+156|6941|space command ur anus

Horseman 77 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

It's about FUCKING TIME israel did something. Until now, they've sat back and had small fights with Hamas/Hezbollah and gotten THEIR CIVILIANS BLOWN UP. Now, they're finally striking back against TERRORISTS WHO HATE AMERICA, ISRAEL, ENGLAND, GERMANY, RUSSIA AND ALL OTHER COUNTRIES ALLIES WITH US. For all we know, they [hezbollah, hamas] could (and probably are, I don't know) be funding Al Qaeda. People that (barring if it was a conspiracy or not, but I won't get into that) attacked OUR country and killed over 3,000 people. Now, are you really going to be AGAINST israel in fighting people who attack not only them, and not only hate them, but hate the US and want to kill every single US citizen, for the fact that we're free.
that's bullshit, nobody hates you because you are free they hate you because of what your country has done and are doing around the world.
The idea that they hate your freedom is the most unreasonable idea EVER.
STFU you dont know what you are taliking about. you would be a little Nazi Rape Tard if it wasn't for the USA. Is that why you are so twisted about it. Becuase you owe your existance to the people you despise? sad.
so it has no underlying cause its just pure hate
Horseman 77

herrr_smity wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

STFU you dont know what you are taliking about. you would be a little Nazi Rape Tard if it wasn't for the USA. Is that why you are so twisted about it. Becuase you owe your existance to the people you despise? sad.
the whole ww2 dreams that the US has is just stupid. the Russian destroyed the wehrmacht NOT the US
totaly lost. knows 0
Horseman 77

herrr_smity wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

that's bullshit, nobody hates you because you are free they hate you because of what your country has done and are doing around the world.
The idea that they hate your freedom is the most unreasonable idea EVER.
STFU you dont know what you are taliking about. you would be a little Nazi Rape Tard if it wasn't for the USA. Is that why you are so twisted about it. Becuase you owe your existance to the people you despise? sad.
so it has no underlying cause its just pure hate
If you rip the Fingernails off a young girl becuse she used nail polish, Yea thats pure hate. Sorry.

jonnykill wrote:

Of course they hate our freedom . They hate the fact that we are infidels , they hate the fact that we are Zionists . They hate the fact that the younger generation of Iranians want to be westernized . It's Muslim Fundamentalism that's the problem here . It's not even about religion , this is nothing more then power . It seems that almost every single Muslim country is having a problem with advancing and weening off the old way of living . The hardcore Muslims don't even want to see kids flying kites for goodness sakes . It's science and Allah doesn't believe in science blah blah blah .
This is ALMOST like the Samaria in Japan . They wanted to hold to traditional cultural values and living but Japan was pin pricked with shipping , over seas trade and western industry methods . They moved forward but the Samurai didn't and got killed off and faded out .
Same is going on in the middle east . Tali ban blowing up the Budda statues . Tossing acid into the faces of woman who don't wear a veil . Teaching their kids that Israel and the US is the devil and all kinds of brain washing crap . Ever see children of terror ? This poor kid was saying /worried he was going to hell because he saw the woman's face and feet doing the interview at a public pool . FFs why teach your children that stupid crap ?
What benefit to a society it is to teach your children that if they see a woman's face they will go to hell ? Ridiculous . Absolutely ridiculous ! Customs aside these idiots are resorting to terror tactics and killing innocent civillians , fucking up the economy and making life miserable . Did you know Hizbolah has their own TV station ? lol Lebanon is in the middle of a rock and a hard place . WTF are they going to do , fight of Hizbolah and risk civil war ? That's why Isreal is attacking the way they are . They know the position Lebanon is in so they almost HAVE to be heavy handed because that the only thing that get terrorists attention and respect - total all out war !

This is going to spiral out of control quickly . Bad times ahead . Just don't blame the US and Isreal please .
Both of us didn't ask for this fight . But now that we have no choice we need to take action . If you don't like it
don't watch it because we are moving foward with it no matter what .
Just one point. I have no doubt that Hizb'allah and the Taliban are fundamentalist islamists. With respect to the Palestinians however I would have to say that they are the most secular race of arabs I have ever come across. Don't let the acts of certain factions of theirs lead you to overly-generalise with respect to the Palestinians.

