I am all that is MOD!

do you take prescriptions to make you feel a-okay
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Do you know you spent multitudes more time in inpatient treatment than my entire lifetime before you were even out of high school?
I am all that is MOD!

no i didn't, but thanks for the information. it has been catalogued.

Do you still see shadows in your room?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't recall ever seeing shadows.

I am all that is MOD!

I guess it's all in your head.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I didn't know he wrote that song. I'm so old.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
When I get into the shower in the morning this song is usually on my playlist. The opening lyrics are highly relevant.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6880|Little Bentcock
I used to have lucid dreams as a kid
The X stands for
+1,815|6364|eXtreme to the maX
Fuck Israel
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6046|Catherine Black
if I click a "static.bf2s" image link I get redirected to


Surgically removed the links from a ken-deleted spampost. Pretty wild reading material, if you give it a chance:

MaztikIllild wrote:

Brief before burgeoning this prowess, dismal prostyle upgrades shunted the benefactor once the mug ribs enough skew and antiques nowhere slow, and indeed this displaces by the commander coldest to the inexpensively cured alembic.
Nevertheless, the mitral heterodyne upgrades spontaneously handwritten since the crimp versus sakha, lest spontaneously collided vagus pharisees another as blake , aboard vice further alternations ex orthodox alighieri, blench how refectory pharmacies may cordon been winged in a coptic of colors. This works the refectory ledgers 6 pharisees for fuzzy 100 buntings traveled for links this flat the hoover because camp pontoons are famously taper. Beyond nashik revolve the fabrication displaces a north-easterly queen till it interfaces at the soave affectation crenellated next a grain per the same camp. Affectation was inversely one of the earliest, concluding whereby most arcuate benefactor buntings to the lao-tai shingles, whereby the bedouins tho colors another took in carbonate blake owl skipped a external seesaw onto wraparound rhesus. A goidelic relativism vice the moraga rhesus grew: 'knights ex fabricators nor saxophones, many skipped bar kipchaks, shunted both s the spasm and the rhesus were financially eulogized after the 'most floppy alembic of the instrument and zest among eliot', weaning to the religious relativism ex the benefactor. This fabrication is inversely feminized to thrice stocking, inside various auto these disks claim alongside a regatta or a owl that sizes to be electrocuted.
Relativism was affirmed thru the owl to grain during the bedouins, whom rhesus regularized as 'people whom, religiously, i instrument tho contribute. Inasmuch the queen of blake is still a milder benefactor, the is still owl by whether or largely it could be dressed as religiously sound as beside na. The backward louse overcame the pyrotheres, a scarce relativism per four-legged alternations, the fastest beside each outside the badly militant would thud affirmed coeliac pharmacies with spontaneously pretty tho mock slings. Eulogized thru isobaric antiques onto its alternations, the luanda spasm waterlogged 338 fabrication expressionists amongst fancy was dressed under 2001.
Over the us, after blond laureate one, the skew briefing crimp beside into least a rhesus for garant diamond dressed it isobaric for depending buntings whilst br jaden alternations grain been curved as a haemal camp summarizing relativism for more lest a half-century. The gco facial withdrawal is a denominational owl comprising circa 69 regatta experimenters whichever shines are affectation the polyarnye bur, a carbonate during the newsorg amanus bur, above free alert upon rhesus of firm costermongers, refectory into fejervarya gco is the cordon fondness affectation opposite reliabilism. Alchemic superiors where alchemic cordon is the same sturdy into dismal professional may be found ex sixteen expressionists: fabricators: these aborigines are annealed chobe. He shunted down thru the costermongers because was omniscient under violently predisposing them on the badly 1990s, but the protocol was cured thru saxophones laboured thru both the wagnerian benefactor disks whereby the downturns: the downturns lumina queen than walker barghawata grain through refectory reasonable fates, inasmuch the downturns beside intelligibilis and bcsa chobe on forgiving grain. It explains a spasm on a nasopharynx each antiques amongst an upstart d, a snell relocating the orthodox grain beside the refectory prioritized thru an arcuate regatta circa upgrades relocating orthodox ledgers onto the carbonate (as sewn under the arcuate hoover), whilst a spasm louse layer, electrocuted by moisturizing 50,400 k about the ideal alembic. As a 'commander ex queen' invariant wraparound expressionists may tend a asen claim that nurses a withdrawal famously as a diamond being, as over 'the taper home' amid hebrew knights, or the laureate burmese relativism. These wraparound slings are smaller than hollow the west s soaring, lining because incinerating windows, being the highland darts to mounting winged pontoons, antiques if interfaces, annually. Spontaneously are three sound pulleys arguing circa these expressionists, all circa such hoover been thrice actuated through slings: fuzzy pontoons instruct if accede one various with a queen significantly prostyle to the warm circa the owl between them: unlike disks accede, like ones misunderstand.
Main quotients are professional amphetamine, auto marmalade grass, revolve seaweed violently for tubing and commander linens for training plastics.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I had a newbie moment today. Amazon shipped my coffee grinder without a box. They just slapped a shipping label on the front of the thing from off the shelf and sent it to UPS. The top wasn't even taped on and it was a small miracle that it didn't come apart on the way here.

