Aussie Outlaw
C4 is your friend
yeah, i might have to get tricky on some fuckers azzz, im not patient enough for c4
I feel your pain brothers, It can get very frusterating with accidental TK's, especialy with vehicle collisions. But what really burns my ass is when your taking out  uav or sat  with C-4 and some dumbass wants to stand around and see the fireworks, gets blown to bits, then punishes you. Ppl like that shoud not even be allowed to play. BAN THE BASTARDS!!
              Thank You
They, EA games should add another stat, so we can see what and how many asshats punish and how many times . . I hate asshats like this . . I have seen so many servers that say they don't allow it . but most seem not to follow thier own rules or back them up. BUMMED because most, many hate playing with asshats that do alot of the crap we have read up above here.
  So please if any of you server owners runners please post here if your server kicks the asshats and not the serious players. . .
I was sniping with a M24 in Kankard, crouching on top of the starting hill.  Just to give you an idea of what happened.
Right when I have a clear headshot of the enemy, my teammate runs infront of my scope.
But by the time he got in the way I had already fired.  It probably happened in less than a second because it was all of a sudden.  I apologized and he punished me.

Last edited by Icleos (2005-11-14 08:22:13)

Why can't people wait before punishing? I mean, seriously, everybody accidently TKs - it's part of the game. Why do TK Punishers instantly forget that Dice put a 'Sorry' button in the communications wheel. It happens, and if they apologise (hell, if they go to the trouble of actually stopping and putting themselves in harms way in order to type out an explanation) then why still punish? I've noticed that deliberate TK'ers (mostly would-be pilots) never apologise, and they deserve to be punished, but not most of the TKs that have been mentioned here. *sigh*

Worst TK moments for me are:

1. I come round a corner, going towards the enemy flag, just as a teammate does the same, moving in the opposite direction, and I fire a couple of shots at him, then instantly check my fire. I pull out a medikit to heal him, after quickly saying "sorry" and he blows me away. At least 2 seconds AFTER I STOPPED firing. I don't punish, nevertheless.

2. I beat someone to a tank (I believe his name is WesleySnipa) and he stands in front. I back away and run into a wall. He chases after me, and blocks me in. I can't go anywhere without running him over. I type "move" and other pleas for sanity, and he ignores me, and starts throwing grenades at me. In the end I gave him an ultimatum then ran him over, and he punishes me.

3. I'm in a tank and engaged in some heavy combat, and my tank is down to about 1/3 health. My gunner, probably sensibly, jumps out while I'm trying to avoid the incoming tank fire, and ... I run him over. And he punishes me.

4. I'm flying the Blackhawk in Dalian Plant, and I've got 1 or 2 passengers. We're going in low and hot. A friendly jet flies straight into me, and SOMEHOW it's my fault, and everyone punishes me. WTF? ... kicked.

5. Karkand - I'm sniping, and I put a claymore down at the gap in the fence to the west of the first MEC flag. Idiot who MUST have seen me placing it runs past about a second or two after I've laid it and takes himself out, and punishes.
Say Hello to My 11-87
I just make sure that guy who punishes for stupid stuff tk's me enough times on the map to get kicked and banned.  Problem solved.  Smacktard?  Maybe.  Effective? YEs. Do I care?  no
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol

Sigarms357 wrote:

I just make sure that guy who punishes for stupid stuff tk's me enough times on the map to get kicked and banned.  Problem solved.  Smacktard?  Maybe.  Effective? YEs. Do I care?  no
This is the best plan Ive ever heard. I will use it immediately for the REALLY FUCKING STUPID ASSHOLES out there. Only for the bad ones though.
Yesterday was my really bad day in BF2. And it became such due to TK punish stuff... one accidental - but huge - and one on purpose.

1. Purpose TK - spawned at construction yard at Kubra Dam. Took AA and a mate of mine sat on AA with Supplies and I went in as Engineer. We went towards the Power Plant. All of the sudden a rocket hits me from behind. The only THING that was behind us was a guy called "robertBob" something something (or something like that). So I get out of the AA and walk towards him and I asked him on team chat what was his problem and I could see he drew a gun. I got my shotgun ready. He shot me in the head, and so did I. Then he punishes me for TK. I went beserk. AA respawns and so do we. He gets into AA and starts shooting around. Clearly he likes AA very much, but I bet that on Kubra Dam I can help team in AA more than him. So I put a mine in front of the AA and in the Back. Next thing I know - I get kicked for TK.

2. Accidental TK - Mastur City, on a bridge at the Mosque, the one closer to Backyard that leads to Power Station, I put 5 mines on the road expecting enemy offensive from that direction. Own tank and HMV blew up there giving me some -18 or so points... I went nuts. Changed team and devoted my play to killing those who punished me. At the end of the round went all positive.