Lebanon has had civil wars in the past and may do so again in the future. Don't cross out that possibility. I think there is like a 50/50 split between catholics and muslims in Lebanon.

PS The US isn't involved in this latest Israeli venture (other than supplying Israel with all its arms and technology, but I suppose Iran has provided Hizb'allah with all of its arms) so I don't get your reference to USA. Nobody is talking about USA on this thread.
+156|6941|space command ur anus

Horseman 77 wrote:

herrr_smity wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

STFU you dont know what you are taliking about. you would be a little Nazi Rape Tard if it wasn't for the USA. Is that why you are so twisted about it. Becuase you owe your existance to the people you despise? sad.
so it has no underlying cause its just pure hate
If you rip the Fingernails off a young girl becuse she used nail polish, Yea thats pure hate. Sorry.

Israel has every right to defend herself against terrorists. It's OK for state sponsors of terror to launch over 300 missiles at Israel and invade Israel, kidnap 3 soldiers killing more then 20? Your smoking dope. Israel pulled out of Gaza and Lebanon to get the road map for peace going again so what do the terrorists do? Attack Israel. The Arabs deserve what they get IMO. I haven't forgotten the Palestinians dancing in the street giving out candy after 9/11. Israel targets military objectives unlike the Arabs who almost solely target civilians. Stop crying they're reaping what they've sown. I remember UN peacekeepers being in Lebanon once.. Oh that's right the terrorists blew em up in there barracks huh..We shoulda attacked Iran and Syria then IMO. Let them keep going the way they are and maybe we will see a crusade that IMO is much needed against radical Islamics. ALL terrorists must be CRUSHED PERIOD. There are no good terrorists and bad terrorists There is no difference between Bin Laden and Hamas and Hezzbalah. We need to kill them all.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6952|Montreal, Qc, Canada
I'M LEBANESE OKAY !!!! all my fkn family is out there in Lebanon and i dont even know if they are going to die by the war or something..... HEZBOLLAH is a fucken musulman terrorist group and Israel want them out just like bush etc... LEBANON DOES NOT HAVE WEAPON TO FIGHT they dont even have a fkn plane or boat !!!! and you see Israel dropping bomb at the airport, to all the main bridge , one amazing bridge in Lebanon it was beautiful and they destroy it, they have destroy all the main street to go out of the country, so everybody is locked up in their house, they can not go out and buy food, You are American, Italian, Spanish etc... you do not have family there that you dont even know if they are going to die or not, OUR WORLD IS GOING NO WHERE !!!!! FUCK IT , OUR KIDS HAVE NO FUTUR... AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING TO IT !!!! TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT OUR FAMILY ARE IN REAL DANGER AND WE ARE SITING HERE DOING NOTHING !

P.S: sry for the bad english....
Horseman 77
Sorry for israel, alas we have no time machine.

negolien wrote:

We need to kill them all.
I remember a funny German chap from the 30s and 40s with a similar outlook.

I think the Israeli Delegate to the UN said it best. The Lebonese people will in the end benefit from these actions. Notice that the Lebonese Army isn't being attacked itself only the terrorists. In any conflict certain infrastructure is a must to target IE: Bridges, Ports, Airports, command and control. These are basic supply, command and reinforment routes. If the Jews can crush these scum then the real Army in Lebenon can take over the south and peace between them and Israel is better served.

negolien wrote:


I think the Israeli Delegate to the UN said it best. The Lebonese people will in the end benefit from these actions. Notice that the Lebonese Army isn't being attacked itself only the terrorists. In any conflict certain infrastructure is a must to target IE: Bridges, Ports, Airports, command and control. These are basic supply, command and reinforment routes. If the Jews can crush these scum then the real Army in Lebenon can take over the south and peace between them and Israel is better served.
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The lebanese will benefit from STARVATION and THIRST? They bombed the POWER PLANT you need POWER to get WATER. The lebanese dont have consistent supplies of FOOD OR WATER. THEY WILL DIE AND SUFFER. Not to mention attacking civilians at all is AGAINST THE PRINCIPLES AND RULES ESTABLISHED IN ANY DISCUSSION OF CIVILIZED OR REASONABLE WARFARE BETWEEN COUNTRIES. Terrorists are to be dealt with through police action, not military assaults, because terrorists are not establishments that can be warred upon. HOW CAN YOU WAR UPON AN ENEMY THAT DOES NOT EXIST?
+101|6989|Southern California

