American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
I sure in the hell am.  It seems counter productive because theres always some teamate that will either drive or walk right into them. Then they promptly punish you like they already had their fnger on that key as they lay waste to themselves over your explosive device.  I learned pretty fast what the red skull and crossbones meant, and I avoid them like the black plaque.  Seems to me we need an IQ test before we can play this game.  Heck I wish you had to get a licsence to play this game through the frikin' DMV because obviously there is an intelligence level you need to be able to play it.
+85|7065|good old CA
yes im afraid to plany clay mores lol
Sleep Deprived
I know what you mean. 

You have to wonder how many of these little geniuses go under their kitchen sink at home and drink everything with a skull and cross bones on it, believing it to be an afterschool snack of some sort.

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

Seems to me we need an IQ test before we can play this game.
Or maybe for teh n00bs that do this over and over again, the instructors voice that comes on when you first select certain things can be programed to yell at them - after the 2nd time they run over a mine, his voice can change to the drill instructor's from Full Metal Jacket and he can yell "ARE YOU SHITTING ME?  WHAT'S YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION NUMBNUTS! LOOK OUT FOR THE RED SKULL! RED SKULL MEANS STOP!!"

...yeah, I am afraid to lay mines. but its REALLY REALLY rewarding if you risk it, and an enemy actually does set it off against the n00b odds, so I keep coming back to it every now and again anyway.

btw: at the very least, the ability to punish for running over a friendly mine should be taken out. That way they can blow themselves up to their heart's content, without being able to blame you and cost you/your team points for their bullshit

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2005-11-13 20:22:52)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
actually yesterday i was playing karky and climbed the building in the square...set up a claymore...only to have a team mate climb up and get killed by it.  i had already typed out my typical response "you punished me for climbing into a mine i set before you even starting coming up the ladder?  the skull is not a powerup, retard."...only to have him not punish me and actually apologize!
American Hillbilly
+12|7112|Long Beach, CA
Wow, NOT punish you.  NICE.  Wish that happened to me more often.  I never punish any Tk unless i know for sure it was intentional.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
I always lay them down, I don't care if they punish.

400+ noobs on my team have gotten bwned by my claymores and punished me.
Alpha as fuck.
'twice cooked beef!'

oberst_enzian wrote:

Or maybe for teh n00bs that do this over and over again, the instructors voice that comes on when you first select certain things can be programed to yell at them - after the 2nd time they run over a mine, his voice can change to the drill instructor's from Full Metal Jacket and he can yell "ARE YOU SHITTING ME?  WHAT'S YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION NUMBNUTS! LOOK OUT FOR THE RED SKULL! RED SKULL MEANS STOP!!"
actually something like that would probably work pretty well.

i think an audible tone when you're close to friendly mines/claymores would help too. it's not realistic, but neither is anything else in this game.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i dont think an audible tone would help to be honest.  some people just seem so intent on blowing themselves up.

what i would like however, is different symbols to represent c4, AT, and claymores...
'twice cooked beef!'
well how much it would help is probably debatable but i think we can all agree that it can't hurt... people won't look for the tone so they can get tked on mines
+3|7100|The Void
No Im not.
I tend to my machines of destruction.

I always send a message to my team. (this still means Im punished 80% instead of 99%)
I never leave them sitting without being somewhat close by. Make sure your seeds of doom come to fruition!!

If i have to leave the area..
1. pick up my mines...
2. blow the claymores.

Its just that easy.
'twice cooked beef!'
the whole advantage of mines over c4 is that you don't have to babysit mines for them to work. you shouldn't have any tk problems with c4....
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

I only use them when i need to, becuase otherwise i forget about them and it's just a waste of time. I've yet to teamkill with a mine/claymore yet (C4 sadly) because i only use them when i need them.

Claymore example: Snipers suck in CQC. I've gotten skilled with the knife, but sometimes you just gotta claymore their face when you know you'll die. Just run aruond and drop your two claymores, run away and try and get yourself killed. Doesn't matter, eye for an eye. When your opponnent is concentrated on killing you he'll see the mines and avoid, but once he kills you chances are he'l forget about mines.

Same with mines, tank capping base? APC? whatever? run, mine infront and one at back. go forward or back, they die. Just back off a bit so you don't get killed too.
I believe some checks and or balances should be inplemented within the game.......If you kill yourself two or more times by a friendly AT mine, your ability to drive (anything) is lost until the end of the round.  Losing your license is in direct reflection of the PG DN button your dumb ass has taped down.  If you choose to forgive, revoking your license is not an issue.

As for claymores...........after you punish 2+ times you lose your ability to walk or even negotiate in anyother fashion other than prone.

