
HM1{N} wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

HM1{N} wrote:

I agree, although Condi has stated that the U.S. stance toward Israel is one of restraint, she said this publicly to the news media.

The problem is Israel doesn't care about what anyone say's, even their allies.
The problem is Condi sucks as Sec. State. Wags her finger a few times.

She should get all ghetto and tell both sides to sit down and STFU. Start snappingh er fingers and rotating her head. Get some big ass fake nails and point her index finger at both sides.

Oh, and call the PM's girlfriend alot.

Condi sucks, women get no respect in the middle east, she is incapable of doing her job.
Uncalled for, keep your "black" sterotypes to yourself please, they border on racism...
That's "African-American". Please quit using racist terms....

Calling me a racist is like saying you have a sense of humor. Farthest thing from the truth.
+4|7141|Berlin, Germany
BTW: Women are respected in Israel though...

TC><Injecter wrote:

BTW: Women are respected in Israel though...
I wasn't speaking of Israel, i shall try to clarify next time. Think Ahmedenijadijihadistan will listen to what she has to say?
+4|7141|Berlin, Germany

Erkut.hv wrote:

TC><Injecter wrote:

BTW: Women are respected in Israel though...
I wasn't speaking of Israel, i shall try to clarify next time. Think Ahmedenijadijihadistan will listen to what she has to say?
I know... I just said that because you were talking about middle east - which israel is a part of.
+35|7070|UK - England

CameronPoe wrote:

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Grow up you freakin child..
hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
If you took your sentences and replaced the word 'arabs' with 'jews' I think there would be outrage, and rightly so. Grow up.
Thank you.

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

Israel needs to drop a vew of these big baby's on the arabs.
Grow up you freakin child..
hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
I think the first people who need to be tought a lesson is the fcking Israelis killing innocent people for the sake of war.

Last edited by --->[Your]Phobia<--- (2006-07-14 13:46:40)


TC><Injecter wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

TC><Injecter wrote:

BTW: Women are respected in Israel though...
I wasn't speaking of Israel, i shall try to clarify next time. Think Ahmedenijadijihadistan will listen to what she has to say?
I know... I just said that because you were talking about middle east - which israel is a part of.
So the both of us basically wasted time posting this.
Mr. Bigglesworth
Dude, $4.00 a gallon for gas!!!
Cant they all just get along!!
+8|6876|United Kingdom
Gents, please get back on subject, it started off as a sensible discussion, and now i see people accusing one another of racism. Grow up?

I'm not sure if you're aware of the latest developments out of the Lebanon, but apparantly Hezbollah has declared "open war". Obviously this doesn't change anything, as Israel was treating the capture of it's soldiers as a Cassus Belli regardless, though this gives them something of a moral highground (you could argue they had it before, but i leave that to you to decide). Hopefully things don't escalate further than this.
Dutch Delight
Hesbolah made a mistake and a big one, now I hope they will go up in flames.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
This is a great debate, so far from wot i can see, that camel dude's side is winning. AND FUK U BASTARDS who enter "Debate and Serious Talk " section to say stuff like "nuke all the Muslims" or wotever. Please dont make such lame remarks, there is no need for it.
+8|6876|United Kingdom
I've been talking to a friend about this, and he's just told me about the report coming out of Israel with regards to those rocket attacks.

"There have been reports that the missile fired at Haifa was a Fajr 7, supplied by Iran, and possibly even launched by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. These missiles have a range of approximately 75 km. [57] Another source has confirmed [58], that Israeli military sources say, that the rockets fired into Israel were at least made in Iran."

Thats a little disturbing, lets see how the Iranians respond to that claim.
-=NHB=- Bananahands
I dont see any debate. Hezbollah went into Israel and kidnapped and killed soldiers. That is an act of war and Israel is doing nothing but defending itself and trying to insure the safety of the kidnapped soldiers. If these soldiers had not been killed or kidnapped we would not be even talking about the current situation.

$teiner wrote:

I've been talking to a friend about this, and he's just told me about the report coming out of Israel with regards to those rocket attacks.

"There have been reports that the missile fired at Haifa was a Fajr 7, supplied by Iran, and possibly even launched by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. These missiles have a range of approximately 75 km. [57] Another source has confirmed [58], that Israeli military sources say, that the rockets fired into Israel were at least made in Iran."

