something that i would really like to see implemented is the ability to see if someone has forgiven me if i tk. when you're punished, you see "You have been punished for a teamkill.", as you all know.
another thing that may encourage forgiving is to state it in the server globally. so when the server says something like:
another thing that may encourage forgiving is to state it in the server globally. so when the server says something like:
and if you're punished say it like this globally:[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - forgiven
i think if players see their names attached to punishing/forgiving, they might think twice about punishing for unintentional teamkills. at the very least, it would show the teamkiller who's punishing and who's forgiving.[q3w]The_Soup_Nazi teamkills PlayerX - punished