Okay, I think this gives me full lisence to flame your pansy ass.Ultimate_Mercy wrote:
And ViperGTS you can go fuck youself. I know you wouldn't have the guts to say that to my face if you knew me or my experiences. I didn't claim that "anything" was my "territory" either.
1) And Ultimate_Mercy, you can go find the edit button, you pompous, team-killing, double-posting, assumptive little insect. You dare insult me, who leads a productive, fruitful life, when you, an immature, over-reactive little prick is getting so fired up from a video game, that I can feel the temperature rising rom here?
2) I spent time in the United States Army, 31-Bravo (Military Police), Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. If you think for just one second that I wouldn't stand up half an inch from your face and call you a pussy with no knowledge of the real world, think again. Then, think about the 35 different ways I can kill you with my bare hands through the knowledge and implimentation of Jujitsu.
3) Need it be said again? It's a fucking game. RE-GODDAMN-LAX.
Last edited by ViperGTS19801 (2005-10-24 18:37:35)