I hate it when  a medic revives you just in time to be killed again then he revives you just in time to get killed again and so on and so on  ...  I play as a medic more often then not , another peve is being called to revive someone then when you get to them theres a tank or like 5 enemy troops 2 feet away from them and I`m a sitting duck.. If I hear the call I drop everything to save a team mate..
Death StatPadder
+228|7037|Human Meat Shield
Ehh...there's two sides to this coin.. I've revived in the face of danger and I was the one being pelted and the other surviving. But us medics go into battle with shockpaddles up with 64 guns pointed at your head just to revive fallen comrades, I am tired of ppl saying medics stat pad, medics don't battle, medics are worthless. It is funny when I am being revived and I get three deaths by the same person while this medic is frantically DOING HIS JOB, even though I am killed three times by the tank that is 2 ft in front of me, he is hoping my dumbass will run away from the tank or whatever. Both sides say that when they are dead there is no medic around, when they are in the heat of the battle they dont' want a medic.. I guess there are good times and bad times..
haha i shoot you guys and wait just for that magic medic i love him he,s great lol i,m a that guy that shots my m95 into both yours heads and some times if quick anuff i put mines on dead bodys cos im nasty like that .lol
Raiders of the Lost Bear

lol. Pubbilly has a point there really. If i mow this guy down with a tank, and a medic's gonna come and revive him, i'm sure as HELL going to let him and blow the both of them to kingdoms come. Better yet if i'm sure the medic'll do it again and again. Why not?
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
Here's what I do:  if I revive someone, I'll stick around for a second behind some cover (unless there are other teammates nearby that need reviving) to see if he gets up and back into the fight.  If he gets gunned down by an infantry right away, I'll either a) whip out my L85 and kill the infantry, then revive my teammate, or b) if the enemy is using something like an ak-101, then I'll grab my teammates kit (if it would be useful in the situation, if it's a sniper kit, I wont), kill the enemy infantry, then switch back and revive my teammate.  Also, if I see a dead medic when I don't have the medic kit, I'll try to grab his kit and revive him.
"It's Recharging!"
My rule of thumb is simple:

1.) If they call for a medic, then they better be ready to jump the hell up and run away at any moment. If not it's their own fault. If a medic can revive you over and over, chances are you are 2 inches away from cover, otherwise, the enemy is purposefuly not killing the medic, which is rare from my experience. I'm usually right around a corner that the other guy could easily jump too.

Besides, it's not like any of the 3-5 deaths in a row are actually being counted. I usually give up after the 3rd try.

Remember, just because you got shot 3 times in a row, it doesn't count twards your death, only when you revive. So technically unless you spawn or run out of time when your dead, it's only 1 death. Learn to be more quick when you call for a medic.

Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2005-11-05 13:57:51)

Most medics do stat pad.  They don't partake in normal battle like they should, they simply look for revives.  There is nothing worse than a medic continually reviving someone to be killed, you are only giving the other team more points.  They NEED to add in an accept popup for revives, since I often end up getting revived when someone is prone 10 feet away and STILL FIRING AT MY CORPSE, thus I die before I am able to move.  Also, there are plenty of times that I want to respawn as a new kit, or am out of ammo, and a revive simply brings another player into the game that is incapable of doing anything in the current situation.

Medics job is not simply to heal and revive.  They are also there to fight.  If you are too pansy to pull the trigger, sit back and command, because I don't want any medics on my team that are handicapped.

Little note to all the moronic medics with 3 SPM and 0.2 K/D, if someone dies right in front of your face, PULL OUT YOUR GUN AND KILL THE PERSON THAT KILLED THEM, and then you can revive them.
I think it is a medics duty to risk his own life to revive teammates. Even under fire. But be sure do have priorities. When you spot a single enemy, take him out first. When facing a tank and an AT went down, revive him - now there ar two of you. The AT can fight the tank while you patch him up. Same with Infantry vs. Infantry. No use of having an assault fight a tank though. Better stay behind cover and only lose one ticket, unlsess he is squad leader (read: spawnpoint).
Being my suads desiganted medic what strikes me as odd is that when you revive under fire those born agains in many cases dont feel compeled to get up and run for cover. After 2nd try usally i leave them out in the cold rain (or better hot rain?). When this one happens to be a squad member i yell at him while trying to save his life - realistic, necessary and a bit of fun. What realy makes things better is when squad members informe you before your revive attempts what their cause of death was and where the evildoer resides. First things first!

