Ambitious but Rubbish

SteikeTa wrote:

paranoid101 wrote:

Repair things normally works and remember to go engineer or its next to impossible to get.
Really? He has to play as an engineer to repair things?????
Quick nurse 10cc of sarcasm stat!!!!
+153|7061|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

paranoid101 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

paranoid101 wrote:

Repair things normally works and remember to go engineer or its next to impossible to get.
Really? He has to play as an engineer to repair things?????
Quick nurse 10cc of sarcasm stat!!!!
Ambitious but Rubbish

SteikeTa wrote:

paranoid101 wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

Really? He has to play as an engineer to repair things?????
Quick nurse 10cc of sarcasm stat!!!!
+153|7061|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Nice sig
+12|7076|Gloucester - UK
I got mine back when it was 25 IAR (no thats not bragging rights, the rest doesn't make sense otherwise).

I tried for it multiple times on Karkand using my "mobile repair unit" plan. Basically hop in a Vodnik and drive around BEHIND your teams APC's and tank when they're taking fire or just need some repairs. Keep an eye on the map for blown assets and dash back and fix them if they get blown. I consistently got 20+ repairs in a round doing this, just couldn't bloody get 25.

In the end I got it on Kubra Dam. The US team had a fairly decent bomber pilot, so after about 5 mins our team gave up using vehicles cus they just acted as big neon signs saying "come bomb me now!" which made for a bored US jet whore, so he resorted to constantly bombing the MEC assets, and I made 25 repairs with still well over 100 tickets left to go, was just one of those rounds where it worked out for me.

I'd try the karkand route though, so long as the teams are fairly even so the round lasts you should make 20 repairs within a few tries at it. Oh, and go for a 64 player map with 20-40 player limit so the round lasts longer but there are enough people around to actually keep causing damage to your teams armour.

Jalalabad will probly work too.
I got mine on Karkand.  I got lucky with a long round.  I followed our tank around with an APC.  It took a lot of work, but I finally did get it.  Now for my next one, Expert Explosives, without Jihading I hope.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6932|inside the recesses of your...

Ray_Zuredge wrote:

I earned the badge on Warlord simply hanging back in the base and repairing asetts.
I got expert repair on a low-man Warlord.  Go Insurgent - SAS will capture the Palace (if they are smart) and literally destroy the Insurgent Assests ALL ..... GAME ..... LONG.  The only thing is eventually they'll start hunting you as you keep repairing and Spec Ops has the advantage vs engineer at anything beyond close range.  So, ideally, steal the APC and go around repair the assets.  Get outta there without dying.  Repeat.  If the round is long enough and you don't totally suck as infantry (i.e.: can keep yourself alive as engineer) you can do it.
+50|6759|Dragon Valley
It could be done with good teamwork and strategy. I would say in a 26 player match on a 64 player map. If 2 good squads had a leader in voice contact with both the squad and the commander you have a chance. It would need to be on a vehicle friendly map. The engineer should fly around in a humvee and repair all team vehicles, including the helos.

I dont think a lone wolf could pull this off, you probably need friends on teamspeak or something so a few people are strategizing. The ideal situation imo, is the vehicles travel in a unit, but far enough apart to avoid artillery. Humvees dont stroll to far at all from the tanks, and if jets are playing on the map you NEED a good pilot to keep the jets from bombing everyone. They need to be constantly engaged from the air, and you should have mobile AA rolling around in the vehicle squadron if its available.

The helo should stick close enough to the pack for defense, but should immediately engage an enemy helo when one pops up. If he gets shot down, the tank or mobile AA will be the TV missile target. The humvee guys need to stop and let the .50 cals do the talking. Pop and go if necessary, but 2-3 .50 cals hitting an attack helo simulataneously while he's trying to line up a tv will leave him panicking. Stick near the back of these situations as the engineer and take a little extra cover if possible while still ripping the helo with a .50 cal. After hes shot down, drive around and give everyone repairs, including your helicopter if he's alive and needs it. Make friendly apcs, tanks, choppers and mobile AA your first goals for repair points, but dont forget about light vehicles too. And always be ready to fly back to base in your humvee, tear up the specops with the .50 cal and fix all your assets without being bombed from overhead.
The no air vehilce maps are probably easier to get the 20 repair points.  The most I had gotten on a map with Air Vehicles was 14 and that on the USMC side on Operation Clean Sweep.  Teamwork is very helpful when going after this badge and the Expert First Aid Badge.  Having atleast one friend on TS or Vent will help you get 5 or 6 points.  Your both going to get killed in process of the armored convoy practice.  If you (the eng) die tell you buddy to back off so you can get there and repair him.  It is probably better if your both engineers, but my buddy was support.  He got the gold in the tank. 

