Hit detection is one of the worst.

That and planes can avoid missles by doing simple rolls. What kind of bullshit is that? 6 missles and zero hits at times. Better yet, I'll just piss them off and gun their ass down.

Roomba wrote:

I had the squad jamming problem. I couldn't get out of a squad or spawn on a squad leader on Jalalabad.

I still hear the weapon loop, too.
Yup I have been stuck in a squad twice now. not just jalabalad either.  Server seems to randomly put you in a squad and you can't spawn on the leader, can't leave the squad and others on your team don't see you in a squad.  AND if team balance is on you can get switched to the other side and auto put in the same squad number on the other side, now you are stuck in 2 squads!! one on the US team and the othe MEC only way out of it is to disconnect and reconnect.  sucks crappy bug...

badhq wrote:

Report all the bugs here

- Claymore issue

- J10 issue

- Aa range is still much to short - no chance vs. cobra/z10/mi28

- G36e is still a super-weapon

- Heli dominace at 16 player maps is worse, than before!

- Abrams can still be killed by one hit

- M16 and mr444 iron sights are still not in the center

- Hit detection bug is not fixed ( C4 )

- Nametag bug is not fixed

- Spawnpoints seems to be a blocked (red) and there's none blocking
spawns and you cannot spawn. Wake spawn points on the carrier have been red instead of white and troop cannot spawn there

- Who ever got that crash reinstall the game. And when you dled the patch one of the files may have got changed.

- Refresh on fav server still doesn`t work, still bugged

- Shock Paddles are jamming also medpacks if you throw medpacks, med pack jams in your hands and if clicking left mouse it spams only
"First Aid Here" text

- Jammed cars/apcs/tanks,  this happens on karkand, you
cannot drive / move apc you saw the wheels running but the car is still standing on the parking

- Weapon noise looping bug is still there

- The karkand hotel glitch has now moved to the market...

- Strange abstract edifices appear on the map, a structure appeared in near the flag at North Village on Wake and remained for the whole of the game. All players could see it so not a video glitch

-  It would appear that instead of the server falling over clients are now kicked by the server presumably if their data is corrupted. The worst case the server kicked 8 people all at the same time. The clients are not told why they are being kicked which results in admins being abused for kicking people they have not

- Crash to Desktop

- Server's are still crashing, not so often but sometimes

- Hitboxes on characters are messed up. You can test it by shooting
directly to head, sometimes it needs 2-4 shots to head to kill. You can
test this with clanmate or friend when other stands still and you shoot

- J-10/F-35B (but I think this will never gonna change)

- Animations are not shown (reload gun) or animations are shown

- Tanks explode for no apparent reason.

- Weird "You were killed by xxxxxx" problem, I spawned and suddenly
there was 3 x "You were killed by xxxxx person" I was just entered to
the server and none was killed me

- Wrong weapon/kill reason assignment, happens very often. Eg.
enemy sniper has put clay, I get killed by that claymore and that
guy who put clay, is flying with J-10, I can see that I was killed by J-10,
not claymore

- Sometimes team can have only 1-3 squads or no squads at all, or you're jammed to squad so you can't leave squad, spawn to squadleader, actually other players sees that you're not in any squad

- Commander applying does not work, none can be a commander

- If applied at the beginning of round to be a commander, lower rank
player can take commander position, and this is not "hack" and happens

- Sometimes medpacks/ammoboxes disappearing in the ground /

- Server browser is hanging sometimes and need to wait it works again

- TV missiles still go thru enemy chopper/BH

- Sometimes cannot spot enemies, even spotting message does not
appear, spots enemy if trying it 5 - 10 times

- TOW/HJ-8 missile goes thru APC or TOW/HJ-8 missile does not launch
even if missile is loaded, when releasing left mouse, missile launches

- Not a bug but problem, spotting enemy chopper as commander is
very difficult, sometimes it spots it and sometimes not. Also car FAV/DVP,
if you change to the gunner position, commander cannot spot you at all

This are just sum bugs reported by people over at

If anyone finds anything that I mised out up above please post below

Peace Boris
I just checked your stats and i can see why you want vehicle changes. You get you ass handed to them all the time. Tips try single player then work your way up.
Kanye North
these bugs aren't big, its 3 times better than 1.3 so don't cry over it.
Moved to "Phxbravo" account
+10|6764|phoenix, az

_-_911_-_180891 wrote:

KuriVaiM (EST) wrote:

We shall beat to quarters!

