the children of nobility might have been privately educated, but they were also forced to socialise. learn languages. learn instruments. take up sporting pursuits. go to balls. basically even forced to intermix and marry at age 16-18. their personal tutors were also experts in their fields, if not polymaths and men of learning.Larssen wrote:
No actually if you followed my posts in the last few pages it should be abundantly clear that I'm not at all opposed to expressions of identity, I'm also not fond of enforced uniformity. You of all people should be pro-banning uniforms with your individualist outlook. Clothing is a way through which people get to explore their own identity. Let them.
As for school, the purpose is as much education as it is about socialisation. Homeschooling makes people hopelessly detached and while I'm sure individual tutoring can be great (after all that's how the intelligentsia in history were taught too) I don't trust the average parent to have the chops to properly educate their children. I also don't believe the benevolent motive of providing the best education is the primary reason parents choose this option, really. It's about control over their kids.
home schooled people in the states come out as maladapts. they look like amish. a parent who can teach their kids french, piano, and algebra, as well as raising their child to be socially fluent and charismatic, is a fucking miracle parent.
a major problem of not having a school uniform is that gang identity works its way into casual dress. not just obvious 'gang colours' but subtler codes and significations, too. people can tell. if you want to encourage people to 'express themselves', you're going to have a hard time keeping the street/their social identity out of that equation. 'dress how you want but absolutely no expressing x y z'. oh and no loud hair colours. oh and if you're black don't wear cornrows, it can be interpreted as racially provocative by the white school board. ok, good luck.Get rid of the guns.
Do something about the proliferation of gangs.
Get rid of uniforms.
also you say it's about 'expressing themselves'; it's not. children don't clothe themselves. they sure as hell don't pay for those clothes. not having a uniform sounds like a great way to form cliques of haves and have notes, or to make poorer students feel ostracised because they can't afford that must-have pair of yeezy sneakers.
avoid. you are not special. put on the fucking blazer.
Last edited by uziq (2020-05-21 10:24:46)