See now I play BF2 a lot, its ruining my social life and im loving every minute of it.
I Used to lift weight every day, but now i have the urge to knife a noob everyday.
I liked spending time with my buddies, now i prefer killing with my clan.
I had a girlfriend (well i still do), but now i have my Rifle.
I once used to sleep but now i spawn camp.
and finally I used to have a life, but now i spend it Owning people with a Submachine Gun.
Im an Addict and I admit it.

Does BF2 ruin your Social Life? If so, how? I am Interested.
Wannabe Heli Whore
I'm not going to lie it has impacted my social life, but not nearly as much as it has to you.
Nade Spammers Must Die

AdamBenson wrote:

I'm not going to lie it has impacted my social life, but not nearly as much as it has to you.
I've played quite a lot but i never let it get in the way of my social life. (With RL people). BF2 rules but nothing beats a good party + alcohol.
is drunk and crazy
yeah its kinda impacted mine, staying up all night playing it, too tired to go to college in the morning.

Dont really see my girlfriend that much, sometimes shes too much hassle compared to bf2.

5:23 am and its time i went to bed

No... Like all hobbies, BF2 requires mediation.

Go get some fresh air.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6987|Canada Eh?
Only once did BF2 delay my social life about and hour and 15 minutes, that was last Saturday for a TWL clan match that I ended up not playing in due to BF2 not patching in time...
BF2 has totally ruined my social life.  Before, I would wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV, pork the old lady and go to sleep.

Now I , wake up, go to work, come home, play BF2, pork the old lady and go to sleep.

I have totally lost track of Brangaliena, TomKat, and Vaughnistons relationships.  Damn you BF2!!
Professional Noob

STAPES87 wrote:

I liked spending time with my buddies, now i prefer killing with my clan.
thats probably because ur clan owns
Cursed You
It hasnt fully ruined mine.  I mean people look down on me for playing it as much as I do.  But 200 hours in 4 months is 50 hours per month, which means I played for pretty much 2 full days per month.

obviously hasnt ruined much of my math skills

I have 2 friends who play, but they arent as dedicated as me, since they both have crap computers that cant run it as well or long.

The only bad thing is trying to find someone to talk to about it.  Which is why I hang out with people who pretend to be interested. 
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7032|Las Vegas
Kinda reminded me of a post I made quite awhile back about "you know you play too much BF2 when....."  Here it is again just for some possible laughs:

You often try to navigate web pages using the W S A D keys.

You're driving down the freeway and you suddenly call out to your passenger...."Enemy boat spotted!"

You automatically find yourself reaching for your trusty PKM every time someone cuts you off in traffic.

You’ve signed more than 3 checks using your BF2 nick.

You notice that it’s 5:39 AM and your first thought is “Holy shit!!! It's been 48 hours since I slept and I've been gaming for 46 of that. I've REALLY gotta reboot my machine before changing servers."

Your next-door neighbor often makes comments like “Wow! It sounded like you were totally kicking some ass at about 4:30 this morning!” (It happened....and I live in a house not an apartment!!)

Every time you call Domino’s the guy says "Do you freakin' SWEAR that you're gonna answer the door this time? Cause we KNOW you're in there!"  Yeah....I've been known to chose points over pizza.  If only I could figure out a way to have both....

For the first time in your life, after seeing YOUR NAME alongside that incredibly beautiful Gold Star in the score box, you FINALLY begin to understand the concept of self worth. You immediately call your parents to tell them that after giving the field of Engineering much consideration, that you have chosen to dedicate your life to Medicine in order that you might be able to prolong lives and reduce the amount of time spent suffering by others. Your mother wept, your father stumbled for words fit to say at such a momentous occasion, and you found your self worth rising yet another notch. Little did they know......

Your boss called you to see if it would be possible to schedule a convenient time in which you "might be able to drag your sorry ass in to work!!!”  You told him you would get back to him on that...after which he said some very interesting things but you can't remember exactly what. You wrote a post it note to call him back at the end of next month in order to follow up on his comments.

Your dog left you for some dude with a Frisbee.....

3 days later you noticed that your girlfriend must have tagged along!