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 14:37:02)

On the topic of unwanted reviving:
That's for EA to fix. Why don't include an icon hovering above the victim indecating if reviving was desired or not (activation maybe included into the respawn screen, there is 10s time for the victim to respond)? Like a green (+) for yes and a red (/) for no. Should be easy, like with the new mine icons. That would spare everybody a lot of anger.
Another idea would be that every player should be able to pick a gravely injured soldier ("g" or whatever) and drag him into cover, like in real life.

Btw: When people get pissed when they ran out of ammo (and suicide in som way) a medic revives them it's not the medics fault (they dont know your ammo status) but the consequence of bad teamplay (yes, there is a class called support, no he's not just the machine gunner).

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 14:32:03)

Death StatPadder
+228|7037|Human Meat Shield
Well when you don't see the Red Hit Mark that the player that died recieved then how do you know where the danger came from (Unknowingly if  there is anyone around)? Obviously he was in a bad spot to get shot. but more times than not the person I revive runs the hell outta there and I get pelted.... Thanks Team.
Yeah, your right on that. But you have to be gratefull for any info you can get. Sometimes the cause of death is enough to determine the posible location of the threat. Or if that threat my be reloading just now (sniper, shotgun wieldign guy). But the exact location is rarely given, even by known and trained squad members.
Faced with a sniper once even tried the COD tactics from the stalingrad map. Sent an assault dashing cross the street (attracts fire) while reviving the victim and dashing back into cover. Maybe it worked just because of bad sniper... :-)
if a teamate has died, n i see the other guy who killed him, i always try to kil him first, and than revive... but if there r 3 or more... i revive the teamate n hope that he will help me take them peeps out. if its machinegun fire/tanks, etc.. i wont revive them since i will get killed n its not worth it. (unless the tickets r really low like 3-3...etc)
Word. With MG first try to shoot the gunner, then give it a try (if there is something left). With tank threat, depends if the AT is able with his weapon or just a random victim. FIrst take a look if the tank is facing away.
Pojebany Hlop
+1|7107|Sicily, Italy
if you don't want to get revived then access the map/spawn screen and wait till the timer runs out.
Jeah. But the medic doesn't know and gets killed. Unless i am wrong. There is the red dot and flash signal on the minimap but does it disapear when you waiting and wanting to respawn soemwhere else? I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong. Might be something on the map but usually no time for deeper map examination. And with the bodies piling up there is no time to distinguish between dos and don'ts. Und trial an error is - well - deadly.

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 15:10:27)

Anyone who thinks medics are useless because they don't fight should be pulled out into the street and shot. I can't stand when a medic is crouched three feet away from me firing off into the distance while I'm fading away on the ground next to him.
As a Medic, I run around with my gun out, but when reviving, I only fight if the enemy is capable of killing us both again. If he'd just kill me, I'll keep the shock paddles out, but if it's a Support lying down 20 feet away, I may as well fight.

Here's a little quiz... I wanna see what most Medics would do in these situations.

1)You and a teammate are under fire taking the Beach on Wake Island. You're behind the sandbag bunker and your teamate is prone on the beach. The enemy is behind the sandbags to the northwest. Your teammate (Assault) is killed 20 meters from you and the enemy has just finished reloading. Fight or Revive?

2) Strike at Karkand, good ol' melee at the beginning of the game. You're USMC and your teammate gets gunned down behind the pipes in the first fenced area, and there are enemies all over the place (none in the first fenced area, though) Fight and kill those you can see first or revive?

3) You're in a BH flying towards a CP, but you can see a large infantry battle going on below and the squad isn't faring too well. Parachute and revive or keep going and fight for the next point?

I'd revive in all three situations (and have). I like to think I turned the tide of the last battle. I revived three guys when the squad was down to one man (and me), and we managed to keep control of the point.
Mass Media Casualty

I've shot two guys, let the medic revive them, shot the two guys, and then the medic killed me. Didn't like me making a mockery of his profession I guess.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Interesting post Kynon.
Answers mostly depending on the issue of time (lost upon death).

ad 1)Y;  Grenade (aimed or as distraction, always gives them something to play with), run, revive

ad 2)Y; Call for fire support (Squad ingame VOIP), run, grenades (to most likely enemy positions), revive

ad3)Y/N depending if there is a medic on the ground, on flying height and if you have overshot enemy lines; Honestly, most likely no because enemy sqaud should be in the helo or close to the intended CP.
As lone wolf: Y why not?