Thats a little disturbing, lets see how the Iranians respond to that claim.
I've heard that Hezbolla sp?  has told the Israeli's that they are going to attack the ships blocking the port.  Something like when you see your ships smoking and sinking you will know we mean business.  My interpretation there.  I only see this thing escalating.  Which may be good if you think about it.  Israel will not stop until Hezbolla is disarmed.  The reason Hezbolla is even allowed in Lebanon is because it is supposed to be protecting Lebanon from Israel.  Not doing such a good job right now.  This will also make Syria and Iran look bad.  Again this is all predicated on Israel winning.
(off top)Can admins add Vote to this topic?

Jews vs Muslems

PS: historic one father sons!

PSS: im just tooo drunk to answer the crap that have being wroted here!

PSS: is my english bad???

Last edited by Lisik (2006-07-14 16:42:51)

Mr. Bigglesworth

Lisik wrote:

(off top)Can u add Vote to this topic?

Jews vs Muslems

PS: historic one father sons!

PSS: im just tooo drunk to answer the crap that have being wroted here!

PSS: is my english bad???
I hope you guys kick ass man. Israel all the way, birthplace of my Christ.
+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
Here is a new thing about Hezbollah using a UAV to attack a ship … ip_drone_1

(now if only we could put explosives on UAVs in game)

Israel, in my opinion, needs to go back to their own border.  They know that the terrorists will never cough up their soldiers and this isn't going to help.  They were just tired of the constant threats they got and finally exploded but this is too much.
[DETX] arabeater
+6|6924|OKC, Oklahoma USA Baby!

The_Mob_Returns wrote:

Here is a new thing about Hezbollah using a UAV to attack a ship … ip_drone_1

(now if only we could put explosives on UAVs in game)

Israel, in my opinion, needs to go back to their own border.  They know that the terrorists will never cough up their soldiers and this isn't going to help.  They were just tired of the constant threats they got and finally exploded but this is too much.
So what your saying is just let them kidnap Israeli troops and let them get away with it because you know that theyre not gonna let them go? B.S.!!!! I say what Israel is doing is exactly what they need to do. Its about time we go help them finally take out Hezbollah and Hamas. Im surprised that Israel hasent done this sooner. I think its funny that people are whining that Israel is killing innocent civilians. Im pretty sure Hezbollah and Hamas has been doing the exact same shit and doing it more often than Israel. Bottom line is I completely back Israel in cleaning house of Hezbollah and any other terrorist organization. Go Israel!
+72|7035|Indianapolis, IN
I was not trying to say that.  They do know that the only way they will get them back is dead or through crappy peace talks.  Yes they can go looking for them but do they need to destroy a whole country doing it. 
That is what one side of my brain is saying but at the same time, I am actually glad they are finally defending themselves.

One news story was talking about this poor man who had $15,000 in damage to his shop and how terrible all the things Israel had done then the last sentence of the whole article was the man saying that Israel should be destroyed.  If the innocent citizens want Israel wiped out then they are no longer innocent but are part of the problem.

I really don't know.  I am glad that they are doing it but I am not sure that I back them 100%.
[DETX] arabeater
+6|6924|OKC, Oklahoma USA Baby!

The_Mob_Returns wrote:

I was not trying to say that.  They do know that the only way they will get them back is dead or through crappy peace talks.  Yes they can go looking for them but do they need to destroy a whole country doing it. 
That is what one side of my brain is saying but at the same time, I am actually glad they are finally defending themselves.

One news story was talking about this poor man who had $15,000 in damage to his shop and how terrible all the things Israel had done then the last sentence of the whole article was the man saying that Israel should be destroyed.  If the innocent citizens want Israel wiped out then they are no longer innocent but are part of the problem.

I really don't know.  I am glad that they are doing it but I am not sure that I back them 100%.
Your probably right, they wont get them back alive but if they have to go to war with Lebanon to make them realize that harboring terrorism is wrong then I say go ahead. Im sick and tired of all these arab nations harboring terrorists and complaing when we tell them to stop or we will force you to. Thats whats wrong with Arab world. Its sad thats its come to this but it is most certainly needed. Israel is never gonna have peace until they let the arab world know that they cant be pushed around. They deserve to exist just as much as the 'peaceful' muslims do.
+3,611|6934|London, England

The_Mob_Returns wrote:

Here is a new thing about Hezbollah using a UAV to attack a ship … ip_drone_1

(now if only we could put explosives on UAVs in game)
Looks like some n00b wasn't manning the AA on the ship eh?

Sorry i shouldn't be making jokes, but well.....seriously. Didn't they see some sort of flying bomb heading for their ship or what?
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|7052|Comber, Northern Ireland

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Grow up you freakin child..
hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
If you took your sentences and replaced the word 'arabs' with 'jews' I think there would be outrage, and rightly so. Grow up.
Thank you.

