uziq wrote:
i can't quite figure it out. he says himself that dating apps have opened up a wide new vista for him. so why does he persist with bunny boilers and women with serious baggage? is it a power trip? does he need to manipulate a weak person? is he so desperate?
I don't know. I think she was right about all of the things she said. I do think her "I can see through your act" thing was a bit meh. I could have kept the act up and gotten away with it. I didn't say that to her. I just apologized and agreed with what she said. It must have been a weird argument for her. She said something red flag while she was telling me off "I have been engaged before." (!)uziq wrote:
well she was perhaps close to the mark with your slightly oleaginous and ingratiating way with women. maybe you do manipulate them thus. the ‘nice guy’ act.
but is this the same girl who was asking you to shoot up her ovaries? who is raging at you on the phone following a family bereavement? she is way out of line. borderline insane. not worth the hassle. that’s a ‘No’ from me bro. your sins are small change in comparison to the capital-c Crazy she’s exhibiting.
The first third of the telling off, (it wasn't an argument. I may manipulate girls and love bomb them but I don't hit them, yell at them or degrade. Low bar to clear I know but I am not a monster. I am good at conversation and knowledgeable about stuff.) She was trying to convince me to keep up talking to her and stuff for the first third of the conversation until I dropped a "I hope you find the person you are looking for but it isn't me." Then she gasped and turned kind of vicious and belittling to me.
Before all of this I told her my long-term plans and became somewhat belittling to them. She mentioned a bunch of times something that reenforced my "this isn't what I want right now." I mentioned that I wasn't ready for all of that she said "I know you started your career late but I am successful and accomplished at 30 and I am ready blah blah blah". I think the first time she said that was when I apologized for "gassing her up." She snapped at me about how she didn't need me to feel good about herself because she is the blah blah all of the above. I was a bit worried about the fact that we come from two such widely different social classes. I cringe at that thought of dealing with her family and being the broke black guy teacher who knocked the rich white lady banker up as soon as he met her. Her entire family would cringe at her dating down so much. I guess that is something I would just need to get over but the fact that she held her success over my head for a moment and belittled my long-term plans was a "true colors" situation. There would be a other time in our lives together when she would drop her success like a bomb on me while also making sure I look nice for the "House Hunters" episode she probably imagined us doing.

The last 10 minutes of the whole thing I was bored. After she hanged up on me I went to browsing Reddit and looking at memes.
A minute after she hanged up on me she sent a text saying "Delete my number from your phone because you aren't worth my time." I think she wanted more attention because she could have just clicked the block number feature on her phone and never have to worry about messages from me ever again. She is still Facebook friends with me and didn't block me on messenger. She didn't block me on the dating app either. I can still see our conversation and her profile. As much as she is angry at me, I can also believe she would take the "love bomb attention" again if I grovelled. She said at one point "I knew you were on a date last night and I am okay with that." She said I was somewhat feminine and asked if I was a a closeted gay or bisexual (???) I laughed at that one considering I am on a mission to bust out as many girls as I can. She then said she is "Okay with dating a bisexual guy because she has before." (?!) She also was happy to let me know she dated a string of (more) successful men and had friends in the white house and Congress blah blah.
Okay, darling. Where are those successful men now? Why are you yelling at me on a 1 AM Saturday morning instead of swiping on Facebook Dating?
The whole thing makes me appreciate the Chinese girl more. I came home and looked at jewelry for her. I want to get her something nice for being so mentally stable.

I really don't think I am especially manipulative either. I am not trying to alienate girls from their friends and family. I never ask them for money or favors. I pay for dinners, gifts, tickets, etc. I have never hit or even raised my voice at them. I am a really good listener and know how to ask good follow up questions. I am encouraging and patient. All I want in return is a bit of sex to write about. I don't think that makes me a "textbook narcissist."

You think I could convince the Chinese girl to be my girlfriend and give me permission to have sex with other people?

there has been a crowd crush in the exact spot i sent a photo from yesterday. halloween party. 50+ people dead. i’m looking at videos of dozens of police giving CPR to dead people right now.
told you halloween here is fucked.
this will be global news.
told you halloween here is fucked.
this will be global news.
Why? God bless.

If we talked you into going to the Halloween party that turned into the crush you may have died?

i told you it was silly here. there’s a mass death event happening on my doorstep.
Make sure to practice self care in these coming days. Trauma

