Sleep Deprived

-DS-Carbon wrote:

How do you blow the claymores?
With grenades or M203/GP25/GP30.
they need to add a hotkey so when you push it your hands wave in the air , Ive seen more noobs walk up to me and right through my red carpet of claymores or mines. I almost want to shoot them to keep my suprise from blowing up before the tank coming around the bend gets there.
+8|7024|Ontario, Canada

BladeRunner wrote:

Stick with using Claymores, dude. Poor snipers are vulnerable enough when prone without taking away his 'safety net'. It seems the BF community is getting wise to this and more and more are forgiving Claymore kills. If you stop using them, the smacktards win.
Agreed. Anytime I DON'T use them (for fear of being punished) I get wasted from behind (usually adding to someone's knife kills...) while I am busy 'scoping - can't hear the enemy on the ladder thru my headset cuz some beginner commander is calling out every red spot and fart the enemy issues. Still, I am on top of a building, set one, then some team genius climbs up and then I am punished. D'Uuhhh I am the blue dot already on top of the building you idiot and chances are there is a claymore  there....

THINK about it.....

Last edited by Dr0pped (2005-11-14 09:43:59)

No not afraid. If some dumbass on my team can't see in front of them and get blown up too bad. As for the punishing... usually follows in colourful language i send to them. There should be a reverse punishment for stupidity. I'm also sick of the morons who run out into traffic or will intentionally kill you because they want to fly the planes/choppers. Sometimes my gun will accidentially discharge at them, will get punished but its worth the satisfaction...

And don't tell me if you hopped into the mounted gun of a truck and was shooting at the enemy and a teammate climbed into the chaingun spot on a landed blackhawk and opened up on you that you would respawn and accidentally knife them.  Running into traffic or sideswiping a team vehicle, once is accident. Twice your a fkin' monkeyass who deserves to be revenged on.

Dr0pped wrote:

BladeRunner wrote:

Stick with using Claymores, dude. Poor snipers are vulnerable enough when prone without taking away his 'safety net'. It seems the BF community is getting wise to this and more and more are forgiving Claymore kills. If you stop using them, the smacktards win.
Agreed. Anytime I DON'T use them (for fear of being punished) I get wasted from behind (usually adding to someone's knife kills...) while I am busy 'scoping - can't hear the enemy on the ladder thru my headset cuz some beginner commander is calling out every red spot and fart the enemy issues. Still, I am on top of a building, set one, then some team genius climbs up and then I am punished. D'Uuhhh I am the blue dot already on top of the building you idiot and chances are there is a claymore  there....

THINK about it.....

Dr0pped wrote:

BladeRunner wrote:

Stick with using Claymores, dude. Poor snipers are vulnerable enough when prone without taking away his 'safety net'. It seems the BF community is getting wise to this and more and more are forgiving Claymore kills. If you stop using them, the smacktards win.
Agreed. Anytime I DON'T use them (for fear of being punished) I get wasted from behind (usually adding to someone's knife kills...) while I am busy 'scoping - can't hear the enemy on the ladder thru my headset cuz some beginner commander is calling out every red spot and fart the enemy issues. Still, I am on top of a building, set one, then some team genius climbs up and then I am punished. D'Uuhhh I am the blue dot already on top of the building you idiot and chances are there is a claymore  there....

THINK about it.....
I swear to god I was on the edge to put two in the commanders head just because he wouldn't shut the F*** up.
I just couldn't take it after a hour and a half of his damn voice constantly babbling.

One time I was sniping on a smokestack and one of my teammates spawned on me.  I had just placed a claymore down on the edge of the ladder and my teammate walks right on top of it and sits there.  Looking at it out of curiosity!  I said please move before you get blown up.  Then I yelled "MOOOOOVE!!!!!" "GET OFF THE CLA-- *BOOM!* His body gets projected off the smokestack.  You can't imagine how pissed I was when I saw those little words saying I was punished for a teamkill.

