YOUR mom goes to college
Well, everyone else is complaining about the new patch and I've got a little different twist on it...

Why is everyone bitching so much??  Why is it such a big deal that you can't prone/crouch (dolphin dive) anymore?  Unless your whole game was centered around that one exploit/tactic or whatever you want to call it.  I just read a post that said *basicly* "Since there's a delay from prone now I can't get away as fast and the enemy will have a much better chance to kill me."  What sense does that make?  Did you have an advantage over other players before the patch?  Do they have an advantage over you now?  What it sounds like to me is that you're saying "I'm not very good at this game but I used to have a way to win even though I suck.  Now I can't do what I used to and I suck and there's no way around it....blah blah blah, I like to cry."

Before 1.4 the playing field was even...everyone could prone spam, or do whatever.  Now the playing field is STILL even.  No one can prone spam.  If you don't like it then don't play.  I was pissed when C4 chucking got "fixed" becuase I knew it would be harder for me to take out enemy armor/choppers/troops.  But guess what, it's harder for everyone else to as well and as a result I rarely die from C4.  Granted, the game is still not perfect and it never will be.  There will probably not be another patch with 2142 coming so either grin and bear it, or fuck it and quit.  I'm tired of people saying they "will never buy another EA game...ever."  Well if it's that freakin horrible, why are you still playing THIS EA game?

My .02.
Nade Spammers Must Die
Well playing infantry now it feels like your controlling a glitchy old

MastersMom wrote:

Well if it's that freakin horrible, why are you still playing THIS EA game?

pwned7 wrote:

MastersMom wrote:

Well if it's that freakin horrible, why are you still playing THIS EA game?
agreed they are all moaning whineing faggots imho if you dont like the game play leave dont ruin my fun by haveing a millions threads whining about it .
The Moisture
+49|6969|South Africa

Knight`UK wrote:

pwned7 wrote:

MastersMom wrote:

Well if it's that freakin horrible, why are you still playing THIS EA game?
agreed they are all moaning whineing faggots imho if you dont like the game play leave dont ruin my fun by haveing a millions threads whining about it .
here here
Nailer hates bf2
well,this the complaint forum, just look at the number of complaints vs the number of praises.  its easy to ingnorantly dismiss what other people think and call them whiners, its not as easy to get things fixed.
the aircraft are next to impossible to shoot down
if u do you got lucky
ea/dice never put out the rank system so that they could change it at will(and they did)
out of the box this thing had so many problems  everyone will admit that
let us not forget 1942 and bfv were the same way, it was the mods that made it worth the dough
the mods are still the most fun and the original still sucks nothing different
except now they make you pay for their own mods af/sf/ef
i have not tried poe2 yet but sight unseen id bet it blows doors on vanilla bf2
the public makes these guys all their money by fixing their crap
its up to the modders now
but dont you guys go bashing people that have something negative to say about this turd
cause thats what it is a turd
at rocket into remains......turd
stand a better chance in a jeep than AA? ..........turd
whaling on machine gun 10 paces from enemy prone killed one shot......turd
gas in sf lasts long enough to have to keep shooting canisters constantly.... turd
no STOP on commo rose....turd
headshot takes one body takes 5-7?.....turd
cars falling from the sky? wtf is that?.....turd
1 smoke grenade?.......turd
no slide left right in helis?.....turd
no look and control in aircraft? ....turd
no engi points for removal of claymore?....turd
arty so often that you cant set up flag defense?......turd
i could go on and on
Nailer hates bf2
oops i forgot a few
Clays you cant shoot or blow up .......turd
af circling lilbird has built in uav? good idea......turd
bf2 pilots go 65-0 in a round chopper and plane......turd
punish turd
this game is not fun and i cannot count how many times i have heard "bull****" on my clans vent
the spawn in the exact same two places everytime you spawn at a flag........turd they should make it random so we never hear spawn raped again
how much does that suck killed before you even appear on the battlefield.......turd
the jumping noob tube could have been fixed without limiting the jump all they had to do was make the splash correct and thus suicide to do that.
The whole killed by friendly mines/ clays regardless of patch .....turd they shouldve known better
they made the guns on the blackhawk all but useless........turd they should be able to take out apcs
and to see that some people think that all this is ok its sad what people will settle for.  I still play bf2 i still have fun with it i just think that it needs some tweaking to be the best shooter ever.  It is ingorant to dismiss what people think of something and type it as i have in the correct Complaint forum.  again look at the # of complaints vs the # of praises and then tell me nothing is wrong with it
less busy
+586|7109|Kubra, Damn it!