"You're not allowed to complain at any length about inadequate services. Only I'm allowed to funnel money to a ruthless corporation and not take any flak for it. Besides, my evil corporation isn't even the same thing and I'm doing it for nostalgia! Also, only I'm allowed to type 30-line posts because nobody else can type fast like I can. Nobody dare criticize their length, but your posts are fair game! You're lazy and cheap, macbeth. I will remember this so that when it comes up again much later, I can jump down your throat about how you've been banging on about it for months. OK, boomer?"

But seriously that sounds like a third party seller move.
all i'm saying is you guys go for the cheapest option possible, knowing it undercuts everyone else, and then complain when you get a cheap or shoddy service.

there are literally hundreds of alternatives.

maybe stop being such corporate cucks?

That's hardly all you were saying.

There's also this misconception here that it's the universally cheapest option. It isn't. It's often comparable to competition with negligible differences.

From B&N top listings,

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century … 25454355#/ $6.74 … 804190119/ $6.93

Here's a book I want. $17.09 through B&N web, or $17.25 from the local small book store. Wow, these online prices are knocking it out of the park! As much as 16 cents savings is tugging at me, I don't want to be seen as a corporate cuck. Better go burn gas through city traffic on a 30 minute special trip just pick it up. Oh wait, I can have it delivered for $10 more dollars. *click*

Amazon's hardly the only company I've bought from to have issues with packing, but they are one of the most frequent offenders. That they are one of the fewer who've argued with me about a damaged delivery is a point in their favor, but I buy my books elsewhere.

$450 piece of hardware? Here, let me cross-check amazon, newegg, b&h, tigerdirect, and so on. Ooh, one of these sites has it for $100 off MSRP? Guess I'll be cheap and buy it there.

Is that unreasonable?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5616|London, England
Completely. You should always pay MSRP directly from the manufacturer. No discounts. Cut out the middlemen.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5616|London, England
Uzi comes from the industry that charges poor college students $400 for a textbook and issues a new edition every 3 years that doesn't change the content, but destroys the value of all used editions.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
i don't have anything to do with textbook publishing, never have and never will. not least because the work is absolutely soul-crushingly boring.

i've published non-fiction books, history, art history, philosophy -- the stuff you'd read and buy from a bookstore. and i publish academic research in journal and monograph form, you know, the stuff that actually drives forward progress in your beloved sciences. i work for a not-for-profit learned society, one of the oldest in the world and one of the main professional bodies for scientists. every pound we make is reinvested into physics research, physics education, encouraging people to study physics, public understanding of physics, etc.

so please try again

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-15 03:35:24)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5616|London, England

uziq wrote:

i don't have anything to do with textbook publishing, never have and never will. not least because the work is absolutely soul-crushingly boring.

i've published non-fiction books, history, art history, philosophy -- the stuff you'd read and buy from a bookstore. and i publish academic research in journal and monograph form, you know, the stuff that actually drives forward progress in your beloved sciences. i work for a not-for-profit learned society, one of the oldest in the world and one of the main professional bodies for scientists. every pound we make is reinvested into physics research, physics education, encouraging people to study physics, public understanding of physics, etc.

so please try again
I don't care.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
and i didn't even have to kill anyone or contribute to the slaughter, immiseration and displacement of millions of innocent people in order to get to this respectable position.

how's the month in aircon, jay? do you have any industry newsletters i could perhaps subscribe to?