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Grow up you freakin child..
hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
I think the first people who need to be tought a lesson is the fcking Israelis killing innocent people for the sake of war.
they are not killing people for the sake of war you fucking twat they are killing the terrorist scum who have taken the soldiers prisioners, Isreal cannot be held responsible for the deaths of the civillians anymore, sinse those terrorists took captive the 2 soldiers they knew what was going to happen so they sacrificed their own people, all they are trying to do is stir up shit, the arabs just cant live in peace
+4|7141|Berlin, Germany
2 People just said the exact right thing: Hamas & Hezbollah &whateva have been killing civilians ... and now Israel is doing it BUT you cant compare those. Because Hamas... are terrorist organizations — Israel is not (here a few here will complain). And yes, they don't have to destroy the whole country. They exaggerated. But I think it was time to. But still its too much.

Killing civilians, or destroying their stuff, will just bring more terrorists. As The_Mob_Returns wrote.

I back Israel, but if I could, I would tell them: "calm down! or else its gonna be even more horrible"

Last edited by TC><Injecter (2006-07-15 05:00:44)

+35|7070|UK - England

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

david363 wrote:

--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

Grow up you freakin child..
hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
If you took your sentences and replaced the word 'arabs' with 'jews' I think there would be outrage, and rightly so. Grow up.
Thank you.

david363 wrote:

hes not a "freakin" child, it true, arabs should not be allowed to do this shit, they need tought a lesson...if only Chuck Norris was real...
I think the first people who need to be tought a lesson is the fcking Israelis killing innocent people for the sake of war.
they are not killing people for the sake of war you fucking twat they are killing the terrorist scum who have taken the soldiers prisioners, Isreal cannot be held responsible for the deaths of the civillians anymore, sinse those terrorists took captive the 2 soldiers they knew what was going to happen so they sacrificed their own people, all they are trying to do is stir up shit, the arabs just cant live in peace
You dum basterd go fck your self. Obviously you don’t know jack shit. People are not war casualties but they are being fired on as if they are the fcking terrorists you twat.
*ps sry for the bad language guys but this fcker asked for it
[DETX] arabeater
+6|6924|OKC, Oklahoma USA Baby!

TC><Injecter wrote:

2 People just said the exact right thing: Hamas & Hezbollah &whateva have been killing civilians ... and now Israel is doing it BUT you cant compare those. Because Hamas... are terrorist organizations — Israel is not (here a few here will complain). And yes, they don't have to destroy the whole country. They exaggerated. But I think it was time to. But still its too much.

Killing civilians, or destroying their stuff, will just bring more terrorists. As The_Mob_Returns wrote.

I back Israel, but if I could, I would tell them: "calm down! or else its gonna be even more horrible"
But the Lebanese government is harboring Hezbollah! You have to attack the country of Lebanon as well as Hezbollah to try and convince the government that maybe what theyre doing in sponsoring these terror groups is the wrong thing to do. Israel is not going to destroy the entire country people. Theyre just trying to punish Lebanon for harboring theses terrorists and allowing them to attack Israeli targets from Lebanese soil. How in the hell do you expect Israel to calm down when your surrounded by countries that sponsor terrorism and all of them wanna see you wiped off the face of the earth. If Israel just sits back and allows these terrorists to kidnap Israeli troops and attack them at will then they will be annihlilated.
+23|6811|Me Dad's Wilkins

HM1{N} wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

Is ther enough server space to list the violations of palestine and other nations against israel? Oh, that's right, the UN doesn't care, the jews are just supposed to sit there and watch their families get slaughtered.
You really need to get a clue...

If Israel had not stolen the land and murdered the people who were there for the last 60 years, there wouldn't be any fighting.  The only people who have been getting slaughtered are the people in the countries around Israel.

Israel is the SINGLE LARGEST AGRESSOR in the middle east.  They are at the root of everything that is wrong with that area.

You need to read the resolutions, most of them deal with Israel murdering the people who were there and then stealing their land...
HE needs a clue?

Israel was given the land after the UN agreed in 1947 to give it to them, they expanded the boundries of that land AFTER they where ATTACKED by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.  With aid from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Algeria.  They defeated those forces in 6 DAYS! or 132 hours and 30 Mins.  They recently started to close in their boundries by giving up Gaza to try to speed up the peace process.  Ever since giving up Gaza, the Palestinians have used it as a staging area for Daily missle attacks.  Israel has done nothing for repraisals until they kidnapped an IDF soldier.  BTW look up an see what countries sponsor all of those UN sanctions, you keep tossing about, which were Vetoed.  All Arab countries I'm sure.

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