the reason for medical staff being sensitive about vaccine mandates is because they are often times recovering from recent exposure to covid, i.e. have natural immunity, and the vaccine mandates were not very intelligently thought out with regards to the actual exigencies of their work.

most medical staff complaining about mandates were not voicing skepticism about the utility or effective of the vaccines, tout court.

most public health officials who devise vaccination policy aren't politicians standing for election. bizarre comment.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
This is all your construct.
Fuck Israel
erm half my family work in the NHS. my aunt is the head of the entire south-west region.

i have literally seen television interviews of ward dr's speaking to politicians and expressing this exact misgiving. that they're not vaccine skeptics but that vaccine mandates are highly inappropriate for a workforce who are basically always de facto immune because of daily exposure, in any case.

it'S youR conStruCt

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-17 01:39:15)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

always de facto immune because of daily exposure
Erm OK, I guess they don't get hepatitis shots either.
Fuck Israel
this might amaze you but ... covid isn't tetanus OR hepatitis.

it's honestly like wading in mud, talking with you.

the guy literally says: 'i have caught covid, i have high levels of antibodies'.

the only other aim of vaccine mandates is to 'reduce transmission'. at this point in the pandemic, with old vaccine tech versus new strains, the dent in the transmissibility is very low. as he points out, he would have to be boostered once a month to even maintain this extra benefit of vaccination. it doesn't make sense for a person who is constantly exposed to covid, in any case, to be vaccinated once a month for a tiny extra hope of reduced transmission.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-17 01:55:09)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
So where's the paper showing that doctors gain immunity by osmosis?
I thought the point of vaccination was to stop people dying. Do doctors want to die?

They must never get colds or flu either.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-02-17 01:56:18)

Fuck Israel
immunity by osmosis? they get immunity by recovering from covid. they get covid because they work on wards full of it.

are you thick? i never claimed they had magical life-long immunity by osmosis. i would imagine that doctors do have rather more robust immune systems to cold and flu than your average shut-in aussie bf2s poster, however. that's how immune systems generally work.

i said, once again, that SOME medical workers have raised a justified skepticism about vaccine MANDATES, in particular (not being vaccinated tout court), that is, when their own immune systems are constantly exposed to covid, in any case, in their daily work, there are almost no conferred benefits to forcing them to be frequently vaccinated against their will.

i literally said that these aren't the same people who reject vaccination altogether. the vast majority of medical professionals ARE vaccinated and have no problem with it. it's the MANDATES that they must be vaccinated every 2-3 months that there is some justified cavilling over.

the conversation around vaccine mandates will be relevant again when we have the next-gen of vaccines. it's conceivable that an updated set of vaccines could once again make an appreciable dent in transmissibility and asymptomatic carrying of the viruses. at that point vaccines might once again become a front-line tool in lowering the r-number. right now they are not.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-17 02:11:22)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
OK, so if you've had covid you don't need to be vaccinated.

This is great news.
Fuck Israel
jesus christ you are fucking so FUCKING THICK.

imagine you are a doctor: (1) you get voluntarily vaccinated as part of your own personal medical care. (2) 4 months later, when at work, you test positive on a routine lateral flow test. you don't have symptoms or bad illness, because you were previously vaccinated, but unfortunately it's waned to such a degree that you're now pervious to breakthrough reinfections. (3) you take the mandatory 10 days off to self-isolate and recover; you now have an increased natural immunity conferred from this period of convalescence. (4) according to the government, who have instituted a generalised rule, all medical workers now have to be boostered every 3 months. this means you must be boostered again, despite having recently been vaccinated AND recently recovering from illness. it's the rules!

... now do you see why they might raise objections to a one-size-fits-all MANDATE system?

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-17 02:12:11)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I thought doctors understood vaccines, why would they not want to be vaccinated?

Seems these rules, created by non-political health professionals, apply to everyone.
Why are doctors butthurt about them?

but unfortunately it's waned to such a degree that you're now pervious to breakthrough reinfections
So we're agreed, the vaccines do wane. All they do is reduce the severity of an infection. Don't doctors want less severe infections?

From what I can see previous infection and vaccines make bugger all difference to the likelihood of getting infected.
Fuck Israel
when did i say vaccines don't wane? oh my fucking god. jesus fucking christ.

the argument for a booster is that it tops you up and stops you from getting seriously sick.

why would i take a booster shot if my conviction was that 'vaccines never wane'? wouldn't i be here, like you, acting puzzled that the first jab i had 18 months ago is no longer sufficient?

we have never achieved stable, long-lasting immunity to a coronavirus. we've never, in fact, been able to devise any treatment that has targeted a highly mutative respiratory illness. the fact that vaccines/boosters post numbers in the 90%+ region for effecitivity is an unprecedented and minor miracle in-itself. never has happened before in the history of medicine. best we could hope for was a yearly retooled flu jab that maybe achieved a 55% hitrate in a good year. here we have boosters that will give you 90%+ protection for 3-4 months. they are quite literally incredible tools.

you're expecting a vaccine to come along that will give you one jab and a lifelong immunity. like tetanus. but coronaviruses aren't tetanus ... i honestly don't know what to say to you. it has been implicitly assumed by medical professionals since the very start of this pandemic that any vaccine would need to be renewed. early pie-in-the-sky thinking hoped we could get 5 years or a couple years of immunity, perhaps. but we have seen that covid mutates far too often for that. that's too bad. BUT, we do still have vaccine tech that has MEASURABLY GOOD effectivity at warding off serious illness and death. the only 'problem' is that we will need an annual shot, or a bi-annual booster. WHAT is the big fucking deal here, dilbert?