Nailer hates bf2 wrote:

well,this the complaint forum, just look at the number of complaints vs the number of praises.  its easy to ingnorantly dismiss what other people think and call them whiners, its not as easy to get things fixed.
the aircraft are next to impossible to shoot down
if u do you got lucky
ea/dice never put out the rank system so that they could change it at will(and they did)
out of the box this thing had so many problems  everyone will admit that
let us not forget 1942 and bfv were the same way, it was the mods that made it worth the dough
the mods are still the most fun and the original still sucks nothing different
except now they make you pay for their own mods af/sf/ef
i have not tried poe2 yet but sight unseen id bet it blows doors on vanilla bf2
the public makes these guys all their money by fixing their crap
its up to the modders now
but dont you guys go bashing people that have something negative to say about this turd
cause thats what it is a turd
at rocket into remains......turd
stand a better chance in a jeep than AA? ..........turd
whaling on machine gun 10 paces from enemy prone killed one shot......turd
gas in sf lasts long enough to have to keep shooting canisters constantly.... turd
no STOP on commo rose....turd
headshot takes one body takes 5-7?.....turd
cars falling from the sky? wtf is that?.....turd
1 smoke grenade?.......turd
no slide left right in helis?.....turd
no look and control in aircraft? ....turd
no engi points for removal of claymore?....turd
arty so often that you cant set up flag defense?......turd
i could go on and on
Boo hoo. Shut up and go buy another game.
You're rank system comment makes no sense. Please repost it in English.
Explain "the public makes these guys all their money by fixing their crap". How is EA making money on fixing their own stuff? From the free patches they put out?
It takes two AT rockets to take down a heli. So what?
You have a better chance in a jeep that AA in what situation?
What the hell are you talking about with your "wailing on a machine gun" nonsense? Again, repost in English. Btw, whaling means hunting whales.
On noes, gas doesn't last the exact amount of time you want!!!
Turn down your in-game sounds if you don't like the commo stuff.
If you ask,maybe they'll adjust the game so people can take 5 shots to the head and still fight. Just like real life.
You're right. The game is absolutely unplayable because you can get a vehicle drop. Be happy they have them next time you're stranded somewhere.
One gas grenade blows. I rank games solely on the amount of gas I can sling around. I can imagine the perfect game, it would just be one huge cloud as I threw gas cannisters for hours at a time.
What helicopter in the world slides to the side? If you had actually flown one in the game, you'd be able to move sideways.
All aircraft in BF2 have freelook. What game do you play?
Repair points take forever. Try removing 20 claymores and see if that makes you feel better.
If you can't defend a flag against occasional arty, you must suck.
Keep crying on and on. Better yet, go play another game.
less busy
+586|7109|Kubra, Damn it!

Nailer hates bf2 wrote:

oops i forgot a few
Clays you cant shoot or blow up .......turd
af circling lilbird has built in uav? good idea......turd
bf2 pilots go 65-0 in a round chopper and plane......turd
punish turd
this game is not fun and i cannot count how many times i have heard "bull****" on my clans vent
the spawn in the exact same two places everytime you spawn at a flag........turd they should make it random so we never hear spawn raped again
how much does that suck killed before you even appear on the battlefield.......turd
the jumping noob tube could have been fixed without limiting the jump all they had to do was make the splash correct and thus suicide to do that.
The whole killed by friendly mines/ clays regardless of patch .....turd they shouldve known better
they made the guns on the blackhawk all but useless........turd they should be able to take out apcs
and to see that some people think that all this is ok its sad what people will settle for.  I still play bf2 i still have fun with it i just think that it needs some tweaking to be the best shooter ever.  It is ingorant to dismiss what people think of something and type it as i have in the correct Complaint forum.  again look at the # of complaints vs the # of praises and then tell me nothing is wrong with it
Your entire argument ....turd.

I can sum up your problem right here:

some whiney guy named Nailer wrote:

this game is not fun
yet you continue to play...

Go play COD2 or WoW. Maybe you'll like those better.

Edit: Save your snappy comeback for someone else. I'm going to lunch.

Last edited by chittydog (2006-09-07 12:10:56)

