+0|7079|United States
Tanks... They're too tough. They're too fast at reloading, and their too powerful. Don't get me wrong, in BF2, that's realistic. Modern day tanks are very tough, and very powerful. But for the sake of balancing things, I think EA should make all tanks about 1/3 less tough. APC's too. What do you guys think?
Get C4, here!

Rotter wrote:

Tanks... They're too tough. They're too fast at reloading, and their too powerful. Don't get me wrong, in BF2, that's realistic. Modern day tanks are very tough, and very powerful. But for the sake of balancing things, I think EA should make all tanks about 1/3 less tough. APC's too. What do you guys think?
then they need to weaken aircraft and their armaments.
+0|7075|Gilbert, Arizona
i think it's all good. personally i am that dude, that after every shot, is like "F***! COME ON! RELOAD DAMN IT! I NEED TO TAKE HIS A** AND FEED IT TO HIM!"

so i think they should reload faster. but the game is fine in my opinion. they are armored vehicles for a reason.

and quite frankly, war isn't meant to be balanced. it is trying to overcome difficulties presented by the fact that the enemy will have stuff like that at their disposal. all the more reason to take it out. get a kill or cripple their ride so you can get an assist. and if you kill them, they still have to wait.

i think it is fine as is.
Agreed.  Otherwise, you have almost 0 chance of surviving long enough to take an outpost by yourself.

Am I the only one who seems to have like a constant missile lock from the moment I get in the tank?
yeah i agree with Mr self destruct, theyre called armoured vehicles because they have a lot of armour. but theyre not invincible. usually after killing you, they get killed about a minute later. ive never lasted longer than five minutes in a tank. and it would make the game unrealistic if a M1A1 was able to be detroyed by a foot soldier
Slimshady -- The Real Medic
+0|7078|Sumter, South Carolina
i think ur whining cuz you dont know how to evade them
purple sticky punch
+0|7127|englewood FL.
u know...i hope these whiner don't ruin this game...they already screwed the BH!

Rotter wrote:

Tanks... They're too tough. They're too fast at reloading, and their too powerful. Don't get me wrong, in BF2, that's realistic. Modern day tanks are very tough, and very powerful. But for the sake of balancing things, I think EA should make all tanks about 1/3 less tough. APC's too. What do you guys think?
yeah, if you want to make them useless rolling death traps,asp. the APC, i think it needs more armor.
suck it up, call it in...and radio for backup!

Last edited by nayo450 (2005-10-23 21:06:38)

+0|7075|Gilbert, Arizona

US|dirtysouth wrote:

u know...i hope these whiner don't ruin this game...they already screwed the BH!
c'mon. it isn't like the BH's are legendary. ever seen BLACK HAWK DOWN?

one RPG fucked it. (granted it hit the tail rotor.) realistic.

i think it is a good thing they made that flying basecamp what it is. a TRANSPORT VEHICLE WITH DEFENSIVE CAPABILITY. that means, get in, and defend yourself while you then proceed to get out to take the flag, take a few enemies, then get back in.

it isn't a damn attack chopper for chrissake.

i'll stop right now.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Rotter wrote:

Tanks... They're too tough. They're too fast at reloading, and their too powerful. Don't get me wrong, in BF2, that's realistic. Modern day tanks are very tough, and very powerful. But for the sake of balancing things, I think EA should make all tanks about 1/3 less tough. APC's too. What do you guys think?
tanks are pile of scrap metal against attack helis and jets, so they are not that tough. If you play smart with C4, you can nail tanks and APC. no..they aint tough. i m a tankie, played it often enough to know that i get owned by attack helis and good SpecOps, not to mention ATs.

then again, i shot down a BH this morning with my tank, got top score in a T98. it really boils down to playing conditions, good players will own tanks. poor players get owned by tanks. i aint that good, so i can speak from experience.

and yes, i wish that damn gun would reload fast enough, especially when i messed up my first shot and i see a M1A1 blazing towards me.
+0|7079|United States
lol, you guys are getting pretty upset. I know it would be unrealistic to make the tanks less tough, but this is a game, not real war. It would make it more fun for the dudes who aren't in the tank if the tank was less tough, so they could get on with the game, instead of getting killed by the tank. I think maybe you guys are just crazy nuts who use tanks all the time. lol. Just kidding, guys, don't get too upset. It's all for fun, anyways.
if "its just a game" is your main argument you really have nothing to whine about... same argument could be used for changing anything one doesnt like in the entire game... "make grenade able to blow up buildings... its unrealistic, but its FUN!" <-- stuff like that just doesnt work... tanks are great the way they are atm, and so is the rest of the game... only thing i have to complain about is the accuracy of the G3 which i think is way unrealistic... it sucks bigtime... (or maybe its just that i am way good with it IRL) :p
+0|7079|United States
Most of you guys have worse kill death ratios than me, so don't try to say that I'm not good enough at evading/using tanks. And I do agree, Hakik, but I think that this is a pretty reasonable complaint. I'm not trying to majorly change things, or make this game tremendously unrealistic, just a bit more balanced. It's so people that have very little skill can't win just because they use tanks so much. See what I mean? I also have to agree with Beeng, aircraft are a bit too powerful. But I'm just suggesting things. All things considered, BF2 is still a great game! (My second favorite, actually.   )

Last edited by Rotter (2005-10-24 15:41:46)

I don't think aircraft are too powerful.