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 15:23:39)

+2|7018| U.S.A.
I HATE IT when you revive someone them get shot down, then the person that you just revived looks down and just stares at you till your gone. CAN'T PEOPLE SUFFER BEING A MEDIC FOR 5 MINUTES TO HELP SOMEONE?
I think its annoying, but if i'm not mistaken it doesn't really 'cost you' as far as in game stats right, because if you're revived then your team doesn't lose the ticket and you don't get credited with a death? am I right about this? I dunno. really.
any idiot that says medics stat pad or are useless havent played the medic kit that long. this kit was my first love in this game. you have a choice; stay alive or run in the blaze of fire to try to revive a teammate. i usually tried to save a teammate, and have gotten blown away most of the time. stat padding has nothing to do with it. you want to keep your teammates alive because when they are alive, the easier it is for them to keep you alive. being a medic is a sacrifice, focusing on your teammates instead of the kill.

if you disagree, look at my kit stats.

Last edited by NATRONIS (2005-11-05 22:51:57)

medics don't stat pad......because, most medics NEVER REVIVE ME!!!

there is nothing more annoying then a medic that just ignores you when you die 10 feet away from him when he is in no danger.  If i get revived 2 times for every hour of play then that is a lot.  I don't understand it, because when i play medic, rarely, i can easily get 20 revives and place in the top 3 in a round and this is with my top priority being to get kills.

i guess some medics be gettin' lazy...
I'm under the impression that a revive prevents a death to the person being revived - at least I checked and the death isn't added until your corpse rots and you respawn, so I'm assuming based on that.

If that's the truth there's no reason you should EVER "not want a revive". So what if you're out of ammo? Pull out the old pig sticker and try your luck again on some dumbass sniper. Or perhaps if it's possible grab a different kit off the ground?

I can't rag on the usefulness of medics, but god is it an unrewarding position to play. You can't reach maximum effectiveness unless you're teamed with decent players (hard to come by considering the average internet gamer has the intelligence of a turnip), and all the medic actions are really undervalued. Most people judge worth in the amount of kills you get, I can just break 1:1 for K as a medic. Often times I get attacked 4on1 while teammates watch. Thankfully, I can kill the 4 with the MEC AK medic gun and get 8 points just from kills. To get the same in medic duties though? Takes forever. Healing is only the odd point here and there due to the stupid caps put on how often you can get a healing point. Reviving is equally iffy. I can round a corner and blow off some guy's face for a kill and 2 points. To get 2 points for a revive, I have to dash to the downed teammate's position, quickly check the area for hostiles/fight them off if it's possible, get on the teammate and aim the defib properly, pray I don't miss or that there was a hidden enemy waiting to kill us both, then get up and move on before some hidden enemy shoots me. All of the medic skills, and its killing ability, all rely on how good your team is. As eng in armor, I can do well individually with little regard to how good or bad the team is doing. As medic, it's almost all based off of how well the team is doing, and with the penchant for the game autobalancing me onto losing newbie teams, that tends to be 90% of the time.

Stat padding my ass. Very little reward for a lot of effort. Medics are truly one of the unsung heroes in the game. Respect them.
Skipping real stats padding (out there with the mates at the edge of the map), there is a simple message to all those disgrunteled grunts complaining about high scoring medics in the top 3 of a round:

You don't like medics getting a lot of points for reviving in combat? - Don't die that often!

On the fix of the unwanted revivingproblem read my posts above. Or after you were revived and chose to stay out in the open (to be killed again) say "Negative" repeatedly insted of "Thank you".

BTW: Sud, thank you for taking up the cudgels for the medic profession!

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-06 02:14:02)

Let's try to look on the positive side of that "I got revived and then shot again thousands times in a row".
If this happens the guy shooting at you will be busy to look if there is medic a coming to revive, thus he will be exposed to anyone else coming by...
Same things happens if a tank tickels you with it's cannon.It is a bit easier to take it down with a spec ops guy while it is blastin you...
If you are unlucky, try to be happy for the other's luck...

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