Last edited by Icleos (2005-11-14 10:02:14)

+4|7052|Copenhagen, Denmark

Icleos wrote:

Dr0pped wrote:

BladeRunner wrote:

Stick with using Claymores, dude. Poor snipers are vulnerable enough when prone without taking away his 'safety net'. It seems the BF community is getting wise to this and more and more are forgiving Claymore kills. If you stop using them, the smacktards win.
Agreed. Anytime I DON'T use them (for fear of being punished) I get wasted from behind (usually adding to someone's knife kills...) while I am busy 'scoping - can't hear the enemy on the ladder thru my headset cuz some beginner commander is calling out every red spot and fart the enemy issues. Still, I am on top of a building, set one, then some team genius climbs up and then I am punished. D'Uuhhh I am the blue dot already on top of the building you idiot and chances are there is a claymore  there....

THINK about it.....
I swear to god I was on the edge to put two in the commanders head just because he wouldn't shut the F*** up.
I just couldn't take it after a hour and a half of his damn voice constantly babbling.

One time I was sniping on a smokestack and one of my teammates spawned on me.  I had just placed a claymore down on the edge of the ladder and my teammate walks right on top of it and sits there.  Looking at it out of curiosity!  I said please move before you get blown up.  Then I yelled "MOOOOOVE!!!!!" "GET OFF THE CLA-- *BOOM!* His body gets projected off the smokestack.  You can't imagine how pissed I was when I saw those little words saying I was punished for a teamkill.
First... LOL i could just immagin the sittuation

second... I usually call out the red dots (especially if charlie is trying to get flags (gotta love vietnam talk )). Not all offcourse, but around.
I know i'm not the uber 1337 commander, but hey, i usually find it a good help. Though annoying from time to time
+66|7111|Missoula, MT
A: Are you afraid to lay down Mines or Claymores?

Q: No.  Only after I've put them down. 
Death StatPadder
+228|7039|Human Meat Shield
Yeah, as you know I've stated this before in a post for the Engineer. It sucks... I have my own Squad punishing me. Well if you can't beat 'em; join 'em, whenever I get TK'd...  I won't even think or care punish the way I go.
+4|7052|Copenhagen, Denmark

imdead wrote:

Yeah, as you know I've stated this before in a post for the Engineer. It sucks... I have my own Squad punishing me. Well if you can't beat 'em; join 'em, whenever I get TK'd...  I won't even think or care punish the way I go.
Isn't that just contributing to the stupidity?
I mean, i get TK'ed and Team damaged (brilliant AA gunner fireing when i'm in a helo fight with another helo :S)

I mean, you've got a decent rank... shouldn't you lead by example?
American Hillbilly
+12|7069|Long Beach, CA
Nice responses, Heres another question.  Does it piss you off if a teamate just watches you lay down a mine or claymore then proceeds to blow it up because he wanted to go that way? 

Example - I had just layed down 3 mines on a roadway and a teamate APC comes up while im doing it.  They arent blocking the entire road so he couldnt get by, there was enough room for 2 APCs side by side to get by.  So right after I run to my TOW to further gaurd the spot he proceeds to shoot and detonate my 3 mines.  I asked him why he did that and he said because I was a moron for blocking the road.  I then informed him that he had room to get by safely......(sigh)  I will still lay them down but man its more annoying than getting base raped by a squad of bunnyhopping noob tubers.  I think there should be a counter-punish system....but then that would even get abused.  Oh well

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

Does it piss you off if a teamate just watches you lay down a mine or claymore then proceeds to blow it up because he wanted to go that way?
Surely that team mate has reached new depths of stupidity that they are beyond help?
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7064|Canberra, Australia

Be0w0lf2 wrote:

...............AND YOU ......THE PAGE UP, BUNNY HOPPIN, NOOB TUBE, SNOT NOSE, JELLY DOUGHNUT EATING 200 LB PILE OF CHEWED BUbBLE GUM................READ CLOSELY..........................................

This is pure GOLD!!!!

Nice work Tiger!
Mass Media Casualty

I went for a sniper run the other day. I set up a claymore at the entrance to my secret spot, (not telling you so don't ask. It turned out to be really successful. I got two guys with claymore. My team didn't find me! Yes! that's the thing when you're a sniper and you lay claymores, you have to make sure that NO-ONE FINDS YOU! NOT EVEN YOUR OWN TEAM!