Your friends came by to hold an intervention but you didn't really get the point 'cause you couldn't hear them over all of the gunfire and profanity.

You check the BF2S forum more regularly than you check your mail.

You stub your toe and immediately scream out "I NEED A MEDIC HERE!!!"

One day while your internet connection was down you closed your eyes and came to the realization that all of the above were undeniably true. You even thought about joining a support group for hopeless BF2 addicts, but after some reflection, you decided those guys were all pussies and instead clicked the one icon on your desktop that you can hit every time......(even with your eyes closed).

It's 1am and even though you have to be to work in 5 hours you would rather talk about BF2 than sleep.  On further reflection you ask yourself, "WTF am I doing here talking about the game when I could be playing it!  Awww, fuck it. To hell with sleep....

"What are your orders, Sir?"

E7IX3R wrote:

yeah its kinda impacted mine, staying up all night playing it, too tired to go to college in the morning.

Dont really see my girlfriend that much, sometimes shes too much hassle compared to bf2.

5:23 am and its time i went to bed
The story of my life.  Today was the first day of summer school and I found it hard to concentrate in class after 8 hours of work going off of 3 hours of sleep.
+151|6849|Forest Lake, Australia
Ask SPAM how it's fucked their social life...hahaha
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7032|Las Vegas
A good friend of mine always says "Fuck it! I'll sleep when I'm dead...."
+11|6837|Trophy Club, Texas
I play video games alot, but other things are way more important to me, I still see my girlfriend, I still party with my friends, and I still practice 1-2 hours a day (trombone).  I have my band audition comin up for the Army Band so I have been focusing more on that then BF2, I love the game but it has its time and place.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7078|Toronto Canada
i get action. probably more than alot of you to be completely honest. i am 16 and live a crazy life, but i don't know what the 80's is like
Not really a Brit
Not really, I don't play BF2 that often. (Probably reflected in my time played vs. sign up date).
When I first got it I was playing for a few hours a day. Now I'll play 3 or  4 hours a week. There's just too much other stuff I have to do that comes before a game.
Internet Poon
I keep my own life healthy by only allowing BF2 after i finish my work at home first. I think it works really well!
I knife Generals
+278|6850|Search Whore killing fields
wake up at 6, do morning job, get home at 8, breakfast, tv or aim with friends from school. and band practice , then to work, after work take the girlfriend out to dinner somenights, then play some battlefield 2 for a few. Latest ive stayed up was 1 am.
I play before I go to work in morning.... and usually after I'm done getting some at night.... no impact here.... maybe on ma sleep, but not ma social life.... you gotta prioritize playa!!
Well, I didn't have a social life to begin with, so no harm done.
I "fix" things
+107|6983|The Netherlands
If I hade some friends that wanted to do stuff with me, they'd go first...

Cougar wrote:

BF2 has totally ruined my social life.  Before, I would wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV, pork the old lady and go to sleep.

Now I , wake up, go to work, come home, play BF2, pork the old lady and go to sleep.

I have totally lost track of Brangaliena, TomKat, and Vaughnistons relationships.  Damn you BF2!!
I know your routine wake up fuck work talk with pure beef go to a server stats pad finish sleep wake stats pad sleep and so on
+186|6872|The real world

kessel! wrote:

i get action. probably more than alot of you to be completely honest. i am 16 and live a crazy life, but i don't know what the 80's is like
same here, alcohol legalized there to? Weed here
+50|6918|Cambridge UK

kessel! wrote:

i get action. probably more than alot of you to be completely honest. i am 16 and live a crazy life, but i don't know what the 80's is like
Say what?? lol.

Anyway, games don't get in the way of my regular life these days, except for when i'm up playing until 1-2am and feel shitty the next day at work. I get my fair share of 'action' too and i'm 25 so i know a little about the 80's... if that helps at all?
+71|6870|A dark hole....

STAPES87 wrote:

Does BF2 ruin your Social Life? If so, how? I am Interested.
yeah me too man ITS FUCKED UP. I'm always thinking about BF2. ALWAYS! By a soccer competition. when I'm eating. When i watching football. ALWAYS!

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