M24 Reloads twice some times also reloads continuously till death some times.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

Doggehspike wrote:

I've also noticed that when you drop arty your team gets attracted to it like a magnet.
So true, that a peoples fucking stupidity, glitch

badhq wrote:

TV missiles go through blackhawk / enemy chopper
This is merely lag.
AKA: badhq
+937|6945|Derby, England

The#1Spot wrote:

badhq wrote:

Report all the bugs here

- Claymore issue

- J10 issue

- Aa range is still much to short - no chance vs. cobra/z10/mi28

- G36e is still a super-weapon

- Heli dominace at 16 player maps is worse, than before!

- Abrams can still be killed by one hit

- M16 and mr444 iron sights are still not in the center

- Hit detection bug is not fixed ( C4 )

- Nametag bug is not fixed

- Spawnpoints seems to be a blocked (red) and there's none blocking
spawns and you cannot spawn. Wake spawn points on the carrier have been red instead of white and troop cannot spawn there

- Who ever got that crash reinstall the game. And when you dled the patch one of the files may have got changed.

- Refresh on fav server still doesn`t work, still bugged

- Shock Paddles are jamming also medpacks if you throw medpacks, med pack jams in your hands and if clicking left mouse it spams only
"First Aid Here" text

- Jammed cars/apcs/tanks,  this happens on karkand, you
cannot drive / move apc you saw the wheels running but the car is still standing on the parking

- Weapon noise looping bug is still there

- The karkand hotel glitch has now moved to the market...

- Strange abstract edifices appear on the map, a structure appeared in near the flag at North Village on Wake and remained for the whole of the game. All players could see it so not a video glitch

-  It would appear that instead of the server falling over clients are now kicked by the server presumably if their data is corrupted. The worst case the server kicked 8 people all at the same time. The clients are not told why they are being kicked which results in admins being abused for kicking people they have not

- Crash to Desktop

- Server's are still crashing, not so often but sometimes

- Hitboxes on characters are messed up. You can test it by shooting
directly to head, sometimes it needs 2-4 shots to head to kill. You can
test this with clanmate or friend when other stands still and you shoot

- J-10/F-35B (but I think this will never gonna change)

- Animations are not shown (reload gun) or animations are shown

- Tanks explode for no apparent reason.

- Weird "You were killed by xxxxxx" problem, I spawned and suddenly
there was 3 x "You were killed by xxxxx person" I was just entered to
the server and none was killed me

- Wrong weapon/kill reason assignment, happens very often. Eg.
enemy sniper has put clay, I get killed by that claymore and that
guy who put clay, is flying with J-10, I can see that I was killed by J-10,
not claymore

- Sometimes team can have only 1-3 squads or no squads at all, or you're jammed to squad so you can't leave squad, spawn to squadleader, actually other players sees that you're not in any squad

- Commander applying does not work, none can be a commander

- If applied at the beginning of round to be a commander, lower rank
player can take commander position, and this is not "hack" and happens

- Sometimes medpacks/ammoboxes disappearing in the ground /

- Server browser is hanging sometimes and need to wait it works again

- TV missiles still go thru enemy chopper/BH

- Sometimes cannot spot enemies, even spotting message does not
appear, spots enemy if trying it 5 - 10 times

- TOW/HJ-8 missile goes thru APC or TOW/HJ-8 missile does not launch
even if missile is loaded, when releasing left mouse, missile launches

- Not a bug but problem, spotting enemy chopper as commander is
very difficult, sometimes it spots it and sometimes not. Also car FAV/DVP,
if you change to the gunner position, commander cannot spot you at all

This are just sum bugs reported by people over at

If anyone finds anything that I missed out up above please post below

Peace Boris
I just checked your stats and i can see why you want vehicle changes. You get you ass handed to them all the time. Tips try single player then work your way up.
So if you checked my stats you would of seen when was the last time I played BF2

Above bugs are reported round numerous websites ( I.E EA Website ) and Berle any of them are tested by me

I see you don't even have your stats displayed for me to look at see how good u are, Rather then taking piss out other peoples stats.

