kilroy0097 wrote:
Nazarak wrote:
the M95 riffle is the best sniper rifle ever you can shoot a camper from a great distance like 500 or 600m if you have set the sight to max in your video seting
Set the sight to max in your video settings?
Um.. What is he talking about? I don't remember this setting.
I'm not sure, but I think he's referring to view distance set to 100%. Which I think most everyone with a decent video card does.
And I've been thinking, I know we all think this gun is really powerful and such, but I really don't think it would be that easy to take out choppers and tanks in real life by simply wielding an M95. Now I'm no weapons buff, but I did fire an M95 once and that thing was a bitch to handle. It was loud as heck too, much louder that the game makes it seem. I don't think it would be my weapon of choice if I had to go take out infantry, and that really is our main objective.
I think the main purpose of a .50 cal rifle is to take out armored vehicles. This is it's primary aplication in the field of battle (if i'm not mistaken of course, feel free to diss me and flame me if I am wrong). If you read about .50 cal rifle ammo, you'll see that there is actually a good variety of bullets that you can use, but for true armor desotrying properties, you'd definatelly need some incendiary rounds. I think in the game, we get regular old armor piercing bullets, which should aid in the overall balance of the game. I would love it if we could chose our ammunition... those armor-piercing, incendiary tracer rounds would look so sweet.
Overall, I love the USA M24/M95 combo we've got going on. The M24's scope, along with it's percieved better accuracy make it the best sniper rifle against infantry. When vehicles come into play, the M95 rules your socks off because if you use it right, it can be a deterrent for any chopper or light vehicle that comes your way. I've shot many people out of their vehicles by correctly timing a bullet at the main window. I've also taken out many enemies in the turret of a vehicle with this puppy.
And as for choppers, while you think that nothign will happen if you shoot at them, think again. A good solid shot to the underbody or to the cockpit (haha i said cock) will do some minimal yet important damage. It's enough to make the chopper make it a priority to find out what is damaging it, ignoring your teammates while they cap a flag or something. Two shots to the glass/underbody will take out a smoking chopper, almost guaranteed. And as a reward for your efforts, you may even shoot out a pilot every once in a while which makes the gun that much sweeter. Just keep shooting at that chopper.
No comment on the MEC/PLA sniper combos... seriously. M95 makes it a little bit better, but those semi-auto toys are a joke.
So in conclusion, the gun is fine, I love it, wouldn't trade it for anything. It's the scope and the ammo that the game got wrong.