Staff Sgt. ? Here at UBAR it says it's 5000, but now that I've got that, it still hasnt promoted me. Does anyone know what the real amount is?
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This has been asked many times already, but the long and short of it is: the stats take a while to update with everything so it isn't until a little while after you hit the promotion requirement level of points that you actually receive the promotion. Go and play for a little while and you'll find you get a promotion soon enough.
I have noticed a few times that you will have to log back in, and make at least 1 kill to get your promotion. When that happened to me, I just logged in an Official server from EA and did it there. It never missed giving me the ranking or unlock I wanted.
Yep, same here, After gaining enough points, I join a server and make a kill, and Blammo! New rank.
Ok thanks for the tip about joining a server. I knew it takes some time for the game to register a promotion, but it had already been a few hours after I should have gotten it that I posted this.
pvt 1st class is 150, cprl. is 800, sgt. is 2,500 to get staff sgt. its a little over 8,000 and for gun sgt. its 20,000 and for this other 1 its 50,000 than more stuff
wait im wrong i forgot lance corpral
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