Nah, to recent. In the year 1988 a hot chick named Sabrina released a tremendously bad song, titled Boys boys boys... Not much later we had a sort of remake, dunno from whom it was exactly, but it was titled Girls girls girls... I know, I know, The Lord, the average lone wolf and... my mind works in mysterious ways.
@B Ha, now I've got you, this must be you... In your better days
B <- WARNING girl unfriendly material
BB|EyeSeePeeDude wrote:
My wife gets pissed off because she can never find where I'm sniping her from - or even worse, I C4 the spawn points at a flag that I know she likes, wait a few seconds, detonate - then the screaming from upstairs echos through the house "Damn you David - you're not getting any tonight if you keep that up"
Ha, exactly the reason why we don't play a lot of board games either, I play for winning, she plays for just playing... But... she can't stand loosing. We're a great fan of 999 games (The German society here will know what I mean), because the tactics/luck ratio. The moment I place my strategic coup d' etas and the inevitable victory is at hand... She quits and... I'm not getting any tonight
You win some... you lose some... and... You learn some. I don't play board games with her, cause the other games or way more fun
@Trigger, okay okay, it was a bit horrific, hopefully it's a little eye-friendlier now...
Last edited by =Robin-Hood= (2005-10-25 12:30:57)