Report them, but I have never had a problem on Moongamers with Admins over anything.
+38|7003|Phila, PA

specialistx2324 wrote:

moongamers are a bunch of retards.. dont worry about reporting it to EA, just find another server.

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.
Dumbass firestorm does not run the servers. he is admin on karkand not fucking ghost town. do your research before opening you trap.

Kolhozik wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

moongamers are a bunch of retards.. dont worry about reporting it to EA, just find another server.

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.
Dumbass firestorm does not run the servers. he is admin on karkand not fucking ghost town. do your research before opening you trap.
i know firestorm played with him alot  sat on teamspeak a lot great guy and he would  have not done  that f--k nos wy his stats have wiped he has played 10+hours aday since it come out he work hard for that  unlike others that get people to play there acconts for them to pump up there stat thay should be wiped

Last edited by N.A.W.NEO (2006-04-11 05:41:59)

+244|7026|arica harbour

N.A.W.NEO wrote:

Kolhozik wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

moongamers are a bunch of retards.. dont worry about reporting it to EA, just find another server.

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.
Dumbass firestorm does not run the servers. he is admin on karkand not fucking ghost town. do your research before opening you trap.
i know firestorm played with him alot  sat on teamspeak a lot great guy and he would  have not done  that f--k nos wy his stats have wiped he has played 10+hours aday since it come out he work hard for that  unlike others that get people to play there acconts for them to pump up there stat thay should be wiped
well his stats is under suspicion. i let some of my good friends look at his stats who normally play bf2 on a regular basis. they say its kinda weird his stats.

based on the forums i read people are saying he someone exploited the game and others say he's innocent.. give EA a month to sort it out.

I am going to say one very important thing on this thread:  Not to be pessimistic but i think EA/DICE is going to remove the rankings, awards part of the game somehow. it is too infected with stat padders, hackers, and exploiters..

Analogy: sometimes a doctor has to amputate a leg to keep an infection from spreading to the patients other organs.
+0|6964|Brooklyn, NY

specialistx2324 wrote:

I am going to say one very important thing on this thread:  Not to be pessimistic but i think EA/DICE is going to remove the rankings, awards part of the game somehow. it is too infected with stat padders, hackers, and exploiters..

Analogy: sometimes a doctor has to amputate a leg to keep an infection from spreading to the patients other organs.
No way. All these scores/medals/ribbons is the reason some people still play. They see it as an achievement and it's fun to see how many kills/deaths you have, the accuracy you shoot with and so on.
I've run into asshats on moongamers sf server....but never admin asshats....
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I've never had a problem with moongamers and I'm on it all the time. I think it's one of the better servers I play on. The only problem is the two map swing gets a little borning.
+38|7003|Phila, PA

specialistx2324 wrote:

N.A.W.NEO wrote:

Kolhozik wrote:

Dumbass firestorm does not run the servers. he is admin on karkand not fucking ghost town. do your research before opening you trap.
i know firestorm played with him alot  sat on teamspeak a lot great guy and he would  have not done  that f--k nos wy his stats have wiped he has played 10+hours aday since it come out he work hard for that  unlike others that get people to play there acconts for them to pump up there stat thay should be wiped
well his stats is under suspicion. i let some of my good friends look at his stats who normally play bf2 on a regular basis. they say its kinda weird his stats.

based on the forums i read people are saying he someone exploited the game and others say he's innocent.. give EA a month to sort it out.

I am going to say one very important thing on this thread:  Not to be pessimistic but i think EA/DICE is going to remove the rankings, awards part of the game somehow. it is too infected with stat padders, hackers, and exploiters..

Analogy: sometimes a doctor has to amputate a leg to keep an infection from spreading to the patients other organs.
IMO someone hacked the EA, and fucked around with FireStorm's account. If you look at everyone else whose scored where erased by EA, then you'll see the difference. FireStorm's rank is still the same as it was, when everyone else EA erased turned into private. All his scores are still there, except that they are in negative for some unknown reason.

And what was wrong with his stats???? His best round and SPM was average, it wasn't high like the it is on "glitchers" accounts.
{TA}Firestorm's stats were real in the regard of how many points he had, I played quite often against the guy and he did get a lot of points per round and did play an amazing number of hours. However, he stat padded his wins (i believe to get war college ribbon) by kicking anyone who played to good against his team. Whenever I was involved in a game i could actually win against him and i was at the top of my team's scoring board, i ALWAYS got kicked or switched to his team. He did seem like a good player but he was abusing his admin rights.