I bloody always say Sorry when accidentally TK someone, but people do not listen or don't care. I am really wondering if there are any servers where NORMAL people play. BTW how do you initiate a kick vote?!
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

I had one were on Wake I was flying Chinese version of BlackHawk, then I got the missile lock symbol, and twisted to avoid it. The Jet flew into me, and for some reason, I got 4 teamkills  and 1 kill. Anyway I  get punished for all 3, because a jet kamikazied me.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Sorry I got punished by all 4.
I just stopped playing due to punishers.  Im in a jet flying over the carrier when out of no where the black hawk flies right acrossed the run way!!!!!!!!!!!!   I kill all 6 team members plus my self and if that wasnt bad enough all 6 punish and i was kicked from server..... At the time I had 26 kills no deaths and a few defended Cp.    Still had over a 180 ticks left to
Save a Mouse, Eat a Pussy
+8|7069|Gold Coast, Australia
get this, on the oil feilds map and there is this guy that instead sprints for chopper or plane, he goes for the jeep, i think hmm weird. so just as the torque is building up to take off in the chopper he rams us and it counts as me tk'ing him. So he punishes, i give him some shit then try to take off again, he does it again and again and again.
So, i just stand back and watch as someone else gets in the chopper so luckily there was a gamespace admin on the server i asked him to kick. To my surprise he says "PERMANANT BAN from EVERY gamespace server" i was happy . Finally some justice in that server.
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL

Flasheart88 wrote:

2. I beat someone to a tank (I believe his name is WesleySnipa) and he stands in front. I back away and run into a wall. He chases after me, and blocks me in. I can't go anywhere without running him over. I type "move" and other pleas for sanity, and he ignores me, and starts throwing grenades at me. In the end I gave him an ultimatum then ran him over, and he punishes me.
ooh, i just love guys like this.  i get this quite often when i hop into a jet and a teammate stands right in front of my jet.  if they don't move for a couple seconds, i exit the jet.  more times than not, the guy who was standing in front hops in.  this gives me enough time to get in his way as he taxis.  then i punish him.  it may be a lame tactic, but i don't take crap like this from smacktards.  if they want the vehicle so badly, they better be ready to get -4 teamwork points and one punish closer to a kick/ban.

The Soup Nazi wrote:

Flasheart88 wrote:

2. I beat someone to a tank (I believe his name is WesleySnipa) and he stands in front. I back away and run into a wall. He chases after me, and blocks me in. I can't go anywhere without running him over. I type "move" and other pleas for sanity, and he ignores me, and starts throwing grenades at me. In the end I gave him an ultimatum then ran him over, and he punishes me.
ooh, i just love guys like this.  i get this quite often when i hop into a jet and a teammate stands right in front of my jet.  if they don't move for a couple seconds, i exit the jet.  more times than not, the guy who was standing in front hops in.  this gives me enough time to get in his way as he taxis.  then i punish him.  it may be a lame tactic, but i don't take crap like this from smacktards.  if they want the vehicle so badly, they better be ready to get -4 teamwork points and one punish closer to a kick/ban.
With guys like this you should get out let him have the tank then get into a jeep and ram him until you die. He'll get the TK and then you punish him. I've never tried but it should work. Let him have the feeling that he has won and then snatch it from him just like that.
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
or else if you're not feeling like giving up your precious vehicle and he won't get out of the way, you can do this:  back up a bit to get some space to get a running start.  then hit the accelerator as hard as possible.  right before you run him over, jump out letting the vehicle kill him.  you don't get charged with a TK - rather it says "playerX is no more."

evil.  very, very evil.
The worst so far was on wake and I spawned into a firefight, started shooting what I thought were marines, there was no blue or red tag yet, but needless to say I killed two of my own with the shotgun. That is probably the best I have done with the thing in a single round. Too bad it was my own team. The one that made me the maddest was on the gulf of oman and I had mined an exit and just got finished repairing an apc. He was in front of the mines, and as soon as I was through he runs into the mines and punishes. I don't pumish for anything unless I know I was killed on purpose.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
I'll admit right now that once I got SO damn mad at being punished for all my accidental bombing teamkills ("hey I know, let's stand in front of the enemy tank while that guy bombs it!") that I just landed, loaded it up with C4 and ran it into the biggest concentration of allies I could find and said "Hey look! I did it on purpose that time, punish me now bitches!" and I quit before I could be kicked. I must say I've felt much better when I accidentally teamkill someone since that game.
Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO
I don't lay AT mines anymore because I have a ton of TKs with them.  I only use the AT mines if the enemy vehicle is right there.

Nothing is worse on Karkand then mining off a side road to keep pesky APCs from getting behind you only to have a Vodnik full of teammates run over one.  Instant -16 points.  This has happened to me at least 3 or 4 times.

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