Claymores at chokepoints are difficult. Although really good to kill guys and small transport vehicles, your teammate is inevitable going to run into it. I type to people now, saying, "Okay, I have set up a claymore on THIS BRIDGE! THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, SEE IT? DO NOT GO THERE OKAY!?" It rarely helps, it just gives me the right to yell at people after they kill themselves and punish me. Evryone else is going,"Well he did tell you you know."

Fuck me! My computer's lagging when I type! I HATE THIS PIECE OF CRAP!!!
[Blinking eyes thing]
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7015|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol

ThomasMorgan wrote:

actually yesterday i was playing karky and climbed the building in the square...set up a claymore...only to have a team mate climb up and get killed by it.  i had already typed out my typical response "you punished me for climbing into a mine i set before you even starting coming up the ladder?  the skull is not a powerup, retard."...only to have him not punish me and actually apologize!
I try to do this if its my fault. I take pride in my lack of accidental-punishment. Only if its my fault or an accident. If not.... fuck'em.

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2005-11-14 20:06:53)

+1|7004|MN, USA

atlvolunteer wrote:

Yeah, the only time I use mines now is to try to throw them on top of an enemy tank so it blows up when it moves.
You guys do realize that when you throw a mine right in front, behind, on top or whatever, you just throw a grenade right under the tank, given he hasn't seen you yet, and when it blows up, it moves the tank and BOOOOM.    Give it a try, I like doing that instead of waiting, and waiting.   If you wait, he might see you.  Good stuff!!

As for people who punish.  They can go to hell.
Moving Target
I'm not afraid to put down claymores.  Only because I usually put them on the enemy equipment after it has been blown up.  Makes engineers hate my guts.
Out of Nowhere
+0|7007|Helsinki, Finland
No. I think the enemies are more affraid than me. At least they should be!

I am not affraid, but I am disappointed.  It is so sad that we cannot defend our bases or positions with these great defensive tools simply because you will get punished for tools running over them.
Does punish actually do anything since patch came out?
Before it was no punish = -4
Punish = -8.

Now is it not just -4 all the time? Punish or no punish?
Gairon Fay
+0|7017|Saltsjö-Boo Sweden
I tend to lay them down aven though the risks of Tk is apparent, cause I think the rewards of my future survival is more paramount. But I do agree, what is so hard to understand: RED SKULL - DO NOT ENTER!! YO WILL MOST CERTAINLY DIE!

While in the service I learnt that mines are to be feared, so why can´t people understand it, how hard can it be?

But still, I will continue laying them down, cause I like the sound of an enemy disappearing in a cloud of smoke and that small line saying: Gairon_Fay (Claymore) ....
Umbra Acciptris
Claymors, not so much.  I place these right at the top of the latter.  most people can obviously see it.  if some one grenades it I will hear it.  If a friendly blows himself to shit, so be it.

Mines. . . I will lay these under an enemy vehicle.  But I try not to leave on laying any where for longer than it takes for a jeep to come blazing by and aim for it.  I would trade engineers mines for C4 any day.
+9|7018|Philly PA USA

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

I sure in the hell am.  It seems counter productive because theres always some teamate that will either drive or walk right into them. Then they promptly punish you like they already had their fnger on that key as they lay waste to themselves over your explosive device.  I learned pretty fast what the red skull and crossbones meant, and I avoid them like the black plaque.  Seems to me we need an IQ test before we can play this game.  Heck I wish you had to get a licsence to play this game through the frikin' DMV because obviously there is an intelligence level you need to be able to play it.
Yep  Just goes to show that most of the people that play this game is a bunch of teenyboppers. The game is a lott better when the  kiddies are in kindergarden   
To tell you the truth I'm even afraid to use C4 sometimes.  I'll C4 a flag (especially the Sharqi TV station) and some jackass will just camp out around the C4.  To hell with this fool.  If a squad of enemies comes he's going up in flames along with them.  If you see C4, keep moving...
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7052|The Hague, Holland
Damn skippy im afraid to lay em down.
I only lay em down nowadays when some1 is chasing me .
Some noobtube bunny hopper see's a sniper who is on the run and thinks he could easily own the sniper.
He chases him around the corner and BAM, claymore shrapnel up your crap hole.

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