patches of BF1942 you were able to shoot pilots out of cockpits. I remember being really pissed off when they changed that.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

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