Peace Boris
I have experienced many of the bugs mentioned, but the only one that bothers me.. the absolute worst thing I have ever experienced in BF2, is having to listen to nonstop looping of the blackhawk in flight effect as it drifts loudly from the convoy in ghost town... I run around an entire round looking like I am schizo, looking this way and that for "ghost choppers"

Everything else is just a minor annoyance IMO.. Oh and notably: I experienced the G36E on full auto when I was in Warlord.  I played half a round OK, but spawned in the palace and the first time i went to burst a guy, it went full auto and stayed until the end of the map, or until someone called me a cheat so i switched to support.


I've only seen the vehicle problems.  But when I've seen it, it seems they ran out of gas..not that they were hung up somewhere/jammed.  I was flying along in a vodnik on Jalalabad and suddenly it slowed to a stop as if accelerator didn't work...engine stayed running until i exited.  I entered a hummv next to it and it would not roll..just sat there idling...nobody else was lagging and i wasn't cuz i could still mount the machine gun and fire.
Mec gets a new weapon EMP....
+51|7038|Twente, The Netherlands
I got one strange bug.
Say, you're playing as a medic, and die. You get revived within about 3 seconds and you have full ammo again.
This even works when you choose another kit before you die. If you get revived then, you get the kit you chose with full ammo...

Watch this movie, I'm the one being constantly revived and changing kits.

Gotta love 1.4, no need for Support kits in clanwars anymore.
We shall beat to quarters!

PspRpg-7 wrote:

badhq wrote:

TV missiles go through blackhawk / enemy chopper
This is merely lag.
Negetory, happens on LAN servers which have no lag...
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?

I experience a bug last which I haven't read about in this site.  Forgive me if it is listed here and I just missed it.  Anyway, my kills we'rent being displayed as they occurred.  It was like when you're commander and you kill someone there's no listing of that kill on the screen and I wasn't commander.

I'm running 1.4
Official Heckler & Koch ambassador
+8|7030|Veenendaal, The Netherlands

master_blaster_josh wrote:

- Aa range is still much to short - no chance vs. cobra/z10/mi28

no way the aa are much to overpowerd sometimes you kill the person who is in the aa ,  after that the aa kills you.... the linebackers is also overpowerd. sometimes, things happen that are impossible.
I totally agree
Frosties > Cornflakes

Shooting people that are near a wall, well more specifically on karkand, at the hotel.

Just 10 mins ago I was in tv2s IO server (its awsome) and a group of 3 guys managed to work there way round and started capping hotel, i was killed by a nade (god forbid huh) and upon revive, i was poited straight at the support yanke who was getting himself a few spawn kills with his trusted pkm.  I had the G36e, and began to fire (not zoomed mode) i shot a good 15 rounds into him and the fucker did not die!  Yes i did hit him btw, minus the small recoil that you need to correct almost every bullet went into him, considerin I could only shoot at the neck and head as that is all that was exposed i was thinking.  WTF!

So i thought to myself AHA perhaps there was a medic with him, as there was 3 of em, NOPE, out of the 3 the medic was taken out by a clay round the other side, only the other support guy was with him.  I then asked him via chat, if he thought something was up, (I am not one to scream OMFG HAXOR BASTARD) and he agreed there is something the matter.

We all know what its like to be on the receiving end of a g36e, especially if its head shoots, barely 2 bullets will take you out.  But for some reason (perhaps this was pre 1.4 I am not sure) there seems to be an issue with hit detection near the wall at the actual cap point in karkand's hotel.

If its nothing to do with the wall then the hit detection is truly FECKED UP beyond beleif!
Had a quick look through the thread and there are a lot of bugs here I've never seen or read of before.

Existing glitches I've seen since the patch

The commo rose failing to send a message, which I experienced only once or twice before 1.4, can be a real problem now. I've also had the section radio fail repeatedly to send a request to the commander.

Right-click on the zipline crossbow fails to bring up the aiming aid, often again and again.