Heia den som vinner!
+115|6831|Oslo, Norway
Nailer hates bf2
1 smoke grenade for assault kit , they never published the "official"rank system everyone relies on this site or bf2 tracker to get the reqs for rank as ea never put it out, dumbass, thats english enough for you? andthey did it so they could change it later.  I love it how whenever there is an open forum there are the dickheads that automatically assume that they are the intellectual superior to the poster. both of  you are a penis when it comes to others opinion, but just to clear up what i said before.
people put out mods.   the only reason i bought 1942 is to play DC cause the original product blows ass. there will be sales that result from the production of a killer mod. not the patch polish of the original turd. and what is this 5 patches now and still there are bitches and ctd's and the ever elusive red tag bug.
i meant to say that yes the gas goes away too fast.  it lasts maybe 3 seconds totally unrealistic. and thus useless.  they should make it last longer.
2 rockets to take down a helo is rediculous its hard enough to get one to hit there should be a payoff.
i cant use the commo to say stop and typing it takes too long .  could be useful when chasing a tank with a wrench.  or chasing wounded person to heal or whatever
you cant control the thing in free look
this game has a lot of problems and just dismissing what someone says is easy.  oh hes a whiner cry cry....
i did not come here to be called names
but while were at it you guys are fucking punks and i have twice as many points as smacktard there who posts his shitty stats and none from helo/plane ownage. not that it matters here. what matters here,though, is the complete lack of respect you show to people you dont know, its all fun and games till i show up at your house.  i doubt youd be so bold if i were standing in front of u. or rather over you
this is the complain forum, i was complaining.   i must admit i did not expect that sort of reaction from anyone.
i also noticed there were a lot of things you had nothing to say about.   if u are going to pick apart my post then please comment on everything.  and as i said its easy to dismiss what somebody says and call them whiners crybaby whatever your preference is.  but the fact remains still that this game was never tested/played by the people that created it and now they got people like yourselves in their corner to say nothing is wrong they are just whining.
more than 200 complain posts
less that 50 praise posts
assholes like you two is what keeps it from getting fixed.
save YOUR snappy comeback and shove it up your ass for all i care, PRICK, i didnt ask for opinions on my opinion.  its not my fault you cant read. and yes whaling is hunting whales, dumbass. its called figure of speech and most people would know what i meant.  i even think YOU knew what i meant you just wanted to sound cool and maybe smart or something.  to bad it didnt work and you just sound like some smartass dickhead with nothing constructive to add to this post. go fuck yourself.
what i said was wrong with it is just the tip of the iceburg. 
i could go on and on about what a dick head you guys are but this is not the forum for that.
this is the complain forum and i was using it as such. if you want to bash "whiners" aka people that see a problem and want it fixed, then find yourself a bash the whiners forum.  as for me ill be looking to kick your ass on the battlefield as arguing with someone over the internet makes about as much sense as getting your tool hard to stare at it.
eat shit loser and i hope you die in a car accident tomorrow for having a closed mind and a shit attitude.
you gonna take time to post on everyone that has anything negative to say about your beloved turd?
-some whiney guy named nailer
who despises punks that have nothing constructive to add, only point fingers and call names
and thinks they should kill themselves, cause they waste all their time posting on forums that nobody reads.
i complain cause i like to play bf2 but it has issues if u cant deal with that then you are in the wrong forum.
you should go start a "come in here so i can try to insult you" forum 
you are  ignorant fucks and you should shut off the computer that has made you so bitter and go outside.
bf2 could be so much better and you are not helping.  you cannot possibly think this game is bug free and if u do you are a fool.  Pardon me for expecting more from a company that owns a video game franchise.
as for what you think about my post i honestly dont care what you think. 
i came here to post what I thought was wrong.  i walked away knowing there are assholes in the world that get off on bashing people they dont know.  good for you, your opinion is so valued......TURD.
did u have a counter argument or more rips on syntax?  your whole argument:pointless
General Kickurass
Yeah Chitty, why be a tool? i understood every word.  the guy has points and you trashed him for no reason.  dont be a smacktard this is the complain forum he has the right to speak his mind.
worlds greatest dickweed.

Last edited by General Kickurass (2006-09-07 16:24:28)

Nailer hates bf2
and out of curiosity i looked up all your posts. seems you dont have one constructive thing to say.  What a shock. KILL YOURSELF its the right thing to do.
+2|6766|Stavanger , Norway
Well , i couldnt giva a rats ass if i cant prone fast enough and dolphin dive...
The same rules goes for everybody anyway...
But what i do care about is that server still gives me the blame for connection problems and kicks me out.
Or in other words , servers are still fragile with the new patch , man it makes me mad !

2 hours of play , crash !!!

I try again

Wow , 1 hour of play , BOOM! Crash !

I try again , 2 hours of play


Thanks for a great patch

Nailer hates bf2 wrote:

and out of curiosity i looked up all your posts. seems you dont have one constructive thing to say.  What a shock. KILL YOURSELF its the right thing to do.
Right. Go look in a mirror. This wasn't constructive either.
General Kickurass
and i can sum up YOUR problem you are a dick head.  This is the complaint forum deal with it.  Maybe add something intelligent.

General Kickurass wrote:

and i can sum up YOUR problem you are a dick head.  This is the complaint forum deal with it.  Maybe add something intelligent.
"dick head" is not intelligent.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|6959|Hell's prison

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Well playing infantry now it feels like your controlling a glitchy old
a glitchy old what?
General Kickurass
and Boo Hoo is?????? whatever nice forum

MastersMom has the right to complain as much as any of you do even if he disagrees with you.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-09-07 16:55:31)


You yourself are a whining faggot by making this thread.  Why don't you post in the 13 bajillion other threads made for the sole purpose of complaining about complainers?