Last edited by BobbyFisher (2006-04-13 10:44:15)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7117|Great Brown North
yes very abusive of the admin rights, damn people switching >.<
+917|6955|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

specialistx2324 wrote:

moongamers are a bunch of retards.. dont worry about reporting it to EA, just find another server.

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.

Some people are pansies about it, they just cant lose or they cry.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

Do you remember which admin it was?
Admin of moongamers is a bitch....

I got kicked even twice for the same reason ! 
Kick His Ass!
+371|7032|Howell, Mi USA
Id report their ass. classic story admin abusing powers.

Valentinas_M4 wrote:

Admin of moongamers is a bitch....

I got kicked even twice for the same reason ! 
No, ur the bitch
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6920|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I agree with Asian, moongamers have many great servers.  Actually, I think I see Asian on kark many time.
+38|7003|Phila, PA

Valentinas_M4 wrote:

Admin of moongamers is a bitch....

I got kicked even twice for the same reason ! 
And what was the reason???????
YOU brake the rules you get kicked/banned, and by looking at your stats looks like you brake a lot of rules. You've been kicked 96 times and banned 3 times. So, it looks like you are the one who is a bitch. Good luck.


PS: i'm waiting for you to give me a -1 karma. go ahead slick. lol
Well, here is some information about Moongamers, as I am a regular player there, and one of the most well known of their players.

There are three BF2 servers, Karkand, Oman, and the Special Forces rotation. Almost all of the admins have admin abilities on all three servers, but they usually stay in their respectable servers. Firestorm usually plays on Karkand, hence his score. However, he does NOT run Moongamers servers, nor do any of the common admins you see in game. Moongamers is run by a "Core" group of people, which are those who usually founded Moon, or one who are mature and support the servers. Donating does NOT give ANYBODY admin rights, for reference.

What happened to you on Ghost Town might have been than an admin noticed that you whored equipment for many rounds in a row. There is a 1 on 1 off rule for commanding, meaning you can play commander for one round, but you can not the next round. Similar rules apply to tanks and choppers. If you take a helicopter both rounds in a row and never allow others to use it, then that is whoring. Usually this applies more to tanks and such, as usually they are hard(er) to kill.

Then again, I was not there at the time that this occured, so I do not know the details. Treat it as this way, you were kicked for a rule that does show up on the loading screen and scroll through the ingame announcements.

Also, Moongamers knows the BF2 Ranked Server Agreement very very well, and have never broken the slightest bit of it. If an individual admin kicks for their own reason, it does get delt with by the Core admins. Also we abidy by the BF2RS ROE down to the smallest bit, so don't throw that at us either

Disclaimer: I am not an administrator on Moongamers servers. I go by the name "The Xevious" or "Why Two Kay"

Last edited by RyanVeltidi (2006-05-17 21:55:24)

Critically Wounded
+6|7039|A van down by the river!

BobbyFisher wrote:

{TA}Firestorm's stats were real in the regard of how many points he had, I played quite often against the guy and he did get a lot of points per round and did play an amazing number of hours. However, he stat padded his wins (i believe to get war college ribbon) by kicking anyone who played to good against his team. Whenever I was involved in a game i could actually win against him and i was at the top of my team's scoring board, i ALWAYS got kicked or switched to his team. He did seem like a good player but he was abusing his admin rights.
yeah thats why in his karkand server you cant swith teams at the beginning of the round.  he admins a few rounds a wont let people swith teams then it is easier to figure out what team he should be on to pad his WLR

on another note he gets sooooo many points cause he always commands. no one can get it over him cause he is the highest double the points YOU make in 10 hours and you would have a shit load more points too

specialistx2324 wrote:

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.
he got his stats back if you didnt look, Dee-ta-Dee < - -Bad impression of Carlos Mencia

i think moongamers is a awesome server, i play on their karkand one all the time, and ALL the times ive played there {TA}Firestorm has never glitches or cheated or w/e it was. I have never played on Moongamers ghost town but all the admins on karkand are cool.

and Kolhozik arn't you an admin there?

mimah wrote:

BobbyFisher wrote:

{TA}Firestorm's stats were real in the regard of how many points he had, I played quite often against the guy and he did get a lot of points per round and did play an amazing number of hours. However, he stat padded his wins (i believe to get war college ribbon) by kicking anyone who played to good against his team. Whenever I was involved in a game i could actually win against him and i was at the top of my team's scoring board, i ALWAYS got kicked or switched to his team. He did seem like a good player but he was abusing his admin rights.
yeah thats why in his karkand server you cant swith teams at the beginning of the round.  he admins a few rounds a wont let people swith teams then it is easier to figure out what team he should be on to pad his WLR
That is actually a rule on the server, that you can not switch at the beginning of rounds, or else the teams become 14-40. Everybody will switch to be on either His, or the USMC team, whichever one is dominating. Usually it is what was USMC the first round of the map load, and after that it follows that team. It doesn't necessaryily have firestorm on it, there are other regular (NON ADMINS) that command just as much (meaning they are the same or a similar rank) and do just as well. There is NO PAD STATTING going on there.
+38|7003|Phila, PA

RyanVeltidi wrote:

Well, here is some information about Moongamers, as I am a regular player there, and one of the most well known of their players.

