The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
something that i would really like to see implemented is the ability to see if someone has forgiven me if i tk.  when you're punished, you see "You have been punished for a teamkill.", as you all know. 

another thing that may encourage forgiving is to state it in the server globally.  so when the server says something like:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - forgiven
and if you're punished say it like this globally:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - punished
i think if players see their names attached to punishing/forgiving, they might think twice about punishing for unintentional teamkills.  at the very least, it would show the teamkiller who's punishing and who's forgiving.
Crazy has a mind of its own

The Soup Nazi wrote:

something that i would really like to see implemented is the ability to see if someone has forgiven me if i tk.  when you're punished, you see "You have been punished for a teamkill.", as you all know. 

another thing that may encourage forgiving is to state it in the server globally.  so when the server says something like:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - forgiven
and if you're punished say it like this globally:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - punished
i think if players see their names attached to punishing/forgiving, they might think twice about punishing for unintentional teamkills.  at the very least, it would show the teamkiller who's punishing and who's forgiving.
Yeah I think its a good idea. Although it might kinda spam an already busy text box. But I can see how this would have a lot of benefits in dealing with TK punishing smacktards. It also be good to get an announcement if the player you TK'd does not respond, and give an announcement that they "Forgive by default"
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Yeah, too bad it wasn't thought of pre-patch...well, at least not by EA. 
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
if i'm accidentally TK'ed, i almost always forgive.  and if i have a spare moment, i take the time to write "i forgave you, PlayerX"
Crazy has a mind of its own

The Soup Nazi wrote:

if i'm accidentally TK'ed, i almost always forgive.  and if i have a spare moment, i take the time to write "i forgave you, PlayerX"
Yeah I usually wait a little bit, if its a questionable TK, and give them time to say sorry.
But there are some careless idiots who blown things up indescriminately. But for each one of those, there's 3  TK punishing jack offs who dont think anything of TK punishing everyone, regardless of reason.
i actually saw what your talking about the other day Nazi, it said in  the upper section of text " playerX has punished PlayerY, (then his totals of choices) times forgave:0 times punished:3" too bad i can't remember what room it was.

Last edited by The_Time (2005-10-20 18:34:24)

being an engy is the hardest class to play....u get a crappy shotgun and every time u lay mines some blind idiot runs over them and punishes you! the engy should be given the option if in a squad maybe to announce to his side that he is laying mines and they should appear on the map until he dies or they are exploded! atleast then others on his side would know where the mines are...if they look at the map. I know mines are put in some unexpected places so some punishing is expected! atleast this way we could cut down on some punishing..that or make all our vehicles immune to friendly mines...

Last edited by Fahrenheit (2005-10-23 03:05:23)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
Less people would run over mines or accidently TK one of their team if perhaps two things happened.

1. Mine symbols appeared sooner than they do. As they are now if you are in an FAV you have about 1.5 seconds to react to mines in the road. If you are lagged in anyway or going down a hill this could be impossible.

2. If names appeared sooner over friendly units. A fighter or helicopter comes in for a kill on an enemy tank only to find out at the last second that its a friendly in an enemy tank. Perhaps they have already released their bombs or fired hellfires. If they had seen the friendly tag sooner they may have been able to avoid a TK.

But I don't know why I am even wasteing my typing on this. Not like EA is going to fix any of this ever. I've given  up any hope for EA to get it's act together. All we can do is accel at the game in it's broken state and get used to the bugs as stupid and idiotic as they may be. I wish a company more in tune with FPS games released Battlefield instead of a company whose primary product up to this point has been sports.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+0|7128|British Columbia

Fahrenheit wrote:

being an engy is the hardest class to play....u get a crappy shotgun

Maybe if you're playing MEC... 

The M11-87 is my personal favorite gun in the game. The one shot kills, lack of wasted ammo and the ability to take down choppers more then outweigh the somewhat slow rate of fire and limited range (although it's longer then people think).

As far as mines go I usually just end up using them in direct combat with tanks. Throwing a nice AT on the rear deck of a camping tank and then lobbing a grenade underneath it is pretty fun.
Wiki Contributor
+2|7067|Medicland, sthlm

I punish stupid TKs. An accident is an accident, but when I'm TK'd out of sheer carelessnes, I punish. Many are the moments when I've skipped a shot because there is a friendly in the way. I expect this courtesy from others.
there is a very very very easy way to modify the TK/Punish system.

No TK for collisions. only TK for small arms/vehicle *weapons*.

sure, it wouldnt competely take out the dumb punishments, but it would remove about two thirds of the bitching about the Punish system (not that it shouldnt be bitched about)

and while im at it, bunny hopping could be solved really easily as well. every jump takes out 1/3rd of your sprint bar. if you dont have the sprint, you dont get the jump. it wouldnt completely take out bunnyhopping, but it would sure the hell tone it down. additionally, put an added stance in the aiming algorithm...jumping. when jumping, make the modifier like 10 for all weapons.

Last edited by blacksheepcannibal (2005-11-01 13:46:11)


BeforeGod wrote:

Fahrenheit wrote:

being an engy is the hardest class to play....u get a crappy shotgun

Maybe if you're playing MEC... 

The M11-87 is my personal favorite gun in the game. The one shot kills, lack of wasted ammo and the ability to take down choppers more then outweigh the somewhat slow rate of fire and limited range (although it's longer then people think).