We started 4 on 4 and it was that way for the first 20 minut4es or so before others started joining.  That time helped me get 5 or 6 repair points. And no matter how the game goes, you must stick with the plan you come up with.  I ended up with 24 repair points at the end of the round because I stayed with my buddy.  One of died, the other would back off so we could save the vehicle to repair it.  Even though in some cases it meant giving up a flag or delaying the capture of a flag.
+99|6950|New York
This one you just have to feel out if its a good time to try for this. You need enough time  to get this job done so if one side is quick to cap out/ kill the other team its not a good time. Karkand  64 man with 40people seems to be a good place to start. Tell the commander that he doesnt have to waste crates repairing assets that you are available for repairs. Make a squad that says repairs. Get in a hummer so you are fast and mobile.  Listen for "repairs needed here"  and drive to that blinking icon. You can even taunt the other team by telling them to stop blowing your assets and to play fair. They eat this up and since they think it makes you mad will sometimes start attacking your assets.  You think this badge is a pain lol dont even look at the reqs for Meritorious Service medal. Good luck
The MSM is easier to get than the expert repair and expert first aid badges.  You don't have any in a round requirements.  Although it does take time to get to 1000 each, it can be done.  I'm just over a third of the way to my 2nd MSM.
got any popo lolo intersting?

comet241 wrote:

dont stat pad, just have to find the right server. prolly a 16 man, 64 sized server where somebody on the other team likes to blow assets.... or get one of your buddies on there and tempt him to blow your shit.
That IS statpadding...
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6940|Pittsburgh, PA

Ray_Zuredge wrote:

I earned the badge on Warlord simply hanging back in the base and repairing asetts.
agreed...all you need is an enemy spec ops with an itch to destroy the assets.  No need to pad.
+35|7070|UK - England
Earn it, forget about stat padding. Me personally have not got engineer expert yet (cuz i don't play the kit much, my mate has got his expert engineer badge and told me the easiest way it on Wake Island on the PLC (Chinese) side, just keep repairing the Artil, UAV and Sat. He told me its tough, you gotta get some usmc player who is obsessed with taking out commander assets.
Good Luck !
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way

LT.Victim wrote:

Or.. If you play on a Server that doesn't kick for Negative points..

Blow up Friendly Commander Assets.. then suicide, Spawn Engineer, Repair, Suicide.. Rinse, Repeat..
Can't.... for some reason my C4 doesn't deal enough damage to destroy an asset... I'm sure it's been created that way exactly to prevent abuse. Though I remember hearing about people forgetting which side they're on and blowing their own arty... Maybe it's been possible in the past ? Maybe it only goes for arty, not UAV/Scan ? Or maybe I was in an FF off server when testing ?

Doesn't matter to me.. I have the expert anyway. You may call it padding, I call it playing strategically. I just waited for the specs ops to take out the arty. Killed him, reapaired, rinse and repeat. sure it took me like a week to find a spec ops who DIDNT learn what I was doing before I got to 25 points (or was it 20, not sure). In the end, I just started NOT killing the spec ops every time... It got him comming back more often.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
Play warlord as commander on sas.. have a mate playing on insurgent, tell him when its clear to come blow the assets.. rinse and repeat.. I know its kinda like stat padding, but not really..
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6859|Doncaster, UK
Actually, that would not only be padding, it'd be ghosting as well.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
does the ROE say anything about ghosting??

anyway I dont expect getting that badge ever..
aka Nekrodamus
+52|7045|Germany, near Koblenz
There is absolutely no need to "cheat" (flipping boats, driving cars into water, having friends as enemies, suiciding, ...) to get this badge! Sure, it'll take some time but finally it is as easy as getting Expert Pistol on a regular server. Just go out and do your job!

Concerning Warlord: SAS is more easy since your re-spawn close to the assets is guranteed.

Concerning The Iron Gator: Repairing the AA is allways good for some extra repair points, since smart MECSF AT guys (f.e. the commander) will allways shoot at it right from the beginning just to cover their own helis. As soon the enter the ship, you put your wrench away and switch to the best of all shotguns. And when the MECSF aren't able to board the Essex at all (which happens quite often), frustrated MECSF AT guys will constantly fire at the AA tower supported by an ATV and a Tunguska: Easy 30+ repair points!
I got it on a 64er server with 16 players (dragon valley). A friend and I drove around with two buggies taking flags and hitting each tree and jumping down everywhere while being engineer. I admit it's kind of stat padding, but at least we won because we got all flags
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6994|Dayton, Ohio
I can vouch for the Warlord as Insurgents Theory.  I Got 26 repairs after the SAS took the Palace.  I was  Squad leader and stole the APC from the SAS.  Acted as a mobil spawn for my squad and repaired assets.  After each round of repairs I would either go follow our tank or go take a flag to keep our team from loosing.  I finished with a gold medal and lead our team in kills with over 40. 

It will take a while to find a round with the right circumstances.
I got mine yesterday in Iron Gator. It was like 14th round after I started to try it, so it was no easy one.
Usually I got about 7-12 repair points in a round.

I was lucky and after start MEC shot Essex gun and I got about 10 repair points. Then we lost flight deck flag and MEC blew Scanner and UAV twice. After that Us got the both deck flags back and I got the rest 6 repair points between in duel Hind vs. Essex gun (I was not shooting) duel. After my badge US lost immediately both flags and I died so it was a close one.

Tip: The flight deck defines who has the Essex gun. But you can keep it on your side if you manage repair it up before it respawns. The gun respawn time is more than one death and your respawn time on view deck plus gun up repair time, but two deaths takes too long.

I hope this helps
The Power of Two
+188|6808|Sydney, Australia
The thing about repair points, is there an absolute amount that needs to be repaired to get one repair point? As in repairing a tank back to full health gives you one repair point. If you repair a jeep back to full health do you get a repair point too? It takes shorter amount of time though.
YES, you must repair 100 % of device for 1 point.

FinnTrek wrote:

YES, you must repair 100 % of device for 1 point.
Actually the repair system works as a "cycle" (see wiki). So when repairing 1 tank could give you one repair point, you'd have to repair maybe two buggies for that same point. If you've repaired a tank from half its healt to full, and didn't receive a point, maybe the next turn of a wrench on another object will give you it.

That's how it works.
I need around tree fiddy.

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