Last edited by haffeysucks (2006-09-07 17:04:24)

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
YOUR mom goes to college
To Nailer hates bf2:

I think your name says it all.  You are the perfect example of the reason I started this thread.  This IS in the Complaints section, but this thread is not complaining about's complaining about people like you.  It's like saying, "OMFG!!  I hate basketball sooooooooo much cause it's gay and imperfect and it's a stupid game that should have different rules cause it's not like real life and cause I'm not tall enough to dunk and cause I can't dribble as good as someone else...cry, cry, cry...someone change the game so I'm better at it because right now I hate the basketball and the people who invented it!!!!!!  Hey, who want's to go play a game of two on two?"

Besides the fact that it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever to bash on a game that you so clearly despise yet continue to's fukking annoying to try and filter through all of the threads that say the same damn thing over and over again.  As I said in my first post...If it's that freakin' horrible, don't play.  Or, if you insist on playing and complaining about least find something new to complain about that a hundred other people didn't already post..........or use the f'ing search button and complain about the same old shit in one of the old threads that's already complaining about the same old shit.

To Haffeysucks:
I've never seen the ones complaining about complainers so I hardly think there's a "bajilion" of them, and honestly didn't know how to search for it...keyword search "complainer/whiner/etc." will turn up nearly every thread under "Complaints" section.  But good effort.

Last edited by MastersMom (2006-09-07 17:09:30)


MastersMom wrote:

To Nailer hates bf2:

I think your name says it all.  You are the perfect example of the reason I started this thread.  This IS in the Complaints section, but this thread is not complaining about's complaining about people like you.  It's like saying, "OMFG!!  I hate basketball sooooooooo much cause it's gay and imperfect and it's a stupid game that should have different rules cause it's not like real life and cause I'm not tall enough to dunk and cause I can't dribble as good as someone else...cry, cry, cry...someone change the game so I'm better at it because right now I hate the basketball and the people who invented it!!!!!!  Hey, who want's to go play a game of two on two?"

Besides the fact that it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever to bash on a game that you so clearly despise yet continue to's fukking annoying to try and filter through all of the threads that say the same damn thing over and over again.  As I said in my first post...If it's that freakin' horrible, don't play.  Or, if you insist on playing and complaining about least find something new to complain about that a hundred other people didn't already post..........or use the f'ing search button and complain about the same old shit in one of the old threads that's already complaining about the same old shit.

To Haffeysucks:
I've never seen the ones complaining about complainers so I hardly think there's a "bajilion" of them, and honestly didn't know how to search for it...keyword search "complainer/whiner/etc." will turn up nearly every thread under "Complaints" section.  But good effort.
lol I karma'ed you not realizing you were the guy i was bashing.  shit.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
General Kickurass
I think that Nailer dude had a point it aint just bitching to be bitching.  The same old stuff that almost everyone can agree is screwed up never gets fixed.  Me personally i think the baserape thing sucks too but that never got fixed.  That  and he does have a point about the at rocket if its so hard to hit there should be a payoff.  all valid points that do not require a boo hoo.  Go play something else is a weak cop out by people that are not willing or unable to make a difference.  The entire point of any complaint forum is to post complaints.  Go buy another game is a weak cop out from someone that knows dam well they cant change a thing and thats sad. look at all these posts on the complaint forum.
look at the number of praise posts.  that says it all my friend not this dumbass' name.
This game given some time and effort could be the greatest ever.  as of now there are a lot of things wrong with it.  everyone agrees on that even if its not the particulars.  i guess what it boils down to is what makes a good game? realism? prolly not.  Fun? sure. Getting killed b4 you can even look around? no fucking way is that fun or the makings of a good game.  thats all i have to say about that.  People tired of people bitching at people who are bitching should stop and fix what everyone is bitching about and not call them names like "whiner" or "crybaby" or whatever. if u are not part of the solution u are part of the problem
nuff said
General Kickurass
and i think its not like saying basketball sucks yadda yadda its more like how can i play basketball when the court is all screwed up and had trampolines on it and such.   lol.  the aircraft being the trampolines if u catch my drift.
played like 12 rounds of poe2 and it blows bf2 away. finally some skill req'd for arty again
finally i shoot they die.
finally righteousness.
finally excellence
more than most would expect of a free mod
people that defend bf2 are clinging to a sinking ship
rock on poe 2
thumbs down to bf2 its a shit product
took a mod team to fix it for u all
thank you poe team for giving people a reason to buy bf2
it sure as heck aint the 10 dollar mods ea puts out (have them all, same lame game)
as Nailer hates bf2 said, the modders rule
haters of the "bf2 bitch" should try this and then say that bf2 is a good game

Last edited by General Kickurass (2006-09-07 20:58:42)

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