As far as mines go I usually just end up using them in direct combat with tanks. Throwing a nice AT on the rear deck of a camping tank and then lobbing a grenade underneath it is pretty fun.
I definitely prefer the USMC shotgun over the others... I find it pretty easy to kill groups of 2-3 enemy troops with it if I keep moving around.  the fact that it still remains pretty accurate while side stepping, etc. helps out a lot.  As far as the mines go, it takes some thought as to the placement so that morons on your team dont run into them...  Spamming mines everywhere is a good way to get some teamkills racked up as well, it pays to be strtegic.  I find some of the best places are on the opposite side of hills on roads from where the enemy comes from (kinda hides them from view). On city maps I agree with BeforeGod and prefer to sneak up on tanks and APC's and place mines on them.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Really, the only valid reason to punish a teamkill is if that TK is blatantly deliberate. Examples of this are TKing for vehicles, or just some smacktard TKing for the fun of it. I think that experience in the game should be a criteria for the option to punish. All too often, when laying down a field of fire, someone will run right into that field with predictable results. Whose fault is it? Why should a player with little or no sense be given the option to punish. Speaking to M90Medic.....if you into my line of fire while I am firing...are you suggesting that it is incumbent upon me to cease my fire until you pass? Think about it terms of the battlefield. If I go running out placing myself in anothers line of fire, especially with enemies coming, who is being the idiot or inconsiderate? The same with running over mines....even if you can't stop due to lag, climbing a ladder, running into traffic or running behind a vehicle. AN experienced player will know where to generally expect these things anyway. I have to admit to punishing TK's when it was due to my own idiocy when I first started playing, but that has definitely changed as I became more experienced. In lieu of people coming to their senses when it comes to punishing, I suggest making the punish system a privilege of rank, with things running downhill, if you take my meaning, at least until staff sergeant. The only realistic way to change the punish system is to make it based upon rank. In reality, who has ever heard of a private punishing a sergeant? In addition, perhaps give the commander the ability to kick abusive players.
One other suggested improvment is along the line proposed by Dizazter. Make the default action to forgive, rather than punish should time expire. Many times I have hit page-up to forgive and voted in a mutiny or kick vote instead, and not realize it until it was too late.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-01 16:07:29)

The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
while reading on, i came upon a thread where someone had another idea for the TK issue.  they said that when you're teamkilled, instead of saying

[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills playerX
that it should say something like

[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills (SU-34) playerX
that way, if you're the one who got teamkilled, you would know what killed you.  might help people realize the consequences of their actions (assuming that it is, indeed, their fault).  in this case, i may have accidentally bombed my own guys with an SU-34.  that matched with me saying "sorry" might help them from instantly punishing.

but like all things in the software development world...  if it's logical, it'll never be implemented.
Wiki Contributor
+2|7067|Medicland, sthlm

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Speaking to M90Medic.....if you into my line of fire while I am firing...are you suggesting that it is incumbent upon me to cease my fire until you pass? Think about it terms of the battlefield. If I go running out placing myself in anothers line of fire, especially with enemies coming, who is being the idiot or inconsiderate?
Yes, and no. You make references to reality and gaming in your post. Have you had any military training?
In a game perspective, no, fire away, your binary bullets wont hurt me. They'll make me respawn somewhere.
In reality, someone runs out into your firing arc when laying down suppresive fire, a damn shame but Darwins law applies here. If youre going to pick off someone a distance away, and your homeboy shows up, you got an almost clear line of fire, but your buddy is kinda close... Hmmm... take the shot? Here's where training varies.
During my military service, i was taught not to take the shot should your buddy be within a set boundary relative to your firing position. This boundary is relative to the distance between you and your buddy, the closer your buddy is to you, the narrower your options are. It's these shots I might punish. Might.

I seldom punish TK's, but when it's justified, I dont hesitate.

Specific example: when someone with a shotgun is running behind me, enemy pops up and the Boy Wonder starts blasting away, paying no heed to the fact that I'm between his muzzle and the enemy.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

In reality, who has ever heard of a private punishing a sergeant? In addition, perhaps give the commander the ability to kick abusive players.
Here we are, distinction between game and reality please. In reality, no 13-year old would be my boss. Rank in this game is a motivator to play in a team-oriented way, an incitement towards winning. Excellent system. But it applies to the game and the game only.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

One other suggested improvment is along the line proposed by Dizazter. Make the default action to forgive, rather than punish should time expire. Many times I have hit page-up to forgive and voted in a mutiny or kick vote instead, and not realize it until it was too late.
This I agree on fully.

The Soup Nazi wrote:

something that i would really like to see implemented is the ability to see if someone has forgiven me if i tk.  when you're punished, you see "You have been punished for a teamkill.", as you all know. 

another thing that may encourage forgiving is to state it in the server globally.  so when the server says something like:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - forgiven
and if you're punished say it like this globally:
[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - punished
i think if players see their names attached to punishing/forgiving, they might think twice about punishing for unintentional teamkills.  at the very least, it would show the teamkiller who's punishing and who's forgiving.
That sir, is an excellent idea
One thing I know that may cause confusion for some players is when you TK someone (whether accidental or sadly, intentionally), you are asked, Do you want to forgive the Team killer?    I know some people don't want to punish a TKer because they understand it was accidental so they quickly press Page Down. 

It should read more plainly and to the point, Do you want to PUNISH the Team killer?     Yes or No 

Otherwise, we should consider throwing out the whole punish system and try something new.  TKers (whether accidental or intentional) should still be docked initially -2.  Over the course of a game, there should be a new stat column added in the TAB feature that shows how many TKs everyone has.  When it reaches a pre-determined value (let say 3 TKs), an automatic statement similar to the vote-kicking system should come up:

XYZ player has 3 TKs.   Do you want to kick XYZ?   Page up or down.   

and every 2 TKs that is accrued after the pre-determined value a vote will come up to remind folks, hey this dude is TKing.  Do you want to kick this player?

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