herrr_smity wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

STFU you dont know what you are taliking about. you would be a little Nazi Rape Tard if it wasn't for the USA. Is that why you are so twisted about it. Becuase you owe your existance to the people you despise? sad.
the whole ww2 dreams that the US has is just stupid. the Russian destroyed the wehrmacht NOT the US
off topic ^ so is this v

lol if US hadnt given a billion tons of lend lease to the USSR they would still be defending Siberia and Kamchatka, or even Alaska- However they deserve tremendous respect for the loss of life and cost to their society as sacrifice to beat the boob from Bavaria but remember, the USSR did have a non-aggression pact with Hitler on day one which allowed him to focus on consolidating Europe first.

It was the early USA Logistical, industrial and economic might that enabled the later unrelenting Soviet attacks from the Eastern front and the US/UK/free force allies' rapid repatriation of the rest of Europe.  We made a great team didn't we? Something to be proud of.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-07-16 10:38:04)


  LOL that's ironic isn't it.
ppl are blind... and...stupids

Israel just fire back !!!
Israel didn't want that and we didn't start all this shit
Israel cant allow nobody to shot Israel
Israel cant allow hizbala to take Israel soldiers to Lebanon

i hope that Israel will not stop till hizbala will send the soldiers back

as an Israeli i tell u that we dont want to fight nobody
we  want to live in "SHALOM"
our land is very small ... didn't ask for more

if u (OP) hate Jews go to Germany and look for some friends ther
u dont know shit so plz stfu!!!
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

CameronPoe wrote:

I am sick and tired of the No. 1 problem in the middle east: state terrorists, Israel.

Israel are the bigger more powerful state and should really have the moral highground after being suicide bombed so frequently - but they don't they've been acting very irresponsibly and although it's hard to do they've been behaving even worse than the terrorists, it's small angry man syndrome.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2006-07-16 11:22:43)

+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

kr@cker wrote:

Is ther enough server space to list the violations of palestine and other nations against israel? Oh, that's right, the UN doesn't care, the jews are just supposed to sit there and watch their families get slaughtered.
Why yes there is, I offer this link:


If you don't want to read it here is a summation:

UN Resolutions against Israel:  65
UN Resolutions against Palestine (Palestinians):  ZERO

Here is reading material for you:


Last edited by HM1{N} (2006-07-16 11:26:26)

+11|7128|California, USA

CameronPoe wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Of course they hate our freedom . They hate the fact that we are infidels , they hate the fact that we are Zionists . They hate the fact that the younger generation of Iranians want to be westernized . It's Muslim Fundamentalism that's the problem here . It's not even about religion , this is nothing more then power . It seems that almost every single Muslim country is having a problem with advancing and weening off the old way of living . The hardcore Muslims don't even want to see kids flying kites for goodness sakes . It's science and Allah doesn't believe in science blah blah blah .
This is ALMOST like the Samaria in Japan . They wanted to hold to traditional cultural values and living but Japan was pin pricked with shipping , over seas trade and western industry methods . They moved forward but the Samurai didn't and got killed off and faded out .
Same is going on in the middle east . Tali ban blowing up the Budda statues . Tossing acid into the faces of woman who don't wear a veil . Teaching their kids that Israel and the US is the devil and all kinds of brain washing crap . Ever see children of terror ? This poor kid was saying /worried he was going to hell because he saw the woman's face and feet doing the interview at a public pool . FFs why teach your children that stupid crap ?
What benefit to a society it is to teach your children that if they see a woman's face they will go to hell ? Ridiculous . Absolutely ridiculous ! Customs aside these idiots are resorting to terror tactics and killing innocent civillians , fucking up the economy and making life miserable . Did you know Hizbolah has their own TV station ? lol Lebanon is in the middle of a rock and a hard place . WTF are they going to do , fight of Hizbolah and risk civil war ? That's why Isreal is attacking the way they are . They know the position Lebanon is in so they almost HAVE to be heavy handed because that the only thing that get terrorists attention and respect - total all out war !