Weapon-fire sound loop.

RIB sound loop (sometimes audible from the other side of the map!)

Ammo-resupply and heal sound loops if you drop either kit too soon after giving yourself a quick resupply or patchup. Also, this is new to me, the ammo one sometimes has no sound at all.

Red-name bug.

Dropping supply crate fails, you use up the drop but no crate parachutes down.

Wall glitching alive and well on Warlord (so presumably everywhere else you could do it without need of a vehicle drop). Was killed four times in a row by one guy hiding at Insurgent Hideout before I realised where he had to be, plus I was commanding the other day and my team repeatedly complained about a guy inside Palace.

Skull and crossbones disappears from friendly clays and mines after a while (when they've been down a long time?)

Totally new issues to me

Middle of a match, claymores go from recognising friendlies to not recognising friendlies. I've also been killed by random clays that were clearly laid by teammates (red skull and crossbones showing) but there's no teamkill message, you just die. I wonder if this is when the clay is laid and the player disconnects but before it vanishes?

Friendlies speaking the enemy language. No red name, just calling out in Arabic when they're on USMC, or English if they're on MEC. Heard this at least once more since I asked about it here.

Ladder-drawing failure, even when very close to them (although this isn't new apparently).
Unintentionally Verbose

jamesb wrote:

OK, I don't know if it's new or not, but I've never seen it.
I had it where the wrong flag is showing on the mini map,
and where you can cap flag from 150 metres away.

Last night playing Wake, North Base would not cap for either side.
I was US, squad of 2 and commander.
We took North Village and moved on to North base, started to cap and all got killed by a jet.
We spawned at village and moved on to base again, but the flag would not move.
It stayed neutral for the rest of the round.
I've had that one also.
Connection Problem is still there!
+8|6798|Liverpool U.K
I get double reloads all the time, the t.v rocket fires but nothing comes out, i get stuck in the grafix after a parachute drop and cannot move, the mutiplayer menu search function aint worked since 1.3, i lose connection most rounds, still crashes every now and then, i have had all the listed bugs happen since 1.4 oh and i get a shitty delay during movment that kills game play, sorry thats been put in on purpose hasnt it !

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Skull and crossbones disappears from friendly clays and mines after a while (when they've been down a long time?)

Totally new issues to me

Middle of a match, claymores go from recognising friendlies to not recognising friendlies. I've also been killed by random clays that were clearly laid by teammates (red skull and crossbones showing) but there's no teamkill message, you just die. I wonder if this is when the clay is laid and the player disconnects but before it vanishes?
Press Alt just to make sure you have it selected to see the red skulls and flags from far away, and yeah when someone lays a claymore then quits the game it'll just go off when the first person runs over it, happens to me allot, very annoying.

Edit; Also if you lay a claymore down infront of the other team but it doesn't go off, if someone kills the guy on the other team it'll go off when they fall down and probably kill the guy on your side that just took the guy down. (If that makes sense?)

Last edited by Doggehspike (2006-09-23 07:43:18)


souljar wrote:

I get double reloads all the time...
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that one. I get that all the time if it's a bit laggy, as well as the zoom/unzoom (and on really bad occasions zoom/unzoom/zoom/unzoom).

Doggehspike wrote:

Edit; Also if you lay a claymore down infront of the other team but it doesn't go off, if someone kills the guy on the other team it'll go off when they fall down and probably kill the guy on your side that just took the guy down. (If that makes sense?)
I know what you mean, yes, I've seen bodies set off clays many times.

Is this new:



Last edited by Todd_Angelo (2006-09-23 19:37:39)

+4|7053|Hamilton, Scotland
G36E is still a super weapon
in fact its a great weapon

next hell b complaining about the G36C is too accurate, GOD STFU!
this in my opinion is the 'make' patch for bf2 instead of the 'break' patch that was 1.3
Terror in the Skies
what is the j10 issue?

one bug i recognized is sometimes u can't see the stationary AA even if an enemy sits in it - normally u get the circle around it when you are in bomb modus
Another bug

Mouse stops working at random for a few seconds, then starts working again. this has been confirmed by a few other people that i know.

Anybody else seen this problem?

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