There are three BF2 servers, Karkand, Oman, and the Special Forces rotation. Almost all of the admins have admin abilities on all three servers, but they usually stay in their respectable servers. Firestorm usually plays on Karkand, hence his score. However, he does NOT run Moongamers servers, nor do any of the common admins you see in game. Moongamers is run by a "Core" group of people, which are those who usually founded Moon, or one who are mature and support the servers. Donating does NOT give ANYBODY admin rights, for reference.

What happened to you on Ghost Town might have been than an admin noticed that you whored equipment for many rounds in a row. There is a 1 on 1 off rule for commanding, meaning you can play commander for one round, but you can not the next round. Similar rules apply to tanks and choppers. If you take a helicopter both rounds in a row and never allow others to use it, then that is whoring. Usually this applies more to tanks and such, as usually they are hard(er) to kill.

Then again, I was not there at the time that this occured, so I do not know the details. Treat it as this way, you were kicked for a rule that does show up on the loading screen and scroll through the ingame announcements.

Also, Moongamers knows the BF2 Ranked Server Agreement very very well, and have never broken the slightest bit of it. If an individual admin kicks for their own reason, it does get delt with by the Core admins. Also we abidy by the BF2RS ROE down to the smallest bit, so don't throw that at us either

Disclaimer: I am not an administrator on Moongamers servers. I go by the name "The Xevious" or "Why Two Kay"
Amen brother
+38|7003|Phila, PA

FriiginChomper wrote:

specialistx2324 wrote:

TA firestorm runs those servers.. and he got his stats wiped.
he got his stats back if you didnt look, Dee-ta-Dee < - -Bad impression of Carlos Mencia

i think moongamers is a awesome server, i play on their karkand one all the time, and ALL the times ive played there {TA}Firestorm has never glitches or cheated or w/e it was. I have never played on Moongamers ghost town but all the admins on karkand are cool.

and Kolhozik arn't you an admin there?
Yes, i am.

and whoever karma'd me :: Thanks
+190|6962|Home of the Escalade Herds

Kolhozik wrote:

RyanVeltidi wrote:

Well, here is some information about Moongamers, as I am a regular player there, and one of the most well known of their players.

There are three BF2 servers, Karkand, Oman, and the Special Forces rotation. Almost all of the admins have admin abilities on all three servers, but they usually stay in their respectable servers. Firestorm usually plays on Karkand, hence his score. However, he does NOT run Moongamers servers, nor do any of the common admins you see in game. Moongamers is run by a "Core" group of people, which are those who usually founded Moon, or one who are mature and support the servers. Donating does NOT give ANYBODY admin rights, for reference.

What happened to you on Ghost Town might have been than an admin noticed that you whored equipment for many rounds in a row. There is a 1 on 1 off rule for commanding, meaning you can play commander for one round, but you can not the next round. Similar rules apply to tanks and choppers. If you take a helicopter both rounds in a row and never allow others to use it, then that is whoring. Usually this applies more to tanks and such, as usually they are hard(er) to kill.

Then again, I was not there at the time that this occured, so I do not know the details. Treat it as this way, you were kicked for a rule that does show up on the loading screen and scroll through the ingame announcements.

Also, Moongamers knows the BF2 Ranked Server Agreement very very well, and have never broken the slightest bit of it. If an individual admin kicks for their own reason, it does get delt with by the Core admins. Also we abidy by the BF2RS ROE down to the smallest bit, so don't throw that at us either

Disclaimer: I am not an administrator on Moongamers servers. I go by the name "The Xevious" or "Why Two Kay"
Amen brother
This might sound like it makes sense to you but it's not true in my case, period.

I was in the server for like 15minutes. I got booted on my first round of using the chopper.

The admin stated i wasn't sharing the copter yet i never was shot down so uh what the fuck am i suppose to do, check the clock and say "oh i've been up too long", land and give it to somebody else? Rofl. If i was repeatedly dying and then getting back in the chopper 'maybe' he would have some sort of point then.

Believe what you want, i got kicked by an abusive admin who couldn't take getting beat down. I'm sure moongamers have some good admins and of course, bloody assholes like the guy i met.

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