2022 will see antiviral pills to take when you're sick and make the illness negligible. we will see new vaccines, with updated and better effectivity. we will even see new forms of administering vaccines coming on-line, such as nasal sprays and arm patches, perhaps. not even any need to go to a medical centre to get pricked by a syringe. this whole 'issue' of vaccines waning is a complete NON-issue for anyone who has ready access to fucking modern medicine.

uziq wrote:

the reason for medical staff being sensitive about vaccine mandates is because they are often times recovering from recent exposure to covid, i.e. have natural immunity, and the vaccine mandates were not very intelligently thought out with regards to the actual exigencies of their work.

most medical staff complaining about mandates were not voicing skepticism about the utility or effective of the vaccines, tout court.

most public health officials who devise vaccination policy aren't politicians standing for election. bizarre comment.
i thought medical staff have to get vaccinated for a bunch of other shit anyway. idk, i get both arguments but there's a certain liability factor if a staff gets covid at work and gets seriously ill there's also workers compensation issues.
yep, it is mandatory for a bunch of diseases based on public health grounds.

not sure how well a medical worker could claim liability or sue their employer for getting sick at work on a diseases ward. the UK isn't quite that litigious. medical workers get sick pay and compensation for taking time off.

Last edited by uziq (2022-02-17 05:15:51)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Russia will invade this weekend. Waiting for president's day weekend.

uziq wrote:

yep, it is mandatory for a bunch of diseases based on public health grounds.

not sure how well a medical worker could claim liability or sue their employer for getting sick at work on a diseases ward. the UK isn't quite that litigious. medical workers get sick pay and compensation for taking time off.
unsure about the UK scheme but in aus there's a specific covid worker's compensation scheme and govt fucked the nurses and docs on it. prior to omnicron if you're a doc or nurse, the assumption is that you got it at work and would get comp, now the onus is on nurse or doc to prove they got it from work.

but also the risk of getting an injury via a vaccine is a lot lower than reinfection so... not sure whats the fuss about being fully vacc in all honesty.

The narrative has been tossed, turned, knotted and flipped. c s b - I got myself into an (unasked for) political exchange on a game, somehow. One guy brought up drinking pee because people were talking about Bear Grylls for some reason. I said "to be fair, some politicians are into that too." Another guy, one of mac's pig people, was like "yeah! Like Biden!" Blinked at the monitor, and didn't respond, nor did anyone else. He said nothing further on the matter.

Wasn't that Trump's supposed thing? A weird gotcha for a Trump supporter to employ with Biden. Are there Biden pee rumors? Completely under my radar, and I only got listings for blogs named something like "outraged red news" or similar. People obsessed with miscaptioned paparazzi photos and tagged #qanon.

In ~month old urinary news:

‘Drink urine,' anti-vaccine leader tells supporters … ar-AASEULX

Heavily armed nutcase with a flamethrower and an intent to arrest Democratic governors, just out of jail and this is one of the things he posts. rofl
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
>Russia invaded Ukraine because Biden is a weak president.
>Russia invading Ukraine was the right thing to do.

I am sure Newbie will hear those points come out of the same snout soon enough.

Heard it, and stuff like it. Opinions undergo wild changes depending on who's president. Of course in addition, the long change from anti-Soviet to pro-Putin. Few of them could tell you the first thing about Russia or Ukraine. I know one who can at least point them all out on a map, but whose sense of history for the region is very sparse because it wasn't an area of focus in school I guess. But like, there's the internet. You could literally just read about it. I hate to recommend that too much because people just go to whatever shady site and believe whatever's written. Tell someone to fact check their stuff and the click they first three-reader blog they find on google. 2022: "hey, did you know Ben Carson won the Nobel for brain medication?" You looked at that for like three seconds, didn't you. Old and fake.

Sometimes I like to feed tidbits of info outside of political argumentation (where minds aren't closed). Then they come back later with the same bit of information as if they're unloading some amazing revelation. That's a really interesting factoid, Ted, thanks for sharing. Let them have that, I suppose. One cog at a time.

c s b - I got one person (who brings up all manner of random topics) to almost spontaneously drop their annoyance at Pluto becoming a dwarf planet by talking about other dwarf planets (and moons that may have been dwarf planets), without mention of Pluto. Ceres was useful in this. I can't wait until they find out Uranus and Neptune are considered ice giants, not gas giants.

Was the older solar system enshrined too well by media, marketing, and mnemonics? Nine planets on an x-er's classroom poster, a core belief.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They hate the fact that Pluto transitioned.


You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky.
  You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets. … ar-AAUnVoV

What's sadder, that comment or that 1685 liked it.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Every so often I drop into Fox news.

Yesterday "Wait! If we kick Russia out of SWIFT they might stop using the US dollar! That might affect US!"
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:


You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky.
  You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets. … ar-AAUnVoV

What's sadder, that comment or that 1685 liked it.
There's never been a day we've not been under threat of nuclear war, its just people haven't been paying attention lately.
Fuck Israel

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the cold war, but that's something millennials have been alive for a particularly stressful period of. I was definitely around for my generation's cuban missile crisis, and in school when the Soviet Union dissolved. "never lived one day under nuclear threat" my left foot. Unhinged Republican.

A conservative boomer acquaintance of mine called it irrational and thought he should fuck off.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Young people have had to live under the much more real threat of terrorism and school shootings.

It's probably a little myopic to consider the nuclear threat during the cold war, er, "not" or "less" real.

What are you teaching kids. I wonder sometimes.

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