I always say there must be a check to every balance.  A ying for yang.  Why punish the Engineer for doing his job.   Why should a sniper be punished for securing his location.  This is what they were trained to do...............AND YOU ......THE PAGE UP, BUNNY HOPPIN, NOOB TUBE, SNOT NOSE, JELLY DOUGHNUT EATING 200 LB PILE OF CHEWED BUbBLE GUM................READ CLOSELY..........................................


Last edited by Be0w0lf2 (2005-11-14 07:49:58)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

no. I use mines frequently to secure CPs or block enemy pathways. If my team mates are stupid enough to ignore the red skulls it's their choice. I can live with a couple of TKs...

people play too much UT. "No, that big red skull thingy ain't a power-up, damn it !!"

by the way, thats also why I drive up to CPs or known choke points slowly and scan the ground for possible traps.
+4|7095|Copenhagen, Denmark

Ronball9 wrote:

I know what you mean. 

You have to wonder how many of these little geniuses go under their kitchen sink at home and drink everything with a skull and cross bones on it, believing it to be an afterschool snack of some sort.

well i know what you mean, i thought i was being smart by placing claymore behind places (like west flag on karkand, behind sandbags), lure enemies towards me and watch em go boom boom boom in my room. but nooooooo... somone have to go towards it and think "gee... what's that red skull... it's sooo beauti BOOM!" and before i could say OMFG! i'm punished and my trap is sprung and i'm wasted by a jackhammer...


At least when i (by mistake) hit a mine (i love speed and i can't break on a nickle when going around a corner) i ALWAYS forgive (why would i punish that :S, when i'm a moron driving over the mine)

Imho, it's an american philosifi to punish someone for laying mines...

A: lays a mine
B: slams over it
B: punished

Let's take a RL situation

A: buys coffee at McD
McD: sells A coffee
A: looses hot coffee in car (while standing stil)
A: sues McD for making to warm coffee

Only in America

ThomasMorgan wrote:

the skull is not a powerup, retard."
That's frickin hillarious.  THat should be put on the loading screens of all servers.  "The red skull is not a power up.  If you're dumb enough to play it, don't punish"

i only lay mines on a hill, so the enmy coming down from it wont see it(for noob drivers that is, i use always third view) or infront of a bridge.

these are clearly to see for my teemmates, so i havent got so many troubles with teemkilles this way, only a few times because of real dumbasses

Nyte wrote:

400+ noobs on my team have gotten bwned by my claymores and punished me.
ELBOWDEEP, It's spreading!  it's spreading!

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

man, what a bwner!

try pronouncing that.
+23|7063|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL
My favorite is the sniper spot overlooking the hotel in Karkand...I put up a claymore far enough forward to be seen from below...and yet some fool will ALWAYS climb up and die...and I'm now -4...

I've given up on mines altogether...the enemy always avoids and my team always finds. I will use mines to sneak up on a tank/etc., but even then, inevitably some idiot gets out and a teammate gets in...and punish-city...

Oh, and I love it when I'm trying to disarm a mine under a tank and a teammate crawls in and drives off...killing BOTH of us...

Last edited by [1stSSF]=Nuka= (2005-11-14 07:52:44)

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Yeah, the only time I use mines now is to try to throw them on top of an enemy tank so it blows up when it moves.  That is generally the least likely scenario for you to end up with TKs.  But even that isn't foolproof!
It really sucks!  I don't see why it is so difficult!  Any time I drive a tank (or any wheeled vehicle), I am constantly on the lookout for enemy mines and C4, so spotting friendlies with the nice skull and crossbones is easy!  The only explanation I can think of is that they have 3D map turned off...

B.Schuss wrote:

no. I use mines frequently to secure CPs or block enemy pathways. If my team mates are stupid enough to ignore the red skulls it's their choice. I can live with a couple of TKs...
I agree with B.Schuss.  While I hate the negative points, it's worth it when you can semi-secure an area or a rear approach.

I try not to lay mines to totally block an area or access.  I try to leave enough room for an observant driver (read as teammate) to navigate.  I also try to mine those areas that I see as short-cuts and on the inside of sharp curves.  I find locations to mine by observering where the enemy likes to park or move to shell an area or set up machine gun points with vehicles.

I've also been teamkilled and teamkilled when artillery sets off a nearby landmine.
Stick with using Claymores, dude. Poor snipers are vulnerable enough when prone without taking away his 'safety net'. It seems the BF community is getting wise to this and more and more are forgiving Claymore kills. If you stop using them, the smacktards win.
+0|7074|New Hampshire


No Im not.
I tend to my machines of destruction.

I always send a message to my team. (this still means Im punished 80% instead of 99%)
I never leave them sitting without being somewhat close by. Make sure your seeds of doom come to fruition!!

If i have to leave the area..
1. pick up my mines...
2. blow the claymores.

Its just that easy.
How do you blow the claymores?

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