This is going to spiral out of control quickly . Bad times ahead . Just don't blame the US and Isreal please .
Both of us didn't ask for this fight . But now that we have no choice we need to take action . If you don't like it
don't watch it because we are moving foward with it no matter what .
Just one point. I have no doubt that Hizb'allah and the Taliban are fundamentalist islamists. With respect to the Palestinians however I would have to say that they are the most secular race of arabs I have ever come across. Don't let the acts of certain factions of theirs lead you to overly-generalise with respect to the Palestinians.

Lebanon has had civil wars in the past and may do so again in the future. Don't cross out that possibility. I think there is like a 50/50 split between catholics and muslims in Lebanon.

PS The US isn't involved in this latest Israeli venture (other than supplying Israel with all its arms and technology, but I suppose Iran has provided Hizb'allah with all of its arms) so I don't get your reference to USA. Nobody is talking about USA on this thread.
Why do you keep defending a people who welcomes bombings of civilians. If those groups strapped bombs to themselves and went after nothing but military targets your arguments would have valor. However, these ppl only go after soft targets, ie women and children. There is no honor in that.
+11|7128|California, USA

Andoura wrote:

I'M LEBANESE OKAY !!!! all my fkn family is out there in Lebanon and i dont even know if they are going to die by the war or something..... HEZBOLLAH is a fucken musulman terrorist group and Israel want them out just like bush etc... LEBANON DOES NOT HAVE WEAPON TO FIGHT they dont even have a fkn plane or boat !!!! and you see Israel dropping bomb at the airport, to all the main bridge , one amazing bridge in Lebanon it was beautiful and they destroy it, they have destroy all the main street to go out of the country, so everybody is locked up in their house, they can not go out and buy food, You are American, Italian, Spanish etc... you do not have family there that you dont even know if they are going to die or not, OUR WORLD IS GOING NO WHERE !!!!! FUCK IT , OUR KIDS HAVE NO FUTUR... AND NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING TO IT !!!! TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT OUR FAMILY ARE IN REAL DANGER AND WE ARE SITING HERE DOING NOTHING !

P.S: sry for the bad english....
Maybe your ppl should stand up to the groups inyour country causing all this. Why cant your own ppl control your own ppl. Stop blaming the world for your own problems. If Hezbollah is messing up your country kick them the fuck out.
Sheep of War
I haven't read all 18 pages here. And I'm not getting involved in a topic except for how it relates to the US.

I can say with full certainty that the US would have NONE of theese problems (as well as alot of other countries) if they had never gotten involved in this whole situation. The turning point was when we picked sides and started giving isralis weapons. Thats when it all changed and as a result we have terrorsits that want to destroy our country.

And international pact should have been signed, that doesn't provide any of theese countries with any technologies or weapons. Let them develop their own, or fight it out with sticks and rocks. It doesn't take a genious to figure out that their problems will never be solved until one of them are wiped off the map. They chose to fight over a piece of shit land because its "the holy land." Its not americas job, or anyone elses to get involved. We should have just bought oil from whoever is in charge of theese areas. Let them be how they will be, and at least the problem would be contained in that region.

Let both of their gods get together and exterminate both of them, because they will never realize how stupid they both are for killing each other over whos god is better.
+11|7128|California, USA

Bertster7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I am sick and tired of the No. 1 problem in the middle east: state terrorists, Israel.

Israel are the bigger more powerful state and should really have the moral highground after being suicide bombed so frequently - but they don't they've been acting very irresponsibly and although it's hard to do they've been behaving even worse than the terrorists, it's small angry man syndrome.
"should have moral high ground after bieng suicide bombed so frequently" uh no. after bieng suicide bombed so frequently would cause anybody to respond with force. Stop crying for the ppl who wont contol there own kind. They cry about the attacks by Israel but dont blame the reason they are getting bombes. They say they are tired of hezbollah bieng in their country but do nothing, then blame Israel for trying to do it for them.
+86|6958|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA
I have taken some heat here regarding my stance on the situation in the Middle East, so let me elaborate a little:

I do NOT and have never condoned suicide/homicide bombings by the Palestinians.  I believe that killing innocent civilians is and always will be WRONG.

I do NOT and have never condoned the actions of Hezbollah, aside from those that are in a direct response to agression.  Please be aware that Hezbollah was created as a response to Israel invading (ILLEGALLY) Lebanon.  It would not exist today were it not for that...

