The other day, 32 man Karkand MEC. We were getting our ears pinned back, and suddenly we had only the Gatehouse left. I spawn as SpecOps next to the sat, and make a run for it. There is a friendly laying by the bridge wall on right side. As I get to the bridge, a Vodnik is bearing down on me. I toss some C4 and get to the detonator just as their grill gets to! I'm gone, but the bridge is blown, and I take three USA and their vehicle with me.
And then...the punish. Apparently laying-down-dude got some spray damage and went down as well. WHAT!? I'm thinking "man, I just cut the bridge, giving them only one route over to us. (I've seen MEC win the game with only that spawn point, just defending it, slaughtering the USA who try to cross.) And took out three and their vehicle in the process, which was surely headed up the hill and may have taken our flag!"
I checked the player board, and turns out the punisher was an engineer, which made it even worse! Now, I like engineer kit, I play it most often...but what were you gonna do, pal? The truck was gonna roll by you, you had no mines down yet, and you're in an exposed position at the end of a long bridge with a shotgun in your hand: you are the BF2 equivalent of useless at that point, you should have thanked me for taking you (and the bridge, and three enemies, and their Vod) out, so you can spawn as something useful now.