there’s photos on social media right now of rows of bodies lined up literally in the street. on the sidewalk. i insane
These mass casualty events release just so much bad energy into the world. Sadness and blame.
RIP … sS7vV9SdHA
one of the craziest things i’ve ever seen. this is literally my neighbourhood. i’m here every single day. terrifying.
most victims girls in their 20s. crushed to death in order to dress as a slutty nurse.
i told you halloween parties can fuck of.
one of the craziest things i’ve ever seen. this is literally my neighbourhood. i’m here every single day. terrifying.
most victims girls in their 20s. crushed to death in order to dress as a slutty nurse.
i told you halloween parties can fuck of.
literally look at the post i made earlier with the photos of people in the street. when i was complaining that halloween here was an orgy of shit.
right now that street is a tangle of bodies. i saw 20+ people being given CPR who were clearly gone. dozens of bodies under blue sheets.
right now that street is a tangle of bodies. i saw 20+ people being given CPR who were clearly gone. dozens of bodies under blue sheets.
It's completely mad how this happens in the 21st century in supposed developed countries. It's absolute incompetence on the part of local/regional authorities.
it happened in berlin at love parade. very similar scenario. it’s irrational. at some point a crowd behaves like fluid dynamics. and/or sets like concrete. i saw this happen in real time. heard the screaming.
i took this photo of my friend at 7:30.
this is the exact same crossroads (check the building), 2.5 hrs later.
120 people dead so far. i just witnessed an actual catastrophe.
this is the exact same crossroads (check the building), 2.5 hrs later.
120 people dead so far. i just witnessed an actual catastrophe.
It's the responsibility of local and regional authorities to ensure and maintain physical security. Especially leading up to and during major events. These days social media and geolocation data can help forewarn as well.uziq wrote:
it happened in berlin at love parade. very similar scenario. it’s irrational. at some point a crowd behaves like fluid dynamics. and/or sets like concrete. i saw this happen in real time. heard the screaming.
They failed to prepare and then failed to react, completely. In a street that narrow with such crowds, crush barriers should've been in place. Or the whole street should've been blocked off.
I'm sorry you have to see/witness all this. It reminds me of the indonesia stadium crush not too long ago.
The death toll number is staggering. International news. … 8w_Y1uP8rQ
this is one of the side alleys. not even the main incident area. it’s next to my friend’s club. normally a quiet side street. littered with bodies. it’s inconceivable to me.
@larssen: i agree with you. seoul has CCTV everywhere too. big eyeball cameras. they should have shut it down when they saw it approaching critical mass. shit started to go wrong at around 10/11pm. by 1am it was a scene of carnage.
all the bars and clubs were still open. loud music blaring. people caught in the crush were shouting to be heard over the music and commotion. people dancing and drinking on terraces, yards away from people dying. total dystopia. the police should have called all those venues, cut the music, and told everyone to sit inside and stay put.
there was basically zero response. i saw bodies stacked like cordwood. i’ve never seen so many people being given CPR at once. and clubs still
open, metres away. drunken patrons stepping over bodies.
don’t even have words. my posts in the last two days expressing extreme skepticism over halloween in korea were portents in the worst possible way.
been texting everyone i know to check on their status. a lot of young women died tonight, in particular. i’ve dated a lot of women in itaewon. i am legitimately worried i’m going to wake up tomorrow and have a few RIP’s.
this is one of the side alleys. not even the main incident area. it’s next to my friend’s club. normally a quiet side street. littered with bodies. it’s inconceivable to me.
@larssen: i agree with you. seoul has CCTV everywhere too. big eyeball cameras. they should have shut it down when they saw it approaching critical mass. shit started to go wrong at around 10/11pm. by 1am it was a scene of carnage.
all the bars and clubs were still open. loud music blaring. people caught in the crush were shouting to be heard over the music and commotion. people dancing and drinking on terraces, yards away from people dying. total dystopia. the police should have called all those venues, cut the music, and told everyone to sit inside and stay put.
there was basically zero response. i saw bodies stacked like cordwood. i’ve never seen so many people being given CPR at once. and clubs still
open, metres away. drunken patrons stepping over bodies.
don’t even have words. my posts in the last two days expressing extreme skepticism over halloween in korea were portents in the worst possible way.
been texting everyone i know to check on their status. a lot of young women died tonight, in particular. i’ve dated a lot of women in itaewon. i am legitimately worried i’m going to wake up tomorrow and have a few RIP’s.
there’s some videos of the main crush point. like bodies so tightly compressed that the police can’t even pull them apart. people dead on their feet. purple faces. actual nightmare fuel.
this is literally within 0.5km of where i sleep. i walk around these streets every single day. i get drinks here a few times a week. just unbelievable.
going to take some flowers tomorrow morning and think about GTFO’ing this district in november. this is an historic event and i don’t think this area will recover from it for years.
this is literally within 0.5km of where i sleep. i walk around these streets every single day. i get drinks here a few times a week. just unbelievable.
going to take some flowers tomorrow morning and think about GTFO’ing this district in november. this is an historic event and i don’t think this area will recover from it for years.
Will not be clicking any of the videos any time soon.
Just horrible for Seoul. No time was wasted by wikipedia putting it on the big list of mind-boggling human crushes throughout history. It's hard to wrap my brain around being in a band when this happens under your group's noses, or playing a game at a stadium where it happens in a stairwell. I don't know if I couldn't internalize it somehow and feel responsible for the rest of my life.
Just horrible for Seoul. No time was wasted by wikipedia putting it on the big list of mind-boggling human crushes throughout history. It's hard to wrap my brain around being in a band when this happens under your group's noses, or playing a game at a stadium where it happens in a stairwell. I don't know if I couldn't internalize it somehow and feel responsible for the rest of my life.
I cannot even imagine being said celebrity right now.“[The] stampede happened in one small ally and a number of people started to fall down and got trapped, got trampled and crushed, with some losing their consciousness,” he said.
Some local media reported the incident occurred after a large group of people rushed to an Itaewon bar after hearing an unidentified celebrity visited there.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-10-29 16:12:17)
The bodies aren't even cold and you're already thinking about how it will affect your party lifestyle.uziq wrote:
going to take some flowers tomorrow morning and think about GTFO’ing this district in november.. this is an historic event and i don’t think this area will recover from it for years.
Fuck Israel
I would consider moving too just to avoid being too close and thinking about it every time I pass by.
that’s not what i meant at all. do yourself a favour and fuck off.Dilbert_X wrote:
The bodies aren't even cold and you're already thinking about how it will affect your party lifestyle.uziq wrote:
going to take some flowers tomorrow morning and think about GTFO’ing this district in november.. this is an historic event and i don’t think this area will recover from it for years.
i just saw dozens of people die and i don’t want to be around the same scene every day. is that hard for you to comprehend?