I do NOT and have never condoned State sponsored terrorism.  That goes for Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc...

I do NOT and have never condoned the stealing of land and the murdering of people for such gain (Zionism) as Israel has done for decades.

Here is the over-simplified version of the facts:

Israel has become the state it is today because of their expansionist policies.  Since the late 1940's, Israel has systematically murdered people of that region to steal their land.  Their claims to the land were denied by the UN.  The British did NOT give them that land, it wasn't theirs to give.  Britain actually renigged on their offer in the '40's, Israel took the land anyway.

Suicide bombing are a DIRECT RESPONSE to the actions of State run terrorism by Israel.  The constant military actions against the Palestinians gave rise to this new breed of reaction, which Israel calls terrorism (and most of the world).  I ask this "which is worse, using your military to murder 100's of civilians to take their land (Israel) or, killing 10-20 people (and yourself) with a bomb strapped to your body to get back at them?"

All of the countries in the Middle East hate Israel, why???

Because Israel stole land, murdered the people, and claims it for their own with the backing of the U.S.

If you read the history and look at the facts, you will see that Israel is at fault for what is wrong out there...and my country, the U.S., is equally at fault for perpetuating the vicious cycle.  Until my country steps in and says ENOUGH, this will go on forever, or at least until Irand launches a nuke on Israel (God save us all).

One last note:  feeling the way I do, I do NOT condone the destruction of Israel and the killing of it's populace.  I DO however condone the removal of Israel provided there is a safe place they can live in peace.
Nope countries never came to being thru war and conflict O.o LOL get a clue dude. Do you see the Indians suicide bombing Washington? Do the Jews suicide bomb Germans? Hell even the Irish and British are getting along. Arabs need to join the 21st century and just try and get along with the rest of the fkin world.

  BTW I have to say yet another ironic passage by a terrorist sympathizer.

    "One last note:  feeling the way I do, I do NOT condone the destruction of Israel and the killing of it's populace.  I DO however condone the removal of Israel provided there is a safe place they can live in peace".

Last edited by negolien (2006-07-16 11:46:18)


rawls wrote:

Why do you keep defending a people who welcomes bombings of civilians. If those groups strapped bombs to themselves and went after nothing but military targets your arguments would have valor. However, these ppl only go after soft targets, ie women and children. There is no honor in that.
I agree - if they solely went after military targets then they would be men of valour. I don't agree with attacks on civilians by either party. I was just making sure that people realise that the reputation of all of the people of Palestine are not tarnished by the acts of certain factions. There is an awful lot of generalisation in this thread - mainly 'camel fucker' & 'sand nigger' type shit. Palestinians in general are not Q'uran-thumping 'towel heads'. They elected Hamas out of sheer desperation and as a 'fuck you' to the unbelievably corrupt Fatah party.
Boy. I feel disgraced to be an american, to be associated with such stupid, blind, and ignorant people. The middle east is not comparable to any european or american regions. The middle east has only existed as we know it since the end of WWI. With the exception of iran, the middle east is a bunch of lines drawn up by the eurpeans, who were not concerned with the welfare of another region at the time. Governments and civilians in the middle east do not always share the same views, and terrorists never share the views of the people. Middle eastern people, normal people, want to live and prosper without the violence. The Koran is a peaceful book and only condones violence in self defense. The word Ji-had does not mean holy war, it means a struggle to do good, or a struggle to protect ones family and property. The ignorance of western culture in general disgusts me.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6895|SE London

rawls wrote:

"should have moral high ground after bieng suicide bombed so frequently" uh no. after bieng suicide bombed so frequently would cause anybody to respond with force. Stop crying for the ppl who wont contol there own kind. They cry about the attacks by Israel but dont blame the reason they are getting bombes. They say they are tired of hezbollah bieng in their country but do nothing, then blame Israel for trying to do it for them.
Do you think this is a recent thing? The terrorist attacks against Israel didn't start until 70s/80s, yet the Israelis have been oppressing the Arabs since 1948 - nearly 60 years! Maybe if you bothered to read up about the situation at all rather than spouting off the typical spiel of "They are suicide bombers so they must be worse" perhaps you would have a more enlightened opinion. Try reading a book on the subject, Finkelsteins Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict is quite informative.

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