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-15 03:36:28)

how do you go from a humanities background into a learned society for physics
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5616|London, England
You couldn't afford them. They're priced for corporate accounts.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Larssen wrote:

how do you go from a humanities background into a learned society for physics
i work in publishing. outside of the huge profit-driven conglomerates, like the textbook publishers to which jay is referring, many journals and periodicals are the work of learned societies. to publish research of any kind requires a broad amount of expertise, even in the editorial side of things; and a good book editor has a broad base of transferable skills to academic publishing, and vice versa. academic research is a very international, multi-lingual enterprise. plus scientists are not good communicators or writers in general.

i'd say about 60% of the people have PhD's in science and/or previous academic careers. the rest have PhDs or postgrad generally in a humanities or social science. someone working at a top university press managing and editing a backlist of, say, anthropology, could have a background in english or history. in fact it's almost impossible, and not necessary, for an editor in academic publishing to be an 'expert' in the many things they edit: that's what peer review is for. most professional scientists aren't expert enough in other scientists' work – the disciplines and research are just too advanced. this should be obvious.

say an editor with a PhD in physics, optics in particular, manages a portfolio of journals. none of them will have anything to do with optics, most likely, but instead, say, particle physics, or quantum physics, or extreme materials engineering. their expertise is already next to useless (even making the huge assumption that someone with knowledge of a field will have a masterful command of the entire field). say that same editor receives 30% of their papers from chinese researchers (quickly overtaking the US as the main area of research). who is going to be better qualified to re-write and translate that garbled chinese paper: the optics PhD or a humanities postgrad?

so there's a little primer for you on why publishing houses employ a broad range of people.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-15 04:21:49)

Thanks for the explanation. Don't you get lost in subject specific vernacular every once in a while though? When I was in uni friends in medicine or STEM fields would sometimes ask me to review their papers. At times I ended up wrongly correcting their terminology (which can make for very strange sentences).

I don't consider myself a great writer but have to say that STEM and especially medical professionals produce & publish absolutely atrocious essays.

Good on you for landing a job there and enjoying the field. I wouldn't be able to do it.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-02-15 06:43:36)

i switched over because i was exhausted working with something close to my specialism everyday. it’s a truism in all the arts that you shouldn’t find a work-a-day job in your area of interest or passion. wanting to do a PhD in literature and working on literary books all day ... bad idea. after 8 hours reading an adjacent subject, i was too burnt out to make meaningful progress.

working on science is great. it’s very interesting. half of every journal article is obviously taken up with mathematical proof and hard physics. but the expository and descriptive stuff is fine, certainly not any more abstruse than literary theory or bloody Hegel. if you can stomach writing essays on heidegger, you can deal with science articles. plus, concision, clarity, simplicity of expression are the ideals of communicative prose. i’m often just taking something that’s syntactically broken and making it as simple as possible. that said, yes it takes a high level of skill at copy-editing by professional standards. as for the physics bits, i can restyle equations and know how to treat an exponential or a differential without needing to grasp the physics (mercifully). the rest has been double-blind peer reviewed two or three times by peers. if there’s anything to be corrected in it, it sure as hell ain’t my business (in all my time there have been no retractions for bad or mistaken science; good journals arrange good peer review and very high standards of academic integrity; it’s part of what researchers pay for).

a good editor learns to leave well alone anything with doubt; a bad editor would rewrite too much. for any doubt, there’s the telephone or email. last week i interacted both with north korean researchers (a first) and a leading quantum physicist, someone who has won just about every prize except the nobel and been knighted for it. it’s a satisfying job.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-15 08:14:59)

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