I think the issue arises in the extreme lack of anti-aircraft vehicles in the game, and the almost complete ineffectiveness of the Stinger sites.
The tanks are setup perfectly.  People have complained about me and my tank especially in Karkand, but the only guys that complain are the ones that run down the hill from the first USMC spawn directly into my MG fire.  I am quite sure that the guy that spotted my tank for his team sees that and smacks himself in the forehead.  You're not one of those lemmings, are you Rotter?
hahaha tanks are pretty fine, there are people that go out of their way to kill you and it really doesn't require much skill, just stalk a tank and constantly fire AT rockets. 

Let me just say that if they weaken tanks before jets I will laugh my ass off
+0|7079|United States
Yeah, I guess you guys are mostly right. But another thing, people aren't always using anti tank. What about if you're medic? What about assualt? Sniper? Support? Even spec ops can't always get close enough to a tank to destroy it with C4. I know it's unrealistic, but maybe, instead of making tanks less tough, making hand grenades a bit more effective on 'em. It might make it easier for a few men throwing grenades to actually do some damage to the tank. I'm afraid I also think that helicopters and airplaines are a bit too tough, also. Anyway, more feedback, guys?

Actually guys, I made a mistake on my original post. I think APC's should have faster reloading times on their rockets, and slower over heating times on the main gun.

P.S. Slidero, your K/D ratio is awesome! Keep up the good work!
There is all good,EA don't have to change that
I agree.  Again, if you made tanks able to be taken out with simple grenades it would completely eliminate the need for kits like Anti-Tank.  Keeping tanks how they are means those kits are far more valuable.  It would be like saying that guns are too powerful and people should be allowed to heal themselves once per life, which would remove alot of medics from the equation.

I agree on the APC's missiles, but only slightly.  Again, not everything here is supposed to be perfectly balanced - APC's are supposed to be slightly weaker than tanks, etc.

If everything was completely balanced perfectly, it wouldn't be any fun.  Everything is perfect how it is.
+0|7079|United States
Well, I have to agree with you Doctor, I didn't think about that. You're right, it would partly eliminate the need for anti-tank. I'll have to think about that... Okay, then let us say this. Maybe they should make anti tank rockets even more effective than they allready are, because, as I said, most people aren't running around as anti tank people. That way, it's easier for one or two anti tank men to blow up a tank. But, doctor, you did put up a very good point...
Crazy has a mind of its own
I have to agree with the other posters here that tanks are perfectly balanced right now, and should not be tweeked. It does take a lot of Anti-tank rockets to take one down, especially from the front, but thats how it should be. There are only a few tanks on each map for a reason. They're something designed to help your ground forces turn the tide of the battle. And what better to counter their tank, but with your own?

Personally I like that a Tank and an APC can roll into a base and cause destruction. But I've also seen them obliterated quickly by ground troops. All depends on how talented each side is.

Honestly the anti-tank kit isnt the best way to take out a tank, unless you have 2 anti-tankers and a support guy to resupply them. Better off using aircraft (if available on the map), another tank/apc, or a spec ops. Anti-Tank really shines vs APC or jeeps/hummers.

If I had to change anything about anti-tankers it would be spash damage. Its annoying when I miss an enemy soldier by a foot or so, and he's just standing there laughing at me as I frantically switch weapons.

Last edited by Dizazter (2005-10-26 08:44:46)

I think tanks are fine as they are, but i think the APC needs faster reloading times on second gun, cos APC v Tank = APC sure death, if that gun reloaded faster Tank v APC = Unsure, but i let the tank chase me untill the rocket reloaded
+0|7073|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass
Consider these facts: it's impossible for one man to drive and reload a tank's main gun at the same time. It's rounds aren't in a magazine, they're individual shells. They must be loaded one at a time, so the reload should take a while. Same with APC rounds (then add in the fact that no one in the game is actually loading them.....).
Aircraft should be weaker, armor should stay the same.
Hand grenades are pretty weak as it is. They have a decent radius, but nothing compared to a real fragmentation grenade (frags up to 300 meters.....). Also, frags wouldn't do much to armor. The idea behind frags is a lot of small projectiles doing a lot of small damage (with a nice little explosion, of course). As for AT rounds, they (should) have armor-piercing capabilities, get through then blow. They don't need a large blast radius (down with the AT Snipers!). If you want to take out tanks, AT them in the ass or right under the turret; the armor is weaker at both spots.
And yes, the UH-60 Black Hawk should be weaker than it is now. They're not tanks, after all. If you're looking for balance, how about getting rid of the flying pig and the used minivan the MEC uses? That is some real crap.....
Get C4, here!

WhiteBoy88 wrote:

Consider these facts: it's impossible for one man to drive and reload a tank's main gun at the same time. It's rounds aren't in a magazine, they're individual shells. They must be loaded one at a time, so the reload should take a while. Same with APC rounds (then add in the fact that no one in the game is actually loading them.....).
Aircraft should be weaker, armor should stay the same.
The M1 has an autoloader, and the t72/china versions have autoloader variants.  The APCs use cannons, which automatically feed the ammunition.  The APC's rockets however, require manual reloading.  The LAVs carry (usually) 4 'ready to fire' and a bunch in the back for reloads.  BMPs on the other hand carry one on top on the turret and require the -crew commander to get out- and reload it.  What can I say, it was designed by the russians
... And now a fancy picture of a gun ^_^
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
Tanks are fun. And they make pretty explosions. Trick is knowing where to hit them.
Been experimenting, and shockingly EA held true to the armor dispersion on the tank.
Never hit a tank Head on with an AT round if you can help it. It takes 3-4 AT rounds to the frint of the tank to destroy it. Whereas it only takes 2 to the rear of the tank. Tanks are meant to charge forward. If you need to retreat in a tank, back up. Exposing the rear of the chassis is like waving your tail end at a rampaging bull...

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